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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 16.

Hockey Notes

Hockey Notes.

The "Bengal Lancers" have come and gone, and the conclusion of the first round finds V.U.C. occupying a low rung in the hockey ladder. In the past, 'Varsity teams have been known to win championships. When one hears of the redoubtable Strack brothers hurdling their opponents and practising at 7 a.m. on Kelburn Park, one realises that the days of kings are past-that there were giants in those days. Probably what are required are full-backs who pray, halves who work, and forwards who fight.

A glimpse of form at Karori, however, reveals that there are still players of skill and speed who, with consistent practice, may yet gain representative honours. Senior and junior teams alike seem effective enough between one circle and the other, but appear to have lost the goal-getting capacity.

To single on individual players: Grant, now in Senior A, has made a meteoric rise from third grade within a year.

Abraham leaves little to be desired as a left wing.

Camp, the Senior B centre-forward, is probably unequaled for stick-work.

Monteath, when given the opportunity, is proving a forward with the right idea.

Grieg, a promoted Junior full-back, is a good last line of defence, and the familiar figure of Froud is still a source of annoyance to opposing forwards.