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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.



Dearest "Smad,"—

I am writing this hoping fervently that with customary unconcern you shall "touch it up." Just help yourself. Nobody really minds.

Add a sentence here and there. Delete that unsightly word. Rewrite it if you choose.

But whatever mania grips you, be sure to publish it over my name.

Really you're so considerate.

Scribaceous freshers will rave over your "attentions."

Thank you, ever so much for your help and encouragements.

Meekly yours,

J. D. Freeman.

Publish this if it "pleases" you. Perhaps it won't.

And the assembled staff' will be able to grunt a respectable grunt of disgust and toss it to the "fowls."
