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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)



  • Ha (), four.

  • Ha, prohibited; set aside; sacred. Ex. E ha akariki, e ha tahura, e ha tupapaku? Are the bread-fruits made tapu on the lands of the king, of priests, or of deceased persons?

  • Haapao, to watch; to be one one's guard.

  • Haau, to fasten; to make fast.

  • Hae (hàe), to tear; to rend. Cf. parehahae. 2. To bark; to strip. 3. To exceed; to surpass. Unequal; out of unison. 4. Longer on one side than the other, said of a garment. 5. To shock; to strike against. Plural haehae. Plural of the subject, hahae (hahàe). Cf. gahae, hahai, and aae.

    Haehae (hàehàe), to tear cloth or tissue. 2. To strip off bark.

    Akahaehae (aka-hàehàe), bustle; confusion. 2. To attempt; to try. 3. To tempt; to offer a bait.

  • Haga (hàga), work; labour. To work. Plural hagahaga (hàgahàga).

  • Haga (hàga), the name of a fish. 2. A wicker basket in the form of a cask, used for catching fish. Cf. mohani. 3. A measure of six feet in length. Plural hagahaga (hàgahàga).

  • Hago (hàgo), the hole of a snake or eel in the ground.

  • Hagu, to murmur. Cf. guha and guguru. Plural haguhagu (hàguhàgu).

    Haguna (hagùna), the noise of the sea on the reef or islets in calm weather.

  • Haha (hàha), the mouth. Cf. pahaha, reohaha. 2. An exclamation of admiration: Hàha!

  • Haha, to seek for one's father, mother, or children in any place that is not their proper home. (Not used in any other sense.)

  • Hahaha (hahàha), an exclamation of surprise.

  • Hahahaha, an exclamation of correction.

  • Hahai, to dispute; to quarrel. Cf. hae and haihai.

  • Hahaki, to detach a fruit from the branch. 2. To gather fruit with the hand. Plural hakihaki (hàkihàki).

  • Hahana (hahàna), warmth; heat. To make a thing hot. 2. To ask for food persistently and often. Of. mahana.

    Akahana (aka-hàna), to put a thing back in the oven to be cooked; to cook a second time to save the food from turning putrid. 2. To cook again a thing badly cooked at first.

  • Haharo (hahàro), to polish; to rub. 2. To make pandanus leaves supple and pliant for weaving mats. Plural haroharo (hàrohàro).

  • Haharua (haharùa), the name of a fish.

  • Hahave (hahàve), a kind of crayfish.

  • Hahi (hàhi), a packet or bundle of fish enveloped in leaves. To wrap up in leaves. Hahihi, plural of the subject.

  • Hahipu (hàhi-pu), a bundle of kneaded food.

  • Hahu (hàhu), to bite the fruit of the pandanus (said of that fruit only).

  • Hai (hài), the name of a fish.

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  • Hai, to take into consideration; to estimate. To measure. Ex. Na te hai atu ki te etua; In the estimation of the god.

    Haiga, the action of estimating or judging. E haiga, it often is.

    Haihai, to measure. Haihaiga, a measure.

  • Haihai, the evening. 2. An omen; augury. 3. Correction; chastisement. Cf. hahai.

  • Hakaema, a recital. To recite.

  • Hakaemana, to skip with a rope. See hakemania.

  • Hakapuhenua, to provision; to victual a place.

  • Hakapukanekai, to add to the store of food.

  • Hakauhe, to go and search about for food.

  • Hakemana, to skip with a cord. See hakaemana.

  • Hamahamai, to move; to stir; to shake (said only of inanimate things).

  • Hami, a girdle with which men cover the private parts.

  • Hamu (hàmu), to eat scraps or leavings. Hamuhamu (hàmuhàmu), plural of the action; hahamu (hahàmu), plural of the subject.

  • Hana, perhaps; perchance.

  • Hana (as heat). See hahana.

  • Hanau (hanàu), to be born; brought into the world.

    Hanauga (hanàuga), birth. 2. Children; family. 3. Nephews; nieces.

    Hanauraga, birth; the action of being born.

    Akahanau (aka-hànàu), to deliver a woman in childbirth; parturition. Plural aka-hanaunau (aka-hanàunàu).

  • Hanau-rua, twins. See hanau and rua.

  • Hanautama, place to which women retire to sleep or in the time of their monthly courses.

  • Hanauvero, to have a miscarriage.

  • Hao, to enclose; to surround. 2. To throw oneself on; to fall upon.

    Hahao (hahào), to envelope; to encase; to put a thing into a box or sack.

    Akahao (akahào), to cause to slope or lean slightly.

  • Haohao (hàohào), to spill; to pour out. To pour from one vessel into another, as in decanting liquids.

  • Hapu, to break to pieces in falling. Plural hapuhapu.

  • Hapu (hàpu), to throw out water from the mouth, said of the squid or octopus. Plural hapuhapu (hàpuhàpu).

  • Hara (hàra), a bunch of pandanus fruit. 2. Old pandanus. Of. ara, puhara.

  • Hara (hàra), a fault; a mistake; an error. Cf. haramaro, pahara. 2. A dispute; a quarrel. 3. Undisciplined.

  • Hara, to be awake; wakened. Cf. ara and kiàra.

  • Harakina, to crackle, said of a fire. 2. To clap; to crack; to make a noise. Plural haraharakina.

  • Haramaro, that which does not reach the mark, which does not fulfil its purpose. To miss one's aim. See hara, a fault.

  • Hare (hàre), a house; a dwelling. Cf. areumu, haremanu, &c.

    Akahare (aka-hàre), to make a house for oneself. Plural aka-harehare (aka-hàrehàre).

  • Hareioio, a house of thickly-placed leaves.

  • Haremanu (hàremànu), a cage; a pen. Cf. hare and manu.

  • Harepoatu (hàre-poàtu), a house built of stones. Cf. poatu.

  • Harepure (hàre-pùre), a temple; a place of worship. Cf. pure.

  • Hareraraga (hàre-raràga), a temple ornamented with garlands, &c.

  • Harerouhara (hare-rouhàra), a house of pandanus leaves. See hàra.

  • Haretagata (hàre-tagàta), a house in which the leaves of which it is made are not thickly set.

  • Haretoka (hàre-tòka), a house of lime and wicker-work. Wattle-and-dab.

  • Haretupouri (hàre-tupoùri), a place of confinement; a prison.

  • Harevaravara, a house in which the reeds are not very close set.

  • Hari, the god presiding over fishes.

  • Hari, to convey heavy goods.

  • Haro (hàro), to sigh deeply, on account of illness.

    Haroharo (hàrohàro), to heave frequent sighs.

  • Hatahata (hàtahàta), to be large; broad; wide; spacious. Cf. pohatahata. 2. To be at one's ease. 3. To be far off. 4. To be of far off degree, as of distant ancestry. Cf. ata, koata, kohata, kouhata, puata, puhata.

  • Hati (hàti), to break a piece of wood; to break down. Cf. rahati and reohati. Plural hatihati (hàtihàti).

    Hahati (hahàti), to break a piece of wood; to break off a branch.

    Hahatiraga (hahàtiràga), the place in which a thing is broken.

    Hatiga (hatìga), breakings; breakers; the surf on a reef. 2. The joints of the limbs. 3. The corner of a house. 4. The collection of tribute or taxes.

    Hatihatiga, the joint or articulation of a limb.

  • Hatipua (hàtipùa), the breaking of a wave. See hati and pua.

  • Hatuhatu (hàtuhàtu), to fold with care; to put into many pleats or folds. See atu. Cf. mahatu.

    Hahatu (hahàtu), to fold in one or two thicknesses.

  • Hau (hàu), the name of a tree of which the bark is used for making cordage. Cf. eau, kirihau. 2. Gall. Cf. au and eahu. 3. Respect. Cf. page 20 kouhau. 4. Fear. 5. Dew. Cf. aka-haumaku. 6. To blow, as wind; to breathe. 7. Noisy, blusterous, said of the wind only.

    Hahau (hahàu), to speak gently and to the purpose. 2. To tie, to join two things together with cords which interlace. Plural hauhau (hàuhàu).

  • Hau, to build; to erect.

  • Haumatapeau, a very large wave.

  • Haunanatahaga, not to know what to do.

  • He (), the name of an insect, a kind of locust, that devours the leaves of the coco-nut palm.

  • He (), yes. He, hoki, “yes, certainly.”

  • He (), to rave; to talk folly; to be delirious (said of sick people). Cf. hee.

    Hehe (hèhe), to wander in speech; to be delirious; crazy. Cf. hehe.

  • Hea, where? Cf. ea and kohea.

  • Hee, to wander; to have lost one's way. 2. To be beside oneself; to be wandering in mind. Cf. hè, heke, and hehe.

  • Hega (hèga), the name of a tree. 2. The creases or wrinkles on a new-born child.

  • Hegaga, a piece of wood placed along the walls of the house for the rafters to rest on.

  • Hegahega (hègahèga), flesh left at the side of the head of a fish when it is cut up.

  • Heguigui, to whisper; to speak low.

    Heguiguiga, whisperings.

  • Hehe, to lose one's way; to wander. See hè, hèhe, and hee. 2. A skin disease.

  • Hehe (hèhe), a saw. To saw. Plural hehehehe (hèhehèhe). 2. See under .

  • Hehe-pu, fever. 2. Sweat caused by sickness. Cf. heke-puhu.

  • Hehera (hehèra), to be bold; not to be shy or ashamed in public.

  • Heheruru, to vibrate; tremble. 2. The detonation of thunder or of a cannon; the noise of a falling rock. See ruru and heruru.

  • Heihei, to chase; to drive away; to exile.

  • Heke (heke), the octopus, poulpe.

  • Heke (hèke), to fall down; to fall to pieces. 2. To press down; to bear down; to weaken. Cf. heketoto and hekepuhu.

    Hekega (hekèga), a defeat; a lost battle.

    Akaheke (aka-hèke), to demolish; to cause to fall in pieces. 2. To beat down fruit or to cause it to fall down. Aka-hekeheke (akahèkehèke), plural of the action; aka-heheke (aka-hehèke), plural of the subject.

    Akahekeheke (aka-hèkehèke), to cause to boil. 2. To confer; to answer questions mutually.

  • Hekepuhu, flowing sweat; profuse perspiration. Cf. hehepu.

  • Hekepuroa (hèkepuroa), the name of a fish.

  • Heketoto (hèketoto), flowing blood. Cf. toto, hekepuhu.

  • Heko, to weep; to sigh and groan; to make lamentations. Ex. E heko ana, e utuutu porotu, a e tagi kuhane, e heko ana; He weeps, making melodious lamentations; as a kuhane bird sings, he weeps.

  • Hema, the left; the left hand.

  • Herahera (hèrahèra), gesticulation; waving of the hands.

  • Here (hère), an exclamation: “Look hexre!” “Catch hold!” 2. As a term of affection. Cf. aka-ereere.

  • Hereagaerere, having a numerous family.

  • Hero (hèro), to grow rancid, used of coco-nut. Plural herohero (hèrohèro).

  • Heru (hèru), to push away with the hands or feet. Heruheru (hèruhèru), plural of the action; heheru (hehèru), plural of the subject.

  • Heruru, detonation; vibration. See heheruru.

  • Heu (hèu), little hairs on the body. 2. Shaggy; hairy. Cf. taheu.

  • Heuheu (hèuhèu), to sketch out; to draught; to plan before commencing. 2. To roughly hew out a design.

  • Heva (hèva), to be mad; furious.

    Hevaheva (hèvahèva), to walk with boldness and pride; arrogantly.

  • Hi, to fish with a line. Ao i te ika hi; to go fishing. Cf. hipo.

  • Hia, see ehia and tokohia.

  • Hia (or ia), as a suffix, the mark of the passive voice.

  • Higa, see aka-higa.

  • Hihahiha (hìhahìha), dark brown, nearly black.

  • Hihi, to be without a guardian or support; an orphan.

  • Hihi (hìhi), to confuse; to be confused; perplexed. Cf. pehehihi, tahihi and ihi-iii. 2. To lose the thread of one's thoughts.

    Akahihi (aka-hìhi), to confuse; to tangle; to entangle cords, threads, &c., in confusion. Aka-hihihihi (aka-hìhihìhi), plural of the action.

  • Hihihihi (hìhihìhi), to take from the skin a scab caused by disease.

  • Hihika (hìhìka), ripe, said of all fruit except bread-fruit.

  • Hihiko (hìhìko), the end of the evening twilight.

  • Hihikotara (hìhìkotàra), the name of a fish.

  • Hihipohe (hìhìpòhe), the pilot fish of the shark.

  • Hihitinana (hìhìtinana), tendons; veins; arteries.

  • Hihivai (hìhìvài), a kind of crayfish. 2. A species of muræna, or eel.

  • Hika, to obtain fire by the friction of one piece of wood against another.

  • Hiki (hìki), to hold an infant in the arms or on the knees.

    Hikihiki (hìkihìki), as hìki, but with longer sustained action.

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  • Aka-hiki, to hold an infant in the arms or on the lap. 2. To carry a baby about to amuse it. Aka-hìkihìki, the same action longer sustained.

  • Hiki (hìki), to commence or finish making mats.

  • Hina (hìna), white or grey hair; to become grizzled; to have grey or white hair. Cf. mahina, aka-hinahina.

    Hinahina (hìnahìna), to have a great quantity of grey hair.

  • Hini (hìni), to recite; to read. Cf. ini.

  • Hinitakao, to recite.

  • Hinu (hìnu), grease; oil.

    Hinuhinu (hìnuhìnu), grease for the hair; to have the hair greasy.

  • Hipo, to fish with a line. Cf. hi.

  • Hira (hìra), frank and hardy.

    Hirahira (hìrahìra), very bold and hardy.

  • Hiri (hìri), to weave; to plait. 2. To joke; to jest. Hirihiri (hìrihìri), plural of the action; hihiri (hihìri) plural of the subject.

    Hiriga, the action of hiri.

  • Hiriga (hirìga), a gulf; an abyss.

  • Hirihiri (hìrihìri) to fish for turtle.

  • Hiro, to make thread by rolling filaments on the thighs, native fashion. Cf. koumiro.

  • Hirohiro (hìrohìro), the colie. 2. A movement of the body and clicking of the tongue to express disapproval or fear. Plural hihiro (hihìro).

  • Hita (hìta), movement of the limbs caused by the colic.

  • Hitahitaora (hìtahìta-ora), to be convalescent; recovered from illness. See ora.

  • Hiti (hìti), to think on; to remember. 2. To arrive at the top of a mountain. 3. To hop; to skip; said of fleas. Cf. kohitikura, takaiti and iti. 4. To change the subject or alter one's mode of speech suddenly. Cf. mehiti. 5. To appear, to rise, said of stars. Hitihiti, plural of the action (stars excepted); hihiti (hìhìti), plural of the subject (stars excepted). Cf. mahitihiti.

    Hitihiti (hìtihìti), eyes that are brilliant and sparkling; either naturally or through anger.

    Akahiti (aka-hìti), to give birth to thoughts. 2. To recall to mind certain things; to remember. 3. To conceive in the mind; to plan; to design. Akahitihiti (aka-hìtihiti), plural of the action.

    Akahihiti (aka-hihìti), bread-fruit that has commenced to ripen.

    Akahitihiti (aka-hìtihìti), arrived at maturity, said of the coco-nut only.

  • Hitike (hìtike), to be surprised; wonder-struck. To jump or make a movement of surprise. 2. To admire. Cf. hiti.

    Akahitike (aka-hìtike) to cause surprise in anyone. Aka-hitihitike (aka-hìtihìtike), plural of the action (to frequently cause surprise).

  • Hiu (hìu), to give way; to submit; to obey remonstrance. To amend one's conduct; to be reformed. Hihiu (hihìu), plural of the subject.

  • Hiva (hìva), a stranger in the country. 2. One without relatives. 3. The name of a superior kind of bread-fruit. 4. Small pimples thickly appearing on the face. 5. The itch; scab.

  • Hivahiva (hìvahìva), stern; unsmiling; said of the eyes.

  • Ho (), to startle the fish. 2. To squeeze a sore place, a wound; to press the deformed feet of a new-born child to straighten them.

  • Hoa, a friend. Cf. tautauhoa.

    Akahoa (aka-hòa), to make a friend of anyone.

    Akahoahoa (aka-hoahoa), to make friends. 2. To hang up; to suspend anything by a cord.

  • Hoa (in the sense of “to beat.” See tahoa.)

  • Hoaga, a fine volcanic stone used as a hone or sharpener; a grindstone.

  • Hoe (hòe) a paddle. Cf. raparapahoe. To paddle; to row. 2. To swim. 3. To till the soil.

  • Hoehoe (hòehòe), the peak of a mountain. Vaihòehòe, precipitous.

  • Hogohogo, a bad smell; a stench.

  • Hogohogo (hògohògo), to smell a bad odour now and then.

  • Hoha (hòha), famine; scarcity.

  • Hoho, to polish; to dress the surface of a thing. Plural hohohoho.

    Hohohoho, soft and smooth to the touch.

    Aka-hoho, to lick. 2. To kiss.

  • Hoho (hoho), to make known; to proclaim.

  • Hohogi, to share a little food among all those present.

  • Hohogo (hohògo), appetite; to have an appetite.

  • Hohonu (hohònu), high tide. 2. The deep sea.

  • Hohora (hohòra), to spread out clothes as a carpet cr in a heap on the ground. Cf. mohora. 2. To cover up a hole in the ground when used as a receptacle for food. Cf. tahora. 3. To fill a hole with earth. Plural horahora (hòrahòra).

  • Hohore (hohòre), the name of a fish. 2. To rough-hew. Cf. kahore, pahore, mohore.

  • Hohou (hohòu). See hòu.

  • Hoi, to be lean; miserable. To grow as a shoot (on a plant) that does not increase to full size. 2. To walk behind another.

  • Hoi (hòi), the name of a running plant having tubers like a potato.

  • Hokehoke (hòkehòke), the name of a fish.

  • Hoki (hòki), also; likewise. Perahoki, the same as; like. 2. To retrace one's steps; to return.

  • Homahoma (hòmahòma), to offer first-fruits to a deity.

  • Homehome (hòmehòme), the name of a fish.

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  • Hono (hòno), to join or fit pieces of wood together; to fit surfaces of stones together; to pave. 2. To piece out a substance with another piece of the same material. Plural honohono.

    Honoga (honòga), adjustment, said of the stitching of mats.

  • Honu, the turtle.

  • Hoo (hòo), the head.

  • Hooro, anything which passes rapidly along. Cf. horo, parahoro, and ohoro.

  • Hopu (see ohopu).

  • Hora (hòra), a sickness that affects people, making them go and come without apparent reason. 2. To be drowned; to drown oneself.

  • Hore (in the sense of “to skin”). See kahore and hohore.

  • Horehore (hòrehòre), the name of small fish. Cf. hohore.

  • Horipogi, to celebrate the ceremony named pogi. See pogi.

  • Horo (as “quickness”—see kihoro, hooro, ohoro, and oro).

  • Horo (hòro), to swallow; to swallow down. Cf. koromi. 2. To crumble down; to fall as earth; to slip as a landslip. Cf. òro. 3. To rain. Horohoro (hòrohòro), plural of the action; Hohoro (hohòro), plural of the subject.

    Akahoro (aka-hòro), to swallow. Cf. horopu. 2. To search; to seek for with assiduity.

    Akahorohoro, to search gropingly for something that cannot be seen.

  • Horoi (hòroi), a towel; a handkerchief. Cf. ruerue.

    Horohoroi (hòrohoròi), to wash the feet or hands. Cf. aka-horohoroirima, to pour water on the hands to wash them.

  • Horokautomata, an offering; a sacrifice.

  • Horopu (hòropu), to swallow at a gulp; to bolt food. Cf. hòro.

  • Horu (hòru), a derangement of the stomach; stomach-ache.

    Horuhoru, conflict; jarring; to be confused; agitated. Moana horuhoru, a tossing sea.

    Akahoruhoru (aka-hòruhòru), to be in great numbers.

  • Hota (hòta), a coral reef under water. 2. To be pressed upon; squeezed into. 3. Coarse; rough. Hòtahòta, denotes stronger action than hòta. Hohota (hohòta) plural of the subject.

  • Hoto (hòto), a fish-bone used as a lance-point. Cf. aka-moehoto. 2. The knob or ball formed in a coco-nut. 3. Small masts fitted on top of the ordinary masts.

    Hotohoto (hòtohòto), said of young cocos which appear large from the abundance of covering fibre but are small of themselves. 2. A rapid current which gushes or jets over the slightest obstacle in its way.

  • Hotuhotu (hòtuhòtu), large eyes.

  • Hou (hòu), a drill; a wimble; a borer; a gimlet; to pierce with a drill or borer. 2. To stir the ground with a fork. Cf. tihou. Houhou, plural of the action; hohou (hohòu), plural of the subject.

    Houhou, to probe the intentions or thoughts of another.

  • Hou (hòu), new. Cf. matahou, nikunikuhou, nioniohou, pohou and rapahou. 2. A large crop; abundance. 3. New bread-fruit.

    Aka-hou, to renew; anew; to make anew. 2. To cook up again.

  • Houaga, a canoe; a ship.

  • Hounuku, to fall in abundance. Ex. E hounuku ana te tuore; These abortive bread-fruits are falling all over the place.

  • Houpapa, stiff tough cloth or stuff.

  • Hourupe, a seat of dignity; a throne.

  • Houtu, to fall straight down. Perpendicular, said of a waterfall.

  • Hu, a cry, an exclamation of mockery. 2. An intensive exclamation to heighten the effect of a sentence. Hu e! a cheer. 2. To burst; to crackle; to snap.

  • Hu (), people; persons. Cf. manohu, matahu and tuahu. 2. Food (maa) placed in the ground (to ferment), and of which the upper portion is found to be spoilt.

  • Hua (hùa), to produce, said of trees, grain, &c. 2. To commence to recite a prayer and continue it with the assistant priests. Plural huhua (huhùa).

  • Huahua (hùahùa), pimples that cover the face.

  • Huaiti (hùa-ìti), retention of urine; stricture.

  • Huatu, a kind of banana that is only eaten when cooked. Cf. uatu.

  • Hue (hùe), the name of a fish. 2. A gourd; a calabash. The gourd plant.

  • Hue (hùe), to collect; to gather together. Huehue (hùehùe), plural of the action; huhue (huhùe), plural of the subject.

    Akahue (aka-hùe), to collect; to heap up. 2. To carry a crop of food stuff. 3. To gather together persons or things. 4. To recite a kind of song of joy and encouragement.

    Akahuehue (aka-hùehùe), to recite; to call out names and titles.

  • Huga (hùga), a piece of pandanus leaf cut short off from its row or line.

    Akahuga (aka-hùga), to bruise; to crush; to grind to atoms. Cf. kokùga.

    Hugahuga, a particle; a crumb; a tiny piece. 2. A portion of anything. 3. A small object; a small man; a dwarf.

  • Huhza (hùha), the buttocks; the breech. 2. The scrotum.

  • Huhahuha, a white pimple on the face.

  • Huhiga (hù - hìga), a vanquished people. Vanquished and exiled to the rocks.

  • Huhu (hùhu), a brush; a sweeping tool. To dust; to wipe off the dust. 2. To undo a running knot and fix it afresh. 3. To rake a garden-bed. Huhuhuhu (hùhuhùhu), plural of the action of verb.

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  • Huhua, see hua.

  • Huhuhu, to leave a thing to rot; to let it go to corruption.

  • Huhuke (hùhùke), the steam from a boiler or from a native oven.

  • Huhure (hùhùre), to work. 2. To unfold; to unroll. To open; to show. To uncover; to expose. Hurehure (hùrehùre), plural of the action.

  • Hui (hùi), dependant islands; outlying islands; members of a group. See huiika. Cf. huui, kahui.

    Huihui (hùihùi), to cover; to envelope.

    Huhui (huhùi), a tied-up bundle of fruit, or a bunch of fruit growing naturally on the tree, as in coco-nuts, bananas, &c.

  • Huiika (hùiìka), a bundle of fish. Cf. hui and ika.

  • Huka (hùka), the froth or foam of living creatures. Cf. tohuka.

    Hukahuka, strongly agitated by a gale, said of waves.

  • Huke, vengeance; revenge; to avenge. Hukemotua, to avenge a father.

  • Huke (hùke), to put earth lightly on a native oven already covered.

  • Huki, to pierce through, to show, said of flashes of lightning. 2. To bury a small piece of wood in the ground or in a soft body. 3. To hook down or pull down a fruit from the tree with a pole. 4. To be in labour; child-birth. 5. To dart; to lance; to make thrusts with a lance. 6. To be upheld by the faults of others; to thrive by others' mistakes. Hukihuki (hùkihùki), plural of the action.

  • Humi (hùmi), the dog-fish; a kind of shark.

  • Humu (hùmu), the name of a sea-fish.

  • Humuhumu (hùmuhùmu), short, well-made fingers.

  • Humutagaroa (hùmutagaroa), the name of a sea-fish.

  • Huna, see atahuna.

  • Hune (hùne), only used concerning yams or sweet potatoes spoilt by being planted in certain places.

  • Hurahura (hùrahùra), to be the first to arrive.

  • Huri (hùri), a plant; a shoot of a banana. Cf. hurita. 2. The name of a fish.

  • Huri (hùri), to turn on one side. 2. To roll, to turn over in the sense a stone and not a long body turns. Cf. mohuri, tahuri, tohuri, and touuri. 3. To pull; to draw as one draws the chain of coco-nut leaves in fishing. 4. To change one's clothes. 5. To admire oneself through vanity. 6. To steer; to turn; to veer, as a boat. Hurihuri (hùrihùri), plural of the action; Huhuri (huhùri), plural of the subject. Huria, let it be turned.

    Huhuri (huhùri), to turn away the eyes and refuse to speak, through dislike of a person.

  • Hurita (hurìta), the name of a species of banana.

  • Huru (hùru), the shape; the figure; the form. 2. The hair on the body. 3. A feather.

  • Huruhohonu, a spring tide; a very high tide. Cf. hohonu.

  • Hurupa (hurùpa), idle; lazy; inert; generally said of old people.

  • Hurutupu, the crown of the head.

  • Huti (hùti), to make a roof of pandanus leaves.

    Huhuti (huhùti), plural of the subject.

  • Hutihuti (hutihuti), to pull up; to extract; to draw out; spoken of feathers, hair, and plants only.

    Huhuti (huhùti), to pull out, said of roots.

  • Hutu (hùtu), the name of a tree.

  • Hu-tutae, to fire off a gun; to touch the vent with a linstock.

  • Huui (hùùi), the secondary islands of an archipelago; dependant islands. See hui.