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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)



  • I, a sign used to denote the indefinite past tense of a verb.

  • I, to; to the.

  • I, to taint; to spoil; to become corrupt.

  • Ia, he; she; it; him; her. Cf. koia. 2. A sign of the dative before proper names. I aku, to me; for me; in my possession. It also means “to my sexual organs.”

  • Ia, a particle of affirmation.

  • Iapo, the name of a plant now extinct. It gave one of its ancient names (Raroiapo) to Akamaru.

  • Ieie, brown bread. Bad paste or porridge made of spoilt bread-fruit.

  • Ieha, see ihea.

  • Iga, a fall; a tumble. To fall.

  • Igahu, vanquished; to be defeated.

  • Igaia, the time answering to the (southern) January.

  • Igaimonuka, great mortality; a large loss of life. Cf. igamaroro.

  • Igairuaroa(igairuaróa), a great dressing of victuals; a large quantity of food.

  • Igamaroro (igamaròro), a pestilence; a great mortality. Cf. igaimonuka.

  • Igaroatuarae, of old; in other days. (Probably for i-garo-atu-tua-ragi).

  • Igoa, a name; appellation.

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  • Aka-igoa, to name; to call. To give an appellation.

  • Igogo (igògo), the pupil of a heathen priest. 2. Initiation into religious mysteries; to make a priest by initiation and ceremonies. 3. To draw, to draw up, as water. To imbibe.

  • Iha, to bend; to stretch. Stretched out. 2. To make a grimace. Plural ihaiha. 3. Light, cramping, said of dress.

    Akaiha (aka-ìha), to stretch; to tighten. Akaihaiha, plural of action. Also to make very tense, very tightly stretched.

  • Ihako, to cast a hook in fishing for hako.

  • Ihe, the name of a fish.

  • Ihea (or ieha), where? Where is it? Ihea nei, where is it then?

  • Iheihe (ìheìhe), to welcome; to show oneself pleased with a visitor.

  • Ihi-iii, perplexed; intricate. Cf. hihi.

  • Ihiaki, to have an old grudge against one person of a family and not against another.

  • Iho, a piece; a portion. 2. An end-piece; the long syllable at the end of a song. Cf. io, okiiho, oniiho.

  • Ihu, the nose. Cf. mataihu. 2. One who dives deep. 3. To be submissive; subdued; conquered. Kua ihu, he has ceased to persist.

  • Ihumoko, short of breath, from deep diving.

  • Iikotara, the name of a bird.

  • Ika, fish (generally). Cf. ikapuga, raveika, and kouika. 2. Moss. 3. Mouldiness; damp. 4. A reed used to pass the cord of a mesh in making nets.

    Akaika (aka-ika), to go to catch fish. 2. An ornament, used in ancient times.

  • Ika (ìka), to make fire by friction of wood. See hika.

  • Ikaiara, a quarrel.

  • Ikaka (ikàka), a fœtus delivered within five months after conception.

  • Ikapuga (ìkapùga), fish that gather in shoals in shallow water.

  • Ikaro (ikàro), to collect; to gather together.

  • Ikatamamea (ikatamamèa), to be angry because another has handled his property.

  • Ikatekehu (ikatekèhu), niggardly; penurious.

  • Ikatu, the name of a fish which arrives in shoals to deposit its eggs on the beach.

  • Ike, the mallet with which papyrus is beaten in the making of native cloth.

  • Ikei (ìkèi), to rise; to get up. To appear, as stars. Ikeikei, plural of the action; iikei, plural of the subject.

  • Ikere (ikère), a sudden and violent flow of blood. 2. To run; to flow (as water, &c.) Ikerekere, plural of the action.

    Ikerekere, to boil up; to issue as a spring of water.

  • Iki, a strip, as of ribbon. A term used in making mats.

  • Iko (ìko), to deprive; to bereave. Cf. aka-koiko. 2. To retrench; to curtail. 3. To take off, to remove, as clothes. 4. To lift; to raise. 5. To rebuke; to find fault. 6. To refuse. Ikoiko, plural of the action; iiko, plural of the subject.

  • Ikoga, a fainting fit; a swoon; to faint. Plural of verb, ikoikoga.

  • Ikoura (ikoùra), a keepsake; a souvenir; a present; a gift. Particularly a present made through a third person to a foreigner or the inhabitant of some other island.

  • Iku, the moon. 2. The tail of a fish. 3. The end of a thing. 4. A wave of the sea rising after a calm. 5. A gentle breeze.

    Ikuiku, a slight soft wind; a zephyr. 2. The end of a thing.

  • Ikuavi (iku-a-vì), arrow-pointed; in a point; pointed.

  • Ikumoko, to fall drop by drop.

  • Inaga (inàga), the name of a very small fish.

  • Inagaro, see aka-inagaro.

  • Inaho, a large family or tribe.

  • Inaina (ìnaìna), to warm oneself. 2. A torch; flambeau.

    Akainaina (aka-inaina), to warm oneself. 2. To warm up again, as food. To dry (as clothes) in front of the fire or in the sun.

  • Inaki, a basket for catching fish. 2. A portion; food eaten with some other food, as cheese is with bread.

    Akainaki (aka-inàki), to obtain; to procure. 2. To give a thing to be eaten with other food as a relish.

  • Inano, the male pandanus or screw-palm.

  • Inau, “No,” said in answer to questions concerning morals, or to questions about irrelevant matters or absent people. Ku inau, he said “No”; he refused.

  • Inauia, certainly not. See inau.

  • Inei (inèi), an exclamation: Oh, really!

  • Inenahi, yesterday.

  • Inepo, last night.

  • Ini (ìni), to read; to recite a prayer, a lesson, &c. Iniini, plural of the action; iini, plural of the subject. Iniini te verovero, te vero, te vero; To recite right through to the end. Cf. hini.

  • Iniini, a grasshopper; locust.

  • Initakao, to recite. Cf. ini and takao.

  • Inohi, a piece of wood used as a spoon or a fork.

    Inohinohi, a piece of wood used to convey food to the mouth.

  • Inohi (inòhi), to take food on a piece of wood used as a fork.

  • Inoi (ìnoi), to ask for; to beg for; to demand. Plural inoinoi.

    Inoinoi, to beg for with importunity.

    Inoiraga, a request; petition.

  • Inoino, a line pulled by the fish when hooked.

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  • Inu, to drink. Inuinu denotes longer action than inu.

    Aka-inu, to make a person eat plentifully of the liquid popoi (paste or porridge.)

  • Io, in one's house; at the home of; near by. Cf. noho-io and iho.

  • Ioio (ìoìo), fine, delicate, said of mats and of carefully made thatch of pandanus leaves.

    Aka-ioio (aka-ìoìo), to weave in a fine mode, said of mats. 2. To cut wood into small pieces. 3. To make thin or fine; to dilute; to weaken. 4. To perish; to decline; to waste away.

  • Iore, a thief; a robber.

  • Ipo, married people.

  • Ipoko, the head of a man, of an animal, or of a fish. Cf. upoko and aka-ipokonui.

  • Ipoko-kore (fig.), a man without a head, i.e., without any foresight or sense of order or fitness.

  • Ipora (ipòra), to receive a thing with the arms outstretched. Plural iporapora (ipòrapòra).

    Iporaga, the act of receiving in the outstretched arms.

  • Ipu, a calabash; a gourd for carrying liquids, &c.

  • Ipuipu (ìpuipu). a live coal. 2. Suffocating heat which becomes unbearable. 3. Trouble-some; embarrassing.

    Akaipu (aka-ìpu), a sore which is formed and suppurates at the entrance of an organ, as of the mouth or vagina.

    Akaipuipu (aka-ìpuìpu), a fire without flame; to make a fire without flame or smoke, as for grilling meat.

  • Ira (ìra), a skin disease; dark spots or patches on the skin.

  • Irago (iràgo), to join hands; to unite to catch anything. Plural iragorago (iràgoràgo). Iragoga, the action of thus receiving.

  • Iramutu (iramùtù), a nephew or niece.

  • Ireira, there; thither.

  • Irere, to flow, to run, said of things which pass over a cloth. Cf. rere. 2. A hole formed in a flowing material is also called irere.

  • Iri, a nest. 2. A joker; pleasant; humourous.

    Iriiri, pleasant. Tekao iriiri, pleasant conversation.

  • Iri (ìri), to roll oneself; to tumble; to wallow. 2. Placed in a higher position than the observer, as a box on a high shelf. Cf. kairiki-ruga. Iriri (irìri), plural of the action of the verb (1). Iriga, action of iri.

  • Iria (irìa), bearded; bearded to the ears, to the temples.

  • Irigama, the season answering to (southern) October.

  • Iripake (iripàke), the name of a fish.

  • Iritoke (iritòke), an earthworm. Cf. toketoke.

  • Iro, a worm found in the body, or in food. Cf. gairo and iroi.

    Aka-iro, to allow a thing to rot and breed worms or maggots.

    Akairoiro (aka-ìroìro), to bound; to jump for an instant, but many times.

  • Iro (irò), this word is not found except in its causatives, &c.

    Akairoga (aka-iròga), a mark; a sign; to mark. Cf. iròa. 2. A small man.

  • Iro, to make a cord or line in the native manner by twisting on the thigh.

  • Iroa (iròa), “I do not know”; “I am ignorant of it.” Cf. aka-iròga.

  • Iroi, to roll oneself about; to make contortions. Cf. iro. Iroiroi, plural of the action. Iroìga, contortions; writhings.

  • Irokopapa (irokopàipa), a worm in bread-fruit paste.

  • Iroro (iràro), an expression of hatred.

  • Ita (ita), stuck; adhering; glued on. To adhere.

    Itaita (itaita), strongly adhering; firmly stuck together.

  • Ita, to debate; to discuss; to argue.

  • Itaka (itàka), hard, tough, said of flesh on account of its leanness. 2. To have eyes looking heavy from want of sufficient sleep. Plural itakaitaka. 3. The eyes that look heavy from want of sleep.

  • Ite (ìte). to stretch oneself out; to reach out; to extend. 2. To be bruised in falling, said of fruit. Plural, itete (itète).

  • Iti, little; small. Cf. motuaiti, oupoiti, teiti and totitititi.

    Akaiti (aka-ìti), to make small; to diminish.

    Akaitiga (aka-ìtiga), the action of making small.

    Akaitiiti, to make very small.

    Akaitiaga, charity; compassion; alms. To lend; a loan.

  • Iti, anything which jumps or leaps. Cf. hiti.

  • Itiga, the summit of a hill. Cf. iti, little.

  • Itike, surprise; a movement of surprise (Cf. iti, to leap); to be surprised; to marvel. 2. To admire.

  • Itimororo, to cause a fish-hook, by the influence of the gods, to catch fish.

  • Ito, the name of a fish. Also maitoito.

  • Itogo, a fork; spoon. Cf. itògo.

  • Itogo (itògo), to poke or prod a person with the finger. Plural itogotogo (ìtògotògo).

    Itogoraga (itogoràga), the action of prodding with the finger. Cf. itoko.

  • Itoito (ìtoìto), soft and pretty white cloth.

  • Itoko, a stick or pole for pushing or thrusting a raft along.

  • Itu (for hitu), seven.

  • Iva, a stranger; a person from another district or country.

  • Iva, nine.

  • Ivaiva, hard; harsh; severe.

    Akaivaiva (aka-ìvaìva), to displease; to offend. 2. To detest; to abhor. Akaivaiva tutu marie: to detest beyond words.

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  • Ivi (ivi), a hillock; small hill. Plural iviivi.

  • Ivi (ìvi), family; genealogy. 2. A parent. 3. Allied; related. Plural iviivi (ìviìvi).

  • Ivikaki (ìvikàki), the neck; the bone of the neck. Cf. koivi, kaki. 2. The neck of a garment.

    Akaivikaki (aka-ìvikàki), to put a neck portion to a shirt, &c., in making it. Aka-iviivikaki (aka-ìviìvikaki), plural of action.

  • Ivitua (ivìtùa), the back; the backbone. 2. A pain in the back.

    Aka-ivitua, to carve out; to cut into a shelving ridge, like the back of a beast.

  • Ivituapa (ivitùiapa), strong; robust. 2. A carrier; a porter.

  • Ivituapiko (ivitùapìko), a vault; arch; curved. See next word.

  • Ivituapu (ivituapù), a hunchback; humpbacked.

  • Ivituapue, humpbacked.