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Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary



In the following examples the Mangarevan word precedes the explanation, and the Maori word (marked M.) follows.


Tekere, a keel, M. takere; teito, ancient, M. tawhito; tepeiru, a queen, M. tapairu; teturi, wax in the ear, M. taturi; vehie, firewood, M. wahie; veine, a wife, M. wahine; enuhe, a caterpillar, M. anuhe; erero, language, M. arero (tongue); kerere, a messenger, M. karere; megeo, to itch, M. mangeo; merigi, to spill, M. maringi; merino, calm, M. marino; nenea, to abound M. nanea; pehau, a wing, M. pahau; pererau, a wing, M. parirau; peremo, drowned, M. paremo; ruehine, an old woman, M. ruahine; karou, a hook, M. karau; koumatua, an old man, M. kaumatua; kouae, the jaw, M. kauae; noumati, summer, M. raumati; kourima, a fire-stick, M. kaurimarima; mohore, peeled, M. mahore; mohora, expanded, M. mahora; moto, raw, M. mata; motua, father, M. matua; mounu, bait, M. maunu; hue, to collect, M. hui; tuhuga, skilled, M. tohunga; tohuhu, a ridge-pole, M. tahuhu; aka-tokoto, to lay, to place, M. whaka-takoto; tohuri, upside down, M. tahuri; toua, war, M. taua; toumaha, an offering, M. taumaha; toutoru, Orion (a constellation), M. tautoru.


H and R.—Tiho, to examine, M. tiro.

H and K.—Aka-makara, to think upon, M. whaka-mahara.

H Lost.—Uhuti, to pull up by the roots, M. huhuti; uha, the thigh, M. huwha; uka, foam from the mouth, M. huka; una, to hide, M. huna; oa, a friend, M. hoa; oaga, a whetstone, M. hoanga; ogi, to kiss, M. hongi; oha, wearied, M. hoha; oko, to barter, M. hoko; ono, to join, M. hono; aea, when, M. ahea; anga, to work, M. hanga; ape, a crooked foot, M. hape; amama, to yawn, M. hamama; amu, to eat scraps, M. hamu; ana, heat, M. hana; ari, to carry, M. hari; iga, to fall, M. hinga; inaki, a fish-basket, M. hinaki; kou, low clouds, M. kohu; maana, warm, M. mahana.

K and NG.—Ngiengie, the pandanus, M. kiekie (a related plant).

K Added.—Aka-kata, a mirror, M. whaka-ata.

K Lost.—Aumatua, old, M. kaumatua; ave, trailers, rope, &c., M. kawe; inaki, a relish, M. kinaki.

M and P.—Oho-pangu, black hair, (pangu = M. mangu, black). Urupatiu, west a quarter-south, and urupatoga, south a-quarter-west (the pa here = M. ma, and).

M Lost.—Kakaraea, red ochre (Paumotan and M. karamea).

N and R (or L).—Aka-tino, to look at, M. whaka-tiro; noumati, summer, M. raumati.

P and M.— See M and P ante.

R and N.— See N and R ante.

R Lost.—Ehu, ashes, Polynesian generally, rehu.

V and W.— A regular interchange between Mangarevan and Maori. Ivi, a bone, M. iwi; iva, nine, M. iwa, &c., &c.

W (V) Lost.—Aha, the mouth, M. waha.

V and WH.—Vio, to whistle, M. whio.

WH Lost.—Angai, to feed, M. whangai; ahao, to put in a bag, M. whawhao; etu, a star, M. whetu; ariki, a mat, M. whariki; ati, to break, M. whati; atutiri, thunder, M. whatitiri; ea, where? M. whea; eke, the octopus, M. wheke; enua, shallows, M. whenua (land); itu, seven, M. whitu.