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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

The T. C. Turnout

The T. C. Turnout

Belle Scandal was, of course, trying very hard to be quite loyal to Varsity in her account to us of the Freshers' Ball held at Training College lust Friday, but she declared that for "Floor. Music, Supper and Crowd," we had to hand it to our Country Cousins. They had thought out a highly original scheme of decoration in having straight streamers that didn't drop in languid dissipation. As all the Sweet Young Things wore butterflies in their perms, she concluded that the general spirit of the frolic was blithesome and cumberless like the butterfly's brief hour. So indeed it would seem when one observes a monocled being articulating resonantly into a respectful but slightly flippant ear every time one draws near to the "Bar." This, again, was in keeping with the frivolous spirit! Imagine a Bar at a T.C. Ball. Oh! Shades of Fanny!

Belle was delighted to see the ex "Lead-boy" of T.C. blowing frivolous bubbles through a blatant straw, while nearby a "respected woman" actually smoked shamelessly in an almost recumbent position while the Dandy Bar-attendant dangled a naked Eskimo Pie above her.

All the old landmarks of any T.C. dance were there—a patient staff watching the gambols of its flock, a line of patient and quite resigned feminine potentiality left unexploited along one wall, a select few supping in the Lab., and. of course, a mass of masculine sublimity stolid at the door.

It was truly amazing the number of old V.U.C. faces that came in with Freshers' tickets—Belle suspects a leakage somewhere! And, incidentally, why does Mr. Edgely consider Training College beneath his contempt on Thursday night and then go to its ball on Friday night and do nobly by the supper provided? Consistency in all things please, Edgely.

The call of the "Old School Tie" spirit is a loud and clear call and many hoary cynics responded to its blare—notably the traveller who knows his Russia. And Belle wants to know who taught Mr. Riske that old-fashioned infant game of "In and Out the Windows"! She commented on the facility with which his partner learnt its intricacies and suggests that they form a culture club at the College for spreading their learning.

Benignly surveying the congestion of dancing youth and occasionally seizing a partner to join in the revelry, were those two Old Faithfuls—well you know to whom Belle is referring—those two admirable sparring partners in puns who lend an air of distinction to every T.C. and V.U.C. function.