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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, October 1917

"Dance and Provencal Song"

"Dance and Provencal Song"

A lady whose name we suppress,
(She has excellent taste in quiet dress)
Has written to me
About the T. C.
On a subject you never will guess.

It seems that their manners are bad,
And it makes this poor lady quite sad.
They dance with a swing
And as they dance, sing
When the music has made them feel glad.

page 48

They've a habit they call "sitting-out,"
So she has to keep prowling about
Just to turn on the light
To make sure that they're quite
"Comme il faut, which she's disposed to doubt.

So now they've a list of rules made,
And they hope that her fears are allayed,
At some place on a hill
They sing and dance still
(Just music-hall tricks I'm afraid).

Heather Belle."