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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 5.

Law Faculty Club

Law Faculty Club

The address to the Law Faculty Club on July 13th took the form of a lecture by Mr. P. J. O'Regan on the subject of "The Legal Liabilities for Accidents." Mr. O'Regan is to be congratulated on the very masterly treatment of his subject, and especially on the almost superhuman memory which enabled him to quote case after case with the greatest ease, referring to the very numbers of the pages in the Law Reports where they could be found. On this occasion the attendance was very poor, only about 25 members being present. Law exams during that week were no doubt largely responsible for the absence of many students, but the Club wishes to take this opportunity of urging its members to show a keener interest in these lectures which, besides being interesting, are materially helpful to the law student in his work. At present the committee are making arrangements for a further lecture to be given during the next vacation.

Attention is drawn to the Annual Law Ball held in conjunction with the Wellington Law Students' Society which will take place on August 29th in the Gym.