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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two

Waihoanga No. 4 Block, Otaki District

Waihoanga No. 4 Block, Otaki District.

This Deedmade the third day of December 1874 Between Her Majesty the Queen1874. 3 December.Otaki District.Victoria on the one part and Hape te Horohau, Kipihana Whiua, Karipa Piripi, Pene teWAIHOANGA No. 4. Huirae, Wi Warena Parakaia Akara Ngahue, Samuel Cook, Frank Cook, George Cook, Te Akau, James Wallace, Porokoru, Heni te Rei, Peneti Rangiwahitu, Meretini Kuka Pirihira Tumata, Rahera Natanahira Haimona te Keho, Huriana te Horohau Ihaia Motunau, Meretini Hape, Arama Karaka, Ihakara Tukumaru, Arona te Hana, Moroati Kiharoa, Tamihana te Rauparaha, Mere Aranga, Tiaia Peneti, Poria, Rakera Kipihana, Hera Ani Hape, Te Hei Akara, Pineal[unclear: a Ki]aroa Pipi Kutia and Piwiki Hape of — aboriginal Natives of the Colony of New Zealand (hereinafter called the vendors) of the other part Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of one thousand four hundred and fifty seven pounds ten shillings (£1457 . 10 . 0) by Her Majesty paid to the Vendors on the execution hereof (and the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged)Receipt for £1,457 10s. the Vendors do and each of them doth hereby surrender convey and assure unto Her said Majesty all that block or parcel of land containing ten thousand and fifty (10,050) acres or thereabouts known or called Waihoanga No. 4 as the same is more particularly described in the schedule hereto and delineated on the plan drawn on this Deed and colored red, together with all rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining: excepting a reserve of four hundred and thirty acres for Samuel Cook, FrankReserves excepted. Cook and George Cooks and a Reserve of two hundred and fifty acres being fifty acres each for James Wallace, Haimona te Keho, Huriana te Horohau, Ihaia Motunau, and Meretini Hape to be laid off in two blocks on the Western portion of the said Waihoanga No. 4 block, the outer boundaries of the said Reserves to be surveyed by the Government of New Zealand, To hold the said land and premises with the appurte-page 142nances unto Her said Majesty Her Heirs and Successors for ever. In Witness whereof the vendors have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written.

Hape Horohau.
Hera Ani Hape.
Karipa Piripi, Waihoanga.
Kipihana Whiua.
Pene te Huirae x his mark.
Piwiki Hape.
Akara Ngahue.
Porokoru x his mark.
Te Akau x her mark.
Heni te Rei.
Pirihira Tumata x her mark.
Meretini Hape.
Tamihana te Rauparaha.
Rakera Kipihana x her mark.
Te Hei Akara x her mark.
Arona te Hana.
Pipi Kutia x her mark.
W. Warena Parakaia.
Rohera Natanahira x her mark.
Samuel Cook.
George Cook.
Francis Henry Cook.
Meretini Kuka.
Arama Karaka.
Poria x.
Ihakara Tukumaru.
Pineaha Mahauariki Kiharoa.
Peneti te Rangiwahitu x his mark.
Tiaia Peneti x her mark.
J. H. Wallace.
Mere Aranga.
Moroati Kiharoa.
Haimona te Keho.
Huriana Horohau.
Ihaia Motunau.
Signed by the said Hape te Harohau Hera
Ani Hape, Karipa Piripi, Kipihana
Whiua, Pene te Huirae by making his mark, Piwiki Hape, Akara Ngahue Poro
koru by making his mark Te Ahau by
making her mark Heni te Rei, Pirihira
Tumata by making her mark Meretini
Hape, Tamihana te Rauparaha, Rakera
Kipihana by making her mark, Te Hei
Akara by making her mark, Arona te
Hana, Pipi Kutia by making her mark
Wi Warena Parakaia, Rahera Natanahira
by making her mark, Samuel Cook, George
Cook, Frank Cook, Meretini Kuka, Arama
Karaka, Poria by making his mark,
Ihakara Tukumaru, Pineha Kiharoa,
Peneti te Rangiwahitu by making his
mark, Tiaia Peneti by making her mark,
J. H. Wallace (James Wallace) and Mere
Aranga the same having been first read
over to them and explained by an Inter
preter of the Court and they appearing
fully to understand the meaning and
purport of the same in the presence
of— James Booth, R.M.
Richard Booth.
Signed by the said Moroati Kiharoa the
same having been first read over and ex
plained to him by an Interpreter of the
Court and he appearing fully to under
stand the meaning and purport thereof
in the presence of—
James Booth, R.M.
Richard Booth.
Signed by the said Haimona te Keho the same
having been previously read over and ex
plained to him in the Maori language by
an Interpreter of the Court when he
appeared fully to understand the meaning
and purport thereof in the presence of—
James Crawford, R.M.
R. Booth.
Signed by the said Huriana to Horohau and
Ihaia Motunau the same having been pre
viously read over and explained to them
in the Maori language by an Interpreter
of the Court when they appeared fully to
understand the meaning and purport
thereof in the presence of—
F. E. Hamlin, Resident Magistrate.
Richard Booth.

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