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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 4.

"Wurze Flummery."

"Wurze Flummery."

This play was very well chosen and the players did it justice. It called for mature and restrained acting, coupled with the polish so essentail in all A. A. Milne's shows.

The Players—

Pat Macaskill was excellent as Denis Clifton, the eccentric actor-solicitor. His whimsical nature suited the part to perfection. A better portrayal of the irresponsible Clifton could hardly be wished for.

Bill Austen, as Robert Crawshan, M.P., turned on exactly the right kind of hypocritical cant very convincingly.

Freda Sharp, as his wife, played her part with a simpering perfection.

Erica Williamson, the girl in the play, had a minor part which she performed well, adding a touch of feminine sweetness quite success-fully.

Jack Aimers, the rising young parliamentarian, Richard Meriton, was a little too heavy and restrained, but acquitted himself well.

The best play of the evening. Congratulations to Pat Macaskill on producing a fine show.