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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1934. Volume 5. Number 2.

What the Sages Say

page 4

What the Sages Say

What should ye do, then, should ye suppress all this flowery crop of knowledge and new light sprung up and yet springing daily in this city, should ye set an oligarchy of twenty ingrossers over it to bring a famine upon our minds again, when we shall know nothing but what is measured to us by their bushel ?"

John Milton.

Everywhere throughout the civilised world, we see a spirit of unrest amongst the mass of the peolive—an unrest which will not be quieted until a consocial conditions in which the mass of the people live-an unrest which will not be queieted until a condition of social justice has been established.

Sir George Fowlds.

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.

John Stuart Mill.

Nothing is more important in a University than freedom of speech and thought. Freedom of speech and thought have given the world everything good that humanity has to-day. One would have thought that the battle for freedom of thought and speech, once won, would be won forever. Eternal vigilance and the necessity to fight again appeared to be the price of that liberty. Although we are living in a dangerous age, I believe there is much less danger in allowing free discussion of all policies than in driving it underground.

Mr. Justice Ostler (April 28th, 1933.

Mr. Justice Ostler said that the whole tone of the magazine ("Student") had been disloyal, not only to the Empire, but to everything they held sacred. He had not exaggerated the position when he had stated that the question called for some action.

"Evening Post" (July 28th, 1933.)

"What else is a university for? If sex is not discussed decently and publicly in a university it will be discussed privately and indecently. I repeat what I said the other day : the people who think university debating societies should be muzzled are those who think that a university's business is to proselytise for the Church of England. They do not know what education means; and they do not know what religion means."

G. B. S.