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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)



  • Ma (), for Used concerning food, clothes; husband and wife; as “the share of.” 2. A sign of the future tense. 3. An expression used for “eldest son”: Te ma Ragi, the eldest son of Ragi. 4. Bread-fruit or taro reduced to paste or porridge and fermented in the ground. Cf. maa. 5. Curdled; clotted; frozen. 6. To fade; to lose colour. Cf. mae.

    Mama (mama and màma), see mama.

    Aka-ma, shame; bashfulness; modesty. To be modest; shy. Respect for others. 2. A young girl who shrinks from the gaze of a a young man; and vice-versa.

  • Maa, bread-fruit or taro reduced to paste and fermented in the ground. Cf. ma.

  • Maana (maàna), heat: warmth. 2. Clothes: made-up stuff or cloth. Cf. mahana.

    Maanaana (maànaàna), a gentle warmth; slight heat.

    Aka-maana, heated up again, as food; cooked a second time.

  • Maanaravanoa (maana-rava-noa), to be found carrying one's garments.

  • Maaro, a girdle; loincloth. Cf. màro.

  • Maatu, see oho-maatu.

  • Mae (màe), to bleach; to become wan. Cf. ma. 2. To fade; to wither; to be blighted. Cf. mai.

    Mamae (mamàe), to fade away. 2. Plural of mae. See under mamae.

    Akamae (aka-màe), to cause to fade; to blight; to humiliate. Aka-maemae (aka-màemàe), plural of the action; Aka-mamae, plural of the subject.

  • Maea (maèa), to leave one's food to eat that of other people.

  • Maeama, see under marama, “days of the moon.”

  • Maehua (maèhùa), a “stone's throw”; the space over which a stone can be thrown.

  • Maeiei (maèièi), to relieve another's pain or embarrasment; relief; refreshment; renovation.

    Aka-maeiei, to console; to comfort.

  • Maemae (màemàe), the name of a small fish.

  • Maeva (maèra), to tear a garment at the bottom or edge. Plural maevaeva (maèraèra).

    Maevaeva (maèraèra), old torn clothes; hanging tatters.

  • Maga (màga), a mountain. Cf. mou, vaimaga. 2. A mouthful. 3. A prop. support, or other means used to keep soil or earth in place. 4. A branch. 5. A tree with one, two, three, &c., divisions or branches, named maga tahi, maga rua, &c. 6. Forked; divided. Plural magamaga (màgamàga).

    Magaga (magàga), the fork of the body near the anus.

    Magamaga (màgamàga), forkings; divisions into branches.

    Akamaga, to be forked; to make forked. 2. To have diluted the paste (see maa) badly. 3. To make separate and private cultivations scattered here and there in the mountains.

    Aka-magamaga, to rough-hew or draft the outline of a fish-hook; to make the first steps towards cutting out the shape of the native fish-hook. 2. To make branched. 3. To begin making a mat.

    Mamaga (mamàga), ripe, said only of a bunch of pandanus fruit. 2. Open, applied to the forkings of the fingers or toes, also of the hands stretched out, opened. 3. Anything left alone; not worth troubling about.

    Aka-mamaga, to take one's ease; to stretch out the arms and legs. 2. To refresh oneself. 3. To draw a deep breath.

  • Magagakokaro (magàga-kokaro), the junction of the buttocks with the hip-bone. Cf. magaga and kokaro).

  • Magaika, a sentinel who keeps watch over the high pass in the mountain.

  • Magakava (màgakàva), said of a child who always remains with his adoptive parents and does not return to his own father.

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  • Magareva, the name of the archipelago of Mangareva, and also of the chief island. The chief island is called by the French St. Michel.

  • Magaro (magàro), courteous; pleasant; of easy manners. 2. Peaceful; quiet. 3. Of an agreeable flavour, said of food.

    Magarogaro (magàrogàro), lacking in sharpness to the taste; insipid; not sufficiently piquant. 2. Brackish water.

    Aka-magaro, to render soft. 2. To soothe; appease. 3. To bend. 4. To tame; to render quiet; to become accustomed.

  • Mago, first; chief.

  • Mago (màgo), a shark. Cf. anemago.

    Magogo, a small shark.

    Magomago (magomàgo), a small shark.

  • Magugu, the name of breakers to S.W. of Kamaka.

  • Magugugugu (magugugùgu), dry, said of food lacking moisture.

  • Maha (màha), the name of a fish.

  • Maha (màha), to arise; to get up. To stand or sit down after sleeping.

    Mahamaha, light, lacking substance or nourishment, said of food.

    Mamaha (mamàha), troubles that are light and passing; that are diminishing. 2. To be consoled; eased from pain.

  • Mahaega (mahaèga), an explanation of words not understood.

  • Mahaga (mahàga), twins, said of human beings only.

  • Mahahu (mahàhu), nourishing food made of bread-fruit.

  • Mahakamaha (mahakamàha), suddenly; unexpectedly. 2. Little by little; insensibly; without being noticed.

  • Mahaki (mahàki), easily detached; likely to fall; said of fruits. Only adhering slightly; the opposite to uka. Plural mahakihaki (mahàkihàki).

  • Mahana, warm; warm, of clothes. Warmed up again; cooked a second time; as food. Cf. maana. 2. Warm, said of persons arriving, as absent people are said to be cold (see makariri). Cf. hahana and mohana.

  • Mahani (mahàni), a seam in a piece of stuff or cloth; a joining of native bark cloth.

    Mahanihani (mahànihàni), smooth; even; polished; only said of a man who sleeping on a mat feels that it gives a sensation of polish to his skin.

  • Mahapu, indigestion. Cf. pukua.

  • Maharoharo (mahàrohàro), to have predilections or bias; not to be impartial in judgment. 2. Difference: Kakore te maharoharo, There is no difference.

  • Maharo, to praise; to vaunt. Plural maharoharo (mahàrohàro).

    Maharoaga, praise; commendation.

    Maharoga, praise; commendation.

  • Mahatu (mahàtu), twisted; frizzly; said only of the hair. Cf. hatu.

  • Mahaukori (mahaukori), a kind of crayfish.

  • Mahere (mahère), offences; injury by word or action.

  • Mahetu (mahètu), the name of a plant.

  • Mahiko, to disappear rapidly.

    Mahikoraga, disappearance in a rapid way.

  • Mahikohiko (malikolùko), the evening twilight.

  • Mahimahi (màhimàhi), cooked food kept till the next day to make it better.

  • Mahina, light; not dark; the light. Cf. mahinatea, hina, and maina.

  • Mahinatea, the light; daylight. Cf. mahinatca, and mainatea.

  • Mahinui (màhi-nui), the great octopus. Akamahi:) Let it alone! Said of the tentacles of a newly-caught octopus.

  • Mahitihiti (mahìtiti), to gush out, said of water and other liquids. Plural mamahiti.

    Mahitihitiraga (mahìtihìtiraga), a gushing out of water.

  • Mahoi, a South Sea Islander. Cf. Maori.

  • Mahora (mahòra), to spread; to stretch out; said of persons and of timber, also of beds spread out and roofs having little slope.

    Mahorahora (mahòrahòra), level; flat; without inequality.

  • Mahu (màhu), a strong pleasant odour that comes from afar; to smell such an odour. Cf. tumahu.

  • Mahure (mahùre), a cutaneous disease.

  • Mahuruo (mahùrùo), clumsy; inexpert 2. Ignorant; uneless.

  • Mahutihuti (mahùtihùti), pain from having one's hair pulled.

  • Mai (mài), towards. Signifies approach to the person speaking; the reverse of atu, away. O mai: Give to me. 2. Poor; bad; said of faded or tasteless things. Cf. mae.

  • Mai, to drink salt-water.

  • Maiatu, a stubborn, rebellious person.

  • Maika, a crack; a chap on the foot, &c.

  • Maihihi (maìhihi), to slightly smell someone's skin disease while at work.

  • Maimai, cold food (paste, see maa).

  • Maina, the moon. 2. Moonlight. Cf. hina, mahina.

  • Mainatea (maìna-tèa), the light from sun or moon, or from a fire. Cf. mahinatea.

  • Maito (maìto), said of new garments without stains or rents.

  • Maitoito, the name of a fish that takes the hook kavei. Cf. ito.

  • Maivai, insipid to the taste.

  • Maka (màka), a sling. (Modern, a gun or cannon).

  • Maka (makà), a shoot or sprout growing on the trunk or large branches of a tree; the bark is used for making cords and nets.

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  • Maka, fine; light. Ua maka: Fine rain.

  • Makahau, the ahu or ripe white wood on which good bark grows.

  • Makakainuku, a dark place on the moon. There are two of these, Manu-oho-tara and Maka-kai-nuku. They are supposed to be fixed on the moon.

  • Makama, promptly; with rapidity. An exclamation, Makama! With what rapidity!

  • Makapu, a rocky islet to the south of Akamaru

  • Makara (makàra), to think; to form a picture in the mind. Makarakara (makàrakàara) plural of the action; mamakara, plural of the subject.

    Akamakara (aka-makàra), to think; to meditate; to ruminate over. Plural aka-makarakara (aka-makàrakàra).

    Makaraga (makaràga), a thought; a mental image; an idea.

    Makararaga (makararàga), a thought; a mental image; an idea.

  • Makareu, the name of a fish.

  • Makariri (makariri), to be cold. 2. Lukewarm; indifferent; inactive; perfunctory. 3. To regret the absence of another person. 4. To be cold in manner when a stranger or unwelcome guest appears. 5. Shivering or trembling caused by fear. 6. Cold, said of absent persons (as mahana, warm, is said of those arriving).

    Makamakariri (màkamàkarìri), a diminutive of makariri.

    Akamakariri (aka-makariri), to make cold; to leave a warm thing till it gets cold. Akamakamakarìri denotes stronger action than aka-makarìri.

  • Makaro, the limited view of a man who cannot see far; short-sight. 2. One who is dimsighted. Cf. kakaro. Plural makarokaro (makàrokàro).

  • Makaroa (makaròà), the name of an islet to the S.W. of Akamaru.

  • Makatuha (makatùha), to distribute; to divide into portions for those present and those absent. Makamakatuha (makamàkatùha), plural of the action; mamakatuha, plural of the subject.

  • Makauea (makanèa), to be fatigued; weary. Cf. aka-makau. Plural makaukauea (makaukauèea).

    Makaueraga (makauèràga), fatigue; weariness

  • Makave (makàve), straw of; filament of; thread of coco-nut fibre. Small thread-like filaments of plants.

    Makavekave (makàvekàve), a downpur of heavy rain which in the air looks like threads.

  • Maketa (makèta), loose; not close together. 2. Dried up; desiccated. (Makataketa), a diminutive of maketa.

  • Maki (màki), an ill; a wound; a score place. 2. An evil; a fault. Maki marie, to commit a crime.

    Akamaki (aka-màki), to spoil; to ruin; to dishonour. 2. To make a thing imperfectly. 3. To wound. Aka-makimaki (aka-màkimàki), plural of the action; aka - mamaki (aki-mamìki), plural of the subject.

    Makimaki, cool; stale; food that has been cooked for some days. 2. Some small ill; a petty annoyance.

  • Makiha (makìha), the commencement of fine weather, with blue sky after rain. Makihaga te ragi, to weather begins to be good again. Makìhakìha, a diminutive of makìha.

  • Makikairoto (màki-kai-ròto), a wound difficult to heal.

  • Makirikiri (makìrikìri), to make little balls of paste (see ), for cooking. Cf. kirikiri.

  • Makiripu (makirìpù), maa (paste) pounded with a pestle.

  • Makiu (makìu), ten thousand.

    Makiukiu (makìukìu), twenty thousand.

  • Mako, dry; arid. 2. Paralysed.

  • Makona (makòna), satisfied; satiatd. Plùral makanakona (makònakòna).

    Akamakona (aka-makòna), to be satiated; glutted; gorged.

  • Makorekore (makòrekòre), an immense number; indefinetly large.

  • Makoromihamiha (makoro - mìhamìha), the name of a caterpillar.

  • Makou, suspicion; surmise. To suspect; surmise.

  • Maku (as moist), see aomaku, aka-maku, aka-haumaku.

  • Maku, “for me,” said concerning food and marriage.

  • Makupuai, the name of an evil deity.

  • Makupuna (màkupùna), grandchild; greatnephew; great-niece.

  • Makuru (makùru), a frequent fall of ripe fruit from the tree. 2. That which flows easily; one who weeps easily. 3. To make a failure of a speech.

    Makurukuru (makùrukùru), a frequent dropping of tears, said of tears only.

    Akamakurukuru (aka-makùrukùru), to allow to fall. 2. To fall often at short mtervals, as rain, &c.

  • Makuvava (makuvàva), pierced; with openings here and there. 2. A thing lost and not worth troubling about; a thing fallen into the water.

  • Mama, light; not heavy; to be of little weight. 2. To be relieved; to be eased; to be lightened; to be delivered from a burden, or a pain. Cf. aka-taumama.

    Aka-mama, to lighten; to render lighter. 2. To console; to relieve. 3. To lower, as a sail.

  • Mama (màma), to chew; to bruise with the teeth. Cf. amama. 2. A thing which does not keep water in; that leaks, as a gourd with a hole in it; or that does not keep water out, as a broken canoe, or a roof that lets in the rain. 3. Not to speak clearly; hard to understand. Plural, mamama (màmàma).

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  • Akamama (aka-màmà), to be pierced; to have droppings from an orifice; to drip. 2. To make water. 3. To crack; to burst open. 4. To spoil; to waste. 5. To be a worthless person; a reprobate; to conduct oneself badly.

  • Mama (màma), the name of a shell-fish.

  • Mamae (mamàe)—this word is probably connected with mae, to fade, wither, but has separate meanings from those given under mae—an evil; a malady; sorrow; suffering; to have an illness; to be in pain.

    Mamaeraga (mamàeràga), the state of one in suffering or sorrow.

    Akamamae (aka-mamàe), to cause to suffer; to cause grief.

  • Mamaga (mamàga), see under maga.

  • Mamaia, to be mad; foolish; to rave.

    Akamamaia (aka-mamaìa), to drive one mad; to madden.

  • Mamamukura (mamanu-kùra), a species of crab-crustacean.

  • Mamao (mamào), to go away; withdraw.

    Aka-mamao, to send away; to put away; to dismiss. 2. To turn aside; to swerve; to deviate. 3. To go away; to forsake; to with-draw.

  • Mamara (mamàra), sharp in flavour; acid. Piquant to the taste.

    Aka-mamara, to make sour or sharp; to acidify.

  • Mamaratea (mamaratèa), the name of a fish.

  • Mamari (mamàri), an egg. Mamari onu: a turtle's egg.

  • Mamari-paraha, a brooding hen.

  • Mamaru, the name of a god. 2. The redness of the sky in which the god dwells.

  • Mamata, pangs; anguish; suffering. 2. Sorrow. Cf. mata.

  • Mamoi, mossy; covered with moss. Cf. moimoi.

    Akamamoi (aka-mamòi), moss-covered.

  • Mamu (màmu), small shell-less snails that are found sticking to rocks. 2. A small insect that hides under leaves.

  • Mamu (màmù), an exclamation; a cry uttered before a quarrel or combat commences.

    Akamamumamu (aka-màmumàmu), to smack or click the lips several times.

  • Mamuenua, the earth. Cf. enua. 2. A kind of insect.

  • Mamukaiga, the earth. Cf. kaiga. 2. A kind of insect.

  • Mamumaana, a land-snail.

  • Mamuri, after; to come after; in the rear. Cf. muri.

  • Mamutorena (mamutòrènà), to be ignorant of the art of making mats.

  • Mana, to close; to close itself. Kua mona te kiko, te maki: The wound has closed itself.

  • Mana (màna), powerful; mighty. 2. Miraculous; marvellous; supernatural. 3. Existence; being. 4. Provocation. 5. Divination; foretelling future events. 6. A quoit used in a game resembling hop-scotch. 7. To hold a higher card of the same suit.

    Managa (manàga), a mighty action; something marvellous and extraordinary. Also manega.

    Manamana (mànamàna), to send to fetch anything without the consent or authority of its owner. 2. The conqueror in a race, competition, or trial of skill.

    Mamana (mamàna), to prevent one being employed on certain duties; to prohibit. 2. To respect oneself; to respect each other.

    Aka-mana, to make powerful; to give authority to a person.

    Aka-manamana, to divine; to foretell. To propose to foretell.

    Manaraga (mànaràga), power; might. 2. Omnipotence.

  • Manamanaua (mànamànaùa), many, said of forty persons and more.

  • Manava (manàra), the interior, said of a man or thing, as of a calabash, a ditch, the space within four walls, &c. 2. Sentiment; the spirit or conscience; the “inward man.” 3. The belly; the intestines. Cf. kohomanava.

  • Manava-garua, a wicked heart; a bad man.

  • Manava-poa, seasickness.

  • Manava-rata, lascivious desires. Lustful; libidinous.

  • Manava-tio, a wicked person—“heart of tio.” Cf. tio, a shell-fish.

  • Manega (manèga), see manàga, under mana.

  • Manega (manèga), the name of a fish. Cf. ragimanega.

  • Mania (manìa), slippery, but not with wet. Slippery, as a polished surface. Smooth; sleek; glossy. 2. Regret for something lost or stolen. 3. To have missed one's mark; frustrated. 4. A sensual feeling; involuntary delight from sensual feeling.

    Maniania (manìanìa), a setting on edge of the teeth, caused by tasting an acrid substance or by the gritting of one thing on another.

  • Manihaniha, a fault; an error. Cf. manimania.

  • Manika, a plant or herb just showing above ground.

  • Manimania (manimanìa), a sin; a vice; a bad action. Cf. manihaniha and maniania.

  • Manini (manìni), the name of a fish.

    Manininini, the name of a fish.

  • Mano (màno), a thousand. Cf. manohu.

    Aka-mano, to count up to a thousand.

  • Manogi (manògi), a kind of net in the form of a bag. See aka-tutu, under tu. 2. Entirely; completely.

  • Manohu, the people in the world; the whole population of the earth. Cf. mano and hu.

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  • Manono (manòno), the dry trunk of the nono tree.

  • Manu (mànu), a bird (generally). Cf. haremanu. 2. A beast; an animal. 3. To have a sore mouth. 4. To have a feeling of nausea; to feel inclined to vomit. Bile; biliousness.

    Manumanu (mànumànu), a very small insect which is seen clinching to branches or to matter in a state of fermentation. 2. A name given to little children.

    Aka-manumanu, tinted; shaded; drawn with little dots (like bird-pecks).

  • Manuahotara, see manuohotara.

  • Manuhi (Manùhi), an inhabited islet of Mangareva.

  • Manuhiri (mànuhìri), to play at blindman'sbuff.

  • Manukau (Manùkàu), the space between the two peaks of Mangareva.

  • Manuke (manùke), to be successful, to finish, to have got through the work, said concerning wood hard to cut, or of labour prolonged and difficult. 2. To yield, to acknowledge being beaten, convinced, only said of obstinate persons.

  • Manuohotara, see makakainuku.

  • Maoa (maòa), Maoaoa (màoaòa) an echo.

  • Maomao (màomào), the name of a small fish.

  • Maopopoa (màopopòa), covered with wounds. 2. Full of vices or faults.

  • Maora, to be spilt; to be shed. 2. To overspread; to overflow.

  • Maoraora, the same as maora.

  • Maori (maòri), belonging to the country; native. 2. One who belongs to the Polynesian race. 3. Royal. Cf. vakamaori. 4. The right; right hand; right side.

  • Mape (màpe), the native chestnut tree.

  • Mapo, anything which falls through age or decay. Food that is spoilt.

  • Mapo (màpo), rotten with dampness or with filth, said of clothes. 2. That which is not sticky or adhesive, said of paste. Mapomapo (màpomàpo), plural of action; mamapo (mamàpo), plural of the subject.

  • Mapoakai (mapoàkài), wounded, said if there are many wounds, together with internal bruises, but not if the interior is not bruised.

  • Mapu (màpu), the name of one kind of taro (Arum esculentum). 2. The strong sigh of a fatigued person. Panting. Plural mapumapu.

  • Mapuna (màpu), steam; vapour; smoke rising in volumes. 2. Boiling.

  • Mapure, long-continued, uninterrupted, said of duration of weather. 2. Long, said of time. Kakore te koroio i mapure: The time has not been long.

  • Mara (màra), open land; a cultivated field; a planted plot of ground.

  • Mara, unhappy; dispirited. Cf. mamara.

  • Marae (maràe), a sacrifice; offering. A festival of a god. First-fruits.

  • Maraga (maràga), a house of purification for the women. Stations ten days' journey apart. There were four of these stations, making up the forty days' circuit.

  • Maraga, coming, arriving, said of the coming of rain. 2. To fly here and there.

  • Maragai (maràgai), the south-east quarter. 2. The S.E. wind.

  • Marakuraku, the name of an islet to the E.N.E. of Mangareva.

  • Marama (maràma), wise; learned; instructed. Cf. màràma. 2. The operculum (lid or cap) of the sea-snail. 3. The moon. The days of the moon are named as follows:—
    Maeama-tai (maeàma-tài)1st day
    Maeama-rua (maeàma-ràa)2nd day
    Maeama-toru (maeàma-tòru)3rd day
    Maeama-riro (maeàma-rìro)4th day
    Kore-tai (kòre-tai)5th day
    Korekore-rua (kòrekòre-rùa)6th day
    Korekore-toru (kòrekòre-tòru)7th day
    Korekore-kaha (kòrekòre-kàha)8th day
    Oari (oàri)9th day
    Ohuma10th day
    Omaharu11th day
    Ohua (ohùa)12th day
    Oetua (òetùa)13th day
    Ohotu (ohòtu)14th day
    Omaure (òmaùre)15th day
    Ohiru (òhìru)16th day
    Orakau (òrakàu)17th day
    Omotohi (òmotòhi)18th day
    Korekore-tai (kòrekòre-tài)19th day
    Korekore-rua (kòrekòre-rùa)20th day
    Korekore-toru (kòrekòre-tòru)21st day
    Korekore-riro (kòrekòre-rìro)22nd day
    Vehi-tahi (vèhi-tàhi)23rd day
    Vehi-rua (vèhi-rùa)24th day
    Vehi-toru (vèhi-tòru)25th day
    Vehi-riro (vehi-rìro)26th day
    Otane (òtànè)27th day
    Omouri (òmoùri)28th day
    Ohoata (ohoàta)29th day
    Tu-nui (tu-nùi)30th day
  • Marama (màràma), the light; the daylight. To be daylight; by day. Cf. rama, karamarama.

  • Maramara (màramàra), firewood; dry wood.

  • Marape (maràpe), tattooed from head to foot.

  • Marara (maràra), a small parcel of food.

  • Marare (maràre), neglected; not taken care of. Indifferent. 2. To be stretched out, half asleep. 3. To fall down from weakness.

    Marareaga (maràreàga), negligence; carelessness.

  • Marari (maràri), the name of a fish.

  • Mararo, lower; below. Cf. raro.

  • Mararouiri, much; very much. Cf. marorouiri.

  • Marau, the name of a fish.

  • Marautagaroa, the name of a place at Rikitea, near the king's house.

  • Marautukaro, the name of a fish.

  • Mare (màre), in consideration of; through esteem for.

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  • Maremare (màremàre), in consideration of affection, position, relationship, &c. Said of parents, masters, &c., in regard to their children or servants, and vice-versa, 2. A spendthrift; a waster.

    Akamare (aka-màre), to favour; to have favourites.

  • Mareakeira (mareakèira), to usurp the authority of a father; to take without one's father's leave. Mamareakeira (mamareakèira), plural of the subject.

  • Mareku, feeble: cast-down; dejected.

  • Marere (marère), to fall little by little, said of a bag, of a parcel, of a tree. When used in regard to a mountain it means the fall of gravel and stones. Cf. rere, irere. Marererere (marèrerère), plural of the action; mamarere (mamarère), plural of the subject.

    Aka-marere, to allow to fall. 2. To infringe; to violate law or custom.

  • Mari, a quantity of mei (bread-fruit). Only used in regard to mei.

  • Mariari (mariàri), fresh, agreeable, as the air. 2. Clearness, 3. Glimmering light. Vai mariari, a pleasant turf-covered spot.

    Akamariari (aka-mariàri), light of early morning or evening; light from a small fire or feeble luminary. Cf. mariko and marikoi.

  • Marie, well; right; proper. In good terms; in favour. Pertinent; seasonable; fit for the purpose. Cf. maroi.

  • Mariko, that which is quickly seen; beginning to come in sight. Cf. marikoi.

    Marikoriko (marìkorìko), commencing to appear. 2. The dawn; the morning twilight.

  • Marikoi, coming in sight; appearing. Cf. mariko and koi.

  • Mariu, to be under an interdict or prohibition.

  • Mariu (marìu), to wander here and there at random. 2. Not to understand.

    Mariuriu (marìurìu), to wander about very much. The plural of the action. Mamariu (mamarìu), the plural of the subject.

  • Maro (màro), a small girdle for hiding the sexual parts. Cf. tuiamaro, maaro, and amituiamaro. 2. A small bundle of pandanus leaves. 3. Hard; tough; obdurate. 4. Distance, either at land, sea, or in the air. E hia maro no te ra: How high is the sun?

    Maromaro (màromàro), many little bundles or packets.

  • Maroi (maròi), “So much the better.” “It will be welcome.” 2. To thank, to express obligation. Maroi! “Thank you.” “It is well.” Cf. marie.

    Maroiga (maroìga), thanks.

  • Marokiekie (marokìekìe), textile stuff or native cloth, white and long, stretched by a cord along the ground.

  • Maromarotaki (màromàrotàki), a long robe allowed to trail on the ground.

  • Maroro (maròro), the flying-fish. 2. Cloth or fabric with which the head is covered, and which floats down the back.

  • Marorouiri, much; many. Plenty; afluence. Cf. mararouiri.

  • Maru (as a deity, see mamaru).

  • Maru, to tremble on hearing a very loud noise, as of thunder, &c.

    Maruraga (maruràga), tremblings of fear, caused by detonations or loud noises, as of thunder.

  • Maruru, tremblings of the earth, or of a thing placed on an unsteady piece of wood. 2. A great noise; redoubled noise, 3. To shake anyone who sleeps, in order to awaken him. Cf. ruru, heheruru, heruru.

  • Maru (màru), shadow; obscurity. Leafage; the shade of leaves and trees. Cf. tumaru. 2. In the train or retinue of a noble. To have influence over one's chief or leader. 3. To be able to get or obtain anything, said of a person whose skill is in demand, or whose work is in fashion.

    Marumaru (màrumàru), in the shadow of leaves. 2. To be seductive in person—fair of face and figure.

    Akamaru (aka-màru), to shade, to overshadow. 2. The name of one of the four inhabited islands of Mangareva.

    Aka-marumaru, to shade; to give shadow. 2. To protect; a protector.

    Akamarumaru (aka-màrumàru), to overshadow (denoting longer action than aka-maru). 2. To console; solace; help. Consolation given by a parent to the eldest child.

  • Maruatu, to disappear; to vanish.

  • Maruga (maràga), the diaphragm; the large muscle separating the chest from the abdomen.

  • Marutoga (marutòga), to have hair standing out widely from the head; not falling on the neck or shoulders. 2. Having hair that is uncombed. Marumarutoga (màrumàrutòga), plural of the action; mamarutoga (mamàrutòga), plural of the subject.

  • Mata (màta), the face; the features. The expression of the face. Cf. raemata. 2. The eye; the eyes. Cf. atumata, matakevo, taritarimata, kaukaumata, mataara. 3. The curved extremity of the fish-hook; the part seized by the fish. Cf. komata. 4. The front of a building. Cf. mata-hare. 5. Raw; uncooked. Cf. akatumata. 6. (Mata kupega) The mesh of a net.

    Matamata (màtamàta), the first to arrive, said of the first of a party of visitors. Cf. matahou and matahurahura. 2. Precursor; forerunner. 3. At the head of a band of men. 4. A drop of water.

    Akamata (aka-màta), to commence. 2. To set to work.

    Akamataga, commencement; the beginning. Origin; cause.

  • Mataara (màtaàra), not to be a sluggard; to be wide awake; on the watch. Cf. màta and ara.

  • Mataere (mataère), the name of a fish.

  • Mataga-kiko-roa, to stretch out at full length; to be spread out.

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  • Matagata-noa, to appear in good health; with clear healthy eyes.

  • Matagi (matàgi), wind. Matagi-tuki-a-pau, a gale; tempest.

  • Matagita, wind turned in another direction by striking against a point of land.

  • Matahou (màtahòu), new. A novice; an inexperienced person. 2. Newly arrived. Cf. matahurahura, hou, and mata. Matamatahou (màtamàtahòu), plural of the action; mamatahou (mamàtahou), plural of the subject.

  • Matakematake (màtake-màtake), having different features; unlike in countenance. Cf. mata and ke.

  • Matahu, a crowd; an assembly. Cf. hu.

  • Matahua (matahùa), to contend for; to wrangle; to squabble. 2. To be adverse. Matamatahua (màtamàtahùa), plural of the action; mamatahua (mamàtahùa), plural of subject.

    Matahuaraga (màtahùaràga), a quarrel of children.

  • Matahura (matahùra), the name of a fish.

  • Matahurahura, the first to arrive. Cf. matahou and matamata (under mata).

  • Matahurupa (màtahùrùpa), lazy; weak, feeble of body; fragile.

    Matahuruparaga (màtahùrùparàga), inactivity; feebleness.

  • Matai, by sea. Cf. ma and tai.

  • Matai (matài), to chap; to chink; to open; to gape; to be ajar. Mataitai, plural of the action; mamatai, plural of the subject.

    Akamatai (aka-matài), to cause to gape; to cleave open. Aka-mataitai (aka-matàitài), plural of the action; aka-mamatai (aka-mamàtai), plural of the subject.

  • Mataihu (mataìhu), a cape; promontory. Plural matamataihu. Cf. ihu.

  • Mataihutea, the cape at the eastern extremity of Mangareva.

  • Mataioro, a pearl.

  • Mataka (matakà), the name of a fish.

  • Mataka (matàka), to open itself, to gape, to expand, said of shell-fish or of flower-buds. 2. To blossom. Matakataka (matàkatàka), plural of the action; mamataka (mamatàka), plural of the subject.

    Akamataka (aka-matàka), to open, said of flowers and of bivalve shell-fish. Aka-matakataka (aka-matàkatàka), plural of the action; aka-mamataka, plural of the subject.

  • Matakaioua (matakaioùà), to gather fruits before they are ripe.

  • Matakao (matakào), first-fruits. Cf. kao and matikao. 2. Encroachment of land which at low tides is uncovered.

  • Matakatui (matakatùi), a girdle of pandanus leaves.

  • Matakava (matakàva), not to consort with; to avoid the company of anyone, through rudeness or carelessness. To avoid familiarity; to be timid or rude or sullen. Cf. mata and kava, Matakava atu, matakava mai: To have malice one to another.

  • Matakeinaga, an assembly; a congregation of persons.

  • Matakevo (mùtakèvo), to be dim-sighted. 2. Squint-eyed. 3. One-eyed. 4. An eye of which the pupil cannot be seen. Plural matakevokevo (màtakèvokèvo). Cf. mata and kevo.

  • Matakikonui, easy to see; plainly to be observed. Cf. mata and kiko.

  • Matakite (màtakòte), an eye-witness. 2. To be present. Plural mamatakite (mamàtakìte). Cf. mata and kite.

    Matakiteraga (màtakìteràga), evidence; witness; testimony.

  • Matakomua (màtakomùa), the first courses (menses) of a girl. Cf. mua and matamua.

  • Matakore (màtakòre), to shoot without taking aim. 2. To make a thing or work at anything without giving it proper attention. Cf. mata and kore.

  • Mataku (mataku), an exclamation of surprise: “Hillo!”

  • Mataku (matàku), to be frightened, as of ghosts or dead people. Plural matakutaku.

    Akamataku (aka-matàku), to inspire fear; to make afraid. Aka-matakutaku, plural of the action; aka-mamataku (aka-mamatàku), plural of the subject.

  • Matakutakunoa (matàkutàku - noa), to be fearful; timorous.

  • Matamataua, drops of rain. Cf. mata and ua.

  • Matamua, first; premier. Cf. mata, mua, and matakomua.

  • Matamuri, last. Cf. muri.

  • Mataneganega (màtanèganèga), a small pole placed transversely in commencing the work of building a roof. It acts as a support for the bottom of the other small poles. Cf. neganega.

  • Matanininini (matanìninìni), to sleep. Cf. nininini. 2. To have a great desire for sleep; to have the eyelids weighed down with drowsiness.

    Mataninininiraga (matanìninìniraga), want of sleep.

  • Mataoko (mataòko), bold; unabashed. Looking fearlessly and without casting down the eyes. Cf mata and oko.

  • Matapara (màtapàra), the name of a fish.

  • Mataparairai (mataparàirài), having a flat face. Cf. parairai and mata.

  • Matapo (màtapo), blind. 2. Lacking in penetration and insight. Cf. mata and po.

    Aka-matapo, to blind; to take away the sense of sight. 2. To hide the view.

  • Matapohepohe, sore eyes; ophthalmia. Cf. pohepohe and mata.

  • Matapukurega (matapukurèga), a great crowd; an immense assembly. 2. A festival. Cf. mataka.

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  • Matapura, to have dust or other matter in the eyes. Cf. pura.

  • Matarau, the name of a fish. See raurau, a fish.

  • Matarei (màtarèi), a small shoot or scion of banana, without leaves yet upon it.

    Matamatarei (màtamàtarèi), the same as matarei.

  • Matariki (matarìki), the Pleiades. A constellation.

  • Matarua (matarùa), the bone of the nose between the skull and the cartilaginous parts. 2. The fork or division in a bone, as in the cervical vertebræ.

  • Matarua, false (“two-faced”). Cf. rua.

  • Matatagata, the front of a building; the facade, 2. The front part of anything.

  • Matatai (màtatài), one-eyed; a one-eyed person. Cf. mata and tahi.

  • Matatau (màtatàu), to suit each other; to agree well together. 2. People in the same condition or circumstance. Cf. tàu. Plural matamatatatau (màtamàtatatàu).

  • Mataka, a great assembly. Cf. matapukurega.

  • Matatere (màtatère), large; gross. Fat; grease.

    Matateretere, a wanderer: vagabond. (The radical idea is “floating.”) Cf. korae.

  • Matatiare (màtatiàre), a soft glance.

  • Matatiora (màtatiòra), dispersed; not fixed. 2. Looking right and left.

  • Matatirotiro (màtatìrotìro), one who looks here and there; attentive. Examining; regarding carefully. Cf. matatirotiroi, tiro.

  • Matatirotiroi, to measure anyone; to examine a person's appearance or deportment carefully. To scrutinize; a critical eye. Cf. matatirotiro.

  • Matatu (matàtu), the name of a fish.

  • Matatuke, that which makes the eyes large or wide open, such as anger, &c. Matatuketuke has same meaning. Cf. tukemata, mata, tu, and ke.

  • Matau (matàu), a hook; a fish-hook. 2. A hook for catching men on the festival days.

  • Matau (màtau), accustomed; used to. Expert; skilled. Cf. tau.

    Akamatau (aka-màtàu), to introduce a custom. 2. To habituate; to accustom.

    Akamatautau (aka-màtàutàu), to try to understand. Aka-mataugakore, a rogue; a thief. Brainless.

  • Mataua, to squabble; to wrangle; to dispute.

  • Matauira (matauìra), to walk in front of a person; to precede others on the march.

  • Mataururari (mataururàri), elevated; high; lofty; grand. Only said of nobles and chiefs.

  • Matavai, a sentinel; one who watches or waits.

  • Matavaikeu, the same as matavai.

  • Matavare (màtavàre), blear-eyed. Cf. mata and vare.

  • Mataveriveri (màtavèrivèri), ugly; vile; worthless. Cf. veriveri.

  • Mate (màte), to be sick; ill. Cf. mateeva, mateoge. 2. Dead. 3. Love; ardent desire. To have passionate desire in a sensual way. Mamate (mamàte), plural of the subject; matemate-noa (màtemàte-noa), plural of the action. See also below, under matematenoa.

    Matega (matèga), illness. 2. Dead; death.

    Akamate (aka-màte), to kill; to slay. 2. To make a person ill; to sicken. 3. To flatter; to cajole.

    Akamatemate (aka-màtemàte), to flatter; to tickle; to praise, so as to obtain a thing from the person praised. 2. To court, to make love to a girl. 3. To caress; fondle.

    Akamatematega (aka-màtemàtèga), flattery; cajolery.

  • Mateeiruga (màte-ei-rùga), to wish to be thought highly of; to be ambitious for place or honours. Cf. màte and ruga.

  • Mateeva (màteeva), the monthly courses (catamenia) of women. Cf. matehokapari.

  • Matehokapari (màtehòkapàri), menstruation that is after the proper time. Cf. mateeva.

  • Matekoteko (matèkotèko), long and arduous work. Cf. tekoteko.

  • Matekuku (matekùku), a nail; finger-nail; claw. Cf. kuku and matikuku.

  • Matematenoa, sick; ill. 2. See under mate. 3. Pleasant agreeable conversation. 4. To cajole. 5. To fraternise.

  • Matenoa (màte-nòa), idle; lazy; slack in duty. Cf. mate and noa.

  • Mateoge (màte-òge), to be hungry; famishing. Cf. mate and oge.

  • Mateteito, one who is dead; one who has expired.

  • Matiho, to spy; to act as a spy, either from curiosity or to try and find fault. Plural matihotiho. Cf. tihotiho.

    Matihoga (matìhoga), the action of spying on a person; espionage.

  • Matikao (matikào), the toes; the fingers. 2. The fore-finger. Cf. kao, matakao, matikuku, matekuku.

  • Matike (matìke), to assuage a malady; to relieve pain. 2. A wicked person who turns to a better life.

  • Matikiapori (matikiàpòri), the name of a small crayfish, resembling peikea.

  • Matikuku, a finger-nail; toe-nail; claw; talon. Cf. matekuku, matikao, kuku, kao.

    Akamatikuku (aka-matikùku), to put cuffs below sleeves.

  • Matini (màtìni), formerly; in old times; a long time previous. Matiniatu, in times exceedingly remote; ancient. Matiniatumatiniatu, the longest conceivable time ago. Cf. tini.

  • Matiro (matiro), to examine; to look closely; to stare; to inspect. Matirotiro, plural of the action. Cf. matatirotiro, tirotiro.

  • Matiroi (matiròi), a hard calabash.

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  • Matitaiarakura, one who is flung up very high (in the dance or game of rama).

  • Matoru (matòru), thick; gross; torpid; heavy; dull. Cf. ragimatoru.

    Matorutoru (matòrutòru), as matoru, but more intense. Thicker, grosser than matoru. 2. Cramp; numbness.

    Akamatoru (aka-matòru), to thicken; to make grosser; to make strong.

    Akamatorutoru (aka-matòrutòru), to benumb a limb; to dull.

    Matoruraga (matòruràga), thickness; grossness.

  • Matoruarari (matòruarari), to heap up so as to make a very large heap.

  • Matou, we (we, excluding the person addressed).

  • Matu (màtu), let us go (especially said by one who proposes following others gone before).

  • Matua (matùa), a superintendent; overseer. A man of business; a man of the world. Cf. aumatua.

  • Matuau. to go to the other side of an island or other object; to travel round.

  • Matuku, the name of a fish.

  • Maturau, the name of a fish.

  • Mau (màu), true; correct. 2. Fixed; firm; stable. 3. To be at anchor. 4. To hold. Cf. tamau. 5. To seize. 6. To practise; exercise.

    Mauga (maùga), all that goes to make a thing firm and stable. 2. The base. 3. Care; fostering attention. 4. Hold; grip.

    Maumau (màumàu), to hold firmly to.

    Mamau (mamàu), to be at anchor (only used in the plural).

    Aka-mau (aka-màu), to fix; consolidate; to assure. 2. To lower the anchor; to anchor.

  • Maui, the god who fished up the earth, uplifted the sky, and bound the sun in bonds of hair.

  • Mauiui (maùiùi), a flea.

  • Maukauka (maùkaùka), food that is hard and difficult to masticate. Cf. uka.

  • Maukikia (màukikìa), to hold firmly; to be firm; solid. Cf. mau and kikia.

    Akamaukikia (aka-maukikìa), to tie; to fix firmly; strongly; solidly.

  • Maumauiri, to come together in a crowd.

  • Maunu (maùnu), dry leaves on a tree that is dead.

    Akamaunu (aka-maùnu), to dry up; to become dry.

  • Mauoho, refreshing; stimulating; said of food.

  • Maupu, indigestion.

  • Mau-ra-ke, another day; another time; later on.

  • Ma-uta, by land.

  • Mautai, the greater part; the majority. The mob.

  • Mavava (mavàva), steam; vapour rising from a native oven. 2. Perspiration. 3. That which has lost its heat. 4. To come out or issue crossways; to deviate. 5. To transpire.

    Mavavavava (mavàvavàva), a wind that enters freely into a house through many chinks and crevices.

  • Mavera, dazzling. Cf. vera.

  • Mavovo, to ring in the ears; to resound. 2. Unity of sounds; unison. Cf. vovo.

  • Me (), and. 2. As; like; so. 3. With; for. 4. What?

  • Mea (mèa) a thing. Cf. emea. 2. Such; such an one. 3. Because; on account of. 4. Seeing that; since. 5. As a particle placed before a verb it signifies the past tense or past participle; before a noun it implies a diminutive; before an adjective it corresponds to “It is,” as, mea makariri, it is cold: mea mata, it is uncooked. 6. Mea is also used in place of another word one cannot remember or the name of which one does not wish to repeat, in the sense of, “Bring the ‘thing’ with you,” or as we say colloquially “the thingum-a-bob,” “What's his name,” meameanoa, it doesn't matter.

    Memea (memèa), Why? Wherefore?

    Aka-mea, “Show him”; “Teach him.” Favour; assist him.

    Akameaga (aka-mèagà), to pretend; to assume the appearance of.

    Aka-meagatataga, to make; to do. 2. To resemble.

    Akameamea (aka-mèamèa), to imitate; to mimic; to simulate. Cf. aka-tameamea. 2. To give oneself airs; to assume to be what one is not.

  • Meake (mèakè), much; in great quantity. 2. Immensely. 3. In answer to enquiries about persons or things, used in the sense of “Couldn't be better.”

  • Meameanoa (mèamèanòa), it is of no consequence; it does not matter. Cf. mea and noa.

  • Meara (mearà), nevertheless; but.

  • Megeo (megèo), to itch. 2. To long for; a longing. 3. To produce a pricking sensation in the mouth, said of a food or drink. 4. Sharp tasted; piquant to the taste. Megeogeo (megèogèo), plural of the action; memegeo (memegèo), plural of the subject.

    Megeoraga (megèoràga), itching.

  • Mehea (mehèa), to warm oneself; to get more heat. Plural memehea (memehèa). 2. To purify; to become better in mind. Ka mehea te manava, e kore e panea puaka: Purify your spirit and do not go about with the head of an animal (on your shoulders),

    Mehearaga, purity; the utmost innocence of mind. Cf. mehuaraga.

  • Mehiti (mehìti), to pass from illness to health. 2. To move to another point, as the wind. Plural memehiti. Cf. hiti.

    Mehitihiti (mehìtihìti), to gush out; to spirt; said of water and other liquids.

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  • Mehitiraga (mehìtiràga), the passage from sickness to health. 2. A change in the wind.

  • Mehomeho (mehomèho), brown approaching black.

  • Mehuaraga (mehuaràga), beauty of the soul. Cf. mehearaga.

  • Mei (mèi), of, belonging to. Mei eha koe: Whence do you come? (Of what place are you?)

  • Mei (Mèi), the bread-fruit (Artocarpus). 2. A bivalve shell-fish.

    Meimei (mèimèi), having a nice smell; savory; pleasant to taste.

    Akamei (aka-mèi), to serve the best dish last. Plaral akameimei (aka-mèimèi). See aka-mei under meimei.

  • Meiapuku (mèiapùku), bread-fruit in January, so named because of the fish apuku found at that time in great quantity.

  • Meika (meìka), the banana. Musa paradisiaca. Cf. tumumeika.

    Akameika (aka-meìka), to cook a large quantity of food. 2. To allow a bunch of pandanus fruits to ripen.

  • Meikoporo (mèikopòro), bread-fruit in October or November, so called because of the colour of kopòro (nightshade).

  • Meimanu (èimànu), the name of the royal bay in Mangareva.

  • Meimata (meimàta), tears; weepings. Cf. màta.

  • Meimatakura, a fresh breeze, but with little agitation of the water, and the sea calm.

  • Meimei, to set the teeth on edge; having the teeth on edge. See under mei. Aka-meimei, to set the teeth on edge; to make harsh, bitter.

  • Mei-pua-kakaho (mè-pua-kakàho), bread-fruit in April when the reeds (kakàho) are in bloom. Cf. mei, pua, and kakaho.

  • Meire (meìre), the name of a. tree, without edible fruit. 2. Precious (a doubtful word).

    Aka-meire, a kind of pehe, or child's game, which is played with thread interlaced between the fingers (cat's cradle) and forming different figures.

  • Meitetaki (mèitùtaki), beautiful; good. 2. Soft; sweet. Cf. mèimèi.

  • Meiti, to be distinguished; preferred; chosen from among others.

  • Meituavera (mèitùavèra), bread-fruit in June, so called from the fruit being roughened (burnt) by the wind and want of heat. Cf. vera.

  • Mekanutoi, to bend; to cause to be curved like a bow.

  • Mekiki (mekiki), to lean; not to be upright. Cf. tumekiki. 2. To be heavy; weighty; said of a bundle. Mekikikiki (mekìkikìki), plural of the action; memekiki (memekìki), plural of the subject.

    Mekikiraga (mekìkiràga), the slope of a thing that is not upright.

    Akamekiki (aka-mekìki), to lean; ready to fall.

  • Mene (mène), to be bent; turned; said of the edge of a blade which has encountered a hard substance; blunted; dulled; crushed; notched. Cf. gaoa, ururari, &c.

  • Menemene, a small boat or canoe.

  • Mere (mère), to return in an unlucky way after having set out. 2. To go back on a promise. 3. To persuade a person not to make a purchase. Plural meremere (mèremère).

    Akamere (aka-mère), to despise; to scorn. 2. depreciate. Plural akameremere (aka-mèremère).

    Merega (merèga), dificulty in speaking to one another on the march.

  • Merei (merèi), the handsome exterior of a thing. 2. Beautiful. 3. Ripe; mature.

    Mereimerei (merèimerèi), the same as merei but in a stronger sense. Memerei (memerèi), plural of the subject.

  • Mereku (merèku), feebleness; to be weak; broken down by a sudden accident. 2. To throw down; to beat down. 3. To enfeeble. 4. To become muddy. 5. Troubled; confused. Merekureku (merèkurèku), plural of the action; memereku (memerèku), plural of the subject.

  • Merekuitekiri (mereku-i-te-kiri), to cause shivering.

  • Merekunotevaka (mereku-no-te-vaka), the largeness of a ship; a big ship.

  • Merie (merìe), to be pitiful; to have compassion or patience. Cf. rimamerie. 2. Common, not sacred or prohibited. 3. Affable; familiar. Rima merie, liberal; generons; giving freely.

    Merieraga (merìeràga), the action or circumstance of merie.

    Aka-merie, to render common; not tapu; ordinary; general.

  • Merigi (merìgi), to flow; to trickle. To run drop by drop; to drip. Flowing; dripping.

    Merigirigi (merìgirgi) denotes stronger action than merigi. 2. The monthly courses (catamenia) of women.

    Memerigi (memerìgi), plural of the subject of merigi.

    Merigiraga (merìgiràga), action of the verb merigi.

  • Merino (merìno), calmness; tranquility. Absolute silence after a great noise. Cf. merinokura, merinotuapipi.

  • Merinokura (merìno - kùra), a dead calm. Tranquil, without stir or movement whatever.

  • Merinotuaapipi (merìno-tua-apìpi), a light breath of wind; a zephyr.

  • Metometo (mètomèto), yellow; reddish-yellow. Orange.

    Akametometo (aka-mètomèto), brilliant red.

  • Miamia, crisped, frizzled, said of hair. Oho miamia, crisp, woolly hair. Cf. miha.

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  • Miau, a constricted anus. 2. A malady attacking the posterior parts. Cf. muna. 3. Thin in the buttocks; one who is small in the posterior parts. 4. Thin; meagre.

    Aka-miau, to cast lots in order to find out who has lately defiled a certain place by going to stool near it.

  • Migokete (mìgokète), to be without cooked food.

  • Migomigo (mìgomìgo), a fold; a wrinkle. To be wrinkled. Cf. minemine. 2. A plait; plaited. 3. Stunted. 4. Not joined close, not smooth, equal, said of tissues and cloth.

    Aka-migomigo, to plait. 2. To rumple; to wrinkle; to ruffle.

  • Miha (mìha), frizzy, crisp-curled, said of hair. Cf. miamia.

    Mihamiha (mìhamìha), partially frizzled, inclined to be crisp, said of the hair, but also of a wave or billow; wavy. 2. Said of the water of a brook when it ripples. See mimiha.

  • Mihea (mihèa), to overflow, said of a cup or vessel containing liquid. Cf. mimi.

  • Mihega (mihèga), a red sore.

  • Mihi (mìhi), to curse anyone; to pronounce imprecations. 2. To menace. 3. To smell an odour. 4. Fine; light. Ua mìhi, fine rain.

    Mihimihi (mìhimìhi), to praise a person frequently for good qualities, &c. 2. To smell an odour. 3. To menace.

    Mihiga (mihìga), cursing; blasphemy.

    Mihimihiga (mìhimìhhiga), the action of mihimihi.

    Akamihi (aka-mìhi), to menace.

  • Mihore (mihòre), a repast of ripe bananas. Plural mihorehors (mihòrehòre.)

  • Mimi (mìmi), urine. To urinate; to make water. Cf. mihea, mimiha, tomamimi.

  • Mimiha (mimìha), to overflow; said of streams. 2. To flow in great quantity. Cf. miha, mihea, and mimi.

    Mimiharaga (mimiharàga), an overflow of waters; a flood.

  • Minemine, wrinkled; rumpled. 2. Folded. Cf. migomigo and kominemine.

  • Mio (mìo), to be decreased; to die away; calmed. 2. To die down; said of fire, wind, or of a swell on the sea. Miomio (mìomìo), plural of the action; mimio (mimìo), plural of the subject.

    Aka-mio, to calm; to appease. Cf. aka-hio and aka-gio.

  • Miri, a bundle of maa or of fish, whether cooked or uncooked.

  • Miri (mìri), an odoriferous plant resembling basil. 2. To consider; to regard. 3. To examine; to touch; to handle. 4. To plot; to hatch mischief. Cf. komirimiri.

    Mirimiri (mìrimìri), to consider; to examine attentively. 2. To plot; to conspire.

  • Miro (mìro), the name of a tree. Cf. kekomiro.

  • Mitaka (mitàka), to open; to expand; as a flower. 2. To warp; as a board. Mitakataka (mitàkatàka), plural of the action; mimitaka (mimitàka), plural of the subject.

  • Miti (mìti), to lick. 2. To rub the finger along a dish or plate to remove anything sticking to the article. 3. What has been stopped, lost, or filtered away in percolation through any filtering substance, as mud from water that has passed through gravel.

    Mitimiti (mìtimìti), denotes longer action than miti. 2. To draw from water anything held in suspension therein.

  • Mitikaga (mitikàga), a small portion of cooked food.

  • Mito (mìto), to draw air through the nose into the lungs. 2. To kiss. Mitomito (mìtomìto), plural of the action; mimito (mimìto), plural of the subject.

    Mitoraga (mìtoràga), expiration of the air through the nose.

  • Mitoiha, a bad man; a wicked person.

  • Mo (), for. It is used in regard to food and women, but when men speak of women they use ma and not mo.

  • Moa (mòa), a cock; the domestic fowl (Gallus). 2. Cooked.

    Moaga (moàga), a red beard, or fair beard. 2. The name of a fish.

    Akamoa (aka-mòa), to cook. Cf. hamoa. Aka-moe-marie, to cook thoroughly.

    Akamoamoa (aka-mòamòa), To cook more; to continue cooking.

    Akamomoa (aka-momòa), plural of material cooked. 2. To preserve; to take care of. 3. To reserve; store up; guard. Aka-moamoa-muani: To guard with tender care.

  • Moa, to open a hole or pit (food-pit); to take out of the ground.

  • Momoa (momòa), beautiful, good, said either of a person's physical or moral qualities. 2. Young coco-palms on which the nuts are just getting large. 3. To nourish; to nurse. 4. Cotton-plants of which the buds are not expanded. 5. Spoilt fruit.

  • Moaieuru, the name of a fish.

  • Moake (moàke), east. The east wind.

  • Moake (moàke), an abbreviation of moa ake, “disinter it.”

  • Moana (moàna), the sea; the ocean.

  • Moe (mòè), to sleep. Ka moe te mata, to be inattentive. 2. To be lying down; in bed. 3. To have sexual intercourse. Moemoe (mòemòe), plural of the action, and intensive of mòe; momoe (momòe), plural of the subject.

    Moega (moèga), the action of sleeping with and having sexual connection. 2. A mat for sleeping on.

    Moeraga, the action or circumstance of sleeping; sleep.

    Moemoe (mòemòe), to appear to sleep; to pretend to sleep. 2. To shut the eyes. 3. To blink the eyes. 4. To sleep for a long time. 5. To steal, to purloin at a distribution of food. 6. The name of a fish.

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  • Moemoea (mòemoèà), a dream; a vision. To dream.

    Moemoeraga (mòemòeràga), the pretence of sleep.

    Aka-moe (aka-mòe), to go to bed. 2. To put into the sea a fillet or garland for driving the fish. 3. To let off or fire a gun. Aka-moemoe (aka-mòemòe), plural of the action; aka-momoe (aka-momòe), plural of the subject.

    Momoe (momòe), to throw oneself violently upon and seize a certain thing (such as food) without waiting for distribution; to seize with avidity. 2. To form in a crowd round a person.

  • Moe (mòe), an islet (St. Crescent) to the N.E. of Mangareva.

  • Moe (mòe), also mòhè, to have deserved it; said of punishment. Cf. mo and he.

  • Moeaura, to admire. Cf. moehoura.

  • Moega (moèga), see under moe.

  • Moegakona (moèga-kona), a bed. 2. Sexual connection. Cf. moega and kona.

  • Moehoura (mòehoùra), to cherish; to love tenderly. Momoehoura (momòehoùra), plural of the subject. Cf. moeaura.

  • Moekohukohu (mòekòhukòhu), to be in the womb; to have conceived; pregnant.

  • Moekoumea (mòekoumèa), to remember; an agreeable impression on the memory. 2. To remind oneself of past pleasures.

  • Moemate (mòe-màte), to go to bed without supper. Cf. moe and mate.

  • Moemoe, see under moe.

  • Moemoea, see under moe.

  • Moemoeraga, see under moe.

  • Moenunu (mòenùnù), accustomed; habituated; used to.

    Moenunuraga (mòenùnùràga), the practice of doing a certain thing; habitude; routine.

  • Moeraga (mòeràga), see under moe.

  • Moere, soft; tender; caressing. Mata moere: A tender glance. 2. To have a soft exterior. 3. Not to be accustomed to speaking. Moerere (mòerere), denotes stronger action than moere; momoere (momoère), plural of the subject.

    Moereraga (mòereràga), an appearance of softness; having a soft exterior. 2. Unaccustomed to speak in public.

  • Moeroa (mòeroa), to be dead. Cf. moe and roa. Plural momoeroa (momòeròa).

  • Moerori, the name of a very large fish. 2. An injurious epithet.

  • Moetutururu, not to be able to think of anything else all night but the loved object, the person desired ardently.

  • Mogo, to do good work; to do a thing in a masterly way.

  • Mogugu, the gills of fish.

  • Mohana (mohàna), warm. Cf. hahana. 2. Said of new arrivals. See mahana and makariri. 3. Cooked up again. 4. Clothes.

  • Mohani (mohàni), a kind of cage for taking fish. 2. The name of a fish taken in the Haga (which see).

  • Mohanihani (mohànihàni), a dull eye that does not show itself well.

  • Mohe, see moe.

  • Mohe (mòhe), to be of the royal family, or of chief's social position.

  • Mohia, to be straight; rigid.

  • Mohine, a term of tenderness to a young daughter. Cf. veine.

  • Moho, an exclamation. Tricked! Trapped! Caught out! Cf. tea.

  • Moho (mòho), a victim who has been struck but not quite killed. 2. A man condemned to death. Cf. mohoki.

    Momoho, to run without looking where one is going.

  • Mohoki, the non-existent; that which has gone for ever.

  • Mohomoho (mòhomòho), the name of a fish.

  • Mohora (mohòra), to be spilt; to be shed. 2. To stretch out, from the smallest extension to the greatest. Momohora (momohòra), plural of the subject. Cf. hohora.

  • Mohorake - Mohorake (mohòrake-mohòrake), to be present everywhere; stretched out or expanded in every direction (as the air). 2. To overflow, of a river.

  • Mohore (mohòre), to peel off; to come off, as the hair. Mohorehore (mohòrehòorè) plural of the action; momohore (momohòre), plural of the subject. Cf. kahore, hohore, pahore.

    Akamohore (aka-mohòre), to lift up the epidermis; to take off the skin; to peel; to flay. Plural aka-mohorehore (aka-mohòrehòre).

    Mohorega (mohòrèga), the action of peeling off.

  • Mohuke (mohùke), the name of a foreign country.

  • Mohuri (mohùri), rolling, as a vessel rolls. Cf. huri. 2. To move as an infant when it “quickens” in the womb, about three or four months after conception. 3. To disappear behind an object, said of men, ships, &c. Mohurihuri (mohùrihùri), plural of the action; momohuri (momohùri), plural of the subject.

    Aka-mohuri, to disappear behind land, as behind a cape, or bend of the coast. Aka-mohurihuri, plural of the action; aka-momohuri, plural of the subject.

    Akamohuri (aha-mohùri), to turn oneself: to turn over in bed. To turn as fish do. Plural aka-mohurihuri (aka-mohùrihùri).

  • Mohuta (mohùta), to be eager; earnest; ardent. To do a thing with activity and zeal. Mohutahuta (mohùtahùta), plural of the action; momohuta (momohùta), plural of the subject.

    Mohutaraga (mohùtaràga), the action of being earnest.

  • Moi (mòi), the fruit of the tree koeriki.

  • Moi, a small man; a dwarf. 2. A round calabash or gourd. 3. Said of a person who has a short chin.

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  • Moimoi (mòimòi), the tips of the fingers. 2. Blunt, dull, said of the edge of the pandanus kernel when it is large. Cf. mamoi.

  • Moka (mòka), to cause a fight between two parties by one throwing a stone at the other; to stir up; to provoke fighting. Mokamoka (mokamòka), plural of the action; momoka (momòka), plural of the subject.

  • Mokako (mokàko), to be flexible; limber; said of a large man who is slender. Plural mokakokako.

    Akamokako (aka-mokàko), to be large but slender. 2. To make very flexible.

    Aka-mokakokako, denotes stronger action than akamokako.

  • Moke (mòke), a white rat.

  • Mokemoke (mòkemòke), the name of a fish.

  • Moki (mòki), the subject; the occasion. 2. A cause of temptation. 3. To be exposed to; to be liable. Mokimoki (mòkimòki), plural of the action; momoki (momòki), plural of the subject.

    Mokiga (mokìga), the action of being exposed.

  • Moko (mòko), a lizard. 2. A small loaf or bundle of food not yet cooked. Plural mokomoko.

  • Mokoa, an insult; injury. 2. Smooth, not wrinkled.

  • Mokoha, sugar cane having a long potaka.

  • Mokohakoha (mokòhakòha), syn. mokoha.

  • Mokohe, the frigate bird.

  • Mokohe (mokòhe), food; maa.

  • Mokoi, to renew one's attempt; to return to the charge.

  • Mokoko, war-cries uttered by many persons.

  • Mokomoko (mòkomòko), mucus from the nose; to snivel.

  • Mokopu (mòkopù), native bread cooked by not made ihto paste.

    Mokomokopu (mòkomòkopù), plural of mokopu.

  • Mokora (mokòra), a duck.

  • Mokore-etahi, unique; singular. Cf. tahi.

  • Mokorei (mokòra), the male flower of the pandanus.

  • Mokoto (mokòto), one of the peaks of Mangareva, that nearest to Taravai.

  • Moku (mo-ku), for me. Cf. mo, ku, and maku.

  • Mokui (mokùi), land under cultivation and in crop.

  • Mokukura (mokukùra), to fade, said of flowers.

    Akamokukura (aka-mokukùra), not to be green; not vigorous; said of trees or plants whose leaves are turning yellow.

  • Mokura, the name of a fish.

  • Momi (mòmi), voracious; greedy.

    Momimomi (mòmimòmi), very voracious.

    Momiraga (mòmiràga), voracity.

  • Momiohou, small; stunted. 2. Of little importance; of small consequence; said of men.

  • Momoa (momòa), see under moa.

  • Momoari (momoàri), the point of a lance.

    Momoari matatau, the point of a lance. 2. The name of a crustacean fish.

  • Momoari-tatarore, the name of a fish.

  • Momoe (momòe), see under moe.

  • Momoho, see under moho.

  • Momomomo (mòmomòmo), a chief; a gentleman. 2. A descendant or relative of the king. 3. A master.

  • Momona (momòna), grease; fat.

  • Momono (momòno), a public granary or store; a general pit or hole in which food is placed.

  • Momori, see under mori.

  • Momotu, see under motu.

  • Momotu-ahi (momòtu-àhi), a fire-brand. 2. A torch. Cf. motu and ahi.

  • Momua (momùa), before; in front; before all. Heretofore; previously. Cf. mua, matamua, matakomua, &c.

  • Momuri (momùri), after; behind; in past time.

  • Monikura (mònikùra), a liar; a deceiver. (Doubtful).

  • Monunu, to suffer in the inward parts of the body. 2. Pain in the internal parts with no external signs.

    Akamonunu (aka-manùnù), to wound. 2. To bruise or blacken the skin slightly.

  • Morari (moràri), flat; flattened; said of the bridge of the nose.

    Morarirari (moràriràri), very flat.

  • Moraro (moraro), below; down; under. Cf. raro, moruga, &c.

  • More, shoot or sprout from the trunk or branch of which cords are made from the bark. 2. A young plant or young tree that is straight and vigorous.

    Moremore (mòremòre), a dull heavy pain in the nose.

    Akamore (aka-mòre), to decapitate; to behead. 2. To cut off pieces of wood, the horns of cattle, &c. Plural aka-moremore (aka-mòre-more).

  • Mori (mòri), a bastard; illegitimate. 2. A candle; a taper; wax.

    Momori, to eat in secret.

    Moriga (morìga), a simple pattern of a mat in which the tissue is not crossed. 2. A small feast; a minor festival.

    Morimoriga (mòrimòriga), the ceremony at the birth of the king's first-born.

  • Moriki (morìki), to sprinkle linen which one irons. 2. Papyrus.

  • Moro (mòro), dry; withered. 2. A term of mockery,

    Akamoro, to cause to dry; to dry up.

  • Moru (mòru), invisible; hidden. 2. A fishing net. 3. A louse found on the head.

  • Moru, secretly.

  • Morua, to enlarge itself; to widen; as a wound.

  • Morua (morùa), to sink (with too much weight); to be lowered. 2. Disappeared; swallowed page 55 up. Cf. rua. 3. To plunge, as water over a cataract. 4. Not to be effective; inoperative; said of promises or speeches. 5. To lose vigour; to perish; said of plants. 6. A swelling that has disappeared. Moruarua (morùarùa), plural of the action; momorua (momorùa), plural of the subject

  • Moruga (morùga), upon; above; over. Higher. Cf. ruga and moraro.

  • Moruku, to descend; one who descends. Cf. ruku.

  • Moruku (morùku), to lean; not to be level. Morukuruku (morùkurùku), plural of the action; momoruku, plural of the subject.

    Akamoruku (aka-morùku), to have an acute inclination; a very steep pitch; leaning very much. Plural aka-morukuruku.

  • Mota, a term applied to the latest-born of a family.

  • Motae (motàe), yellow, only applied to the stalk of bread-fruit which is not quite bad but becoming so.

  • Motaha, a desert; a wide uninhabited place.

  • Motahu, any child born after the eldest; a cadet. 2. Royal abortions deified through the greediness of the akarata (sorceress).

  • Motamotamòtamòta), a small species of coconut palm.

  • Moteaka (motèaka), pale; blanched with sickness. Cf. tea, teaka.

  • Motetea, dashed with white; mingled with white; shaded off from white. 2. A white skin. Cf. tea.

  • Motire (motìre), Lord, applied to deity only. 2. The royal staff; sceptre. 3. To crack or yield under the force of the wind.

  • Moto (mòto), robust; strong; well made; big and fat; said of men. 2. Not to be ripe; raw; green. 3. To mix bread-fruit into a paste. 4. A blow of the fist; to give a blow with the fist. Cf. tumoto. Of No. 4 motomoto (mòtomòto), is plural of the action; momoto (momòto), plural of the subject.

    Motomoto (motòmoto), said of good food (maa) well prepared and of pleasant savour. Also said of the smooth firm skin of a baby about three or four months old.

  • Motoe (motòe), to go elsewhere; to travel to some other place; to change one's country or dwelling. Momotoe (momotòe), plural of the subject.

  • Motoi (mòtòi), a fishing rod; a stick to which the fishing-line is attached. 2. The name of of a running or trailing plant. 3. To bend; to be pliant; supple; said of men. Plural motoitoi (motòitòi).

    Aka-motoi (aka-mòtoi), to be in the centre of a row or layer; the centre, said of timber, poles, and branches. Aka-motoitoi (aka-mòtoitoi), plural of the action (and shewing longer duration than aka-motoi), it is also plural of the subject.

  • Motoi-takao, to slander; to backbite. To spread rumours or gossip.

  • Motoki (motòki), the name of a climbing plant.

  • Motoro (motòro), a natural child of whom the conception is not known until after the marriage of the mother; a bastard.

    Motorotoro (motòrotòro), one who glides in or steals in at night. 2. A shameful crime. Cf. aka-torotoro. 3. To go and seek for.

  • Motu (mòtu), an island; an islet. 2. A rock or rocks above a certain height. 3. To be broken; to be cut; said of cords, ropes, thread, &c. Cf. temotutemotu, tomotu.

    Motu, to cut up a piece of meat. Motumotu, plural of the action; momotu, plural of the subject. 2. A small piece of unworked land between two cultivated plots.

    Motua, an exclamation, Broken! Snapt!

    Momotu, to cut; said of cords, threads, cloth, also of food (maa) of which a part is cut off to be taken away in a package. 2. To break into many pieces. Momotu-ahi, a fire-brand.

    Motua (mòtùa), a fire-brand carried for the sake of keeping fire going on a journey, or for making another fire; to carry such firebrand. Motuamotua (motùamotùa), plural of the action; momotua (momotùa), plural of the subject.

    Motuaaga, a small islet.

    Motumotuhaga (òtumòtuhàga), an island.

  • Motua (motùa), father. 2. Uncle. 3. See under motu. Cf. motuaagai, motuaiti.

  • Motuaagai (motùaagai), foster-father; an adoptive father. Cf. motua and agai.

  • Motuaiti, an uncle, up to the fifteenth degree. Cf. motua and iti.

  • Motuhara (mòtuhàra), bruised, scratched, said of a member of the body.

  • Motukerokero, the name of an islet close to Makaroa.

  • Motuo, a silent person; one who will not speak.

  • Motuteiko, the name of an islet close to Makaroa.

  • Motutui, one who has nothing to do; a lounger; stroller.

  • Motuturua, the name of an islet close to Makaroa.

  • Mou (mòu), to quench the thirst. Ku mou teito toku matevai: My thirst is altogether assuaged. Moumou (mòumòu), plural of the action; momou (momòu), plural of the subject.

    Akamou (aka-mòu), to quench the thirst; to satisfy. 2. To satisfy one's desires, &c. Plural akamoumou (aka-mòumòu). Akamou atu koe eki mea kai ki a tagata ara e, eki oge: Give a little food to that man, lest he be famished.

  • Mou (mòu), a mountain; a mountain peak. Cf. maga.

  • Mouku (moùku), a species of scented fern.

  • Mounu (moùnu), a bait. To bait; to allure. Mounuunu (moùnuùnu), plural of the action; momounu (momoùnu), plural of the subject.

    Mounuraga (moùnuraga), the action of decoying or baiting.

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  • Mouri (moùri), fear; trepidation; apprehension of punishment. Cf. uri. Dread of some shameful event happening, of a breach of the law, &c. To fear, &c.; to feel such trepidation. Mouriuri (moùriùri), plural of the action; momouri (momoùri), plural of the subject.

    Akamouri (aka-moùri), to frighten; to suddenly startle. Aka-mouriuri, plural of the action; aka-momouri, plural of the subject.

  • Mua (mùa), a point; extremity. 2. First; premier; before all. Cf. tamaaomua. 3. Before. It is placed after verbs, substantives, and adjectives. Before mai it means one who has arrived first; before atu it signifies to precede. Cf. momua, matakomua, matamua.

    Muamua (mùamùa), the end; the extremity of the length of a body.

  • Muamuakega (mùamùakèga), the name of a fish.

  • Muani (muàni), to arrange; to dispose of. 2. To straighten; to put to rights; to redress. 3. To husband; to economize. 4. To take care of; foster; to pay attention to. 5. To work with carefulness and care. Muaniani (muàniàni), plural of the action; mumuani (mumuàni), plural of the subject.

  • Muaveva (mùaèva), to lavish; to waste; not to economize or spare. Cf. veva.

  • Muhu, to frighten the fish; to talk when in the water fishing.

  • Muhu (mùhu), an odour; scent; smell.

    Muhumuhu (mùhumùhu), a diminutive of mùhu.

    Muhumuhu, to turn the nose towards; to smell.

  • Muhutea (mùhutèa), the name of a fish.

  • Mui (mùi), to look at with attention and with importunity. 2. To look at through a window. 3. To surround a person so as to get speech with him; to crowd about a speaker. Muimui (mùimùi), plural of the action; mumui (mumùi), plural of the subject. Cf. amui.

    Aka-muimui, to augment; to exaggerate.

    Muiga (muìga), the action of the verb mùi. 2. A festival lasting a long time in honour of a dead person.

  • Muko (mùko, a point; extremity of a thing which diminishes or grows fine towards the point. 2. The highest shoot of a plant, &c. 3. The tip of the nose.

    Mukomuko (mùkòkòka), to grow; increase.

  • Mukokoka (mukòkòka), a disease of or accident to the anus.

  • Mumohua (mumohùa), to eat coco-nut soaked in water.

  • Mumu (mùmu), a fool; an idiot; imbecile. A booby. Cf. katamu.

    Akamumu (aka-mùmu), to become an idiot. 2. To make a fool of.

  • Muna (mùna), an affliction of the posterior parts sent by the gods because the offender has gone to stool (evacuated his bowels) near his home. Cf. mau and aka-mau. 2. A kind of cutaneous disease covering the whole of the skin.

    Munamuna (mùnamùna), to be timid. 2. Wanting in assurance and hardihood.

    Munamuna, one who eats quickly. 2. To feel ashamed; to stammer and stutter.

    Munamunaraga (mùnamùnaràga), timidity; bashfulness.

  • Mure (mùre), to be finished; to have nothing remaining. Cf. muri. Mure-a-to, to have no more food left.

  • Muri (mùri), behind; after; in the rear. Cf. mamuri, komuri, matamuri, aka-tamuri, mure, okikomuri.

  • Muri-atu, to follow; to go after a person; to come after.

  • Muri-mai, to follow; to go or come after the person who speaks.

  • Muro (mùro), to be voracious; gluttonous. 2. To speak little; to cast down the eyes; to love to be alone.

    Muromuro (mùromùro), to be very voracious; to eat with avidity.

  • Mutie (mutìe), an indigenous dog-grass or quitch-grass.

  • Mutotoheke, an injurious expression; a curse. Cf. toto and heke.

  • Mutu (mùtu), to keep silence; mute. 2. To cease, to leave off (applied in all senses). 3. To drop, said of the wind; to leave off blowing. Mutumutu (mùtumùtu) is the plural of the action; mumutu (mumùtu), plural of the subject.

    Mutuga (mutùga), the action of keeping silence.

    Akamutu (aka-mùtu), to impose silence. Akamutumutu (aka-mùtumùtu), plural of the action; akamumutu (aka-mumùtu), plural of the subject.

  • Mutumutunoa (mùumùtu - nòa), to speak rarely; taciturn.

  • Muutea, the name of a fish.