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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)



  • Ta, an article, generally used concerning food. It is not used before a noun serving as nominative in a sentence, but it is used in the sense of “This is mine,” and is a genitive particle in matters relating to food, wife, and Husband It satnds sometimes in place of na, as Ta ku i haga, That which I do.

  • Ta, writing; a letter, an epistle. 2. The name of a fish. 3. The prayer of one newly arrived.

  • Ta (), to tattoo. 2. To write, 3. To suffer; to feel darting pains: said only of a wound or a sore, or of some injury to the skin. 4. To make a fish-hook. 5. To make a net. 6. To take the husk from a coco-nut. 7. To uncover; to see for the first time. 8. To clean or scour a high wall. 9. To cut young poles the bark of which is used for making cordage.

    Tata (tàta), to cut wood; to cut fruit with a slicing or chop, as bread-fruit is cut.

    Tata, to break, to open a coco-nut. 2. To be very sleepy.

    Tata, (tàtà), to navigate by sailing. 2. To set sail. 3. To raise, to set on high. 4. To draw a person along by the hand, the clothes, the hair, &c. 5. To be as crooked in mind as in person. Tatatata (tàtàtàtà), plural of the action; tatata (tatàtà), plural of the subject.

    Tatata, to persist in doing a certain action.

    Tatatata, to rave, to talk nonsense; to be delirious. 2. To be caught by the hair. 3. To set sail.

  • Taaki, excessively disobedient.

  • Taata, clear, bright; having openings; not joined together. Cf. ataata, hatahata, taataha.

  • Taataha, to cut up; to cut in pieces. To cut to pieces through rage or hatred. 2. To tear cloth or stuff.

  • Tae (tàe), to arrive; to attain; to reach. Taetae (tàetàe), plural of the action; tatae (tatàe), plural of the subject. 2. To equal; to make one's self equal to.

    Taega, a place that is the haunt of fish.

    Akatae (aka-tàe), to sound or plumb the depth of water; to measure the depth of soil. 2. To cause to come together; to make to touch. 3. To go far away. 4. To try to seize something that gives one trouble to catch. Aka-taetae (aka-tàetàe), plural of the action; akatatae, plural of the subject.

  • Taena (taèna), to touch or hit with the hands at any person or thing. Taetaena (taètaèna), plural of the action; tataena (tataèna), plural of the subject.

  • Taeroa, even; until; as far as.

  • Taeta (taèta), to fall drop by drop, as water from a rock. Cf. taetavai.

  • Taetavai, water spilt or shed naturally, but not forming a brook. Cf. taeta and vai.

  • Tagaepu (tagaèpu), a calabash having weak or soft skin. 2. A man of delicate constitution.

  • Tagahi (tagàhi), to be smooth to the touch; said of cloth, stuff, &c. Tagatagahi (tàgatagàhi), plural of the action; tatagahi (tatagàhi), plural of the subject.

  • Tagahue (tagahùe), to be just ripe, on the point of maturity: said of fruits.

  • Tagai (tagài), a mixture of the red fecula with the paste (maa) of bread-fruit.

  • Tagao (tagào), to drag, to draw along. 2. To drawl in speech. Tagaogao (tagàogào), plural of the action; tatagao (tatagào), plural of the subject.

    Tagaoraga (tagàoràga), slowness of action

  • Tagata (tagàta), a man or woman (homo).

    Akatagata (aka-tagàta), to make a present. 2. To make friends; Friendly.

  • Tagata (tàgatàga), of full size; of average size.

    Akatagataga, to be of average size.

  • Tagatamotua (tagàta-mòtua), adult men and women. Manu tagatamotua, a full-grown bird.

    Akatagatamotua (aka-tagàta-mòtua), to form a man; to bring a person up to manhood or womanhood.

  • Tagi (tàgi), a cry; a chant. To sing. 2. Weeping, lamentation; to weep, to lament, to sigh after, to desire, to regret. 3. The sound of a trumpet or of a bell, &c. 4. To make a noise.

    Tagitagi (tàgitàgi), a chant or song in which many voices join; it is accompanied by gesticulation, generally of an amorous or libidinous character.

    Akatagi (aka-tàgi), to sound; to chink; to ring; to resound; to re-echo. 2. To keep up a good fire in the native oven.

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  • Tago (tàgo), a piece of wood put crosswise to sustain the roof, under the beams.

  • Tago (tàgo), to search for something on the coral reefs at low tide.

    Tagotago (tàgotàgo), the same as tago, but more generally used.

  • Taguru, a word used concerning heavy rain. Ua taguru, heavy rain.

  • Tagutugutu, a kind of large fish.

  • Taha (tàha), near by; close. In the presence of. With; at home with. 2. Young; said of children and young people from about four years of age to nineteen. 3. A bird having down, not feathers. 4. A protection used at sea; a canoe-shield. 5. To go from the sea to shore, or from the beach toward the mountain side. 6. To guard or defend the fishing in a certain place. Tahataha, plural of the action; tataha (tatàha), plural of the subject.

    Akataha (aka-tàha), to shun, to avoid; to evade.

    Tahataha (tàhatàha), to cut into pieces, as meat, food, &c. 2. To open the pearl-oyster. 3. To widen a wound or sore to insert some foreign substance. 4. To make an autopsy. Aka-tahatataha (aka-tahatàha), plural of the action; akatataha (aka-tatàha), plural of the subject.

  • Tahaga, only; solely. Cf. nohotahaga. 2. The skin of a shark, or of the ume fish, used for polishing fish-hooks.

  • Tahaha (tahàha), to bear false witness; to slander; to calumniate in a most shameful way.

    Tahaharaga (tahàharàga), calumny; atrocious slander.

  • Tahaki, a name applied to a man with red hair and ruddy skin. Ared man who came in ancient days to Mangareva.

    Tahakihaki (tahàkihàki), to hear any one speak a long distance off and only imperfectly heard.

  • Tahara (tahàra), a young man or woman from eighteen to twenty-nine years old.

  • Tahataha. See under taha.

  • Tahatu (tahàtu), the portion of food yet remaining; the amount of work still to be done. Plural, tahatahatu (tahàtahàtu), 2. A creek; a bay; a cove. 3. A tribe.

  • Tahauri, bread-fruit that is ripe without appearing so. 2. The shock or encounter of waves. 3. To change, to disguise, to conceal. To disguise one's self. 4. To put to the account of another.

  • Tahe (tàhe), to run; to flow; to melt: said of grease, snow, &c. Tahetahe, plural of the action; tatahe (tatàhe), plural of the subject.

    Tahega (tahèa), marks made by flowing water. 2. The bed of a brook, &c. Plural, tatahega.

    Tahetahe (tàhetàhe), a fleshy man, with soft flabby muscles.

    Tahetahe, a flowing, running of liquid. 2. To have the monthly coursos (catamenia), of women. See under akatahe.

    Tahetahega (tàhetahèga), many little traces or signs that water has flowed in a certain place.

    Akatahe (aka-tàhe), to cause to flow or run. 2. To pour drop by drop. 3. To pursue a fugitive, or a fish. 4. To urge any one strongly to reveal a hidden matter. 5. To cause a person or thing to pass through some narrow, tight, or confined place. Mate-akatahe, a woman's monthly courses. Akatahetahe (aka-tàhetàhe), plural of akatahe.

  • Tahere (tahère), to skin bread-fruit for the second time, to render the food (maa) softer and nicer. Taherehere (tahèrehère), plural of the action; tatahere (tatahère), plural of the subject.

  • Tahetahe. See under tahe.

  • Tahetahega. See under tahe.

  • Taheu (tahèu), to delicately peel a fruit. 2. To weed a piece of ground imperfectly. Cf. heu. 3. To leave the roo's of grasses in the ground when weeding. Taheuheu (tahèuhèu), plural of the action.

    Taheuraga (taheuràga), the action of peeling or stripping delicately; the action of weeding imperfectly.

  • Tahi (tàhi), one; the number one. Cf. putahi, ketahi, kitahi; also tai and vehi-tahi. In moon-days (under marama), cf. tuatai, tutai.

  • Tahi (tàhi), to suffer, to feel sharp pains. Tatahi (tatàhi), plural of the subject.

    Tahiga (tahìga), the circumstance of suffering anguish or forment.

    Akatahiga (aka-tahiga), to disguise, to suppress the truth. 2. Equivocations; false excuses; to make excuses; to use subterfuge. Cf. tahihiga.

  • Tahiahai (tàhi-à-hài), to suffer torments; to be in anbearable pain. Cf. tahi and haihai. Tatahiahai (tatàhi-à-hài), plural of the subject.

    Tahiahairaga (tàhi-à-hàiga), the condition of being in torture.

  • Tahiga (tahìhiga), the sign of a place where food has been distributed. Plural tatahiga (tatahìga), 2. See under tahi.

  • Tahihi (tahìhi), to be entangled: said of lines and cords. 2. To be caught in a wood; tangled in a tree, as one's hair, &c. Tatahihi, plural of the subject.

    Tahihiga (tahìhiga), an excuse, a pretext for withdrawal. Cf. akatahiga, under tahi.

    Tahihiraga (tahìhiràga), the condition of being entangled or embarrassed.

    Tahihihihi (tahìhihihi), to be very much entangled; embroiled, embarrassed.

    Tahihihihiraga (tahìhihihiràga), the condition of being greatly embarrassed or perplexed.

  • Tahinagaro, the name of a fish.

  • Tahinoa (tàhi-nòa), a child abandoned by its parents. Cf. tahi and noa.

  • Tahoa (tahòa), to make the papyrus cloth by beating. Tahoahoa (tahòahòa), plural of the action; tatahoa, plural of the subject.

    Tahoga (tahòaga), the action of tahoa.

  • Tahora (Tahòra), to make a hole from six to twelve inches deep in the ground as a receptacle for food (maa). Cf. hohora.

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  • Tahorahora (tahòrahòra), to make a shallow hole in the ground. Tatahora (tatahòra), plural of the subject (also of tahòra),

  • Tahu (tàhu), a tenant farmer; a sub-cultivator.

  • Tahu (tàhu), to keep up a fire; to pay attention to a fire; to stir up a fire. Tahutahu (tàhutàhu), plural of the action; tatahu (tatàhu), plural of the subject.

    Tahuga (tahùga), the action of keeping up or poking up a fire.

  • Tahua (tahùa), a lot or collection of things properly classified and kept in order.

    Tahuahua (tahùahùa), well cooked and not burnt: said of maa.

  • Tahuga. See under tahu.

  • Tahuna (Tahùna), the shoals or sand-banks behind Aukena, to the east of the islands.

    Tahunahuna (tahùnahùna), a general term for shallows, shoals, sand-banks, &c. Cf. atahuna.

  • Tahunapapapapa (Tahùna-pàpapàpa), the name of a reef.

  • Tahuri (tahùri), to turn one's self; to be converted, changed. Cf. huri. 2. Disguised. Cf. tauri. 3. To lie, deceive. Tahurihuri (tahùri-hùri), plural of the action; (tatahùri), plural of the subject.

    Tahuriga (tahurìga), conversion; change of conduct.

    Akatahuri (aka-tahùri), to excuse one's self by throwing the fault on another person.

  • Tahuti (tahùti), to dissipate, to scatter; not to save or to put by. 2. To destroy through anger. 3. To turn topsy-turvy; to upset. 3. To sweep. 4. To throw about, right and left. Ex.: Na te tai i tahuti ki te ika, The sea sweeps the fish along, throwing them right and left. Tahutihuti (tahùtihùti), plural of the action; tatahuti (tatahùti), plural of the subject.

    Tahutiga (tahùtiga), the action of tahuti.

    Tahutihuti (tahùtihùti), to be restless, disquieted.

  • Tai (tài), the sea; the part of the ocean that washes the shore. Cf. kavatai, ranutai, taiehu, vaitai. 2. The edge of the sea. 3. Salt water. 4. Sometimes used instead of tahi, one, in composition. See days of moon (under marama), and cf. also matatai, ratongatai.

  • Tai. Kua tai te more. A ceremony of benediction.

  • Taia (tà-ìa), to be vanquished in a duel. Taiaia (taìaì), plural of the action; tataia (tataìa), plural of the subject. 2. To be underneath in a hand-to-hand struggle.

    Taiaga (taiàga), very bad; very wicked; good for nothing.

  • Taiehu, a troubled sea; broken water; a sea white as milk under the force of a tempest. Cf. tai and ehu.

  • Taigoregore (taìgòregòre), old; oldish; an old man. Old: said of trees.

  • Taihohonu (taihohònu), high tide. Cf. hohonu, tai, taimagoa.

  • Taihou (taihòu), a new generation. Cf. hou. 2. Posterity.

  • Taikitorea (tàikitorèa), a wreathing or interweaving of threads used to ornament the uprights of a doorway.

  • Taikoko, a huge wave, a billow.

  • Taikura (taikùra), a hurricane or tempest, when the sea is driven up over the low lands.

  • Taimagoa, low tide. Cf. taihohonu.

  • Taimea, heart-wood, wood without sap. 2. Seasoned timber.

  • Tainoka, ringworm of the scalp. 2. A plant without leaves. 3. A kind of yellowish fish, the pakoukou.

  • Taioko, salt.

  • Taiotikaro, the name of the beach in front of the priest's house in Aukena.

  • Taiparipari (taipàripàri), the breaking of a wave.

  • Taipiro, waves that roll gently without breaking. 2. A calm sea.

  • Tai-pua-hou, a sea that is beginning to be rough, beginning to roll.

  • Taipuku (tàipùku), shallows uncovered at low water.

  • Taire (taìre), to stretch out or lengthen a garment. Taireire (taìreìre), plural of the action; tataire (tataìre), plural of the subject.

    Tairega, the action of lengthening a garment.

  • Tairi, the name of the god of thunder and tempests.

  • Tairi, to beat; to whip; to flog with rods or cords.

  • Tairua (tàirùa), a brook; streamlet. 2. A ditch, a fosse. Cf. tai and rua. Plural, taitairua (tàitàirùa).

    Akatairua (aka-tairua), to dig a hole in the ground for a ditch, &c. 2. To furrow or groove the land here and there. Plural, akataitairua (aka-taitairua).

  • Tairuavai (tàirùa-vài), a brook; a ditch. Cf. tai, rua, vai, tairua.

  • Taitaia (tài-taìa), a sea which has left the low-water banks exposed, but which returns and covers them suddenly.

  • Taito (taìto), ancient, antique. 2. Ancestors in legendary times.

    Akataito (aka-taìto), ancient; of other days.

    Taitoito, expresses a sense less ancient than taito.

  • Taitoko (tàitòko), to keep throwing stones on stones. 2. Said also of a breakwater on which short waves constantly break. Taitaitoko (tàitàitòko), plural of the action; tataitoko, plural of the subject.

    Taitokoraga (tàitòkoràga), the action of taitoko

  • Taivava (tàivava), to leak in; to drip at the gutters or eaves.

  • Taivave (tàivàve), a sea with rolling waves; a heavy swelling sea. 2. A big billow; a huge rolling wave. Cf. tai and vave.

  • Taka (tàka), to break: said of the anchor or cable. 2. To be a-trip: said of the anchor; not to hold fast. 3. To do nothing but walk about. Cf. takai, takatua, koutaka. Takataka (tàkatàka), plural of the action; tataka (tatàka), plural of the subject.

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  • Takaraga (tàkaràga), the action of taka.

    Takataka (tàkatàka), to be handsome, well made.

    Akataka (aka-tàka), to polish, to brighten; to make level: said of pieces of wood, poles, &c., from which knots have been removed. 2. To fish all day or all night with the line. 3. To throw the fishing-line here and there. 4. To raise the delicate edges of the pearlshell. 5. To throw away from the pearl-shell all that is not wanted nor of value. 6. To have to keep one's bed for a long time through sickness. 7. To rough-hew a piece of timber, but to use one hand only in doing so. Akatakataka (aka-tàkatàka), plural of the action and subject.

  • Takahe (takàhe), to search diligently; to endeavour to procure anything. Takatakahe, plural of the action; tatakahe, plural of the subject.

    Takaheraga (takàheràga), the action of takahe.

  • Takahi, to crush, to trample under foot. Cf. takaivave. 2. To mash or grind by trampling. 3. To walk on anything. 4. To cause a fruit to fall from a tree by the action of one's feet. Takatakahi (tàkatàkahi), plural of the action; tatakahi (tatàkahi), plural of the subject. 5. To pronounce, to articulate. 6. To repel, to drive back. Cf. takahiga.

    Takahi (takàhi), footprint; tracks.

    Takahiga, a crushing; treading down. 2. The action of trampling, &c. 3. The first division of a shell. See takatakahiga. 4. The threshold of a door. 5. A footstool, or any similar thing put under the feet.

  • Takahiti (tàkahìti), to palpitate; to throb.

    Takatakahiti (tàkatàkahìti), plural of the action; tatakahiti (tatàkahìti), plural of the subject.

    Takahitiga (tàkahìtiga), palpitation.

  • Takai (takài), a circle; a ring; a hoop. To make a circle; to form a ring of men. 2. To go round a thing, travelling in a circle. Takaikai (takàikài), plural of the action; tatakai, plural of the subject.

    Takairaga (takàiràga), the action of takai.

    Akatakai (aka-takài), to make a circle. 2. To bend, to bow.

  • Takaiti, to hop, to skip. 2. To roll one's self over; to tumble. Cf. akatakarori. 3. To make bounds, or somersaults. Cf. iti.

  • Takaivave, to crush with the feet. Cf. takahi. 2. To give a blow with the feet; to kick. 3. To hurl, to cast, to throw.

  • Takao (takào), to speak, to hold conversation; to address. A speech, a discourse: Kanatu ki te takao, not to pronounce words properly. Takaokao (takàokào), plural of the action; tatakao (tatakào), plural of the subject.

    Akatakao (aka-takào), to cause to speak. Plural, akatakaokao (aka-takàokào).

    Takaoga, the action of speaking; conversation.

  • Takao, ten pairs; a score or twenty. Cf. takau.

  • Takaoiriiri, pleasantry; light conversation; to joke. Cf. takao and iriiri.

  • Takaokaonoa (takàokào-nòa), to talk at the wrong time about something of little importance. Cf. takao and noa.

  • Takaopueu, a discourse of no weight; mere words.

  • Takape, the name of a fish.

  • Takape (takàpe), to break, to break off, to snap. 2. Not to be stable; not firm: said of the blocks or supports of a house. Plural, tatakape (tatakàpe).

  • Takapekape, the name of a fish.

  • Takapu (takàpu), to embarrass, confound. 2. To be shy and ashamed, as on having a badlyfitting garment, or one too large for the wearer. Takatakapu, plural of the action; tatakapu, plural of the subject.

  • Takapuna (tàkapùna), an expression used to denote a sea grown suddenly deep, i.e., when one has left shallow water and come to the deep portion. 2. A deep part of the sea having precipitous cliffs under water, and not shelving banks.

  • Takara (takàra), a small thread with which the bait is bound on the hook.

  • Takara, to click the tongue; to make a screeching or popping noise with a leaf.

  • Takarari, an injurious epithet applied to a bastard.

  • Takare (takàre), to be full to the brim; to be too full; filled to overflowing. Takarekre (takàrekàre), plural of the condition; tatakare (tatakàre), plural of the subject.

    Takarega (takarèga), the action of takare.

  • Takaro, to procure, to obtain. Takarokaro (takàrokàro), plural of the action; tatakaro (tatakàro), plural of the subject.

  • Takaro-ra, dazzling: said of the sun's light.

  • Takarori. See akatakarori, under aka.

  • Takaruru (takarùru), the name of a small fish.

  • Takatahaga, idle, lazy; pot-valiant; a person only good at eating.

  • Takataka. See under taka.

  • Takatakahiga (tàkatàkahìga), the divisions of a shell considered as a whole, taken collectively. See takahiga.

  • Takatakaruru (tàkatàkarùru), the name of a small fish: the same as takaruru.

  • Takatakato, valleys. See next word.

  • Takato (takàto), a velly, a vale.

  • Takatua (takàtùa), to turn one's self about, to twist about through sharp pain. Takatakatua, plural of the action; tatakatua, plural of the object.

  • Takau, ten pairs; twenty; a score. Cf. takao.

  • Takauea, thin, meagre: only said of one kind of fish.

  • Takaure, a fly, not found in dwellings.

  • Takavaho, savage, wild. Cf. vaho.

  • Takavao (takavào), to remain or wander in peopled spots. Cf. taka. Takatakavao (tàka- page 93 tàkavào), plural of the action; tatakavao (tatakavào), plural of the subject.

  • Takave (takàve), slow, tardy. 2. Moving slightly or gently; dawdling. 3. Minute, circumstantial (in realation or narrative). Takavekave (takàvekàve), plural of the action; tatakave (tatakàve), plural of the subject.

  • Takave, a kind of bread-fruit. See mei-a-puku.

  • Takere (takère), to spoil, to waste; to ravage; to damage. 2. To grow corrupt; to become tainted. 3. To become addicted to vice. Takerekere (takèrekère), pluralof the action; tatakere, plural of the subject.

    Takerega, injury, damage; the action of spoiling or laying waste.

  • Taketake (tàketàke), a basket. 2. A raft on which a corpse is thrust out to sea. 3. To weave in a circle, like a basket.

  • Takeihuroa (take-ihu-ròa), to report that one has seen or heard some remarkable matter or thing of importance.

  • Taki (tàki), to draw or push along a raft with the hands. Takitaki (tàkitàki), is plural of the action, and denotes longer-continued exertion, and denotes longer-continued exertion; tataki (tatàki), plural of the subject.

    Takiga (takìga), the action of taki.

    Takitaki (tàkitàki), a line, a path. 2. To repeat, to carrry on any sounds or words, as an echo. 3. To speak to other people. 4. To give currency to news or reports. 5. To pull, to draw, to drag along. 6. To steer a raft.

    Takitakiga (tàkitàkìga), the action of takitaki.

    Tataki (tatàki), to stretch out a long cord, &c., as far as possible.

    Tatakiraga (tatàkiràga), the action of tataki.

  • Takiakia, bad: said of actions or intentions.

  • Takiga. See under taki.

  • Takina (takìna), to put one thing in place of another; to substitute; to change places. Takitakina, plural of the subject.

    Takinaraga, the action of takina.

    Takitakina (takìtakìna), to remove things from thier places and carry them away one after another.

    Takitakinaraga (takìtakìnaràga), the action of takitakina.

  • Takitaki. See under taki.

  • Takitakiroa (tàkitàki-ròa), to draw out to a great length. Cf. taki and roa.

  • Takitaki-takao, the same as takitaki 2, 3, and 4.

  • Takitu, the bounderies or limits of long, narrow pieses of land. 2. The string of a bow. 3. The ropes and cordage about a vessel. 4. To string a bow.

  • Tako, the noise of the foot being drawn out from a bog, mud, or soft earth.

    Takoko, plural of tako.

  • Takoi (takòi), a pointed mountain. 2. The peak of a pointed mountain. Of. koi. Plural, takoikoi.

  • Takoiko, tattooing; to tattoo. 2. A species of shell-fish.


  • Takokoa, soaked up; sopped; hidden. Ragatakokóa, wet to the skin.

  • Takopiri (takopìri), to be languid in one's actions through sickness. Takopiripiri (takopìripìri), plural of the action; tatakopiri (tatakopìri), plural of the subject.

    Takopiriga, the condition of takopiri.

  • Takoro (takòro), to be frapped, as a yard or rope by line being tightly bound round and round it. Plural, takorokoro (takòrokòro).

    Takoroga (takòra), the action of takoro.

  • Takotake, to make the circuit of an island without stopping anywhere.

  • Taku, the name of a tribe in Mangareva.

  • Taku (ta-ku), of me, mine; “Give me my share.” Cf. toku.

  • Takura, to run and skip at the same time with a rope. Cf. tavari.

  • Tama (tàma), “Dear child,” a term of affection used by parents, uncles, and aunts. 2. Son or daughter: a term applied to one's child at any age. Cf. teitama.

    Tamatama, a young man or young woman of an age between eighteen and thirty years.

  • Tamaaomua, the eldest son. Cf. tama and mua.

  • Tamaeiata (tàmàeiàta), simple, innocent; without disguise; without malice; thinking no evil.

  • Tamaherehere (tàmahèrehère), an eldest son or eldest daughter, kept in the house till they grow plump and fair.

  • Tamahine (tamahìne), the eldest daughter. Cf. tama, ahine, mohine, veine.

  • Tamahoho, bare, without grass, as a plain.

  • Tamahoho-noa, not having a single blade of grass.

  • Tamaka, to consecrate, to set a part for a god.

  • Tamaki (tamàki), to wait for, to hope for (but only in the near present, as during to-day). Tatamaki (tatamàki), plural of the subject.

    Tamakiraga (tamàkiràga), plural of tamaki.

  • Tamanu, a tree having leaves like a laurel; without smell, but having good timber for making furniture.

    Akatamanu (aka-tamanu), to put wood on the fire little by little. Plural, akatamanumanu (aka-tamànumànu).

    Tamanumanu (tamànumànu), to let an oven-fire go out and be re-kindled several times.

  • Tamanui (tàmànùi), phosphorescent matter in the sea.

  • Tamarega, a king of long bread-fruit, and the tree that bears it.

  • Tamarega (tamarèga), to grate. A rasp, a scraper. Cf. rega.

  • Tamaroa (tamaròa), a boy. 2. A man, of any age. 3. Male, as opposed to female. Cf. tama, roa, tamahine, &c.

  • Tamatama. See under tama.

  • Tamatanini, to wish to sleep; drowsy.

  • Tamatau, to make fish-hooks. Cf. matau.

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  • Tamatekiria, wicked. 2. Niggardly and quicktempered at the same time.

  • Tamateriria, delirious with illness.

  • Tamau (tamàu), a woman's garment. A shawl.

  • Tamau (tamàu), to retain, to keep. To keep back, to restrain. Cf. mau.

    Tamaumau (tamàumàu), plural of tamau.

  • Tamike (tamìke), to desire ardently; to long for sensually. Tamikemike (tamìkemìke), is plural of the action, and denotes greater ardour; tatamike (tatamìke), plural of the subject.

    Tamikeraga (tamìkeràga), ardent desire; sensual passion.

  • Tamoine, the name of a great rock at Atituiti.

  • Tamoko, a long but small potato. Plural, tamokomoko (tamòkomòko).

  • Tamoui (tamoùi), to be absent; invisible. Tatamoui (tatamoùi), plural of the subject.

  • Tamu [atu te vavae], to go very quickly.

  • Tamure (tamùre), the ends of peices of wood, or of a loaf that ends in a point. 2. The truck, or highest point of a mast. 3. The crest of a cockatoo. 4. The end, extremity, tail; the summit of trees. Cf. muri, akatamuri. Plural, tamuremure (tamùremùre).

  • Tane (Tàne). [As a deity, see Otane, under marama.] A species of hideous lizard.

  • Tane, a kind of bread-fruit having a smooth skin: it is hard to cook. 2. A black mark upon the skin like filth or scurf; a spot, stain. Tanetane, plural of No. 2.

  • Tanihoniho, a kind of fish, like tagutugutu, but smaller.

  • Tanini (tanìni), to go about; to walk aimlessly. Taninininin (tanìninìni), plural of the action; tatanini (tatanìni), plural of the subject. 2. To fall down from sleepiness. 3. A fool, an idiot, who does not know how to behave decently.

    Tanininini (tanìninìni). See above. 2. Fools; idiots; simpletons.

  • Tanoa (tanòa), a stone trough or bowl. Plural, tanoanoa (tanòanòa).

  • Tanokunoku, to be supple, flexible; to feel lissome when leaving the water. 2. Humid, damp, moist. 3. Coolness, freshness.

  • Tanu (tànu), to plant, to sow. 2. To bury, to inhume. Tanutanu (tànutànu), plural of the action; tatanu (tatànu), plural of the subject.

    Tanuga (tanùga), the action of interment; burial.

    Tanuraga (tànuràga), the action of planting or sowing. 2. Burial.

  • Tao (tào), a lance; a spear. Cf. taoerei, taohara, &c.

  • Tao (tào), to put into an oven to cook; to cook in an oven. Taotao (taotào), plural of the action; tatao (tatào), plural of the subject. Cf. taoumu.

    Taotao (tàotào), to cook constantly, or for a long time; to keep to the fire continuously.

  • Taoakatara (tào-aka-tàra), a lance with barbs along the point. Cf. akatara and tao.

  • Taoerei (tao-erei), a lance made of coco-nutpalm wood.

  • Taoha, to beat tapa, or native cloth.

  • Taohara, a lance made of pandanus wood.

  • Taohi (taòhi), preservation; care, conservation. To preserve, to take care of; to foster; to guard. 2. To frequent. 3. To observe, notice. Taohiohi (taòhiòhi), plural of the action; tataohi (tataòhi), plural of the subject.

    Taohiga, Taohiraga, Observance; watchfulness; care.

  • Taoko (tào-ko), a lance made without fish-bones (barbs) or ornaments.

  • Taomi (taòmi), to squeeze; to press upon with the hand. 2. To sink a thing; to fill a thing with stones so that it should not swell up and float. Taomiomi (taomìga), the action of taomi.

  • Taopu (tàopu), maa cooked and not diluted with water. Plural, taotaopu (tàotàopu).

  • Taopukao (tàopukào), lance with an iron head.

  • Taoro (taòro), to fly fast: said of a spear or stone that is cast. Taorooro (taòroòro), plural of the action; tataoro (tataòro), plural of the subject.

    Taororaga (taòroràga), the action of taoro.

  • Taotao. See under tao.

  • Taotaoama (tàotàoàma), the name of a piece of wood used to draw fish from a basket in the water. 2. The name of a fish.

  • Taotaopu. See taopu.

  • Taotaovere (tàotàovère), small red spots or marks showing the near approach of death in a sick person.

  • Taoumu (tàoùmu), to heat a native oven; to cook in an oven. Cf. tao, umu, areumu, pakuumu, &c.

  • Tapa (tàpa), the edge of a piece of native cloth. 2. Native cloth. 3. To give a pet name or a nickname. Of No. 3, tapatapa (tàpatàpa), is plural of the action; tatapa (tatàpa), plural of the subject.

    Tapatapa, that which falls often. 2. A fall of water. 3. A dropping of the voice. 4. Variable.

    Akatapa (aka-tàpa), to ask a person for food and water.

  • Tapakahu, a piece of stuff, of native cloth. Cf. tapa and kahu.

  • Tapakaokao, the trunk of the human body from the armpit to the lower belly and ending behind the two sides. 2. The flanks. Cf. tapao.

  • Tapakau, a kind of large native oven.

  • Tapanemaga, a rocky and precipitous place on the mountain.

  • Tapani (tapàni), to calumniate, to slander. 2. To daub, to smear over a thing. 3. To anoint. 4. To flatter. Tapanipani (tapànipàni), plural of the action. Cf. pani.

    Tapaniga, calumny, slander. 2. Unction, anointing.

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  • Tapao, the side, the flank. Cf.tapau and tapakaokao.

  • Tapapa (tapàpa), not full: said of food-pits when the stores of maa are not abundant. Plural, tapapapapa (tapàpapàpa).

  • Taparau-mea, to publish; to circulate trifles one has heard spoken.

  • Tapare, anything shed or cast away as an overplus.

  • Taparere, having a fine edge, sharp, as a knife, &c. 2. The edge of a knife, &c. 3. Flat, as a piece of glass; sharp, as a razor; flat and sharp.

  • Taparuru (tàparùru), trembling, shaking; to tremble, to quiver. 2. Not to be firm or steady; easily disturbed or shaken. Tapataparuru (tàpatàparuru), plural of the action; tataparuru (tatàparùru), plural of the subject. Cf. ru and ruru.

    Taparururaga (tàparùruràga), trembling. The action of taparuru, maruru, &c.

  • Taparuruone, tremblings of the ground; earthquake. Cf. taparuru, one, &c.

  • Tapatapa. See under tapa.

  • Tapatu, the name of a fish.

  • Tapau (tapàu), the sides (flanks) of a man or animal. Cf. tapao.

  • Tapeke (tapèke), to catch hold of with the hands in falling. Tapekepeke (tapèkepèke), plural of the action; tatapeke, plural of the subject. Cf. pekepeke.

    Tapekega, the action, &c., of tapeke.

  • Tapena (tapèna), a present made in honour of a person; to show respect or compliment by making presents. Tapenapena (tapènapèna), plural of the action; tatapena, plural of the subject.

    Tapenaraga (tapènaràga), the action of tapena.

  • Tapere (tapère), long lips, of which one droops and the other is drawn back to show the teeth. 2. A border, edge, limit.

  • Tapigao, a net with which to catch butterflies or moths. Cf. pigao.

  • Tapigau, a trellis; a lattice-work. 2. Closed with a grating.

  • Tapiko (tapìko), to turn aside from one's work or occupation. 2. To stop for something. Tapikopiko, plural of the action; tatapiko, plural of the subject. Cf. piko.

    Tapikoga, the action of piko.

  • Tapiri (tapìri), to be joined together without cause; united without motive. Cf. piri.

    Akatapiri (aka-tapìri), to go in the company of some one; to unite, to consort with. Plural, akatapiripiri (aka-tapìripìri).

  • Tapiriti (tàpirìti), to shake; to shke off. 2. To agitate, to stair up. 3. To swing anything to and fro strongly in the hand. Tapiripiriti (tapiripirìti), plural of the action. 4. To push back with violence, with passion.

    Tapiripiriti (tapìripìriti), to draw along without concussion; to drag along smoothly.

    Tapiritiraga, the action of tapiriti.


  • Tapitapi (tàpitàpi), empty. 2. To exhaust; to drain; to spend. 3. To take away a thing from a house. 4. To cause all the people in a settlement to come or go.

    Tatapi, a baler; to throw out water with a baler from a canoe. 2. To throw out water from a hole with the two hands.

  • Tapoa (tapòa), to wipe the hands on the head, or upon some one else. Plural, tapoapoa (tapòapòa), 2. To get by frequent asking. 3. To put a thing to the mouth. 4. To prepare a bait or decoy for catching an animal.

  • Tapoa, moral agreement; harmony.

  • Tapora, an envelope, a wrapper. 2. A table [not modern: tapura is “table”]; a plank; any flat object serving as a resting-place on which to put things. 3. An altar on which dead bodies were placed.

    Tapora (tapòra), to wrap up, to envelope. Taporapora (taporapora), plural of the action; tatapora (tatapòra), plural of the subject.

    Taporaga (taporòra), the action of tapora.

  • Taporoto (taporòto), the line between tidal low water and deep water in the sea. Plural, tapotaporoto.

  • Tapotu (tapòtu), to whip, to flog. 2. To beat out dust. 3. To strike with something flexible. 4. To waft; to waver. Tapotupotu (tapòtupòtu), plural of the action.

  • Tapu (tàpu), sacred, holy. Cf. tapukehekehe, vahitapu. 2. Prohibited; forbidden. Cf. kiritapu. Takaotapu, a secret word, a password.

    Akatapu (aka-tapu), to make holy, to consecrate. 2. To throw, to cast. 3. To defend.

  • Tapu (tàpù), to make holy, to consecrate. 2. To throw, to cast. 3. To defend.

  • Tapu (tàpù), the surface of food (maa). 2. The extremities of trees and plants.

  • Tapua (tapùa), to have sore lips; a disease of the lips.

    Tapuapua (tapùapùa), to have the lips diseased or covered with sores. Tatapua, plural of the subject.

  • Tapui (tapùi), to soil a garment by wiping the hands on it. 2. To plaster, to smear, to anoint. Plural, tapuipui.

  • Tapukehekehe, very sacred; extraordinarily holy. Cf. kehekehe. 2. Pure, virgin; chaste from birth to death.

  • Taputapu, the tail of a fish (the fin part of the tail). 2. An end, extremity. 3. A tail of hair, a pigtail of hair.

  • Taputapuatea, to be very jealous over one's property; to be angry if personal belongings are touched by other people. Syn., tarakana.

  • Tara, a spine, a thorn. Cf. kurutara, titara. 2. A horn. 3. A bird's crest. 4. A fish-bone. 5. Crests or peaks of mountains. 6. Sprouts or shoots of trees. 7. A chip or shaving of wood. 8. To walk about, here and there.

    Taraga (taràga), a splinter, a chip of wood. 2. A spine, a thorn. 3. A walk, promenade. 4. Script, writing.

    Taratara, prickly, rough to the touch; knotty. 2. Piquant. 3. Discordant. Cf. ohotaratara, mataratara.

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  • Tatara, a shivering; a cold fit; to shiver with cold or fright. 2. To have the skin roughened with cold or shivering; to have “gooseflesh” on the skin. 3. To bristle; to bristle up; to have the hair on the body or limbs standing erect. 4. The name of a fish having bristling points.

    Akatara (aka-tàra), to set in a row or rank. 2. To put in sequence, to cause to follow one after another. 3. To indent; to jag; to make notches.

    Akataratara (aka-tàratàra), to put any one into a passion. 2. To indent; to jag; to make notches.

    Akataratara (aka-tàratàra), to put any one into a passion. 2. To make knotty, rugged, harsh.

  • Tara (tàra), the name of one kind of banana. 2. An altar.

  • Taragaonu, a place where turtles are caught. Cf. onu. Syn., tarugaonu.

  • Tarahoa, a branch of coral which appears above the surface of the sea at low water. Syn.,taraoa.

  • Tarahui (taràhùi), to steal a prohibited thing: said of the first who steals. Cf. rahui.

    Tarahuiga (taràhùiga), the action of tarahui.

  • Tarai (tarài), to rough-hew; to dress timber or stones. 2. To carve, to execute sculpture. 3. To walk along the creast of a mountain. Taratarai (taràtarài), plural of the action; tatarai (tatarài), plural of the subject.

    Taraiga (taràiga), the action of tarai.

  • Tarakana (tarakàna), has the same meaning as taputapuatea.

  • Taraki, a species of banana.

  • Tarakihi (tarakìhi), the name of a fish that takes the hook kiriti.

  • Tarakoa, a spine, a thorn. Plural, tatarakoa.

  • Tarakoha (tarakòha), to be without hindrance, weakness, or infirmity: only said of males.

  • Tarakura (tarakùra), a red point. 2. A cock's comb.

  • Taramarau (tàramàràu), the name of a rock in the sea.

  • Taraoa, a branch of coral that appears above the sea at low tides. Syn., tarahoa.

  • Tarapakoukou, the name of a kind of sugarcane: “Like the points of the pakoukou”; said also of a species of tumei (bread-fruit).

  • Taraperei (tàraperèi), a clear fire that burns well.

  • Tarara, the name of a sea-bird of Mangareva. 2. A harsh strident voice. 3. To weep bitterly, grievously. Tatarara, plural of the subject (of No. 3).

  • Tarareiara, a thorn or spine of the pandanus leaf. Cf. tara, rei, and ara.

  • Tararo, to gather fruits that have fallen at the foot of a tree. Cf. raro. Plural, tararoraro.

  • Tararoa, the name of a fish. 2. To go beyond; to go farther off; to continue on one's way. Syn., tiraroa.

  • Taratara. See under tara.

  • Tarataratuna, a species of fern. 2. A kind of crab (crustacean), resembling the fern.

  • Taratu, to stop moving.

  • Aratutu, to speak standing up, or from a high position. Tarataratutu, plural of the action; tataratutu, plural of the subject.

  • Tarau (taràu), an order, commandment. 2. Essentially pure and holy: said of divine personages; consecrated: said of altars, sacred places, &c. 2. To give an order or commandment as being of sacred weight and importance; to call out, to proclaim such command. Plural, taraurau (taràu).

    Tarauga (taràuga), the action of tarau.

  • Tarava, mountainous, but particularly used of inaccessible places.

  • Taravai, the name of one of the four islands of Mangareva.

  • Tare, an obstruction; a blocking-up; impediment.

  • Tare (tàre), to spit, to eject saliva; spittle. Taretare, plural of the action; tatare, plural of the subject.

    Tarega, the action of spitting.

  • Tarea, light brown; chestnut-coloured. 2. A person whose skin is brown.

  • Tareauma, a large native oven for cooking maa.

  • Tarehu, to burn wood in a native oven (before scraping). Plural, tarehurehu. Cf. rehu.

  • Tareragi (tarèràgi), food (maa) that is white.

  • Tarere (tarère), hung up, suspended; to be suspended. 2. To jump at a branch to catch it with the hand. 3. To ape, to mimic in conversation. Tarererere (tarèrerère), plural of the action; tatarere (tatarère), plural of the subject.

    Tarerega, the action of tarere.

  • Tareri, a big paunch; big and fat; gorbellied.

  • Tareu (tarèu), to pass from hand to hand. 2. To take the air, to fly. 3. To hasten to seize a thing before another person can get it. Plural, tareureu (tarèurèu).

  • Tari (tàri), to carry, to transport; said of that which can be carried byl one person at a time. Taritari (tàritàri), plural of the action; tatari (tatàri), plural of the subject.

    Akatari (aka-tàri), to lead, to conduct; to ac-company, to take along with. Akataritari (aka-tàritàri), plural of the action; akatatari (aka-tatàri), plural of the subject.

    Akatariga, the action of leading or conducting a person into a certain place.

  • Tariga, “My love,” darling, dear. Cf. taritari.

  • Tarihuatu, black: said of deep sea water.

  • Tariru (tarìru), to make the bow or stem of a canoe touch the land. 2. To swerve, to deviate.

    Akatariru (aka-tariru), to cause a canoe to deviate from its course.

    Tariruriru, a thing that does not go straight, but moves in a zigzag. 2. To go to the right or left.

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  • Taritari, part of a woman's sexual parts (labia majora). Cf. tatariniho.

    Tatari (tatàri), the eyelids. 2. The black fringe on the oyster which produces pearl-shell.

  • Taritariaa, the lips of the mouth. Cf. aha, the mouth, and taritari.

  • Taritarimata, the eyelids. Cf. taritari and mata.

  • Taritariniho, the gums of the mouth. Cf. taritari, niho, tatariniho.

  • Taro, the taro plant (Caladium esculentum).

  • Tarokiraro, to dive into water.

  • Taroro, to squeeze out juice again. Plural, tarorororo.

  • Tarotahaga, as closely shaved or close-cropped as a taro root.

  • Tarovio, a taro which gives nothing but leaves.

  • Taru, the name of a herb which increases very fast, swarms and spreads everywhere. 2. (Fig.) In great quantity.

  • Tarua, to express the juice from a thing by twisting it in a piece of linen.

  • Tarugaonu, the same as taragaonu.

  • Taroperope, hollow. Taroperope i te manava na te oge: to have the belly hollow with famine.

  • Taruoavaiki (taru-o-Avaiki), a mushroom.

  • Tarupe (tarùpe), a big belly; bloated. 2. Swollen; large: said of the feet of women.

  • Tata (tàta), close; near by. Cf. tutata.

  • Tata. See under ta.

  • Tataatea, the time of year answering to the month of November.

  • Tatae. See under tae.

  • Tatahi, a large net for catching big fish.

  • Tatahoa. See under tahoa.

  • Tatai, a man of middle age; elderly. 2. To wrap up; to envelope. 2. To catch in; to hang on; to twist in; to wind round; to twine.

  • Tataiahiri, a large bundle of sticks for fuel; a large faggot.

  • Tatairure, the wrist; the arm from the elbow-joint to the hand.

  • Tatakahi. See under takahi.

  • Tatakaroihau, the name of a species of crayfish. 2. The name of a fish.

  • Tatake (tatàke), to attempt; to tempt; to solicit; to intreat. 2. To struggle, body to body; to wrestle. 3. To try for; to make an effort to gain; to strain, to strive. 4. To quarrel.

    Tatakega, temptation. 2. Handling or holding a person; a wrestling bout. 3. A quarrel.

  • Tataki. See under taki.

  • Tatakiraga. See under taki.

  • Tatakoto, the end, extremity; the crest of a bird; the highest tip of a tree or shrub. Syn. tamure. 2. A cross bar for stretching out the sail from the mast.

  • Tatamago, the name of a grass.

  • Tatamoho, the berry of the gatae (a thorny tree).

  • Tatamoka, the name of a grass.

  • Tatao, the last of the first-fruits of the bread-fruit tree, meiapuku.

  • Tatapa. See under tapa.

  • Tatapi. See under tapitapi.

  • Tataputara, the name of a locality in Mangareva.

  • Tatara. See under tara.

  • Tataravera, a kind of volcanic stone adapted for cutting into shape.

  • Tatari. See under taritari.

  • Tatariniho, the gums of the mouth. Cf. taritari, niho, taritariniho.

  • Tatarioro, the black part of the flesh of the pearl-oyster, thrown away as worthless.

  • Tatarimata, the eyelid. Cf. taritari, mata, taritarimata.

  • Tataritatari, to wait a long time for any one.

  • Tatarua, to call a person by two names at the same time. Cf. rua.

  • Tatata. See under ta.

  • Tatata-marama-noa, to work through the whole night. Cf. tatata, marama, noa, and tatata-pohuri-noa.

  • Tatata-moe, to sleep for a long time. Cf. tatata and moe.

  • Tatata-pohuri-noa, to work all night until daylight.

  • Tatatata. See under ta.

  • Tatatou, Ours! That is for us!

  • Tatau. See under tau.

  • Tatea (tatèa), to distribute food to children.

    Tateaga, a distribution of food to children.

  • Tateta (tatèta), to be badly dressed; ill-clothed. 2. To hold or take a thing in such a way that it is likely to fall.

  • Tatiau (tatiàu), to be ugly, ill-made.

  • Tatieiti (tatièiti), to be covered with sores or filth.

  • Tatipuhi, an injurious expression: E tini tatipuhi! You villain!

  • Tatiu, a circle; a round figure.

  • Tatiu (tatìu), to go to different places. Tatiutiu (tatìiutìu), plural of the action; tatatiu (tatatìu), plural of the subject.

    Tatiuga, the action of tatiu.

  • Tatoko, dissension; dispute; to dispute without quarrel or hatred. 2. To come to an explanation. Plural, tatokotoko (tatòkotòko).

    Tatokoga, the action of tatoko.

  • Tatou, we; us, including the person spoken to.

  • Tatu, an ailment or malady that has afflicted a person for two or three years.

  • Tatua (tatùa), a girdle; a waist-cloth; to put a girdle or cincture round the loins. Plural, tatuatua (tatùatùa).

  • Tatuaea, the name of a fern. 2. The name of a shrub.

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  • Tatutatu, the tail of a fish. 2. A tail of hair, a pigtail. 3. The extremity; tip; end.

  • Tau (tàu), a year. 2. The time of the season of bread-fruit. 3. Clean, neat, tidy; suitable, fit, proper. Cf. matau, tetau. 4. To arrive by sea or by water. Cf. tetau. 5. To carry on the back. 6. To be carried on a person's back. Cf. tauke. 7. To mount on a person's back. 8. To land: said of a canoe touching shore. Tautau (tàutàu), plural of the action; tatau (tatàu), plural of the subject.

  • Tauga (tàuga), the action of tau; arrived. 2. A pair, a brace; a double count. 3. A score (double ten).

    Tatau, arrived: said of many persons. Cf. totau.

    Tatau (tatàu), to be counted, reckoned, numbered.

    Akatau (aka-tàu), to run after; to go after, to follow; to pursue. 2. To put a thing up on a high place. 3. To assault; to attack. 4. To accompany; to sing with. Akatautau (akatàutàu), plural of the action and subject of verb.

    Akatautau (aka-tàutàu), to assault; to attack.

    Tauraga, a station, a position taken up in the sea for fishing purposes. 2. Said of parents and grandparents to the fourth degree.

  • Taua, we two; you and I.

  • Tauake, Mount! Get up on my back! Cf. tau (6) and ake.

  • Tauarei (tàuàrèi), to grumble at; to blame severely. Plural, tatauarei.

  • Tauatiki (tauàtìki), a garment; a shirt.

  • Tauga. See under tau.

  • Tauiri-opiopi, a game played in the water: the bathers take hands and form in circles. Cf. tauviri.

  • Taukakea (taukakèa), arriving in numbers: said of fish at low tide.

  • Taumiri (taumìri), to follow any one. 2. To form part of a train or retinue. Taumirimiri (taumìrimìri), plural of the action; tataumiri (tataumìri), plural of the subject.

    Taumiriraga, the action of following, &c.

  • Tauneka (taunèka), to tie up a bundle well and strongly. Tautauneka (tautaunèka), plural of the action; tatauneka (tataunèka), plural of the subject.

  • Taupe (taùpe), to bow, to bend into a bow. 2. To bend: said of branches. Taupeupe (taùpeùpe), plural of the action; tataupe (tataùpe), plural of the subject.

    Akataupeupe (aka-taùpeùpe), to balance one's self; to waver; to be in suspense.

  • Taura, the priest of an idol.

  • Tauraetua, the priest of an idol; a sub-priest; one not having complete powers. Cf. taura and etua.

  • Tauri (taùri), to tie; to bind together. Tautauri, plural of the action; tatauri, plural of the subject.

  • Tauri, to be changed, altered; disguised. Cf. tahuri. 2. To lie, to tell untruths.

    Akatauri (aka-tauri), to counterfeit, to imitate. 2. To change. 3. To dissemble one's character.

    Tauriuri, to be changed, disguised. 2. To lie, to tell falsehoods.

  • Tauru, the tops of trees or mountains. 2. The top row or coping of a wall. 3. The last stroke at a piece of work. 4. The royal-yard of a ship.

    Tauru (taùru), to level the top of a wall; to finish off. Plural, tauruuru (taùruùru). 2. A row of stones; a layer of stones.

  • Tautama, one who makes his appearance; a new comer.

  • Tautara, a border, a boundary; exterior boundaries. Tautarahiu, the tip of the nose.

  • Tautara-paepae, the edge of a pavement.

  • Tautau. See under tau.

  • Tautauatiki, clothes; long garments; a garment reaching down to the calves of the legs.

  • Tautauhoa, a companion, a mate. Cf. tau and hae. 2. To ally one's self.

  • Tautukerae, dear, cherished, darling.

  • Tauviri (tauvìri), to hold by the hands, forming a circle or chain. Cf. tauiri-opiopi. Tauviriviri (tauvìrivìri), plural of the action; tatauviri, plural of the subject.

    Tauviriga (tauvìrìga), the action of tauviri.

  • Tava, a species of shell-fish.

  • Tava (tàva), a sort of incrustation of soft substance found sticking to stones when uncovered at low water. 2. Logs; large dead branches found at the foot of trees.

  • Tavaka (tavàka), to hide food away among bushes. 2. A raft that bears a burning torch at night.

  • Tavake (tavàke), a sea-bird that has a long red-and-white tail.

  • Tavakee, the name of a shell-fish.

  • Tavakouhua (tàvakòuhùa), to have every kind of vice. Tatavakouhua, plural of the subject.

  • Tavara (tavàra), to be famished, starving. 2. Greedy; eager; desirous. Tavaravara (tavàravàra), plural of the action; tatavara (tatavàra), plural of the subject.

  • Tavara (tàvàra), to be wide, spacious, roomy. 2. Not to be tight or wrung together: said of ropes or cordage. Plural, tavaravara (tàvàravàra). 3. Not to join in a game.

    Tavaraga (tàvàraga), the action of tavara.

  • Tavari (tàvàri), to run and skip with a rope at the same time; the game of skipping-rope. Cf. takura. 2. An uninterrupted walk.

    Tavariraga (tàvàriràga), the action of tavari.

    Tavarivari (tàvàrivàri), a long train or procession of people on the march.

  • Tavarivari, tall and slender; flexible: said of trees. 2. A man of tall stature who wavers or swings in his gait.

  • Tavaro (tavàro), soft ground that is hollow or rotten and full of holes.

  • Tavatava, a fire that burns fiercely. 2. To go swiftly; to run swiftly.

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  • Tavatava (tàvatàva), clamorous and noisy in speaking; to speak shrilly or in a loud voice.

  • Tavatava-akariri, to be vigorous: said of a whole plantation of trees, or of a fire burning well all over.

  • Tavava, liberal, generous; one who loves to give.

  • Taveka (tavèka), to mix a small portion of food (maa) with a larger quantity. Plural, tavekaveka (tavèkavèka).

    Tavekaraga, the action of taveka.

  • Taveke (tavèke), to take something you ask for without waiting for an answer. Tavekeveke (tavèkevèke), plural of the action; tataveke (tatavèke), plural of the subject.

  • Tavekeakapua, to take or try to take a thing that is near you but not your own.

    Tavekeraga (tavèkeràga), the action of taveke.

  • Taverehau, to grow, to spring up: said of plants, fruits, &c.

  • Taviri, a key; to shut with a lock. 2. To tow, to drag. 3. To coil, to twist: said of climbing plants. Cf. viri. Taviriviri (tavìrivìri), plural of the action; tataviri (tatavìri), plural of the subject.

    Taviriraga (tavìriràga), the action of taviri.

  • Te (), No, not; without. Cf. tepunu, teogia, tetau.

  • Te (), the article “the,” singular and plural.

  • Tea (tèa), white; blanched, pale. Cf. rotea, putea, chotea, motetea, mahinata, akapakutea, moteaka, tuteatea-ki-ruga, urutea. 2. Matt, unpolished, dead, dull. 3. “One who finds himself foiled, baffled.

    Tetea, plural of tea.

    Teatea (tèatèa), diminutive of tèa: slightly white, whitish. 2. Heavy rain.

    Akatea (aka-tèa), to make a person blush or redden with shame. 2. To tease or make fun of any one.

    Akateatea (aka-tèatèa), pride, vanity; ostentation; to be puffed up, ostentatious; to be elated.

  • Teahuaoge (Teahuaòge), the name of a reef at Mangareva.

  • Tearavere (Tearavère), the name of a reef.

  • Teatea. See under tea.

  • Teauorua (Teauòrua), the name of a reef.

  • Teauotu (Teauòtu), the name of a reef.

  • Tega (tèga), a belly distended with much food.

    Akategatega (aka-tègatèga), to fasten or confine under one's mat or cloak.

  • Tehagahaga, idle, lazy, sluggish.

  • Tehe (Tèhe), circumcision; to circumcise. 2. To castrate. 3. To cut well: said of a knife. 4. To sting deeply. Plural tetehe (tetèhe).

    Tehega (tèhèga), the action of tehe.

  • Tehiritara (Tehìritàra), the name of a small reef.

  • Tehu (tèhu), to run after a person, or towards a person, for the sake of obtaining something. Tehutehu (tèhutèhu), plural of the action; tetehu (tetèhu), plural of the subject.

    Tehuga (tèhùga), the action of tehu.

  • Tehuatehua, entirely planted or sown: said of a field, &c.

  • Tei (tèi), to go away, to leave a place: Tei tute a matagì, to leave swiftly, as the wind. Teitei (tèitèi), plural of the action; tetei (tetèi), plural of the subject.

    Akatei (aka-tèi), to chase; to drive off; to expel; to exile.

  • Teimaha (teimàha), to be heavy. 2. Fatiguing, painful, wearying. Teimahamaha (teimàhamàha), plural of the action; teteimaha (teteimàha), plural of the subject.

    Akateimaha (aka-teimaha), to make heavy. 2. To press down, to throw weight on. 3. To be in charge, to have charge of.

  • Teina (teìna), younger sister or brother. It is used by a woman or girl speaking of her younger sister or younger female cousin, and by a man or boy speaking of his younger brother or younger male cousin, both to the sixth degree of relationship. Whether the cousin is older or younger than the speaker is decided by the fact whether the cousin is descended from an uncle or aunt who was older or younger than the parent through whom relationship is claimed. An exception is made when a woman speaking of her sister-in-law, or a man speaking of his brother-in-law, instead of using the word tokete, may call them tuakana or teina, as if they were blood relations either older or younger in years than the speaker The remarks concerning teina, a woman's younger sister or man's younger brother, apply equally to tuakana, a woman's elder sister or a man's elder brother.

  • Teina E! A term of affection applied by an old man to his grandson.

  • Teipo E! A term of affection used at funerals by a husband or wife mourning the loss of a spouse.

  • Teitama, adolescent; grown up. 2. To take care of the house. 3. To be lazy; idle.

    Akateitama (aka-teitàma), to live at home; to keep the house and not go out, so as to preserve the complexion from sun-burn. 2. To live without work; to live in luxury.

  • Teitei (tèitèi), high, lofty. Cf. tekiteki. 2. Sublime; elevated. 3. Precipitous. Cf. puteitei.

    Akateitei (aka-tèitèi), to elevate, to raise. 2. To honour. 3. To fear.

  • Teiti (teìti), child, infant: said of both sexes. 2. The youngest child of a family. Cf. iti.

    Teititi (teìtiti), a newly-born infant.

  • Teiti, the pupil of the eye. Cf. teìti.

  • Teito (teìto), perfectly, entirely. 2. Formerly.

  • Teito, ancient, antique; of old, of other days.

    Teitoteito (teìto-teito), very ancient; extremely antique; archaic.

  • Teka (tèka), a support, a prop, a stay. 2. A scaffold. 3. To put a support under a thing so as to raise it and prevent it touching the ground; to put up a scaffolding. 4. To propose; to tender. 5. To carry. 6. To declare; to proclaim; to make known: Teka te keu, to proclaim war. 7. To intend; to plan: Teka patuga, to plan an assault. Tekateka (tèkatèka), plural of the action; teteka (tetèka), plural of the subject.

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  • Tekateka (tèkatèka), a support, prop; anything put under an object to keep it up. 2. A scaffolding.

  • Tekau, a general name for the small islets of the archipelago.

  • Tekava, the name of a low islet between Aukena and Akamaru.

  • Tekeo, a sickness causing pains in all the limbs and joints: it is provoked by eating certain fish. 2. Drunk, intoxicated.

  • Tekemo, very soon; presently, directly; before long.

  • Tekere (tekère), the keel of a canoe.

  • Tekeretuamatoru (tekère-tùa-matòru), the thickness or depth of the heaven and earth according to native ideas.

  • Teki, silence; to be silent; not to answer.

    Tekiga (tekìga), the action of teki.

  • Tekiteki (tèkitèki), to fall head over heels. 2. To raise one's self by one extremity at a time because one has fallen in a slippery place.

  • Tekiteki (tekitèki), a raised place. Cf. teitei. 2. A seat, a chair. 3. Noho a tekiteki, to sit crouched up; cowering.

    Tekitekiga, an elevation.

  • Teko, gross, dirty: said of the teeth. Cf. tekoniko and tekonio.

    Tekoteko, dirty, filthy; covered with filth and sweat. Cf. matekoteko.

  • Tekoniko, white stuff, dirt, collected on the gums of the teeth.

  • Tekonio, dirt on the teeth. Cf. teko, niho, tekoniko.

  • Temotutemotu, without interruption; not interfered with.

  • Tenoko (Tenòko), the name of certain reefs.

  • Tenore, small, diminutive. Cf. nore.

  • Tenui, much, many; great, large.

  • Teogia, fishing, but not catching any fish. 2. A sudden death. 3. One who has not been kissed. Cf. te (“not”) and ogi.

  • Tepapuri, the name of an islet in the group (to the northward).

  • Tepau, gum; exudation from trees; tar; resin. To daub with resin; to tar.

  • Tepeiru, a queen. 2. A princess. 3. A young lady.

  • Tepeka, “It is finished”: said of the last fish that assemble at low tides to deposit their spawn.

  • Tepere (tepère), the greatest, the highest; principal.

  • Tepunu, to pierce, to enter. Cf. te (“not”) and punu.

  • Tera, that; that particular thing.

    Teratera, that; such a thing.

  • Tere (tère), to be fat; swollen up; enlarged. 2. To go well, to sail well: said of a canoe. 3. To steer. Teretere (tèretère), plural of the action; tetere (tetère), plural of the subject. Cf. tutere.

    Teretere, a knife, or anything that cuts well.

    Akatere (aka-tere), to tack about, as a ship. Plural, akateretere (aka-tèretère).

    Akatere (aka-tère), to steer a vessel or canoe. 2. To change localities, to go from one house to another with one's goods. 3. To come from one place to another: said of the rain. 4. To make water cover a large surface of the soil 5. To divulge, to blab abroad; to spread a report. 6. To cause fruit to ripen. 7. To elate, to excite; to be in earnest; intent upon. Plural, akateretere (aka-tèretère).

  • Teriga (terìga), the ear.

  • Teriga-akaaka, a large ear that hears everything.

  • Teriga-kavakava-rua (terìga-kàvakàva-rùa), to be in the habit of pouting and looking sulky continually.

  • Teriga-orooro, to be obedient; to obey; to execute orders.

  • Teriga-pokehe, to be deaf to commands, disobedient, &c.

  • Terikioteveri, a marine insect. 2. A shellfish having a red interior.

  • Tero (tèro), to have mouldy spots. Cf. tiro (2) and tiotio. Plural, terotero.

    Tero, well marked, handsome. 2. Tattooing well marked on the skin. 3. Deteriorated.

    Terotero, the worse for wear: said of l'nen, cloth, &c. 2. Pricked, marked (said of the face only). Cf. tirotiro and tiotio.

  • Teruakeika (Terùakeìka), the name of a mountain footpath from Rikitea to Kirimiro.

  • Tetaega, a passage through which vessels can sail.

  • Tetahata, one of the temporary halting-places of the soul after death, before it goes to its fixed abode.

  • Tetahi, other; another. 2. Also, likewise. 3. Some; a few. Cf. tahi.

  • Tetau (tetàu), to be inconvenient; unwelcome. 2. To be improper; indecent. 3. Undignified. 4. Not to be able to agree with a person. 5. Not to have arrived. Cf. te (“not”) and tau; also matau.

    Tetauraga, the action of tetau.

  • Tete (tète), to beat the drum with the fingers. 2. To strike with the back of the hand or with the hand (any way) on a door as a signal for it to be opened. 3. To be afraid. 4. To tremble with fear or shiver with cold. Tetete (tetète), plural of the subject (of Nos. 3 and 4). E manava tete, a coward, a poltroon.

    Tetetete, to shiver with cold.

  • Tetea. See under tea.

  • Teturi (tetùri), wax in the ears. Cf. turi.

  • Teu, the top or upper part of maa (prepared bread-fruit).

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  • Tevai-atu-ei, to go quickly to look for. Ex.: Tevai atu koe ei takao, Go quickly and search for the thing spoken of.

  • Tevateva (tèvatèva), swellings, projections on the body. 2. A sickness that affects the skin with many pimples or swellings.

  • Teve (tève), the name of a bulbous plant having poisonous qualities.

  • Ti, a tree (Cordyline), the root of which yields a sweetish juice. Ti teito, an old man, a very old man.

  • Tia, to pierce, to stick in. Cf. titi. 2. To fasten with a wooden pin or a nail.

    Tia (tìa), to drive a piece of wood into the ground. 2. To propose one's self or offer one's self. 3. To take a resolution; to intend. Tiatia (tìatìa), plural of the action; titia (titìa), plural of the subject. 4. A footcovering; a sandal, a shoe. Cf. tiavavae.

    Tiaga (tiàga), intention; will; design, resolution. The end in view.

    Tiaga, to propose to one's self; to design; to come to a resolution. Tiatiaga (tìatìaga), plural of the action; titiaga, plural of the subject.

    Akatia (aka-tìa), to destine; to allot. To devote, to set apart for another person. Plural, akatiatia (aka-tìatìa). 2. To betroth, to affiance.

    Tiatia, to prick; to stick in a thing with a point. 2. The heel; to tread on the heels of a person in front of you.

  • Tiagakore, involuntary. Cf. tiaga (under tia) and kore.

  • Tiakai (tiàkài), a garden; a plantation of herbs or small vegetables.

  • Tiaki (tiàki), to guard, to take care of; to preserve. 2. To watch over, to foster; to inspect; to look after the health of another. Titiaki (titiàki), plural of the subject.

  • Tiakoro, to demand, to ask for, to request.

  • Tiaku, the name of a sea-bird.

  • Tiama, the name of a fish.

  • Tiama (tiàma), to hope for, to long for the arrival of a certain person. Tiamama (tiamàma), plural of the action; titiama (titiàma), plural of the subject. 2. To wait for, to stay for.

  • Tiaraha, the name of a flying insect.

  • Tiarakau (tiarakàu), a forest, a wood; a clump of trees, a grove. 2. A plantation or nursery of young trees.

  • Tiarura, the name of a bird having red and black markings on the back.

  • Tiatia. See under tia.

  • Tiatiakai (tìatìakài), food (maa) for present use and not to be put away in the ground.

  • Tiatiaoko (tìatìaòko), continually at work; always industrious.

  • Tiatoga (tiatòga), a thing, an object. 2. Possessions; riches. 3. The testicles. 4. To castrate.

  • Tiavavae (tìavavàe), a foot-covering, a shoe. Cf. tia and vavae.

  • Tiaveroai (tiaveroài), to be naked, bare.

  • Tieki, to take from one side to the other.

  • Tiemi (tièmi), to tremble with fear of shame. 2. To feel sudden movements in the muscles (cramp) or in the limbs through weakness. Tiaemiemi (tiaèmièmi) denotes stronger and more repeated action. Titiemi, plural of tiemi in simpler form.

  • Tiha, to bend, to bow; to be bowed. Tihatiha, plural of the action; titiha, plural of the subject.

  • Tihata (tihàta), a wooden arch of a native steam oven of stones. Plural, tihatahata (tihàtahàta).

  • Tihauea (tihàuèa), to be very thin; lean; meagre. Titihauea (tìhetìhe), plural of the action; titihe, plural of the subject.

    Tiheraga, the action of sneezing.

  • Tiheki (tihèki), to be lame, to hobble; particularly when having to walk on tip-toe. Tihekiheki (tihèkihèki), plural of the action; titiheki (titihèki), plural of the subject.

    Tihekiraga (tihèkiràga), the action of tiheki.

    Akatiheki (aka-tihèki), to raise one end of a thing as a counterpoise.

  • Tihi, a slice, a chop, a collop. Tihi mei, a slice of bread-fruit. 2. To cut into two parts, to divide in halves. Cf. tipi.

    Tihi (tìhi), to cut bread-fruit at a stroke; to slice. 2. To dash in front, to be first to charge the enemy. 3. To strike against another; to come into collision. 4. To go very quickly. 5. To halve, to divide into two parts. Tihitihi (tìhitìhi), plural of the action; titihi (titìhi), plural of the subject.

    Tihiraga (tìhiràga), the action of tihi.

  • Tiho (tìho), to look; to stare; to eye. 2. To examine, to regard attentively the position or attitude of a person or thing. Cf. matihotiho. Tihotiho (tihotìho), plural of the action; titiho (titìho), plural of the subject.

    Tihoga (tihòga), the action of tiho.

  • Tihou (tihòu), to take food (maa) from the middle of the hole, thus making a hollow. Cf. hou. Tihouhou, plural of the action; titihou (titihòu), plural of the subject.

    Tihouga (tihòùga), the action of tihou.

    Tihouhou (tihòuhòu), to bite hard: said of lice, mosquitos, &c.

  • Tii, the name of a fish.

  • Tika (tìka), to be true, right, just. 2. To be in a straight line. Titika (titìka), plural of the subject.

    Akatika (aka-tìka), to defend one's self when accused; to justify. 2. To accomplish, to execute. 3. To exercise; to practise. 4. To make right; to rectify, to perfect. 5. To prove, to show; to make good; to substantiate. 6. To ask permission. 7. To permit, to allow. 8. To re-erect, to set up again. 9. To erect, to raise, to set up. 10. To establish. 11. To answer properly; to say a thing well.

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  • Akatikatika (aka-tìkatìka), plural of the action; akatitika (aka-titìka), plural of the subject.

    Tikaga (tikàga), right, equity, justice. 2. A permission; a right allowed. 3. Authority. Aotikaga, the Supreme Power.

    Akatikaga (aka-tikàga), permission, leave. 2. Rectification; putting right; amendment. 3. An order, a command. 4. A demand. 5. An answer, response.

    Tikatika (tìkatìka), to be very true.

  • Tikarahu (tikaràhu), the name of a fish.

  • Tikarara,

  • Tikarari, Crippled; lame; halt.

  • Tikarari,

  • Tikaro (tikàro), to seize, to catch hold of. 2. To hold fast to that seized. Plural, tikarokaro.

    Tikaroga, the action of tikaro.

  • Tikatakao, Verily! True indeed!

  • Tikauato (tìka-ua-to), to be right in all ways; entirely correct.

  • Tikei (tikèi), to appear, to become visible. Tikeikei (tikèikèi), plural of the action; titikei (titikèi), plural of the subject.

    Tikeiraga (tikèiràga), appearance; the action of tikei.

  • Tikere (tikère), to leap to catch anything; to jump to try and reach a thing. 2. To boil up; to boil over.

    Tikerekere (tikèrekère), to gush, to jet; to spirt as water.

    Akatikere (aka-tikere), to cause to boil; to cause to spirt or gush.

  • Tiketike, high up; raised. 2. The height of a place. 3. A small hill.

    Tiketikega, a height; the part of a height just below the summit.

    Akatiketikega (aka-tiketikega), a hillock. 2. A support, prop. rest.

  • Tiki (tìki), a statue; a carved figure.

  • Tiki (tìki), to go in search of; to go to fetch a thing. Tikitiki, plural of the action; titiki, plural of the subject.

    Tikiga, the action of tiki.

    Tikitiki (tìkitìki), to go in search of.

  • Tiki-iha, How many?

  • Tiki-ke-tiki-ke, to go and look for several things successively. 2. To jump from one subject to another in conversation.

  • Tikitai, each one. One of each. Cf. tahi.

  • Tiko (tìko), to have the monthly courses (catamenia) of women. 2. The courses or menses. Titiko (titìko), plural of the subject. Cf. tikototo. 3. To go to stool; to evacuate the bowels. Cf. tikotutae.

  • Tikoe, blackfellows; negroes.

  • Tikoga, the flesh near the backbone of fishes.

  • Tikoni, a club-foot; a crippled foot. Cf. tikorori.

  • Tikorekore, the name of a fish.

  • Tikorori, to be lame, halt. Cf. tikoni.

  • Tikorori-tikorora, lame in both feet.

  • Tikototo, the menses of women. Cf. tiko and toto.

  • Tikotutae, to go to stool, to evacuate the bowels. Cf. tiko and tutae.

  • Timo (tìmo), to whistle; to make a noise with the lips to attract attention or call a person. 2. To make advances, to propitiate. Timotimo (tìmotìmo), plural of the action; titimo (titìmo), plural of the subject.

  • Tinae, the belly. Syn. kopu.

  • Tinai (tinài), to strike, to beat, to give blows. Tinatinai (tinatinài), plural of the action; titinai (titinài), plural of the subject.

  • Tinai-moe-roa, to kill a person by beating. 2. To kill.

  • Tinana (tinàna), a name given to tender and loving parents. 2. Parents generally.

  • Tini, a countless number; infinite. 2. In great quantity. Cf. matini, touamatini, putini, tipautini.

  • Tino (tìno), the body, trunk. 2. See tinoriria. Cf. toratino. Tinoahuakeana, a youth; youthful.

    Akatino (aka-tìno), to remark, to observe. 2. To inspect, to examine. 3. To form a body. Plural, akatinotino (aka-tìnotìno).

    Akatinotino (aka-tìnotìno), to examine; observe. 2. To have evil eyes.

  • Tinoriria (tino-riria), a decent word used when the sexual parts have to be referred to—sometimes tino only has this meaning.

  • Tio, a kind of shell-fish found àdhering to coral: it is very dangerous on account of the wounds it inflicts. Plural, tiotio. Cf. manava-tio.

    Tiotio, bread-fruit spoilt because full of black spines or thorns. Cf. terotero, tirotiro.

    Tiotio (tìotìo), to be pricked or marked on the face. 2. To be pitted with the small-pox. Cf. terotero, tirotiro.

    Akatiotio (aka-tìotìo), to try frequently but ineffectually. 2. To allow fruit to spoil by getting too ripe. 3. To entangle the conversation, to lead astray in a discourse.

    Akatitio (aka-titio), to assimilate. 2. To compare.

    Akatitioga (aka-titioga), comparison, likeness.

  • Tiokokoe, a sore in the flesh resembling the tio shell. 2. Small warts.

  • Tiora, distraction; abstraction; wandering of the mind.

    Tiora (tiòra), to be distracted; heedless of the subject; inattentive when at prayer and thinking of other things. Tioraora (tiòraòra), plural of the action; titiora (titiòra), plural of the subject.

    Tioraraga (tiòraràga), the action of tiora. 2. To be shifting: said of the wind.

  • Tiotio. See under tio.

  • Tipa, to extract a stone that is set or enclosed in another. To lessen the size of a stone or rock; to excavate. Tipatipa, plural of the action; titipa, plural of the subject.

    Tipatipa, to give blows with axes. 2. To hew or trim stones in a quarry.

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  • Tipae. See akatipae.

  • Tipana, to present one's self, but silently. 2. To dry kopiro. 3. To go and come, in order to find something or other. Cf. tipapa.

  • Tipana-mataoko, one who stubbornly persists in remaining.

  • Tipapa, to go and come, in the effort to find a thing. Cf. tipana (3). 2. To dry; to make dry.

  • Tipapa (tipàpa), cloth made from the inferior branches of the bread-fruit tree.

  • Tipau (tipàu), to calculate; to count. Tipaupau, plural of the action; titipau, plural of the subject.

    Tipauga (tipàùga), calculation; account.

    Tipauraga (tipàuràga), the act of counting, &c.

  • Tipautini, to count over many times. Cf. tipau and tini.

  • Tipeke, to finish, to terminate. Tipekepeke (tipèkepèke), plural of the action; titipeke (titipèke), plural of the subject.

    Tipekega (tipèkega), the end, termination.

    Akatipeke (aka-tipeke), to finish; to end; to terminate.

  • Tipeti (tipèti), to have the clothes turned back or tucked up. Tipetipeti, plural of the action; titipeti, plural of the subject.

  • Tipi, a knife, To cut, to divide. Tipitipi, plural of the action; titipi, plural of the subject. Cf. tihi.

    Tipiga, the action of tipi.

    Tipitipi, to cut to pieces. 2. To cut up wood.

  • Tipi-ra, food of an unusual kind, used to economize ordinary food (maa).

  • Tiporo (tipòro), to call any one from a distance. Tiporoporo (tipòropòro), plural of the action; titiporo (titipòro), plural of the subject. Cf. poro.

  • Tipoti (tipòti), a species of crab (crustacean). 2. A small trough. Cf. poti.

  • Tipuhi, bad, evil.

  • Tiputahi, an only son. Cf. tahi. 2. To be alone; by one's self.

  • Tira, a mast. 2. Bold, hardy.

  • Tira (tìra), to go straight along a road till you get to the end, or to the place you set out for. 2. To go on and present yourself without fear; to go straight and openly upon any path you choose. Tiratira (tìratìra), plural of the action; titira (titìra), plural of the subject.

  • Tirara (tiràra), to vary the conversation. Tirararara (tiràraràra), plural of the action; tititara (titiràra), plural of the subject.

  • Tirataku, very great; high over all other.

  • Tirau (tiràu), a certain dance accompanied by gesticulation and movement of the hands. To dance such a dance. See pouaru. Tiraurau (tiràuràu), plural of the action of the verb; titirau (titiràu), plural of the subject.

    Akatirau (aka-tiràu), to shiver, to tremble: said of the light of stars. Plural, akatiraurau (aka-tiràuràu).

  • Tiraukikakika, to dance with much waving of hands, &c.

  • Tirauapora (tirauàpòra), to tremble: said of any part of the body or limbs.

  • Tirava (tiràva), to beat bark-cloth from one end to the other. Tiravarava (tiràvaràva), plural of the action; titirava (titiràva), plural of the subject.

    Tiravaraga (tiràvaràga), the action of tirava.

  • Tire, to swell; to swell out.

  • Tirere (tirère), to hop, to skip. Cf. rere. Tirererere (tirèrerère), plural of the action; titirere (titirère), plural of the subject.

  • Tiri, to throw away, to reject. 2. To neglect. 3. To lose. 4. To allow to be lost or thrown away. Plural, tiritiri (tìritìri).

    Titiri (titìri), the same as tiri.

    Titiriga (titirìga), the action of titiri.

    Tiritiri (tìritìri), to continually reject. 2. To be constantly losing something.

    Tiriga (tirìga), the place where one has thrown a thing away.

  • Tiriaroaino, to reject a history or a tale as false.

  • Tiro (tìro), a reef, a shoal, 2. Spots on linen, iron-mould. Cf. matatirotiro, matiro, tiotio.

    Tirotiro (tìrotìro), plural of tiro. 2. Marked with points or spots. Cf. terotero, tiotio.

  • Tita (tìta), to clap the hands. 2. To come into collision with; to strike so that one is broken: said of two stones. Plural, titatita (tìtatìta).

    Titaga (titàga), the action of tita.

    Titatita (tìtatìta), to dash themselves together: said of waves.

  • Titaha (titàha), to lie on the side. 2. To be on the sides of: said of things. Cf. taha. Titahataha (titàhatàha), plural of the action; tititaha (tititàha), plural of the subject.

    Akatitaha (aka-titàha), to lie on one side of the body when sleeping. 2. To fasten on a narrow part of a thing a splint or piece of wood.

    Akatitahataha (aka-titàhatàha), to shun or evade several times.

  • Titakoto (titakòto), the summit of a tree, mast, &c.

    Titakotokoto (titakòtokòto), the most extreme high point of titakoto.

  • Titara (titàra), to open the fingers, making them into a curve like a hook. 2. To have the hair rough, uncombed, tousled. Cf. tara.

    Titaratara (titàratàra), hair very much dishevelled.

    Akatitara (aka-titàra), to make rough or prickly. Plural, akatitaratara (aka-titàratàra).

  • Titatita. See under tita.

  • Titave. See akatitave.

  • Titeha, pride, vanity. 2. To boast, to brag. Akatiteha (aka-titèha), to glorify one's self, to vaunt.

  • Titi, a term used to encourage workers. Titititi expresses strong action.

  • Titi (tìti), to excavate a hole with a peg or pin. Cf. tia. 2. To make a mistake; to take one thing for another. Titititi (tìtitìti), plural of the action; tititi (titìti), plural of the subject.

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  • Titiri. See under tiri.

  • Titiriavare (titìri-à-vàre), to give away for good, not to be given back.

  • Titiriga. See under tiri.

  • Titiripu (titìri-pu), not yet finished; not ended. Plural, titiritiripu (titìritìri-pu).

  • Tito (tìto), a point, a dot. 2. To leap; to hop; to skip. 3. To peck as a bird. 4. To bite at the hook. Titotito (tìtotìto), plural of the action; titito (titìto), plural of the subject.

  • Titoatara, wavering, inconstant: said of the wind, but of human beings also. Cf. titoketitoke.

  • Titoi, coition; sexual connexion; coupling; pairing. 2. To approach the female for purposes of copulation.

  • Titoke-titoke, unsteady, shifting, inconstant: said of the wind. Cf. titoatara.

  • Titoki, the name of a fish. Titokitoki, small fish of the titoki kind.

  • Titoko (titòko), a prefix of distribution: Titokotahi, for one only. Cf. toko.

  • Titovete, the name of a fish.

  • Titu (tìtu), to put on a garment the wrong way; to wear a thing crossways, askew, or awry.

  • Tiu (tìu), the west wind. 2. West. Cf. urapatiu.

  • To, in composition, appears to be a sign of the genitive case: toku, my; tokoe, yours. When used alone it has the meaning of “for.” Ex.: To tera tangata kai, food for that man. It is placed before names, but not before those of husband, wife, or articles of food.

  • To, sugar-cane. Cf. tugato, tumuto, vaito.

  • To, (), to make a canoe or vessel of planks fixed together. 2. To plank, to construct with planks, as a floor. 3. To work making some hollow object or excavation; to hollow out a stone. 4. To smooth out clothes that have been folded up.

    Akato (aka-to), to fall straight down (like a plummet), no matter where. 2. To go straight to the end, to the goal.

  • Toa, (tòa), the name of the iron-wood tree. 2. A woman, considered individually, not as one of a sex. Cf. toaahine, toaaretoa.

  • Toa (tòa), to be brave, courageous. 2. Strong, hardy. Totoa (totòa), plural of the subject. Cf. aretoa.

    Akatoa (aka-tòa), to be vehement in speech. 2. To be industrious, hard-working. 3. To be reliable; stedfast, unwavering. 4. To be valiant, brave. 5. To make exertions; to strain, to put forth strength. 6. To vanquish a difficulty; to get through a crowd. Plural, akatoatoa (aka-tòatòa).

    Toatoa (tòatòa), to work quickly; to make haste. 2. Brave; hardy.

  • Toaahine, a woman; any woman. Cf. toa, ahine, vcine, &c.

  • Toaaretoa, a brave woman. Cf. toa and aretoa.

  • Toamiru, the name of a goddess. 2. The name of a species of spider.

  • Toatama, the seed of the rega.

  • Toatoa. See under toa.

  • Toau. See akatoau.

  • Toe (tòe), to remain; to be in surplus; overplus. Toetoe, plural of the action; totoe, plural of the subject. Cf. topetope, totoe) (“much”).

    Toega, remainder; the part left over. Plural, toetoega.

    Akatoe (aka-tòe), to leave a remainder; to leave something over. Plural, akatoetoe (aka-tòetòe).

  • Toere (toère), to indue; to put on clothes.

    Akatoere (aka-toère), to put clothes on to another person; to cause to clothe. Akatoerere plural of the action; akatotoere (aka-totoère), plural of the subject.

  • Toereatu-toeremai, to take another person's clothes; to exchange vestments.

  • Toetoega. See under toe.

  • Toga (tòga), cloth made from bark; papyrus cloth. 2. The south wind. 3. The south. Cf. urupatoga.

    Togatoga (tògatòga), having little solidity, almost in rags.

  • Togaegae, diminishing in intensity or force: said of the wind. Cf. gaegae.

  • Togagatogàga), a bruise, a contusion. Cf. gaga, tokaga.

    Akatogaga (aka-togàga), to bruise fruit.

  • Togakura (toga-kùra), valuable, inestimable: said generally of men.

  • Togatoga. See under toga.

  • Togere (togère), a ripe coco-nut. 2. A hollow sound heard in the breast of one with a severe cough. Cf. togi. 3. The noise made by striking an empty vessel, as in beating a barrel. 4. The sound of a liquid moved about in a partially-emptied cask. Cf. togoro. 5. To echo or sound in the sense of the noise called togere. Togeregere (togèregère), plural of the action of the verb; totogere (totogère), plural of the subject.

    Akatogere (aka-togere), a low dull noise; far-off thunder. 2. A sepulchral voice.

  • Togi (tògi), sonorous, resounding.

  • Togi, to bless, to priase. 2. To eat a very little of a thing; to taste, to nibble. 3. To resound, to re-echo. 2. To hum, to sing in a low voice. 3. To sing in a sepulchral voice. Cf. togere.

    Togiga (togìga), a benediction; a blessing.

    Togitogi, to do nothing but taste; only to taste; not to eat heartily.

  • Togoiti, Lord, prince: the title of a person of dignity or of a land-owner when addressed by his inferiors, tenants, &c.

    Togoitiraga, nobiliity; privileged persons.

    Akatogoiti (aka-togoiti), to assume airs of nobility; to have the bearing, &c., of chiefs.

  • Togoro, the noise of the coco-nut-milk inside a nut not quite full. 2. The noise of a liquid shaken about in any vessel or container. Cf. goro and togere (2).

  • Togu (tògu), sounding hollow, dull. A heavy sound; a thick voice.

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  • Togugu, a noise like togu.

  • Toha (tòha), a broom, a besom; to sweep. 2. To draw back the hand which had been stretched out to take something. Tohatoha (tòhatòha), plural of the action; totoha (totòha), plural of the subject.

    Tohaga (tohàga), the action of sweeping, &c.

  • Tohahakanorenore (Toha-haka-norenore), the name of a certain goddess, incarnate in the shape of an eel.

  • Tohahuehuekaha (Toha-huehue-kaha), the name of a goddess who appears in solied and torn clothes. Figuratively used for a badly-dressed person.

  • Toheru (tohèru), to seize the opportune moment; to be in the nick of time. Toheruheru (tohèruhèru), plural of the action; totoheru (totòhèru), plural of the subject.

  • Tohetohe (tòhetòhe), small marine shell-fish that attach themselves to planking, &c., of vessels.

  • Tohi (tòhi), to cut the paste (maa). Tohitohi (tòhitòhi), plural of the action; totohi (totòhi), plural of the subject. Cf. toitoi.

  • Tohiapua (tohiàpùa), a large packet or bundle of maa (food-paste). To make up such a packet or load. Tohitohiapua, plural of the action; totohiapua (totohiàpua), plural of the subject.

  • Toho (tòho), a doubt; to doubt; not to know for certain. 2. Hidden, unknown. 3. To know where a hidden thing is. 4. A dream that turns out true; a dream coincident with events.

    Tohoga (tohòga), doubt; indecision.

    Tohogata, uncertain; unproved. 2. Not true. Kakore e tohogata, true, certain.

  • Tohora (tohòra), a whale. Pahitohora, a whaling vessel.

  • Tohora, even, level: said of a piece of land. 2. Quick, quickly. Vikitohora, to run quickly. 3. To be spilt, shed; exhaled. 4. To overflow.

  • Tohu (tòhu), to make one's escape; to evade; to take flight secretly. 2. To hide one's self. Tohutohu, plural of the action; totohu, plural of the subject.

    Akatohu (aka-tohu), to hide another person. 2. To cause another person to hide. Akatohutohu (aka-tòhutòhu), plural of the action; akatotohu (aka-totòhu), plural of the subject.

  • Tohua (tohùa), a public place in which the multitude assemble.

  • Tohuhu (tohùhu), a beam running from one gable-end of a house to the other, carried on the cross-bars of the rafters.

  • Tohuka (tohùka), to have an excess of saliva, produced by bad food. Cf. huka.

    Akatohuka (aka-tohuka), to have a sore mouth. 2. To have a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Tohura (tohùra), sloping, leaning. 2. Thrown down. Cf. tohuri.

  • Tohuri (tohùri), to lean, to slope. Cf. tutohuri. 2. Upset or capsized in the sea. Tohurihuri, plural of the action; totohuri, plural of the subject. Cf. tohura, huri, touuri.

  • Tohuta (tohùta), to act, to do. 2. To act or carry out suddenly. 3. To be very active or assiduous. Tohutahuta, plural of the action; totohuta, plural of the subject.

  • Tohutohu, food (maa) badly cooked; cooked without crust; half-cooked; half-raw. 2. The play or dance called rama.

  • Toi. See akatoi.

  • Toiaga (toiàga), coco-nut grated into a piece of linen or cloth to be twisted. Plural, toitoiaga (toitoiàga).

  • Toiapuama, a large package or bundle of maa.

  • Toiea (toièa), a ripe nut.

  • Toima, to cut the paste maa into slices.

  • Toineine, to walk with difficulty through being too fat and portly.

  • Toira, a kind of rush growing in tufts in moist places.

  • Toirito, atonement for a fault.

  • Toitoi, to cut, to divide. To cut into slices. Cf. tohi, totoi.

  • Toka (tòka), coral. Cf. tokatea. 2. A fixed abode; to dwell constantly in the same place. Tokatoka (tòkatòka), plural of the action of verb; totoka (totòka), plural of the subject.

    Tokatoka, curdled coco-nut milk.

  • Tokaga (tokàga) a bruise or contusion on bread-fruit. Cf. togaga. Plural, totokaga (totokàga).

  • Tokahai, the name of the sea among the islands stretching to north and west.

  • Tokai (tokài), to walk with pain and difficulty, having a long journey. Tokatokai (tokatokài), plural of the action; totokai (totokài), plural of the subject.

  • Tokaema, a kind of sponge, a marine substance like bird-lime, used to attract fish into the aga.

  • Tokani, the name of a place on Akamaru.

  • Tokara (tokàra), a hiccough; to have hiccoughs. Tokarakara (tokàrakàra), plural of the action; totokara (totokàra), plural of the subject.

    Akatokara (aka-tokàra), to click the tongue. Plural, akatokarakara (aka-tokàrakàra).

  • Tokaragi (or Atikura), the name of the north-east part of the bay at Mangareva.

  • Tokatea, white coral. Cf. toka and tea.

  • Tokatu (tokàtu), a piece of wood used for attaching to the anchor-rope; a buoy or float.

  • Tokau, to voyage, to travel by sea.

  • Tokavi (tokàvi), to cease, to stop, either at intervals or entirely. Plural, tokavikavi (tokavikàvi).

  • Tokete (tokète), brother-in-law; sister-in-law. See teina.

  • Toketoke (tòketòke), a marine worm resembling an earth-worm. Cf. iritoke.

  • Toketokehumu, the name of a fish.

  • Toki (tòki), an adze. Cf. tokiau, koutoki. 2. A saw.

    Akatoki (aka-tòki), to speak in a low voice when contradicting another person. 2. To sound by means of little strokes, as the bell of a page 106 clock; to chime. 3. To make a noise when at work. 4. To tattle, to prate. Plural, akatokitoki.

  • Tokiau, an adze. Cf. toki.

  • Tokio (tokìo), to talk for a long time: said concerning uninterrupted conversation. Totokio (totokìo), plural of the subject. Cf. kiokio.

  • Toki-vaitau, abundance; affluence.

  • Toko (tòko), after all; in short; finally.

  • Toko (tòko), the pole of a raft; to punt a raft along with a pole. 2. Stilts. 3. To fish with the hand among the reefs. Tokotoko, plural of the action; totoko (totòko), plural of the subject.

    Totoko (totòko), to put in opposition. 2. To stretch out anything to dry.

    Tokotoko (tòkotòko), a staff having a flat crook at the end. 2. A stick, a staff. 3. The pole of a raft, a punting pole.

    Akatokotoko (aka-tokotoko), to make a thing into a toko. 2. To play the sluggard.

  • Toko, a prefix joined to numerals, as tokotahi, one; tokorua, two; &c. Tokotahi-atirògouru, ten. Cf. titoko, tokohia.

  • Tokohia, How many? Cf. toko, hia. [Toko is only used of persons.]

  • Tokorua, a companion, a mate. Cf. toko and rua.

  • Tokotahi, One; one only. Cf. toko, tahi, tokorua.

  • Tokoto (tokòto), to leave, to quit; to lay down; to lay down in a particular spot. 2. To leave off (or suspend for a time) an action. 3. To be set in a certain position: said of things. 4. To be lying down: said of human beings. Tokotokoto, plural of the action; totokoto, plural of the subject.

    Akatokoto (aka-tokòto), to lay down, to set down. 2. To allow to leave off, to permit to cease. Akatokotokoto (aka-tokotokoto), plural of the action; akatotokoto (aka-totòkoto), plural of the subject.

  • Tokotoko. See under toko.

  • Tokotokora. An atom, a minute speck.

  • Tokovavae (tòkovavàe), stilts for walking.

  • Toku, cartilage.

  • Toku, my; mine; “Give me my portion.” Cf. taku.

  • Tomamimi, the bladder. Cf. mimi, tugamimi.

  • Tomatoma (tòmatòma), a young coco-nut not grown to its full size.

  • Tometome, the name of a small fish.

  • Tomo (tòmo), to enter; to go into a place. 2. To enter into possession of. 3. To sink in the water: said of canoes, ships, &c. Tomotomo (tòmotòmo), plural of the action; totomo (totòmo), plural of the subject.

    Tomoga, the action, &c., of entry.

    Akatomo (aka-tòmo), to cause to enter; to make a person or thing go inside. Akatomotomo (aka-tòmotòmo), plural of the action; akatotomo (aka-totòmo), plural of the subject.

  • Tomopu, to enter suddenly. Cf. tomo.

  • Tomotu (tomòtu), to interrupt, to stop; to cease. Tomotumotu, plural of the action; totomotu (totomòtu), plural of the subject. Cf. motu.

  • Tona (tòna), a venereal disease.

    Akatona (aka-tòna), to make great effort to cry out loudly, so as to be heard at a distance. 2. To emerge with pain and difficulty: said of vomitings, and of evacuations of the bowels.

    Tonatona, gross; swollen up; inflated. 2. Fat, corpulent.

  • Tona, his, hers, its, belonging to him, &c.

  • Tonara, one day, some day, at some time: used as in the expression, “One day you will repent this.”

  • Tonu, a large fish.

  • Tonuoho (tonuòho), to be cruel; wicked. 2. To give way to anger. Tonutonuoho, plural of the action; totonuoho (totònuòho), plural of the subject.

  • Tonumoko, a bad character; a bad-tempered person, one easily made angry.

  • Topa (tòpa), to fall from a height. 2. Not to be remembered; to be forgotten when a distribution of food is being made. 3. To let fall from the hand. 4. To miss, to fail. 5. Not to be present at a meeting; not to give help, &c. Topatopa (tòpatòpa), plural of the action; totopa (totòpa), plural of the subject.

    Akatopa (aka-tòpa), to cause to fall. 2. Not to give to a certain person at a food-distribution. 3. To refuse. 4. Not to receive. 5. To allow to fall. 6. To vanquish, to conquer. Akatopatopa (aka-tòpatòpa), plural of the action.

    Akatopaia (aka-topaia), fallen. 2. That which has been broken off.

    Akatopatopa (aka-topatopa), to stammer. 2. To speak clearly, but only on being rebuked for stuttering. 3. To sing: said of two voices singing together. 4. To talk at random. 5. To sing from low to high and high to low.

  • Topaiarapu, to be worsted in argument; beaten in discussion. Totopaiarapu, plural of the subject.

  • Topapu (tòpapu), to fall before maturity: said of fruit. 2. To drop behind: said of men on march. Topatopapu, plural of the action; totopapu (totòpapu), plural of the subject.

  • Topatahaga (tòpatàhaga), not to succeed in. 2. Frustrated; duped. 3. One who has received nothing, or has been forgotten. 4. To come for nothing.

  • Topatotara, a shower of rain. 2. Fallen to the ground: said of rain.

  • Topetope, the end, margin. 2. The tip. 3. To leave a thing to be done; to allow a task to remain undone.

    Akatopetope (aka-topetope), a remnant, remainder. Cf. toe.

  • Topiti (topìti), to run through the hands: said of soup. Topitipiti, plural of the action; totopiti, plural of the subject.

    Topitipiti, to fall drop by drop. Cf. kuratopitipiti.

  • Topou (topòu), the ribs; the rib-bones.

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  • Toputu (topùtu), the movements of the larynx and œsophagus in swallowing. Plural, totoputu (totopùtu).

  • Tora (tòra), strong desire. To wish for, to want. Cf. tore. 2. To plague, to pester, to vex. 3. To agitate, to shake, to disquiet. 4. To be agitated or uneasy with desire, longing, or envy: E tora ana te tino, to feel the temptations of the flesh. Cf. toratino.

  • Torahurahu (toràhuràhu), without obstacle to the view; open, level.

  • Torai, to swim, to float.

  • Torari, mud produced by the stamping of feet. Cf. rarirari. Torarirari (toràriràri), mud in large quantities produced by more stamping than torari.

    Akatorari (aka-torari), to make mud soft by the trampling of many people walking. Plural, akatorarirari (aka-toràriràri).

  • Toratino, fleshly desires; lusts of the body. Cf. tora, tino.

  • Tore (tòre), a tongue of land; anything shaped like a tongue. 2. An overplus or remnant not wanted, of food (maa). 3. A thing jutting out, a projection. 4. The uvula of the throat. Cf. torekaki. 5. The penis of a man. Cf. tora and ure. 6. To advance out of line, to go beyond a line. Toretore (tòretòre), plural of the action (of No. 6); totore (totòre), plural of the subject.

    Toretore (tòretòre), has same meaning as tore.

    Akatore (aka-tòre), to pinch; to press. 2. To dispute; to quarrel in words. 3. To push out in a point: said of land 4. To elongate, to prolong. 5. To squabble, to wrangle. Plural, akatoretore (aka-toretòre).

  • Torea, the name of a bird that lives on the sea-shore, a sandpiper.

  • Toreakerekere, the note of the torea bird; a torea that cries. See kerekere.

  • Torekaki, the uvula of the throat. Cf. tore and kaki.

  • Torena (torèna), with extended borders sloping to lower ground: said of a piece of land. 2. To be spilt, shed: said of water. 3. To be wasted, thrown away: said of words. 4. To be swollen, inflated: Kopu torena, a corpulent or distended belly. Torenarena (torènarèna), plural of the action; totorena (totorèna), plural of the subject.

  • Torepa, to stagger, to totter. 2. To fall, from weakness. 3. One who has been set loose, untied.

  • Toretore. Syn. tore.

  • Tori (tòri), to strike on the back. Toritori (tòritòri), plural of the action; totori (totòri) plural of the subject.

  • Toriki (toriki), to come little by little; to get in small quantities: said of food (maa) thus procured. Torikiriki (torìkirìki), plural of the action. Cf. riki, toitiiti.

    Akatoriki (aka-torìki), to pour out in very small drops and at intervals. Plural, akatorikiriki (aka-torìkirìki).

    Akatorikiriki (aka-torìkirìki), a slight fog or haze produced by very heavy rain.

  • Torino (torìno), a kind of grass. 2. Filaments of coco-nut fibre twisted and put together to about the length of an ell. 3. To make small meshes of coco-nut-fibre material. Torinorino, plural of the action; totorino (totorìno), plural of the subject.

  • Torita (torìta), to beg, to solicit, to importune. 2. To rush, dash: said of water. Toritarita (torìtarìta), plural of the action; totorita (totorìta), plural of the subject.

  • Toro (tòro), a net. 2. That which grows well, that becomes larger; to swell, grow: said of vegetables in the ground. 3. To wrap up; to envelope in a bag; to make a packet or bundle of anything. Cf. torotaro. Torotoro, plural of the action.

    Akatoro (aka-tòro), to return to one's home, or to a place often visited. 2. To secretly slip into a company of persons, or to sneak into a place. 3. To station one's self secretly at a certain point. 4. To seek the cause of an action, the source of a motive, or the author of some circumstance. 5. To go “on the sly.” 6. To go in search of; to make inquiry. Cf. akatoropuku.

    Totoro (totòro), to crawl on the hands and knees, like infants. Cf. gatoro, tormiki.

    Akatotoro, to crawl on hands and knees; to go by stealth. 2. To trail or drag one's self along.

    Torotoro (tòrotòro), to walk crouching down, so as not to be seen.

    Akatorotoro (aka-tòrotòro), to seek the cause of an action or the author of certain events. 2. To go at night to commit a crime. 3. To go on hands and feet. 4. To go “on the sly.” 5. To search the mind for a right word, a true expression.

  • Toroa (toròa), the name of a bird.

  • Toroaki (toroàki), to be bent down with the weight of years or under a heavy load. Torotoroaki, plural of the action; totoroaki, plural of the subject.

  • Toroga (Toròga), the name of a mythical person who was entertained and feasted by the fishes of ocean.

  • Toromiki (toromiki), a baby, a child. Cf. toro, uamakamiki.

  • Toronano, to supplicate; to earnestly entreat to grant some favour. Cf. toro.

    Akatoronano has same meaning as toronano. Plural, akatorotoronano (aka-torotoronano).

  • Toropuku. See akatoropuku, in alphabetical place.

  • Torororoa, to be very long: said of garments, nets, &c. Torotorororoa, plural of the action; totorororoa, plural of the subject. Cf. toro and roa.

    Akatororoa, to lengthen a garment; to piece out. 2. To stretch out; to lengthen: said of the hair.

  • Torotaro, a bag of taro in the manogi.

  • Torotoro. See under toro.

  • Torotoroeke, the name of a shell-fish.

  • Toru, three. Cf. putoru.

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  • Torugu, to arrive by land. Plural, totorugu.

  • Totai, again; more. 2. A second time.

  • Totai-atu, to go away. Cf. totai and atu.

  • Totai-mai, to draw near. Cf. totai and mai.

  • Totara (totàra): said of a short shower of rain. 2. The name of a fish. 3. The name of a species of bread-fruit.

  • Totata, to be red and perspiring from having been too near the fire.

  • Totau, arrived: said of many people. Cf. tatau.

  • Totavai, a coco-nut tree having large fruit.

  • Tote, to strike a stone with a piece of wood. Plural, totete.

  • Toti, to walk with difficulty, to limp, to hobble. Totitoti, plural of the action; tototi, plural of the subject.

  • Totitititi, to fall drop by drop. Cf. toriki, iti.

  • Toto (tòto), blood. Cf. oaratoto, putoto, tikototo, atoto, totoua. 2. A piece of wood which sustains the rau on the water. 3. To arrange, to put everything in its place. Syn. muani.

    Totototo (tòtotòto), bloody, tinged with blood. Cf. akatotohi. 2. Dark red, reddish.

  • Toto, to be angry because of injuries.

    Akatoto (aka-toto), to supplicate with great earnestness and insistence.

  • Totoe, much, many. Cf. toe. 2. The name of a species of cray-fish.

  • Totoemakurara, the name of a species of crab (crustacean).

  • Totogo (totògo), an inward pain caused by excessive grief or joy; to feel pain from mental excitement. 2. To love with all the heart.

  • Totohi. See akatotohi.

  • Totoi, to split at a single blow. Cf. toi. 2. A sudden retention of urine; urine which is kept back by some sudden check. Cf. akatotohi.

  • Totonu (totònu), to go in search of. 2. To wait for; to stay for. 3. To return to a place where one formerly lived to claim some object left behind and forgotten for a while.

    Akatotonu (aka-totonu), to reclaim, to claim back. 2. To return at last, after long absence.

  • Totoro. See under toro.

  • Totorogu (totòrògu), the name of certain small fishes.

  • Totororo, a large marine shell, the conchshell. 2. The high notes of the conch.

  • Totorotogoiti (totorotògoìti), the name of a grass.

  • Totototo. See under toto.

  • Totoua (tòtoùa). See under toua.

  • Totuj, the name of a shrub.

  • Totupo (totùpo), to be very weak and feeble after an illness. Totupotupo, plural of the action; tototupo (tototùpo), plural of the subject. Cf. tupo, tupou.

  • Tou (tòu), the name of a tree. 2. To be hidden; to hide one's self; to be invisible.

  • Tou, there is, there are: Tou tahi, there is one; tou roa, there are two, &c.; tou-ha, four fruits on the same branch.

  • Toua (toùa), preparations for war. 2. A war song. 3. A battle. Plural, totoua (totoùa).

    Totoua (totoùa), red spots or stains on certain bread-fruits. Cf. toto.

  • Touakino (touàkìno), a hypocrite.

  • Touakira, dried in the sun.

  • Touamatini, much of, plenty of. Cf. tini.

  • Tougaruru (toùgarùru), to diminish slightly in force: said of the wind.

  • Touhara (touhàra), the units in counting above ten: thus the 3 of 13 is touhara. Syn. tuma.

  • Touhumu (touhùmu), the name of a shrub.

  • Toukupu (toukùpu), the arm, from shoulder to elbow. 2. The handle of a lance, when the handle or shaft is of different material to the point.

  • Touma (toùma), the dry envelope of a young coco-nut cut into slices and put into water to make it flexible; it is then used in the taking of fish.

  • Toumaha (toumàha), a prayer offered up before a feast or a meal; a grace. 2. To offer first-fruits to a god. Toumahamaha (toumàhamàha), plural of the action; totoumaha (totoumàha), plural of the subject.

  • Toumaki (toumàki), to hope for; to wait for; to have faith in; to have confidence. Plural, totoumaki (totoumàki).

    Toumakiraga (toumàkiràga), faith; confidence.

  • Toumanu (toumànu), a very large fishing-net.

  • Toumaohao (toumàomào), to hand within reach of the hand. Cf. tourara.

  • Toumata (toumàta), the raised ends of an instrument for catching fish.

  • Toume, the roro of a coco-nut palm (see roro 3) fitted for making an aga fishing-basket.

  • Toupatu (toupàtu), the topmost part of a house: said of the thatch only.

  • Toupiri (toupìri), to bend under the weight of fruit, as a tree. 2. To depend on; to obtain subsistence from a person. Cf. piri.

    Toupiripiri (toupìriviri), to gather the fruit from a tree with the hand.

  • Toura (toùra), a cord, a string.

  • Tourara (touràra), to hang suspended so as to be reached by the hand. Cf. toumaomao.

  • Touru (toùru), a level surface, a horizontal superficies.

  • Tourua (tourùa), to be hung two by two on a branch. Cf. tou and rua.

  • Toutahi (toùtàhi), to be suspended one by one on a branch. Cf. tou, tahi, touraua, &c.

  • Toutoru (toùtòru), hung three by three on a branch. 2. The Belt in the constellation of Orion.

  • Touumu, the name of a tree found at Te Kava and Kouaku.

  • Touuri, to turn upside down. Cf. tohuri, huri. 2. To turn inside out. Cf. akatouri.

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  • Touuriuri, to stagger, to totter. 2. To upset, right and left.

  • Touveve (tòuvève), to cover a native oven with grass and leaves. 2. One who prepares food, one who covers the oven. Toutouveve (tòutòuvève), plural of the action; totouveve (totòuvève), plural of the subject.

  • Tovaeuatu, a sucker or scion of the banana called uatu. Cf. huatu.

  • Tove (tòve), rain that continues without intermission for twenty-four hours. 2. To talk without ceasing. Tovetove (tòvetòve), plural of the action; totove (totòve), plural of the subject.

  • Tu (), life; being, existence. 2. The name of one of the great gods of Mangareva, about whose worship the chief part of the native religion centred. [See Tu-nui, under marama.] 3. A wailing or complaint of sick persons in great pain. 4. A cry, a shout. 5. A home-thrust. 6. One after another: as Tu aga, work consecutively; kai tu, eat one after the other; Tu ka rere hua te hu, Let us all go aboard. 7. To be upright; to stand up. Plural (of No. 7), tutu (tùtù). 8. To aim, to aim straight; to hit the mark. 9. To be struck by a lance; to be wounded by a thorn in the foot or in the skin, &c.; to be pierced or pricked by. Cf. tumoto. 10. To be pierced or wounded by the fish nohu.

    Akatu (aka-tù), to search the records; to refer back to genealogies, traditions, &c. 2. To search for a forgotten word so as to be able to name a thing; to try back along a line of thought link by link in order to remember something. 3. To redress. 4. To straighten. 5. To re-erect; to set erect, to put upright (generally used in plural form). 6. To form plans or designs; to make resolutions or propositions. 7. To make history; to tell of what has happened. 8. To cover over the food (maa) in the pits with leaves; the leaf-covering itself. 9. To create, to invent. 10. A kind of combat to avenge an insulted chief.

    Turaga (turàga), a site, standing-place: Turaga hare, the site of a house.

    Tutu (tùtù), to beat out bark cloth; the instrument for beating it out. 2. See under tu.

    Akatutu (aka-tutu), plural of the verb tu, but mostly used as the plurals in the sense of above numbers 8 and 9. 2. To fasten a small net in a circle to a handle: it is then called manogi. 3. The piece of wood which sustains the net on the handle. 4. To explain. 5. Covered with confusion; ashamed.

    Akatuturaga, an explanation.

  • Tu-a-aveave, large, handsome, well proportioned. Cf. tuaveave.

  • Tua (tùa), the back. 2. Behind; the rear. 3. the high seas: I tua, at the back of the island, on the ocean, Cf. okikotua, pooretua.

    Tuatua (tùatùa), large, bulky, great in volume.

    Akatuatua (aka-tùatùa), to enlarge. 2. To fatten; to make gross.

  • Tua (tùa), to fell, to cut down trees. Tuatua (tùatùa), plural of the action; tutua (tutùa), plural of the subject.

    Tuatua (tùatùa), to cut or strike with great vigour.

  • Tuahega, a cord, a piece of string; a line made with more than two strands. 2. To make a four-strand cord.

  • Tuaheu (Tuahèu), the name of a reef.

  • Tuahonu (tùahònu), “turtle-backed”: said of food (maa) that has been burnt in cooking.

  • Tuahu (tùahu), a great number of persons. Cf. hu.

  • Tuahuru (tuahùru), the name of a species of crayfish. Cf. tuauru.

  • Tuakana (tuakàna), the elder brother of a male; the elder sister of a female. [See explanation of teina.]

  • Tuakau, the side of the islands facing the high seas. Cf. akau.

  • Tuakavahi (tuakavàhi), the part of the spinal column about the first ribs. Cf. akau.

  • Tuakei, the loins, the reins. 2. The base of the spinal column and adjacent parts. 3. The lumbar regions; the haunches. Cf. tua.

  • Tuaki (tuàki), to disembowel; to take out the intestines. Tuatuaki (tuàtuàki), plural of the action; tutuaki (tutuàki), plural of the subject.

    Tuakiga, the action of tuaki.

  • Tuakura (tuakùra), a man who remains on land and who goes no more to sea.

  • Tuakurakura-kaokaotai, fruit spoilt upon one side. Cf. kaokao, tukaokao.

  • Tuamaganoa (tuamàga-noa), a great heap of something.

  • Tuamatagi, in the mouth of the wind: said of an unsheltered place.

  • Tuapakupaku (tùapàkupàku), provided for in all ways; sustained and looked after.

  • Tuapua (tùapùa), round, circular. 2. A horizontal circle.

  • Tuaraga (tuaràga), to be dispersed, and wandering here and there: only said of a large number of people. Plural, tutuaraga (tutuaràga).

  • Tuarega (tuarèga), to have pains in the bowels.

  • Tuarima (tùarìma), the back of the hand. Cf. tua, rima.

  • Tuaririki (tuarirìki), fine, delicate, small. Cf. riki. Plural, tutuaririki.

    Tuatuaririki, very fine, very small, delicately minute.

  • Tuaroga (tuaròga), any inhabited place on high ground. 2. A dry place.

  • Tuaroro, to be fatigued with trying to journey against the wind.

  • Tuata, a person who is completely tattooed.

  • Tuatai, to do once. Cf. tahi.

  • Tuatai (tuàtài), the name of a species of crayfish.

  • Tuatea (tuatèa), a heap of objects; a pile of material (such as maa) exposed to view. Plural, tuatuatea (tuatuatèA).

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  • Tuateanoa, to waste, to scatter, to squander. 2. In great quantity.

  • Tuatua. See under tua (to fell) and tua (the back).

  • Tuatuaririki. See under tuaririki.

  • Tuaunu. (tuàunu), unstirred, unshaken: said of trees. Plural, tutuaunu (tutuàunu).

  • Tuaure (tuaùre), a parent up to the third degree inclusive: father, grandfather, great-grandfather; mother, grandmother, great-grandmother.

  • Tuauru, the name of a species of crab (crustacean). Cf. tuahuru.

  • Tuaveave, of tall stature. Cf. aveave, tuaaveave, tuhave.

  • Tuavera (tuavèra), the last fruits on a bread-fruit tree, spoilt by the wind.

  • Tuehine, a sister, a female cousin, when spoken of by men. The word is used for cousins to the sixth remove. See teina, tuakana, tugane, &c.

    Akatuehine (aka-tuehìne), to treat like a sister or femal cousin: said by men only.

  • Tuehuehu (tuèhuèhu), dirty, untidy in clothes or appearance. Cf. ehu.

  • Tuere (tuère), to eat fast. 2. To act promptly. Tuetuere (tuètuère), plural of the action; tutuere (tutuère), plural of the subject.

  • Tuga (tùga), a worm that devours sugar-cane. Cf. tugato.

  • Tuga (tùga), to sit down all day. Plural, tutuga (tutùga).

  • Tugagi (tugàgi), to scrape bread-fruit that one cannot peel. 2. To be dull, to be feeble: said of a man's attempts or actions. Tugagigagi, plural of the action; tutugati, plural of the subject.

    Akatugagi (aka-tugàgi), to dull or make blunt a shell for scraping bread-fruit. 2. To waste in cutting or slicing. Akatugagigagi (aka-tugàgigàgi), plural of the action; akatutugagi (aka-tutugagi), plural of the subject.

  • Tugamimi, the human bladder. Cf. tomamimi, mimi.

  • Tugane (tugàne), a brother, a male cousin to the sixth remove, when spoken of by girls or women. See teina, tuakana, tuehine, &c.

    Akatugane (aka-tugàne), to treat like a brother or male cousin: only said by women and girls.

  • Tugato (tùga-to), a worm that infests sugarcane. Cf. tuga and to.

  • Tugou (tugòu), the name of a hideous and poisonous fish.

  • Tugou (tugòu), to make signs with the eyes or forehead: to make a sign of assent with the head. Tugougou (tugougou), plural of the action; tutugou (tutugòu), plural of the subject. [These signs are of assent only.] Cf. tupou.

    Tugougou (tugòugòu), not to be vigorous: said of men or plants.

    Akatugougou, to make a sign by bowing the head. 2. Sickly-looking, said of men or plants.

  • Tugutu (tugùtu), idle, unemployed; having nothing to do. 2. To remain at table without eating. Tugutugutu (tugùtugùtu), plural of the action; tutugutu (tutugùtu), plural of the subject.

  • Tuha (tùha), to divide, to portion out. Tuhatuha (tùhatùha), plural of the action; tutuha (tutùha), plural of the subject.

    Tuhaga, distribution; a portion, lot. Plural, tuhatuhaga (tùhatùhaga).

  • Tuhara (tuhàra), the difference in the movements of the tide (the daily change in time of high tide, &c.). 2. Not to be regular in one's actions or conduct. Cf. touhara.

  • Tuhau (tuhàu), the name of nets generally, without specifying the kind. 2. To take fish with the haga for the second or third time.

  • Tuhave, to be tall in stature. Tuhavehave, plural of the action; tutuhave, plural of the subject. Cf. tuaveave, tuaaveave, &c.

  • Tuheheia, wandering, roving.

  • Tuhera (tuhèra), to cleave, to split. 2. To open, to gape, to be ajar. 3. To be dispersed, scattered: said of an assembly. 4. To be diffused, spread abroad. Tuherahera (tuhèrahèra), plural of the action; tutuhera (tutuhèra), plural of the subject.

    Tuheraga (tuhèràga), the action of tuhera.

    Akatuhera (aka-tuhèra), to dissipate, to scatter. Plural, akatuherahera (aka-tuhèrahèra).

  • Tuhi (tùhi), to show, to point out with the finger. Tuhituhi (tùhitùhi), plural of the action; tutuhi, plural of the subject.

  • Tuhoe (tuhòe), to scrape, to scratch with the fingers or the nails. Tuhoehoe, plural of the action; tutuhoe, plural of the subject.

  • Tuhoe, to strike lightly with the hand.

  • Tuhonu (tuhònu), bread-fruit of the last crop.

  • Tuhoropuga (tuhòropùga), shaved: said of the head.

    Tuhorohoropuga (tuhòrohòropùga), entirely shaved: said of the head.

  • Tuhota (tuhòta), to be eager, earnest; not to permit delay.

    Tuhotahota (tuhòtahòta), to be very earnest. Plural, tutuhota (tutuhòta).

  • Tuhuga (tuhùga), to be accustomed, used; adroit; well-taught. 2. Wise, instructed. Cf. akatuuga. Plural, tutuhuga (tutuhùga).

  • Tui, the cry of a rat; to squeak like rats. Tuitui, plural of the action; tutui, plural of the subject.

    Tuitui, the cry of young chickens or rats.

  • Tui (tùi), to sew, to stitch. 2. To thread on a reed or rush. 3. To twist the rope of a mast round a bench or thwart. Tuitui (tùitùi), plural of the action; tutui (tutùi), plural of the subject.

    Tuiga, sewing; the action of sewing.

    Tutui, to string fish on a line.

  • Tui, to take under the arm: Tui atu tui mai, to put the arms over and then under.

    Akatuigaiga (aka-tuìgaìga), to take the trouble to raise one's self so as to stand upright. 2. To swing from side to side in walking.

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  • Tuiamaro, a piece of linen or cloth not large enough to encircle the body. 2. To gird one's self as with a maro. Cf. maro, tuitahi.

  • Tuitahi, Tuitaki a maro (girdle) without ornament. Cf. tuiamaro.

  • Tuitui. See under tui.

  • Tuituipua (tùitùipua), to suit together; to agree.

  • Tukaokao (tùkaokao), to be on the side of. Cf. kaokao.

  • Tukaramihi, an injurious exclamation, an execration, applied to gods or men.

  • Tukarere (tukarère), to desire, to wish for. 2. To act instantly, prompted by intense longing. Tukarererere (tukarèrerère), plural of the action; tutukarere (tutukarère), plural of the subject.

  • Tukaripahi, a term of contempt.

  • Tukau (tukàu), the stalk of fruits. Cf. kakau. 2. A socket. 3. A handle. 4. The helm of a vessel.

    Tukaukau, stalks. 2. Short handles.

  • Tuke (tùke), the elbow. 2. The heel. 3. The joints of the fingers. Cf. etuke. 4. The extremity of each fruit in a bunch of pandanus fruit. 5. An islet; separated from the mainland.

    Tuketuke (tùketùke), large feet. 2. To make eyes at any one. Cf. tukemata.

  • Tukemata (tùkemàta), the parts about the eyes. 2. The whites of the eyes. Cf. mata, matatuke, tuketuke, tukimata.

    Akatukemata (aka-tùkemàta), to heap up; to fill to the top: said only of solid things, not of liquids. 2. To have angry eyes, to look furious. 3. To look upward. Cf. tukimata.

  • Tukerae (tùkeràe), the top of the forehead. Cf. tuke, aka-rae, raemata.

  • Tukerakau, to drive away in an imperious manner, to expel haughtily. Plural, tutukerakau.

  • Tukeremoi, to be obstructive, mean, narrow-minded; without brains; dull, stupid. Cf. tukeremu. [See note, akatukeremu.]

  • Tukeremu has the same meaning as tukeremoi. Tukerekeremu, plural of the action; tutukeremu, plural of the subject.

    Akatukeremu (aka-tukeremu), to make dull or stupid; to make blunt. [Akatukeremoi and Akatikeremu also have this meaning.]

  • Tuketuke. See under tuke.

  • Tuki (tùki), a stamper, a pestle, a pounder. To crush, bruise, pound with a stamper. Cf. tukia. 2. Following. 3. Continual; continuation. 4. To feel, to handle. 5. To stretch out the hand to feel. 6. To be unlike in sentiments, habits, &c. 7. To crowd, to press on anything that yields. Tukituki (tùkitùki), plural of action of verb; tutuki (tutùki), plural of the subject.

    Tukituki, to pound, to bruise. A pestle, a beater. 2. To kill. 3. To put end to end. 4. A train, a series; consecutive.

    Tukiga (tukìga), a set, a series, connected together. Plural, tukitukiga.

  • Tukia, a shock, concussion. 2. A stone over which one has tripped; a stumbling-block. 3. A speech that tempts; an allurement. Cf. tuki.

  • Tukia (tukìa), to butt against; to strike against. Cf. tuki, tukia. Tukiakia (tukìakìa), plural of the action; tutukia (tutukìa), plural of the subject.

    Tukiakia (tukìakìa), a scandalous occurrence; to scandalize, to slander. 2. The occasion of a fall. 3. A bait, an allurement; attractions.

  • Tukimata, to look upwards. Cf. akatukemata.

  • Tukinoho (tukinòho), to persevere, to be insistent. Plural, tutukinoho (tutukinòho).

  • Tukipanauea (tùkipanauèa), to be very short in stature.

  • Tukiri (tukìri), imperfect. 2. A thing that will not do; improper; unmeet; unbecoming; discordant. Plural, tutukiri (tutukìri).

    Tukirikirinoa, altogether imperfect, unfit, &c.

  • Tukitahaga, without question. 2. Prolonged indefinitely.

  • Tukituki. See under tuki.

  • Tukoma, a species of banana, the leaves of which are smooth and feel as if oiled.

  • Tukoro (tukòro), the name of a fish.

  • Tukoromahu (tukoromàhu), the name of an evil-smelling fish.

  • Tukoru (tukòru), a high tide that has reached its highest limit.

  • Tuku (tùku), to send, despatch. 2. To show, to instruct. 3. To let alone, to allow to remain. 4. To deliver up, to give a thing over to some one. 5. To give. 6. To stretch out the hand. 7. To give up to the mercy of the winds and waves. 8. To cast the fishing-net. Tuku ki iva, to set out, to go among strangers. 9. To sink, to sink to the bottom. 10. To lie stretched out; extended; dead. Tukutuku (tùkutùku), plural of the action; tutuku (tùtùku), plural of the subject.

    Tukuga (tukùga), instruction.

    Tukutuku (tùkutùku), to weave, to warp: said of textiles only.

  • Tuku, a piece of land.

  • Tukuakaegutu (tùkuàkaègùtu), to confide a secret. Tukutukuaegutu (tùkutùkuaègùtu), plural of the action; tutukuaegutu (tutùkuàègutu), plural of the subject.

  • Tukuakaigoigo, to pout, to look sour; to withdraw in the sulks. Cf. akaigoigo.

  • Tukuakanunui, to give much. 2. To send often. 3. To throw much. Cf. tuku and nui. Tukutukuakanunui, plural of the action; tutukuakanunui, plural of the subject.

  • Tukuakarikiriki (tuku-aka-rìkirìki), to give little. 2. To throw or cast away little. 3. To leave alone by little and little. Tukutukuakarikiriki (tukutuku-aka-rìkirìki), plural of the action; tutukuakarikiriki (tutuku-aka-rikirìki), plural of the subject. Cf. riki.

  • Tuku-A-Tao (tùku-à-tao), to be or to put under a cloth more or less spread out.

  • Tuku-A-Te-Va (tùku-à-te-va), to insist on silence. Plural, tutuku-a-te-va.

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  • Tukuga. See under tuku.

  • Tukuga-Takao, oral instruction. Cf. tuku and takao.

  • Tukukiraro, to humiliate, to abase. 2. To humble one's self; to be lowly. 3. To rest, to lean. 4. To throw one's self on the ground. Cf. tuku and raro. Tukutukukiraro (tùkutùkukiraro), plural of the action; tutukukiraro, plural of the subject.

  • Tukurei (tùkurèi), back against back: said when a person takes another by the arms in that position and lifts him up. Plural, tukutukurei (tùkutùkurèi).

  • Tukuroa (tùkuròa), a long cord brought from a distance to tie something up with. 2. To stretch out, to stretch to fullest extent. 3. To let alone, to delay, to protract time. Cf. tuku and roa. Tukutukuroa (tùkutùkuròa), plural of the action; tutukuroa (tutùkuròa), plural of the subject.

  • Tukuru (tukùru), a pumpkin, a gourd.

  • Tukurua (tùkurùa), to send two and two. Cf. tuku and rua.

  • Tukururu, the cry of a sea-bird. 2. A cry to attract the nocturnal sea-birds, such as karako. 3. Sobs, sobbing. 4. To cry with a loud voice.

  • Tukutai (tùkutài), to instruct a single person. 3. Single, not double or triple, &c. Plural, tukutukutai (tùkutùkutai).

  • Tukutere (tùkutère), to set out with the intention of committing suicide. Tukutukutere (tùkutùkutère), plural of the action; tutukutere (tutùkutère), plural of the subject.

  • Tukutuku. See under tuku. 2. A cry when one has been touched by a certain kind of spear.

  • Tukutuku-A-Kerekerea (tùkutùku-a-kèrekèrea), rain falling in large drops and in great quantity.

  • Tukutuku-Vaka-Piteki, a game played with pieces of wood placed in the sea.

  • Tuma (tùma), the units above ten in the cardinal numbers, such as the 3 of 13. Syn. touhara. 2. Clay land; close and compact soil.

  • Tumahu (tumàhu), a strong odour, good or bad.

    Tumahumahu (tumàhumàhu), a stronger odour than is expressed by tumahu. Cf. mahu.

  • Tumamao (tumàmào), to hold on the strain. Plural, tutumamao (tutumamào).

  • Tumaragai (tumaràgài), a great number of persons standing up.

    Tumaramaragai (tumàramàragai), to be a longer time standing than when tumaragai is used.

  • Tumaru (tumàru), to be shady, umbrageous: only used in reference to shade thrown by trees, plants, &c. Cf. maru. Plural, tutumaru (tutumàru).

  • Tumatatega, defiance. 2. Fear of being deceived or tricked. 3. Satiety, being satiated.

    Akatumatatega (aka-tumatatèga), to guard one's life carefully so as to preserve it.

  • Tumatatoka (tumatatòka), a bivalve shell-fish found attached to the pearl-oyster.

  • Tumatuma, large and coarse.

  • Tumei, the bread-fruit. See mei and rako.

  • Tumekiki (tumekìki), to be leaning, inclined, slanting. Plural, tutumekiki (tutumekìki). Cf. mekiki.

  • Tumimi (tumìmi), the name of a species of crayfish.

  • Tumoto, to slap, to beat. Tumotomoto (tumòtomòto), plural of the action; tutumoto (tutumòto), plural of the subject. Cf. moto.

  • Tumu (tùmu), the cause, origin. Cf. tupu. 2. The base, principle. 3. The source. 4. A stump. Cf. tupu. 5. The trunk of a tree. Cf. Kotumu, nohutumu. 6. A prop, stay, support; to sustain, to bear up. 7. Protection; fostering care. Tumutumu (tùmutùmu), plural of tumu (noun). 8. A cold, a cough; to cough. 9. To take root; to be rooted. Tumutumu (tùmutùmu), plural of the action (of 8 and 9); tutumu, plural of the subject.

    Akatumu (aka-tumu), to appropriate a thing to one's self. See akatumuahi.

    Tumutumu (tùmutùmu). See tumu. 2. Principal, particular; particularly, principally.

  • Tumuerei (tùmuerei), the coco-nut palm. Cf. erehi, vaierei.

  • Tumukakao (tùmukakao), a tuft of reeds.

  • Tumukere (tùmukère), the prop, sustainer: said of a deity. To sustain.

  • Tumumeika (tùmumeika), the banana. Cf. meika, tumuerei.

  • Tumuragi (tùmuràgi), the horizon. Cf. tu and ragi.

  • Tumurakau (tùmurakàu), to root out, to drag away. 2. To chase or hunt completely away. Plural, tutumurakau (tutùmurakù).

  • Tumuto, the base of the sugar-cane. 2. A clump of sugar-cane. Cf. tumu and to.

  • Tunatuna (tùnatùna), very dark; black. Cf. ohotunatuna.

  • Tunonike-Tunonike, across, athwart.

  • Tunu (tùnu), to cook; to put to the fire to cook. 2. To throw roughly down on the ground, or from a high place to a lower one. Tunutunu (tùnutùnu), plural of the action; tutunu (tutùnu), plural of the subject.

    Tunuga (tunùga), the action of tunu.

  • Tuo (tùo), to speak a long time to a person without getting an answer. Tuotuo (tùotùo), plural of the action; tutuo (tutùo), plural of the subject.

  • Tuonu (tuònu), the thiird crop of bread-fruit. See tuavera.

  • Tuore (tuòre), spoilt bread-fruit. 2. To fly rapidly: said of a bird. Plural, tutuore (tutuòre).

  • Tuoro (tuòro), the name of certain small fishes. 2. The passage of clouds over one land to another.

    Akatuoro (aka-tuoro), to rough-hew on one side.

  • Tuoropihe, a burst of laughter. 2. A great noise of conversation.

  • Tuoropuga, a head shaved so that there is no appearance of hair.

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  • Tupa (Tùpa), the name of the younger brother of Noa who (according to legend) came from afar to the people of Mangareva. See Noa. 2. The name of a man who is the legendary builder of a wall between Kouaku and Tekava.

  • Tupa, a drum formed by two bamboos joined together.

  • Tupai, to beat, to strike.

  • Tupakohe, a case, a small box.

  • Tupaku (tupàku), cloudy weather; cloudy and calm.

  • Tupakura, having long sight.

  • Tupapa (tupàpa), a shrub, having hard wood and small leaves. 2. A club, a weapon.

  • Tupapaku (tupapàku), a corpse, the body of a dead person. 2. A sick person.

  • Tupara (tupàra), bread-fruit that has ripened on the tree and is soft when it falls. Cf. para, tuparari.

  • Tuparari, to be like a jelly when it falls. Cf. tupara and para.

  • Tupata (tupàta), a large bag made of pandanus tissue.

  • Tupatupa (tùpatùpa), to be vigorous, full of life: said of trees and plants.

  • Tupeiuru (tupèiuru), to amuse one's self by talking instead of working.

    Akatupeiuru (aka-tupeiùru), to pass one's time in doing nothing, or in idle conversation.

  • Tupere (tupère), to scrape, to clear away by rubbing. 2. To prattle, tattle; to chatter frivolously. Tuperepere (tupèrepère), plural of the action; tutupre (tutupère), plural of the subject.

  • Tupereapipi (tùpereapipi), a great chatterbox; a babbler.

  • Tupereatota, the name of a shell-fish.

  • Tuperu, the breast, teat, nipple.

  • Tupeta (tupèta), the flippers of a turtle.

  • Tupiro (tupìro), the name of a fish.

  • Tupo (tùpo), a package of goods, or of maa. 2. A ball of thread. 3. To sleep a long time during daylight. Cf. totupo. 4. To throw, to throw a ball, to throw a stone, &c. Tupotupo (tùpotùpo), to repeat the action of throwing; tutupo (tutùpo), plural of the subject.

  • Tuponaho (tuponàho), stony. 2. A place where there is little soil. 3. A sinking; a hollow place in the ground.

  • Tupou (tupòu), to stoop, to abase one's self; to bend. Cf. tugou, tupoupoua. 2. To be bent behind: said of calabashes in which the opening is recurved downwards. Tupoupou (tupòupòu), plural of the action; tutupou (tutupòu), plural of the subject.

  • Tupouakaivaiva (tupouakìvaìva), to reject with disdain. Plural, tutupouakaivaiva (tutupouakaìvaìva).

  • Tupoupoua (tupòupòua), to be ill and unable to stand upright. Cf. tupou.

  • Tupouri (tupòùri), obscure, sombre; darkness: “It is night.” Cf. po, pouri.

  • Tupu (tùpu), the best or worst: used concerning men, or bad qualities. 2. Mouldy, rotten. 3. The trunk, as of a tree. Cf. tumu. 4. The root. 5. The base, principle. 6. To grow, to spring up, as plants. 7. To conceive, to become pregnant. Tuputupu (tùputùpu), plural of the action of verb; tutupu (tutùpu), plural of the subject. Tupu te ra, noon; tupu te po, midnight.

    Akatupu (aka-tùpu), to cause to grow, as plants. 2. To make the soil good. 3. To conceive, to become pregnant. 4. Food, plentifully distributed. Plural, akatuputupu (aka-tùputùpu).

    Akatuputupu (aka-tùputùpu), to be assembled in great numbers. 2. To be facile in speech, of good address.

    Tutupu, a coco-nut palm that has commenced to spring up.

  • Tupua (tùpùa), very great, very large; very thick. 2. Principal, chief. 3. Wise; a wise man. 4. The master of an art; the teacher of a doctrine. 5. A large turtle (generally a male).

  • Tupuhi. See akatupuhi.

  • Tupuna (tupùna), grandfather, grandmother; great-uncle, &c.

  • Tupunu (tupùnu), cloth of plaited papyrus bark.

  • Tura (tùra), the name of a tree.

  • Tura-Te-Mata, to form evil desires or intentions.

  • Turaga. See under tu.

  • Turaha (turàha), the rays of the sun. 2. Morning dew. 3. Humidity.

  • Turahu (turàhu), to burn, to put into the fire. Turaturahu (turàturàhu), plural of the action; tuturahu (tuturàhu), plural of the subject. Cf. tutu.

  • Turakaga (turakàga), destruction of a people by deadly sickness. Cf. raka.

  • Turaki (turàki), to turn upside down, to reverse. 2. To throw down; to hurl down. Turaturaki (turàturàki), plural of the action; tuturaki (tuturàki), plural of the subject.

  • Turatura (tùratùra), the name of a fish.

  • Ture, the law. Cf. turevare. 2. To go somewhere else.

  • Turei (turèi), to escape from the hook. 2. Not to be binding: said of a marriage. Tureirei (turèirèi), plural of the action; tuturei (tuturèi), plural of the subject.

  • Tureihemo, to be very ignorant; very useless, incapable.

  • Tureka (tureka), to cut maa up in pieces. 2. To have said everything. Plural, tutureka (tuturèka).

  • Tureka, to eat.

  • Tureva. See akatureva.

  • Turevare, ignorant; incapable. Cf. ture and vare.

  • Turi (tùri), the knees. Cf. koturi, nohoiteturi. 2. A noise, a sound. Cf. teturi.

    Akaturi (aka-turi), to recompense by satisfying a person's wishes or desires: Akaturi-kai, to page 114 make a present of food so as to entice a person.

    Turituri (tùritùri), a noise. 2. Conversation. 3. Clamorous, loud; fatiguing with noise. 4. An exclamation: “Silence!” “What a noise!”

    Akaturituri (aka-tùritùri), to make a great noise; clamorous.

  • Turiki (turìki), the generation next preceding the grandfather.

  • Turikopia, to walk along with the knees turned in and the legs apart. Cf. turi, kopi.

  • Turitahaga, a confused noise of every one talking at the same time.

  • Turituri. See under turi.

  • Turori (turòri), to shake, to be disturbed; not to be firm on its base. 2. To roll, to jog, to heave, to sway from side to side, to pitch. 3. To carry. Turorirori (turòriròri), plural of the action; tuturori, plural of the subject. Cf. rori.

    Turori, rolling, heaving. 2. A game played by children in the water. 3. The name of a shell-fish.

    Turorirori (turòriròri), to be inconstant, unstable.

    Akaturorirori (aka-turòriròri), to cause to stagger or totter. 2. To make undecided. 3. To shake; to cause to shake.

  • Turoro (turòro), the cream of cooked coco-nut. Cf. roro.

  • Turou (turòu), a great sacrilege, or blasphemy against religion. 2. Treason against the ruling power.

  • Turou (turòu), to be unable to remain awake. Turourou (turòuròu), plural of the action; tuturou (tuturòu), plural of the subject.

    Akaturourou (aka-turòuròu), to yield entirely to the desire for sleep; to grow drowsy. 2. The cry of joy, “Ake! aki! aku!” when some person has missed his aim.

  • Turou, a round figure; the circle made by a thing which is turned quickly.

  • Turu (tùru), a rod or staff. 2. A supporter; that which sustains, as the leg of a table or bedstead; a person that sustains, feeds, or protects another; to sustain; to aid; to prop. Turuturu (tùrutùru), plural of action of verb; tuturu (tutùru), plural of the subject.

    Turuga (turùga), aid, protection; the act of sustaining or supporting.

    Akaturu (aka-tùru), to conduct water by a canal or drain. 2. To prop up, stay, support. 3. To cause to east popoi with large mouthfuls; to allow the popoi liquid to flow without interruption. Akaturuturu (aka-tùrurùru), plural of the action; akatuturu (aka-tutùru), plural of the subject.

    Turuturu, a staff; a rod; a baton. 2. The tibia; the shin; a shin-bone. 3. Help, relief, suocour.

  • Turua (turùa), a pillow for the head.

  • Turua (tu-rùa), to be composed of two substances. Cf. rua, tutai, parua, turua.

  • Turuga. See under turu.

  • Turuhurutoka, the piles on each side of a door, the jamb of a door. (Also turuurutoka.)

  • Turuma. See akaturuma.

  • Turuturu. See under turu.

  • Turuturutavake, the rays of the sun.

  • Turuurutoka, the same as turuhurutoka.

  • Tutae (tutàe), excrement; fæces. Cf. tikotutae. 2. A place where there is excrement. 3. Dirty, filthy.

    Akatutae (aka-tutàe), to dirty, to soil. 2. To dishonour, to abase. 3. To dishonour one's self by bad conduct.

  • Tutaekiore (tutàe-kiore), the name of a tree. 2. The dung of rats.

  • Tutaepopotu, the excrement of cockroaches.

  • Tutaepuaka, a plant of which the berry sticks to clothes. 2. The shock or crash of waves. 3. The dung of pigs.

  • Tutaeveta (tutàe-vèta), the excrement of newborn infants; meconium.

  • Tutaga, the name of the isle nearest to Mangareva.

  • Tutai, to be composed of a single substance. Cf. tahi, turua. 2. To be alone.

  • Tutaki, to join; to meet. 2. To meet with. 3. to accompany. 4. To frequent the society of a person; to associate with. Tutakitaki, plural of the action; tututaki, plural of the subject.

    Akatutaki (aka-tutàki), to join together two objects, to unite.

    Akatutakitaki (aka-tutàkitàki), to join together more than two objects or subjects.

  • Tutakirua, to strike together, as two canoes in collision. Syn. parua.

  • Tutata (tùtàta), to be near to; in proximity. Plural, tututata (tutùtàta).

  • Tutau, a term of honour, applied to the eldest daughter of a family.

  • Tute (tùte), the splashing of waves; to break or splash, as waves. 2. A squall, a sudden storm. 3. To pull out maa from the hole carelessly. 4. To take out anything from a place without care or precaution. Tutetute (tùtetùte), plural of the action; tutute (tutùte), plural of the subject. Tute a matagi, with the wind.

    Tutetute (tùtetùte), to go suddenly and precipitantly into a place.

  • Tutehu (tutèhu), an exclamation to urge a person to run quickly or do anything quickly. 2. To run swiftly. Tutehutehu, plural of the action; tututehu (tututèhu), plural of the subject.

  • Tutere (tutère), to sail: said of many canoes and vessels. Cf. tere. Tuteretere (tutèretere), plural of the action; tututere (tututère), plural of the subject. Hounuku-tutere, to go to a feast.

  • Tuteteatea, smoke that mounts in great undulations, impelled by the wind. 2. Rain falling in waving clouds, driven by the wind. Cf. teatea (2).

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  • Tuteatea-Ki-Ruga, a white squall appearing in the distance. Cf. tea. 2. A deluge of rain. Cf. teatea (2).

  • Tutohe (tutòhe), to have all arrived. 2. To be apportioned, all served: said of food. Plural, tutohetohe (tutòhetòhe).

  • Tutohuri (tutohùri), to lean, to incline to one side. Cf. tohuri, huri, &c. Plural, tututohuri (tututohùri).

  • Tutu (tùtu), a torch, flambeau, candle; anything of the kind that gives light. Cf. ratutututu. 2. The instrument for beating papyrus into cloth. Cf. tutua. Plural of above nouns, tutututu (tùtutùtu). 3. To beat into bark cloth. 4. To set fire to, to burn. Cf. turahu. 5. To leap, to give a start, to tremble. Tutututu (tùtutùtu), plural of the action of verbs; tututu (tutùtu), plural of the subject. 6. The name of a shrub.

    Tutututu (tùtutùtu), heat; to be very warm: said of the heat of the sun only. 2. Ennui, languor, weariness. 3. Excessive; beyond limit. 4. Expressly; absolutely.

  • Tutu. See under tu.

  • Tutua, the wooden instrument used in making bark cloth. Cf. tutu.

  • Tutuahu, equal, alike: said of two persons only. Syn. tuturatougatahi.

  • Tutuatoo (tutuàtòo), a kind of itch, provoking large pustules to appear deep in the skin.

  • Tutui. See under tui.

  • Tutuira, some land of a strange people known in ancient legends.

  • Tutumarie, complete, entirely complete. 2. An exclamation: “That is certain.”

  • Tutuna, the bulb of the erega plant.

  • Tutupa (tutùpa), the name of a large kind of cray-fish.

  • Tutupu. See under tupu.

  • Tuturatougatahi (tuturatoùgatàhi). Syn. tutuahu.

  • Tuturaugatahi (tuturaugatàhi), Syn. tutuahu.

  • Tutututu. See under tutu.

  • Tutututuahi, to light several times, to set fire to on many occasions. Cf. tutu and ahi.

  • Tuvai (tuvài), the temples (of the head).

  • Tuvauvau, of tall stature; a person of tall stature.