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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)


page 64


  • Pa (), an interjection, used as a call to attention: Look here! Listen!

  • Pa (), an enclosure; a fenced place. Cf. pagaga, pakahiu, pakai. 2. A hedge. 3. Rows of men in many ranks. See papaga, under papa. 4. A wall. Pa-kupega, the sides of a net; pakaiga, a boundary, a limit. 5. Sterile: said of a woman. (Aka-paraga, the last infant a woman can bear in her life.) 6. To prattle: said of children. 7. To touch; to strike; to strike home. Cf. rimapa, paha, pake, pakika, pakipaki, patu, &c. 8. To touch, in the sense of two bodies that touch each other without any space between.

    Paraga, the action of touching roughly. 2. To leave a confined or narrow place. 3. Childbirth.

    Akapa (aka-pà), to raise the hand for striking, but not to do more. 2. To touch a thing, but only to touch or feel. 3. To fly or soar in the air without moving the wings. 4. To take hold or handle very cautiously. 5. To kill any one. 6. To threaten with the hand.

    Papa (pàpà), to beat, to strike. 2. See under pàpà.

    Akapapa (aka-pàpà), to touch, to handle a long time. 2. See under pàpa.

    Akapapapapa, to humiliate; to bring low.

  • Pamania, to skim over; to graze. 2. Involuntary: said of words and actions.

  • Pateteriga (pà-te-tèriaa), Good! Word for word! said of a speech that pleases the ears.

  • Pae (pàe), a widow. 2. Unmarried.

  • Pae, to float at the mercy of the waves; to drift. Cf. paea, kopaepae. 2. To follow the course of the water that carries one away. 3. To place in a row or rank. Of foregoing verbs, paepae, plural of the action; papae (papàe), plural of the subject. 4. To construct; to build. Pae umu, to make a native oven.

    Paega (paèga), a rank, row; order. Paega-iti, a verse; a sentence.

    Paepae (pàepàe), a pavement; to place with regularity the stones of a wall, or leaves horizontally in a hole (as food-covering).

  • Paea (pàea), to walk with difficulty, bending with weakness. Cf. pae, to drift. 2. To proceed (i.e., be thrown) in a slanting or oblique way: said of a lance not going straight, end on. Paeaea (paèaèa), plural of the action; papaea (papaèa), plural of the subject.

  • Pagaga (pagàga), an assemblage of things. 2. A village; a town. Cf. pa, a fenced place; papaga.

  • Pagari (pagàri), a light slap; a blow of no weight. Cf. pa 7. 2. Bruised, black and blue.

  • Pagoa (pagòa), a small hole in the ground, or in a stone.

    Akapagoa, to excavate a small hole in which to place food (maa.) Plural akapagoagoa.

  • Pagu, black. Cf. kiripagu.

    Akapagu (aka-pàgu), to blacken. Plural aka-pagupagu (aka-pàgupàgu.) Pagupagu (pàgupàgu), deep black; intensely black.

  • PagumehÈRepo, to be black with some sickness, or with being worn out.

  • Paha (paha), the generic name for inhabited bays, or for a tribe. 2. A cove; a creek; a little bay. 3. To hatch out, as young birds; to emerge; to come out. To come up or appear, as fruits, or as a fountain springing from the earth. 4. To touch or handle roughly. Cf. pa. 5. To burst; to crack. 6. To come forth from the bosom of the mother. Pahaha (pahàha), plural of the action; papaha (papàha), plural of the subject.

    Akapaha (aka-pàha), to squeeze a sore place to express the pus. Akapahapaha (aka-pàhapàha), plural of the action; akapapaha (akapapàha), plural of the subject.

    Pahapaha (pàhapàlia), a confused noise of animated conversation.

    Paharaga (paharàga), the action of emerging, &c.

  • Paha, the props or supports of the boards on which offerings to the gods are placed.

  • Pahaha (pahàha), clearly articulated: said of words spoken. Cf. haha. 2. See under paha.

  • Pahara (pahàka), to be healed or nearly healed or cured: said of a sick person.

    Akapahaka, to be convalescent. 2. To have the neck wrinkled by sickness. Akapahakahaka, plural of the action and subject.

  • Pahapaha. See under paha.

  • Pahara (pahàra), to escape; to evade pursuit. 2. To miss one's mark; to miss your man (in fighting). Paharahara (pahàrahàra), plural of the action; papahara (papahàra), plural of the subject. Cf. hara.

  • Pahau, vigorous; strong-growing: only said of taro.

  • Paheke (pahèke), slippery. To slip; to slide. Pahekeheke (pahèkehèke), plural of the action; papaheke (papahèke), plural of the subject.

    Akapaheke (aka-pahèke), to make slippery. Plural akapahekeheke (aka-pahèkehèke).

  • Pahere (pahère), a comb. To comb one's hair. Plural paherehere.

  • Pahi (pàhi), a vessel, a ship. 2. To be flattened in falling: said of ripe fruit. Plural papahi (papàhi).

  • Pahiietoto (pahii-e-toto), a gush of blood. Cf. toto.

  • Pahore (pahòre), a cut; a chop; a slice. To slice, to cut; to cut off. 2. To rough-hew; to chop superficially. Plural pahorehore (pahòrehòre). Cf. kahore, mohore, hohore.

    Pahoreraga, the action of cutting off, &c.

  • Pahu (pàhu), a drum. 2. To rush, dash; to precipitate oneself upon a person. Plural papahu (papàhu).

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  • Pahupahu (pàhupàhu), to be vigorous: said of bananas. Cf. orapahu. 2. To call names, as a fool or idiot does.

  • Pai. See aka-pai.

  • Paka (pàka), a crust; a cake. Cf. pake. 2. A scab; scurf. Cf. roupaka. A kind of itch; a cutaneous disease. 3. A scale; a shell; a chipping. Cf. pakaonu. 4. Pieces of flat wood, such as shingles. 5. A fragment. Cf. pakaatutiri.

    Pakapaka (pàkapàka), burnt, nothing but crust: said of food (maa). 2. A term of disdain or abuse.

    Akapaka (aka-pàka), to cook so that the surface of the food forms a crust. 2. To season, ripen: said of timber, &c., placed in water. Plural akapakapaka (aka-pàkapàka).

  • Pakaano (paka-àno), a kind of salutation uttered at parting: Go then! Farewell!

  • Pakaara, to do well, to succeed in anything. Cf. pakaora.

  • Pakaatutiri, hail; hailstones. Cf. paka and atutiri.

  • Pakahiu, a fort; a wall of hard stones; a rampart. Cf. pa.

  • Pakai, an enclosed cultivation; a garden. Cf. pa and kai.

  • Pakakina (paka-kina), to crack; to make a noise as of striking or breaking. Plural pakapakakina (pàkapàka-kìna).

  • Pakakore, small feet; small hands.

  • Pakani (pakàni), habituated; practised; used to.

  • Pakaokao (pakàokào), the name of a long bread-fruit. 2. The side; on a side; a side wind. 3. One who has received a blow on the side. 3. To increase in years but not in size: said of a child.

  • Pakaonu (pàka-ònu), the shell of a turtle; carapace.

  • Pakaora (paka-òra), to be victor; victorious; superior. Pakapakaora, plural of the action; papakaora, plural of the subject. Cf. ora and pakaara.

    Pakaoraraga (pakaòraràga), a victory.

    Akapakaora (aka-pakaòra), to render victorious.

    Akapakapakaora (aka-pakapakaòra), to make an assault; to storm; to prepare to carry off. 2. To draw lots.

  • Pakapaka. See under paka.

  • Pakarepotaro, the crust of soil in a taro plantation.

  • Pakatai (pàka-tài), a tree growing on the coast. Cf. tai.

  • Pakauitaro, a plant having an edible bulb.

  • Pake (pàke), hard. 2. To strike anything. Cf. pa.

    Pakega (pakèga), the action of striking.

    Pakepake (pàkepàke), a reprimand; to reprove. 2. Advice, counsel, exhortation; to advise, to preach at. 3. To excite by speech; to rouse. 4. To strike with little blows.

    Pakepakega (pakèpakèga), reprimand; reproof; exhortation.

  • Pakehe (pakèhe), the name of a fish. 2. Disobedient; dull; insensible; to disobey. Pakehekehe, plural of the action; papakehe (papakèhe), plural of the subject. Cf. pakie.

  • Pakehetutu (pakèhe-tùtu), to be obstinate; firm in disobedience.

    Pakehetutututu (pakeèhe-tùtututu), to habitually disobey.

  • Pakepake. See under pake.

  • Pakepakega. See under pake.

  • Pakerikeri (pa-kèrikèri), to be very rich; to have a large quantity of maa.

    Pakerikeriraga (pakèrikèriraga), the circumstance of having wealth.

  • Pakia (pàkia), bread-fruit ripened by the south wind, and flattened out by falling on the ground Plural papakia (papakìa).

  • Pakiaka (pakiàka), dry, drying, withering: only said of winds.

  • Pakie, the name of a bearded fish. 2. Disobedient. Cf. pakehe.

  • Pakihi (pakìhi), the name of a plant, a kind of purslain.

  • Pakika (pakìha), to deal a blow when hewing timber Pakikakika (pakìkakìka). plural of the action; papakika (papakìka), plural of the subject. Cf pa.

    Pakikaraga (pakìkaràga), the action of the preceding verb.

  • Pakika (pakìka), to fall over; to lose one's equilibrium.

  • Pakipaki (pàkipàki), to slap; to strike with light blows. Cf. pa, pakika, &c. To break: said of waves, but also of a spear.

    Papaki (papàki), to slap. 2. To pummel. 3. To break: said of the sea. Cf. pakakina.

  • Pakirikiri (pakìrikìri), an enclosure on the reefs made for taking fish. Cf. pa and kirikiri.

  • Pakitura (pakitùra), to be yellow; weak; burnt up by wind and sun: said of trees and plants. Plural pakipakitura.

  • Pako (pàko), to swim on the back. 2. To exhaust every mode of attempt to live in time of famine. Cf. pakooge. Pakopako (pàkopàko), plural of the action; papako (papàko), plural of the subject.

    Pakoga (pakòga), the action of swimming on the back.

  • Pakoiohi, soft shell-fish. 2. Thread-like seaweeds. Syn. pakoukoi.

  • Pakoitara, the name of a running plant having a bulbous root.

  • Pakoiti, the name of a fish.

  • Pakoko (pakòko), the male flower of the bread-fruit.

  • Pakooge (pàko-oge), to search for food in time of famine. Cf. pako and oge.

  • Pakopako (pako-pàko), the name of a soft fish which dwells among stones. 2. See under pako.

  • Pakopakourutu, to be fatigued with searching.

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  • Pakoti (pakòti), scissors for cutting cloth; to cut with scissors. Cf. koti.

  • Pakotua (pakotùa), deserted, abandoned; an orphan. Plural pakopakotua.

  • Pakoukoi. Syn. pakoiohi.

  • Pakoukou, the name of a fish; also called tainoka. It can be caught with a hook. See tarapakoukou.

  • Paku, the covering of the roof; thatch. The ridge or coping of a building. 2. A cloudy sky; overcast weather. Cf. ragipaku. 3. Stuff; native cloth. 4. A piece of old roofing.

    Pakupaku (pàkupàku), an overcast sky; cloudy. 2. A funeral ceremony where the corpse is not present. 3. The base, prop, support.

    Papaku (papàku), the base, foundation. Cf. papa. 2. Slightly raised; a slight elevation.

    Akapaku (aka-pàku), that which entirely covers the sky, such as heavy clouds.

    Akapakupaku (aka-pàkupàku), that which covers the sky at intervals, as passing clouds, allowing the sun to be seen now and then.

    Akapapaku (aka-papàku), to dig a hole, but not very deep.

  • Pakuhivi (pakuhìvi), the shoulder. 2. The point of a paddle. 3. To raise a bundle or burden from the ground. 4. A name given to a nephew.

  • Pakukukuku (pakùkukùku), rough, uneven: said of a road.

  • Pakupaku. See under paku.

  • Pakutea (pàkutèa), the countenance; a fair complexion.

    Akapakutea (aka-pakutèa), to be pale; to have lost colour.

  • Pakuumu (pàku-ùmu), the savour of an oven. 2 The black smoke or lamp-black from an oven. Cf. paku and umu.

  • Pamoa (pamòa), cooked on the hot coals without an envelope; to grill. Plural pamoamoa (pamòamòa). Cf. akamoa (under moa).

  • Pana, to talk together; to confer, but to say little.

    Panapana, heaviness of body; torpor; dulness. Panapana i te oho, headache.

  • Pana (pàna), to push or touch any one lightly as a sign. Panapana (pànapàna), plural of the action; (papàna), plural of the subject.

  • Panapanauaki, a handsome ruddy face.

  • Panauea, a bread-fruit slightly larger than a turkey's egg.

  • Pane (pàne), the forehead; the upper part of the face. The term is also applied (as “brow”) to mountains, rocks, high lands, &c. Cf. ano-akoupane, kiripane.

  • Panehu (panèhu), to fade; to wither.

    Panehunehu (panèhunèhu), quite faded.

  • Panemaga (pàne-màga), rocks upon a mountain. Cf. pane and maga.

  • Panemanega (pànemanèga), the white of an egg; albumen.

  • Paneoko (pàneòko), wild, bold, audacious.

  • Paneu, grey, dirty; covered with dust.

  • Pani (pàni), to anoint, to oil. Panipani (pàni-pàni), plural of the action; papani (papàni), plural of the subject. Cf. tapanipani and koropani.

    Paniga (panìga), unction; anointing.

  • Pania (panìga), a woman married by a widower: a second wife. 2. Children by a second marriage.

  • Panina, to go out. 2. To slip, slide.

  • Panio (panìo), to take paste (maa) with the thumb and first finger, or with a piece of wood. Plural panionio.

    Panioga (paniòga). the action of panio.

    Akapanio (aka-panìo), to take food (maa) between finger and thumb in helping one's self. Plural akapanionio (aka-panìonìo).

  • Pao (pào) or Pau, to be blamed, admonished. 2. To be turned away. 3. To be beaten; to be put to death. Cf. paoua. 4. To be finished; to be without remainder. 5. Fallen down. Paopao (pàopào), plural of the action; papao (papào), plural of the subject.

    Paoga (pàoga), the action of pao. The end. 2. Scolding, chiding.

    Akapao (aka-pào), to grumble at, mutter at; reprimand.

    Akapaopao (aka-pàopào), to often grumble at; to continually reprimand.

  • Paoa (paòa), to be poor; wandering; vagabond. Cf. ragipaoa.

    Paoaraga (pàoaràga), poverty; without property or standing.

  • Paoahi (pàoàhi), to burn one's self: said of men. Paopaoahi, plural of the action; papaoahi, plural of the subject.

    Paoahiraga (pàoàhiràga), the action of burning one's self.

  • Paoko (paòko), the name of a fish.

  • Paokonohorua (paòko-nòho-rùa), one who has only a small piece of ground.

  • Paora (pàora), warmth; noontide heat. 2. To get a sun-stroke. 3. To be darted at by sun-rays; to feel the effects of radiant heat. Paopaora (pàopàora), plural of the action; papaora (papaòra), plural of the subject. Cf. pao and ra.

  • Paoua, all is finished; all have been exterminated. Cf. pao.

  • Papa (pàpà), a plank; a board. 2. A flat rock in the sea; a rock standing out of the ground. Cf. papaku. 3. The hard bottom of a hole. 4. A bed or layer of verota stone. 5. A base, foundation. 6. A plant resembling a bean.

    Papaga (papàga), in rows or ranks. Cf. pa. 2. A layer; a story (of a house); a tier. 3. A border, margin. Cf. paega, pagaga.

    Papapapa (pàpapàpa), low; of slight elevation. Cf. papaku and papa.

    Akapapa (aka-pàpa), to heap up objects. 2. To accumulate. 3. To put in line, in ranks. 4. To exterminate. Cf. aka-pa (under pa). 5. To put an end to; to finish. 6. To classify things or people. 7. To establish a genealogy, page 67 by commencing with a father and repeating back along the line of ancestry. 8. To fold; to make folds. 7. To set down the different lands, &c., of a tribe.

    Akapapapapa, to bring low, to humiliate

  • Papa, to clap, crack; to shine out, glitter: said of flints, &c., struck together. 2. To shed its beams: said only of the moon, newly risen.

  • Papaha, a stranger in Polynesia: used of a European or American.

  • Papaheke. See under paheke.

  • Papahi. See under pahi.

  • Papahuoro, to reprimand strongly; to reprove vehemently. Cf. papa.

  • Papana. See under pana.

  • Papaioro, a fragment of pearl-shell (nacre).

  • Papaka, a kind of crab (crustacean). Cf. papaka-tea, papakapuahutu. 2. An ornament for the roof of a house (the ka in a lozenge).

  • Papakapàpàka), paste, porridge. 2. A malady in the flesh.

  • Papakaia, to pursue the gods (in certain magical ceremonies) with leaves of ti.

  • Papakapuahutu (papàkapùahùtu), the name of a crustacean, a kind of crab. Cf. papaka and papakatea.

  • Papakatea (papakatèa), the name of a crustacean, a crab.

  • Papaki. See under pakipaki.

  • Papakika. See under pakika.

  • Papaku. See under paku.

  • Papapapa. See under pàpà.

  • Papapotopoto (papapòtopòto), short: said of the trunk of a tree. Cf. papa, poto, paparoroa.

  • Papapuku (papapùku), the hinder part of the thighs near the buttocks. Cf. puku, kakipuku, kopuapuku, &c.

  • Papara. See under para.

  • Paparahue (paparàhùe), an elongated bundle of small cooked fish.

  • Paparari (papàrari), flexible, pliant, supple; without stiffness.

    Akapaparari (aka-papàrari), to crush a fruit, &c., by allowing it to fall to the ground.

  • Papare. See under pare.

  • Paparenoteiti (papàrenòteìti), the name of a bird.

  • Papariga, the cheek. 2. The side, flank.

  • Paparigaverara, a place having little verdure.

  • Paparoroa (paparoròa), long: said of the trunk of a tree. Cf. papa, roa, papapotopoto.

  • Papavai (papavài), to remove earth from under water.

  • Papekapeka (papèkapèka), a cut or wound that heals rapidly.

  • Papiki, to make a hiding-place.

  • Papu, to turn up a garment at the bottom; to roll up to the knee.

    Akapapapu (aka-papàpu), to weave badly, coarsely. Plural akapapapapapu (aka-pàpa-pàpapu).

  • Papuhe (papùhe), to leap into the sea; to leap from a high place to a low.

  • Para (pàra), ripe, matured. Cf. tupara. 2. Herbs or leaves dried in the ground. 3. Repetition. Plural papara (papàra).

    Akapara (aka-pàra), to ripen fruit in the earth. 2. To prepare in water the papyrus, branches, and bark, or bread-fruit trees, filaments of coco, &c. 3. To make better, to improve morally.

    Parapara (pàrapàra), an uncultivated portion of land belonging to the same person as the cultivated land. Cf. parahura.

    Akaparapara (aka-pàrapàra), the sides, the flanks, from arm-pit to hip.

  • Paraa, the rest, remainder.

    Akaparaa (aka-paràa), to leave off a tale for another to continue. 2. To repeat; repetition. 3. To say a thing too late.

  • Paraga. See under pa.

  • Paragia (paragìa), feebleness through want of sleep (not from sickness). 2. Distaste, dislike; to feel distaste. 3. Bored; boredom; ennui. Paraparagia (paraparagìa), plural of the action; paparagia (paparagìa), plural of the subject.

  • Paraha (paràha), to sit down on the ground with the legs thrust out. 2. To lie down on the stomach. 3. To sit as a hen; to brood, to hatch.

  • Parahapu (paràha-pu), to wish to obtain the work or occupation of some other person. 2. To push one's self boldly into the midst of an assembly or knot of persons. Paraharahapu (paràharàhapu), plural of the action; paparahapu (paparàhapu), plural of the subject.

  • Parahora (parahòra), lands lying between mountains and bays. Cf. parapara.

  • Parahoro, an avalanche; a landslip. 2. The name of lands in Akamaru.

  • Parahu (paràhu), to be spoilt, damaged. Plural, paparahu (paparàhu).

    Parahuraga, the condition of being spoilt.

  • Parai (parài), to walk about; to do nothing but walk about. Paraparai (paraparài), plural of the action; paparai (paparài), plural of the subject.

  • Parairai (paràirài), flat; even; level. Cf. paraurau. 2. Fine, small. 3. Said of the clothes as to mode of fitting on the shoulders. Cf. mataparairai.

    Akaparairai, flat; flattened. Cf. akaparaira.

  • Parakaha, to make a tight ball in winding thread. Cf. kaha.

  • Parakai, remains of food (maa), sticking to the leaves, envelopes, or wrappers. Cf. para and kai.

  • Parakatiki, the name of a fish.

  • Parakau (parakàu), to collect all the people together about one for the purpose of display or pride.

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  • Parakava (parakàva), a husband who does not remain with his wife, or vice versâ.

  • Paramoa, a fabulous object supposed to cause sleep; a sleeping-charm or amulet.

  • Paramokohe (paramokòhe), sparks and burning leaves, &c., carried by the wind.

  • Parapara. See under para.

  • Paraparakau, rags, tatters; an old garment.

  • Parapu, north-west; the north-west wind.

  • Parapu-pa-tiu (parapu-pa-tìu), west-north-west.

  • Parapu-pa-tokorau, north-north-west.

  • Parara (paràra), to cook on the top of a native oven, on the coals covering the wrapped up food. Plural parararara (paràraràra).

  • Pararae, beardless; or having the beard just sprouting.

  • Pararima, the back of the hand. Cf. rima. 2. The part kept by the worker for himself out of the thing worked at.

  • Parata, a mat of coarse texture.

  • Paratahi, a very fine mat. Cf. paretahi.

  • Parauga (paraùga), an imperfect resemblance, not alike.

  • Paraurau (paraùrau), a flat bottomed boat or vessel; a barge. Cf. parairai.

  • Pare (pàre), a covering for the head, a cap. 2. A roof. 3. The top or cap of a pillar. 4. The side, the flank; the slope of a mountain. 5. A square beam used to support the floor of a house.

    Parepare (pàrepàre), to shut or close firmly. 2. That which closes an aperture (hence a window, if of glass or other solid). 3. Having the wind astern.

    Papare (papàre), a gate, a door; the thing used to fill up an opening. 2. A lid, cover. 3. The handle of a thing.

    Akapare (aka-pàre), to make a head-dress or hat. Akaparepare (aka-pàrepàre), plural of the action; akapapare (aka-papàre), plural of the subject. 2. To close; to shut; to stop.

    Papareraga (papàreràga), the action of shutting or closing.

  • Parearo (pàreàro), the front of a house. Cf. paretua.

  • Parehahae (pàrehahàe), a declaration of war by tearing a head-dress to pieces. Cf. pare and hae. 2. To tear a head-dress.

  • Pareitira (pareitìra), the upper part of the leg, the calf.

  • Paremaru (paremàru), the sides of the calf of the leg.

  • Parepare. See under pare.

  • Pareparekitehare (parepàre-ki-te-hàre), food arriving from some other place but not a constant supply.

  • Parepare Te Ruaika (parepàre te rùa-ika), not to return home; not to come back to one's parents.

  • Parera (parèra), a piece of coral, generally circular and flat. 2. To throw horizontally without raising the arm. Parerarera (parèrarèra), plural of the action; paparera (paparèra), plural of the subject.

    Pareraga (pàreràga), the action of throwing, &c.

  • Parereki, a piece of clean papyrus used for adorning the head. Cf. pare.

  • Paretahi (pàretàhi), a finely-woven mat. Cf. paratahi.

  • Paretua (pàretùà), the back of a house. Cf. parearo and tua.

  • Paretuakao (paretùtakào), the palate of the mouth.

  • Pareu (parèu), the girdle, loin-cloth. 2. An apron.

  • Pari, a wave, a breaker; a wave that strikes upon a rock and breaks into foam with a noise. 2. A low grumbling, roaring sound. 3. To hum a lullaby, to coo to a child, to nurse.

    Pari (pàri), to run: said of blood. 2. To roll; to roll and break, as a swell or billow. Paripari (pàripàri), plural of the action; papari (papàri), plural of the subject.

    Pariga (parìga), the sides: said of hills, boxes, and things generally.

    Paripari (pàripàri), to come on board: said of waves that break into a canoe.

    Paripari, a place where the sea breaks with a loud noise.

    Akapari (aka-pàri), irregular menstruation in women.

  • Paro (pàro), to waste, to spoil; to throw away: said of food. Paroparo (pàropàro), plural of the action.

    Akaparoparo, to affect to disdain; to pretend to reject.

  • Parore (paròre), small fish similar to paùmeùme, but larger.

  • Paro-te-kai, having plenty of food (maa).

  • Paru (pàru), spittle, saliva; to spit. Cf. ouparu. 2. To punish, to chastise; to reprimand, reprove. 3. To eat a thing by mistake for something else.

    Paruparu (pàrupàru), to spit often. 2. To chew a certain substance that is to be spat into the sea to attract fish. 3. To pull out a fish by introducing a hook into its place of refuge. Plural paparu (papàru).

    Paruga (parùga), Paruraga (pàruràga), punishment, chiding, reprimand, &c.

  • Parua, to have a collision, run foul of: as one canoe of another. Syn. tutakirua.

  • Paruai (paruài), monstrous, hideous, horrible to the sight.

  • Paruru (pàruru), the helm, the rudder of a ship.

  • Paruruhi (parurùhi), to disdain; to treat with haughtiness.

    Akaparuruhi (aka-paruruhi), to reject; to refuse.

  • Patai (pàtài), to barricade. 2. The edge of the bulwark of a canoe, or a temporary protection to heighten the side against waves.

  • Pataka (patàka), to roast or grill food (maa) on hot coals. 2. Food so cooked without a page 69 wrapper. Patakataka (patàkatàka), plural of the action; papataka (papatàka), plural of the subject.

    Patakaraga (patakàraga), the action of roasting a thing on hot coals.

  • Patapata (pàtapàta), large, big; gross. Cf. tupata.

  • Patari (patàri), to pay; to reward; to recompense.

    Patariga (patarìga), price; payment.

    Patariraga (patariràga), the action of paying or recompensing.

  • Patatu (patàtu), a small mat of coarse texture.

  • Patau (patàu), to carry a thing on the shoulders; placed horizontally on the shoulders. Plural patautau (patàutàu).

    Akapatau (aka-patàu), to put the hands across on the shoulders of another person. 2. To carry a child or bundle on the shoulder.

  • Patiki (patìki), to have the habit of sitting down on the roads.

  • Pati-noumati, dryness, drought.

  • Patipatiga (patipatìga), the foot of the hills.

  • Patiti (patìti), a small instrument used in making papyrus cloth.

  • Patito (patìto), to leap over anything; to jump a brook.

    Akapatito (aka-patìto), to pass one thing over another; to make someone or something pass over an object. Plural akapatitotito.

  • Patito (patìto), a little horn or spine on the forehead of a fish.

  • Patu (pàtu), an exclamation or imperative word: Let us go! Set out!

    Patuga (patùga), an unexpected event. 2. A step; the action of the foot in walking.

  • Patu (pàtu), to give a blow to any one; to strike. Cf. pa and tu. Patupatu, plural of the action; papatu (papàtu), plural of the subject.

    Patuga, war; battle; strife. Two peoples at war.

  • Patuau, an exclamation: Let us go! Cf. patu.

  • Patuetua, to die suddenly; sudden death. Cf. patu and etua.

  • Patuga and patùga. See under patu.

  • Patuki, the name of a fish.

  • Patupo, a night attack.

  • Paturioki, to be obstinate, self-opinionated.

  • Pau. See pao.

  • Paua (paùa), the name of a fish.

  • Pauakoreva (paùakorèva), a fish resembling the paua.

  • Pauma (paùma), not to be perpendicular, not to be in equilibrium.

    Akapauma, to be leaning; aslant. 2. To be larger at the bottom than the top: said of walls. 3. To be larger at the top than the bottom: said of ditches, &c.

  • Paunu (paùnu), not to get along; not to pass: said of a ship, of time, of a calm, &c.

    Paununu (paùnunu), denotes longer action than paunu.

  • Pavakavaka, the meeting between two persons approaching each other on a road.

  • Pe. See pee and aka-pe.

  • Pe (), a conjunction: as; the same as; also.

  • Patoi. Syn. manogi.

  • Peahu, a wave of the sea, a billow. Cf. peau.

  • Peau, a wave of the sea. Cf. peahu.

  • Pee, macerated. E ika pee, a fish that begins to stink.

  • Peea (pe-èa), How? How many? In what manner? Who knows how many?

  • Pehau (pehàu), a wing; a bird's wing.

    Pehauhau (pehàuhàu), to beat the air with the wings.

  • Pehe, a child's game played with thread and the fingers; cat's cradle.

  • Pehehihi (pehèhìhi), interlaced, crossing: said of branches of trees. Cf. pehe and hihi.

  • Pehetu, that which has succeeded; resulting well; admired.

  • Pehi, a ship.

  • Pehihi, to gush out, to spirt: said of liquids.

    Pehihiraga (pehihiràga), the action of pehihi.

    Akapehihi (aka-pehìhi), to cause water or mud to spirt.

  • Pehu (pèhu), to cover, to shade, to shadow.

    Pehuga, the action of pehu.

    Pehupehu (pèhupèhu), to soil one's self; to become dirty.

  • Pei (pèi), a native dance; to dance with an accompaniment of singing. 2. To throw up little balls into the air with the hands. Peipei (peipèi), plural of the action.

    Peipei (pèipèi), near, near at hand; to approach, to draw near.

    Akapei, to cause to approach; to draw people or things together.

    Akapeipei, to approach another person.

  • Peiaha (peiàha), the jaws or jawbones of fish. 2. The fins of fish.

  • Peikahi (peikàhi), a fan; to move a fan to and fro. 2. To call any one by making a sign with the hand or handkerchief. 3. To give air by using a fan. Plural peikahikahi.

  • Peikea, the name of a small crayfish.

  • Peipei. See under pei.

  • Peka (pèka), a heavy pole; a lever. 2. A cross. 3. Across; athwart. 4. To cross, to go across, as across a plain.

    Pepeka (pepèka), sloping, leaning: said of long sugar-canes. 2. Spiny, spiky; ground full of fish-bones or sharp flints, &c. 3. Thick: only said of a number of shoots or sprouts in a close bunch. 4. A long sugar-cane.

    Akapeka (aka-pèka), to make a cross; to hold out the arms horizontally.

  • Pekepeke (pèkepèke), the tentacles of the polypus or octopus retracted and condensed close up to the head. Cf. tapeke.

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  • Akapeke, to bend double. 2. To fold. 3. To collect, to gather. Plural Akapekepeke (akapèkepèke).

    Pepeke (pepèke), feeble, weak; bent with toil; bowed (of the legs). 2. To crouch down, through weakness.

    Akapepeke, to bend the arms or legs.

    Akapekepeke (aka-pèkepèke), said of different movements made and positions taken by persons in painful illnesses.

  • Pekepeke, a species of crab (crustacean).

  • Pekini (pekìni), briefly; in a few words. 2. Small; tiny.

    Pekinikini (pekìnikìni), insufficiently.

  • Pena (pèna), so; like that: said of objects at some distance off. Cf. penei, nei, na, pera.

  • Pena. See akapenapena.

  • Penei (penèi), thus; like this: said of near objects. Cf. nei, amenei, akunei, pena, pera.

  • Penihi (penìhi), the edge of a road. 2. The length of a road.

  • Penupenu (pènupènu), to gesticulate with the hands and feet in measured dances or rhythmical procession.

  • Pepa (pèpa), to talk badly; to stammer; to stutter; to hesitate. 2. To substitute one word for another, or one letter for another (aphasia). Plural pepapepa (pèpapèpa).

    Peparaga (pèparàga), the action of pepa.

  • Pepe (pèpe), to lard or baste meat or fish when being cooked. 2. To stuff, or cook one thing inside another; to make stuffing.

  • Pepe, to crouch down on the heels. Cf. pepeke (under peke).

  • Pepeka. See under peka.

  • Pepeke. See under peke.

  • Pepekoiko (pepekoìko), a variety of taro.

  • Pepepepe (pèpepèpe), slow of growth: said of plants and trees.

  • Pepere. See under perepere.

  • Peperu (pepèru), to repel, to drive back. 2. To send to a distance. 3. To silence a person. 4. To bring about agreement; to palliate; to moderate; to mediate. See pereperu.

  • Pera (pèra), so; like that; as. Cf. penei, pena, &c.

  • Perahoki, like; as; also; the same thing. Cf. pera and hoki.

  • Peratahi, as, like that; all the same. Cf. pera and tahi.

  • Pere, to play, to deal, to move in a game. [It is doubtful whether this is the modern word “to play,” or the Polynesian pere, to cast, to throw.] Cf. tupere.

  • Pereakina (père-a-kina), to accost or come alongside a person who does not wish one to do so. Perepereakina (pèrepèreakina), plural of the action; pepereakina (pepèreakina), plural of the subject.

  • Perei (perèi), a coconut shell used as a vase or container.

  • Peremo (perèmo), to be drowned. Cf. perepere. Peperemo (peperèmo), plural of the subject.

    Peremoraga (perèmoràga), the condition of being drowned.

    Peremoremo (perèmorèmo), to sink and come to the surface again and again.

  • Perepere (pèrepère), to put to soak: only used of linen or garments. 2. To appease one's self when angry; to cool down.

    Pepere (pepère), to calm one's self. It denotes less force than perepere.

    Pepereraga (pepèreràga), the action of ceasing from anger.

    Akapepere (aka-pèpère), to lower the voice when in noisy conversation.

  • Pereperu (pèrepèru), to destroy a slander; to alter an opinion; to change one's advice. See peperu.

  • Pererau, a wing.

  • Pereue (pereùe), a garment resembling a great-coat.

  • Pero (pèro), a basket made of coconut leaves.

  • Peta (pèta), a bunch of bananas.

  • Peti (pèti), short. 2. Not to remain. 3. To set out: said of people walking away, or of passing clouds. 4. To disappear, and never to return again.

    Petipeti (pètipèti), short: said of a garment.

    Akapetipeti (aka-pètipèti), to shorten the hair or clothes.

    Pepeti (pepèti), plural of the action of peti.

  • Peueue (peùeùe), not to be able to steer a ship.

  • Pi (), to be full. 2. To complete. Pipi (pipì), plural of the action.

    Piraga (piràga), plenitude, abundance.

    Akapi (aka-pì), to fill; to fill up. Akapi-marie, to entirely fill.

  • Pia (pìa), arrowroot.

  • Piaoi, the abode of punishment for the dead in the ancient native belief.

  • Piere (pière), a cake made of soft bread-fruit, with or without pulp.

  • Pigao (pigào), the name of a winged insect. Cf. tapigao.

  • Pigipigi (pìgipìgi), to twist one way, uniformly: said of ropes. Threads or perfect filaments.

  • Pihe (pìhe), a war-cry; a cry of joy. 2. The war-dance. 3. To give forth cries; to dance, uttering cries. Pihepihe (pìhepìhe), plural of the action. Cf. tuoropihe.

  • Pihepihe (pìhepìhe), the name of a fish.

  • Pihi (pìhi), the remnant of food (maa) left in a pit.

  • Pihikore (pìhikòre), not to leave any food behind in a hole. Cf. pihi and kore.

  • Piki (pìki), to mount, to go up; to climb. Pikipiki (pìkipìki), plural of the action; pipiki (pipiki), plural of the subject.

    Pikiga (pikìga), the action of mounting; ascension. 2. A stair; a ladder; a step. 3. The generations of ancestry.

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  • Akapiki (aka-pìki), to cause to mount; to aid to ascend. 2. To finish off a mat. Akapikipiki (aka-pìkipìki) plural of the action; akapipiki (aka-pipìki), plural of the subject.

    Akapikiga, one who has spirit, resource; talent.

    Akapikigakore, a scoundrel, a vagabond; without brains, without sense.

    Akapikipiki (aka-pìkipiki), to plait the edges of mats; to finish off borders.

  • Pikitua (pìkitùa), a superintendent; overseer; vizier; an officer in charge of anything. 2. a favourite. Cf. piki and tua.

  • Piko (pìko), to be crooked; twisted, athwart. Cf. kopikopiko, tapiko. 2. To be false, deceitful. 3. To be bent; warped, as timber; out of line. Pikopiko (pìkopìko), plural of the action; pipiko (pipìko), plural of the subject.

    Pikoga (pikòga), falseness, duplicity.

    Akapiko (aka-pìko), false; to make false; to speak falsely; not just or upright in one's actions.

    Akapikopiko, to put athwart or across.

    Pipiko (pipìko), a small shoot or scion of bananas.

  • Pikohe (pikòhe), to make a loaf, small, but very long in shape.

    Pikohekohe, to make small loaves of an elongated shape.

  • Pinako (pinàko), matter, or pus, mingled with blood.

  • Pio (pìo), to put out, to extinguish: said of fire, and the eyes. Piopio (pìopìo), plural of the action; pipio, plural of the subject.

    Pipio, to die; to cease to be.

    Akapio, to extinguish, quench.

    Akapiopio, to extinguish. 2. To be careless, nonchalant. Cf. aka-piraurau.

  • Piogo (piògo), the name of a herb, the dandelion.

  • Pioioi (piòiòi), to open the eyes of dead persons.

    Akapioioi (aka-pìoìoi), to be weak in constitution; feeble through want of nourishment.

  • Pipi, small shell-fish in the shape of a mussel; 2. A boaster, babbler.

  • Pipiko. See under piko.

  • Pipipipi, very young mother-of-pearl.

  • Pipiri (pipiri), the season about June. 2. The cold season; the winter, the season when all things rest. 3. See under piri.

  • Pipiriri, twins: said of fruit growing on the same stalk. Cf. piri.

  • Piraga. See under pi.

  • Pirama (piràma), the milk of animals. Piramapu, cheese.

  • Pirari (piràri), the honey or nectar of flowers.

  • Pirau (piràu), rotten. Cf. piro. 2. To suppurate, to collect pus in a sore. Pirapirau (pirapiràu), a diminutive of pirau. Pipirau (pipiràu), plural of the subject.

    Pirauraga, the action of suppuration; festering.

    Akapirau (aka-piràu), to cause to fester; to make to suppurate.

    Akapiraurau (aka-piràuràu), soft; languid; lazy; nonchalant, careless. Cf. akapiopio (under pio).

  • Piri (pìri), a very large bundle or packet of maa. 2. Said of six toes when two are stuck together. Piripiri (pìripìri), plural of the action and diminutive. Cf. tapiri.

    Piripiri (piripiri), to dirty, to soil: only said of clothes or linen soiled by pus or matter from a sore.

    Pipiri (pipîri), stuck; fastened; to stick two things together. 2. Fitting close, as a joint. Cf. toupiri.

    Piritaga (piritàga), an ambuscade. 2. A hunt, chase. 3. A shelter, a cover.

    Piritaga, to prop up, to stay, support.

  • Pirietau, the name of a wood.

  • Pirikei (pirikèi), the upper part of the breech or buttock.

  • Pirima, a quantity of maa, a load sufficient for two or three men.

  • Piripiri. See under piri.

  • Piritaga. See under piri.

  • Piritake (piritàke), to join two rafts together into a single body. Cf. piri and pipiri.

  • Piritia, a species of shell-fish. 2. To be cooked on one side; half-cooked. 3. Packed close, like sardines in a tin. Piripiritia, an augmentative. Plural pipiritia.

  • Piro (pìro), a stench, a bad smell; to smell badly. Cf. pirau. Piropiro (pìropìro), a diminutive. Plural pipiro (pipìro). Cf. pirokoueva, piroumuahi, &c.

  • Pirokoueva, sweat that smells like the koueva (seaweed).

  • Piroumuahi, sweat that smells like the odour of the oven. Cf. umu.

  • Pitaka, to open. 2. To feign, to sham. 3. To form in rings.

  • Pite (pìte), to run: said of a soft body like paste escaping from its wrapper. 2. To scatter about in shreds or fragments. 3. To carry off an object by force or overwhelming power. Plural pitete (pitète).

  • Pito (pìto), the navel. 2. The end, the extremity of a thing. 3. The boundary of a piece of land; the point where one starts to describe the boundary. Cf. kopito, aka-pitore.

    Pitopito (pìtopìto), a button; to button.

    Akapito (aka-pìto), to button a single button; to do one single thing.

    Akapitopito (aka-pìtopìto), to button several buttons; to put buttons or fastenings on a garment.

  • Pitore, the orifice of the anus. 2. A buckle; a ring.

    Akapitore (aka-pitòre), to make a noose; a running knot. Akapitoretore (aka-pitòretòre), plural of the action.

  • Pitototai, a family in which the members have great affection for each other.

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  • Piu (pìu), to gather ripe and unripe fruit at the same time. 2. To kill, to massacre.

    Piuraga (pìuràga), a harvest of ripe and unripe fruit. 2. A massacre.

  • Po (), night. 2. Obscurity, darkness. Cf. porotoroto, pouri, aponei, aupo, kokoepo, kopeapo, matapo, &c. 3. Life or existe ice in another (supernatural) world. Po-porutu and pouaru, the heaven of happiness; the Elysian Fields. Po-garepurepu (po-garepurèpu) and po-kino, the heaven of darkness, of fear and dread. (Po-aruakaia is a more modern expression for this.) 3. Depth; profundity. 4. Breadfruit fermented into maa. 5. Hidden by design among other objects. 6. To commence to appear. 7. Po atu, po mai, to mingle together.

    Popo, pòpo, to-morrow. Cf. apopo. 2. Rotten; breaking under the touch. 3. Reduced to powder. 4. Ancient. 5. See under popo (in alphabetical position).

    Popopopo (pòpopòpo), entirely rotten; decayed.

    Poga (pòga), a piece of; a fragment; a portion.

    Pogaga (pogàga), an assembly of from eight to ten persons.

    Pogapoga (pògapòga), with a short brittle fibre: said of wood. 2. A crumb.

  • Poa (pòa), bait; to bait. To allure. Oil cast on the water to attract fish. Poapoa (pòapòa), plural of the action; popoa (popòa) plural of the subject.

    Poaga (poàga), the action of baiting; the bait, lure.

    Akapoa (aka-pòa), to bait; to throw the bait. 2. To communicate a smell of flesh to the water to attract the fish. Plural (of 1 and 2) akapoapoa (aka-pòapòa). 3. A sickening feeling in the stomach.

  • Poahuahu, slender of body; slight; slim.

  • Poatu (poàtu), a stone; stone. Cf. hare-poatu, atu.

  • Poe (pòe), a berry of a necklace or chaplet. 2. To tie one piece of wood to another. Poepoe (pòepòe), plural of the action; popoe (popòe), plural of the subject.

    Poepoe (pòepòe), to sew a torn garment without putting in a new piece or patch.

  • Poga. See under po.

  • Pogaga. See under po.

  • Pogake, an eye-tooth. Figuratively, a small man.

  • Pogakehara (pogàke-hara), pandanus fruit near up to the stem.

  • Pogapoga. See under po.

  • Pogi, a heathen ceremony, also found in existence in Noumea.

  • Pogi (pògi), quick; quickly.

    Pogipogi (pògipògi), very quickly.

  • Poha (pòha), open: said of any aperture not closed.

  • Pohatahata (pohàtahàta), large well-opened eyes. Cf. hatahata. 2. The wide part of a bread-fruit near the stalk.

  • Pohauhau (pohàuhàu), to drag along; to be kept back, delayed: spoken of things regarded impatiently as not advancing quickly enough.

  • Pohe (pòhe), to put fire to; to put to the fire. Pohepohe (pòhepòhe), plural of the action; popohe (popòhe), plural of the subject.

  • Pohepohe (pòhepòhe), to wink the eyes; to blink from weakness or sickness. 2. Eyes that are deep-sunken with sickness. Cf. matapohepohe.

  • Poho (pòho), to proceed out of the mouth: said of words.

  • Poho, to rise: said of the stars. Cf. pooho.

    Akapoho, to be rare, unusual; rarely, seldom. Plural akapohopoho (aka-pòhopòho). 2. To discuss, to dispute; to make reproaches.

  • Pohokepohoke (polòke-pohòke), Beautiful! Immense! It is used as an exclamation for great, in large quantity.

  • Pohore (pohòre), to escape; to get away from a person or a place. Pohorehore (pohòrehòre), plural of the action; popohore (popohòre), plural of the subject.

  • Pohoretua (pohòretùa), the back. 2. The back of the hand.

  • Pohou (pohòu), to come to another place; to be a stranger. Cf. hou.

  • Pohue (pohùe), the name of a running plant with large leaves; it grows by the sea-side.

  • Pohuri (pohùri), small scions of banana growing at the foot of a large banana palm.

  • Pohutuhutu, the smell of old maa.

  • Poihiko, that which commences to appear in the distance. Cf. aka-poikiki, to appear at a distance. 2. Tagata poihiko noa, a handsome man.

  • Poike, to point, to dot. 2. To appear suddenly. Aia e poike ake te kaiga, The land commences to appear. Cf. poihiko and akapoikiki. Poikeike, plural of the action; popoike, plural of the subject.

  • Poikoiki, to dazzle. 2. To fascinate. Cf. poihiko, 2.

  • Poipoiora, to receive favourably; to welcome; to felicitate. Cf. ora.

  • Poire (poìre), an arrow.

  • Poitiponui (poìtiponùi), to make great attempts and excursions to discover thieves.

  • Poka. See akapoka.

  • Pokagahare, a village, a settlement. Cf. hare.

  • Pokai (pokài), an anchor. 2. To pass the day in walking about. Cf. epokai. Pokaikai (pokàikài), plural of the action; popokai (popokài), plural of the subject.

  • Pokara (pokàra), stains, soilures.

    Pokarakara, plural and diminutive of pokara.

  • Pokara, a beating together of the hands, clapping them loudly and softly alternately.

  • Poke (pòke), bread-fruit or taro pounded and mixed with coconut milk.

  • Poke, the noise of a thing falling. Cf. poku, pokihi.

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  • Pokeke, the noise one makes in walking. Cf. keke. 2. The plural of poke.

    Akapoke, to cause the noise of poke.

    Akapoke (aka-pòke), to make a noise by striking two hard substances together; to make a short sudden noise.

    Akapokeke (aka-pokèke), to make a noise of short duration repeatedly and promptly

  • Pokea (pokèd), the name of a plant, purslain.

  • Pokeke. See under poke.

  • Pokere, to slam the door to; to close the door sharply.

    Pokerekere (pokèrekère), the plural of pokere; to slam the door many times.

  • Poki (pòki), a case, chest (not Ang. “box”). 2. A cover, a lid. 3. To cover said of things not made by men. 4. Cloudy weather; an overcast sky.

    Pokipoki (pòkipòki), to cover: said of things made by men. 2. To shut the eyes often 3. To make excuses.

  • Poki, to cover; to make a thatch for the two sides of a house.

    Popoki, to cover over, to hide.

    Akapoki, to finish making a covering.

  • Pokihi, the noise of hands beating the sea to frighten the fish. Cf. poke.

  • Pokihikihi (pokìhikìhi), the name of a small fish.

  • Pokino, Hell, or the abode of unhappy souls hereafter. See po.

  • Pokiokio, the name of a fish.

  • Pokiri (pokìri), the weight of a fishing-line; a sinker. 2. To make false reports about a person; to calumniate.

    Pokirikiri (pokìrikìri), round; to make round.

    Akapokirikiri (ako-pokìrikìri), to round off; to make round.

  • Poko (pòko), to dig; to excavate; to hollow out. 2. To dig deeply; to search into, to examine. Pokopoko (pòkopòko), plural of the action; popoko (popòko), plural of the subject.

    Popoko (popóko), said of some sore or disease affecting the skin, of long duration and difficult to heal. 2. To hollow out. E maki no koe e popoko na te pirau, Your sore reaches deep because of the matter (pus).

    Pokopoko (pòhopòko), to dig, to excavate. 2. Deep; difficult; not to be reached or got at. 3. Habituated; used to.

    Akapokopoko (aka-pòkopòko), to make deep; to excavate or hollow out profoundly.

  • Pokokina (pòkokìna), resonant; clear; well artioulated: said of the voice, or of speech. Plural pokopokokina (pòkopòkokìna).

  • Pokokinaavaroa (pòkokìna-ava-roa), to disappear; to be absent; lost for ever.

  • Pokone (pokòne), the name of a small fish.

  • Pokopoko. See under poko.

  • Pokopokokina. See under pokokina.

  • Pokorua (pokorùa), small holes in the ground or in stones. Cf. poko and rua. Plural poko-pokorua; the plural is also used for ground full of little holes.

  • Pokouvai (pokòuvài), a root that has rotted in the ground.

  • Poku, a noise like that of a cannon-shot. To make such a noise. Cf. poke. Pokuku, plural of the action; popoku, plural of the subject.

    Akapoku, to make a loud report, or a noise like the report of a cannon.

  • Pokuku-atutiri, a thunder-clap. Cf. poku and atutiri

  • Pokuku-pupui, the report of a gun.

  • Pokuku-kutia, the noise made by walking in shoes.

  • Pokuru (pokùru), sap-wood; alburnum.

  • Pona (pòna), a rock, a stone. 2. A knot; to knot. 3 To make the two ends of a chain touch each other and become united.

    Ponaga (ponàga), the action of knotting.

  • Ponihoniho (ponìhonìho), the name of a fish.

  • Ponini (ponìni), to allow one's self to become defiled.

  • Poniu (ponìu), to become dizzy; to have vertigo. To have the feeling of turning round and round. Cf. niu. Poniuniu (poníuníu), plural of the action; poponiu (poponìu), plural of the subject.

    Poniuniu (ponìunìu), to turn round quickly.

    Poniuraga, the condition of feeling vertigo; swimming in the head.

    Akaponiu (aka-ponìu), to dazzle. 2. To have the sight impeded or troubled by sickness. 3. To spin a top. 4. To cause vertigo.

    Akaponiuniu (aka-ponìunìu), to keep turning round and round. 2. To turn one's self as on a pivot. 3. To feel giddy; dizzy.

  • Pono. See popono.

  • Ponoga, the part of the body between the shoulders.

  • Ponopono, the bosom of one who is pregnant.

  • Ponou, bulky, large; only said of corpulent persons.

  • Pooho, to appear. Cf. poho. Poohoitua, to appear on the other side of the island.

  • Pooretua, the back. Cf. tua.

  • Popa (pòpa), a waster, spendthrift. 2. Ah obstinate fellow who deals out blows at random and without reason. 3. A glutton, who eats with avidity. 4. To eat fast, ravenously. 5. To often throw stones one at another. 6. To give many slaps or blows of the fist as quickly as possible. 7. To strike; to strike without cause.

    Popapopapopa, a glutton.

  • Popo (pòpo). See under po. 2. To clap the hands. 3. To attend to or take care of a fishing net. 4. To press food (maa) with the hand so that it separates into portions. 5. The name of a fish called arua when grown.

  • Popoa. See under poa.

  • Popohore. See under pohore.

  • Popoi, the food of the natives; a paste made of maa, kneaded and cooked.

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  • Popoike. See under poike.

  • Popokai. See under pokai.

  • Popoki. See under poki.

  • Popoko. See under poko.

  • Popoku. See under poku.

  • Popomatamataua, the name of a very small fish.

  • Poponiu. See under poniu.

  • Popono, an excuse, pretext. 2. To ransom the dead from punishment by offerings; to redeem. 3. To recompense a person for hiding that which one wishes to have kept secret; to pay hush-money.

  • Popopopo. See under po.

  • Poporoaki. See under poroaki.

  • Po-pupuni (po-pupùni), said of a place the public are not allowed to enter.

  • Pora (pòra), the name of mats generally. Cf. tapora. 2. The scaffolding or skeleton of a raft. 3. The raised seat of the chief on a raft.

  • Porago (poràgo), to dream; dreams that come true.

  • Poragokake, to be lying on the reef. Cf. kake.

  • Porakiano, to be in abundance; plenty.

  • Porata (poràta), an habitual thief; a robber by profession. Cf. porota.

  • Poreho (porèho), a sonorous stone that serves the purpose of a bell.

  • Pori (pòri), the lower belly. 2. The rotundity of the belly. 3. The centre of a drag-net. 4. The circumference, outer edge of a rounded body. 5. To bend into an arch or arc. 6. To rise: said of the wind. Cf. porimatagi.

    Akapori (aka-pòri), bent, curved. To bend, to bow. 2. To make hooked. 3. To centre; the centre.

  • Porimatagi, a strong wind; a gale. Cf. pori and matagi.

  • Pori-pu, the centre of a thing; the middle of a space. Cf. pori (3).

  • Pori-ruehine, the name of a plant.

  • Poro (pòro), to call, to name. Poroporo (pòropòro), plural of the action; poporo (popòro), plural of the subject. Cf. porogata, poroaki, tiporo.

    Poroga (poròga), an order, commandment.

  • Poroaki (pòroàki), to send word; to deliver an order. Poroporoaki, plural of the action; poporoaki, plural of the subject. Cf. poroga and porogata.

  • Porogata, to make one call out for another often; not to obey the first summons. Cf. poroga (poro), poroaki.

  • Porore (poròre), to let slip; to let fall out of the hands: said of objects. 2. To become loosened, detached; to break away; to come off. Pororerore (poròreròre), plural of the action; poporore (poporòre), plural of the subject.

    Pororeraga (poròreràga), the action of porore.

  • Porori, small bread-fruit, smaller than others through some natural defect. Plural, poroporori.

  • Pororo (poròro), the season of the year about July; the time leaves fall. 2. A sudden squall of wind. Pororo i ragi, a squall coming from above.

    Pororororo (poròroròro), plural and diminutive of pororo, a squall.

  • Porota, an habitual thief, a robber by profession. To steal habitually. Cf. porata.

  • Porotoroto (poròtoròto), obscurity, deep shadow under thick foliage of trees. Cf. po and roto. 2. A place that is very green and full of shadow. 3. The centre of a bay.

  • Porotu (poròtu), beautiful, fair, lovely. 2. Good, pleasant; all that can be desired.

    Poroturaga (poròturàga), beauty 2. Goodness; kindness; favour.

    Akaporotu (aka-poròtu), to make good; to render perfect. 2. To beautify a garment or any thing. 3. Having a good address; able to talk well. 4. To better; to ameliorate.

    Akaporoturotu (aka-poròturòtu), expresses longer action than akaporotu.

  • Porou (poròu), filaments of coco-fibre; to twist fibres of coco with other threads to strengthen them. Porourou (poròuròu), plural of the action; poporou (poporòu), plural of the subject.

    Porouraga (poròuràga), the action of twisting coco-nut fibre threads.

  • Pota, a kind of radish.

  • Potaka (potàka), the name of different parts of the spinal column considered separately. 2. A knot in a sugar-cane. 3. Turned upside down; all spilt or shed. 4. Round. 5. A wheel. 6. A turning toy of children. 7. The knots joining the meshes of a net. 8. To make a circuit; to go round. 9. Dissipated, scattered, brought to nothing: said of a belief, a custom, a sickness, or an action. Plural, potakataka.

    Akapotaka, to go round; to make a circuit; to encompass.

    Akapotakataka, to turn round and round; to wind; to wheel round.

  • Potakaio-potakaake, to take a turn round; all that encloses or encompasses.

  • Potea (potèa), the name of a shell-fish.

  • Poti, a canoe, a boat. [Generally taken as English word “boat,” but cf. tipoti, and Maori poti, a basket.]

  • Potiha (potìha), the last fruit on a bread-fruit tree. Plural, potihatiha.

  • Potiki (potìki), support, sustenance, nourishment: said of children with reference to their parents. 2. A joker, a wit. 3. A hard head, as of a nail; hard-headed, said of children.

    Potikitiki (potìkitìki), having the hair cut short. 2. To make a head on a thing.

  • Potipoti (pòtipòti), the name of an insect. 2. A closely-woven mat.

  • Potiri, distribution.

    Potiritiri, to distribute; to give portions.

  • Poto (pòto), short. Cf. papapotopoto. 2. Short of stature. Potopoto, very short. Popoto (popòto), plural of the subject.

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  • Potoga (potòga), a small piece of land; a small piece of cloth, &c. 2. A half-fathom; a yard. 3. Part of one of the tentacles of a squid or octopus.

    Potogatoga (potògatòga), a diminutive of potoga.

    Akapoto, to diminish; to lessen; to shorten; to abridge.

    Akapotopoto, to make very small.

  • Potu (pótu), a long famine when nothing edible remains. 2. Sinister, of evil augury.

  • Poturua (pòtu-rùa), the two sides of a roof. 2. A double mat. Cf. potutai and rua.

  • Potutai (potu-tai), one of the sides of a roof. Cf. tai (tahi) and poturua.

  • Pou (pòu), a column, a pillar. A post. Cf. poutu. 2. To plant herbs, &c. Poupou (pòupòu), plural of the action; popou (popòu), plural of the subject.

    Poupou (poupòu), a mast.

    Pouga (poùga), a custom, a habit.

  • Pouaru, the Elysian fields of the soul when the Tirau has been made.

  • Poue, the name of a running plant. Cf. pohue. 2. The name of a reef.

  • Pouga. See under pou.

  • Pouhare, an offering of first-fruits, dedicated to a god.

  • Pouhu, the name of a fish.

  • Pouhukaka (poùhukaka), to come and go often on the same day.

  • Poukakare-ki-te-here, to pass the time in walking about, in going and coming.

  • Poukapa (poukàpa), a singer or chanter of in cantations, songs, &c.

  • Pouri (poùri), obscurity, darkness. Cf. tupouri. 2. A late hour. Cf. po and uriuri.

  • Pouto (poùto), the tassel of a cord. Cf. pou.

  • Poutu, a pile used as a support; a stay, a prop. 2. A person who sustains or supports another. 3. The shaft of a lance. 4. Capital; principal.

    Akapoutu, to make a stake or pile; to dress or hew a stake. 2. To prop, to support; to stay. Akapoutu aiai, to adjourn or put off till evening.

  • Pu (), a marine shell. 2. A fine handsome garment. 3. Suddenly. Cf. tomopu. 4. Pre cise; distinct; exact. 5. The middle; in the midst. 6. Used concerning the head of an octopus or squid; of the head in a hat; of the top of a shrub; of a liquid with which one has filled the mouth and then swallowed; of food pulped, to give to a child or sick person. Vaka i te pu, the canoe in which the king (or chief person) is.

    Puga (pùga), a kind of madrepore (coral). Cf. varepuga. 2. Bread-fruit of which the flesh is scirrhous. 3. Bed-ridden. 4. A long convalescence, said only if eight or ten or more persons are concerned.

    Pugapuga (pùgapùga), shaved. E oo pugapuga, a shaven head. 2. Pains in the interior of the body; colic.

    Akapuga (aka-pùga), to shave the head entirely. A sign of war. 2. To make clean; to make plain; to make a fair copy, 3. To exhaust, to drain; to spend; to use up. 4. To sweep clean off. Akapugapuga (aka-pùgapùga), plural of the action; akapupuga (aka-pupùga), plural of the subject.

    Pupu, said of a bushy, branchy place.

    Pupu (pùpu), to grow, to come out of the ground.

    Pupu (pùpù), a bundle; a package. 2. To unite, to gather together, as an assembly. 3. To collect, to gather, as objects or things. 4. To hide.

    Pupupupu (pùpupùpu), thick, said of trees, &c., planted close.

    Pupuraga (pupuràga), an assembly; a congregation. A herd of animals. 2. A statement, an account. 3. A defence, a protection.

    Akapu (aka-pu), to thicken paste (popoi) by adding other paste. 2. Not to make paste very liquid; to keep it stiff.

    Akapupu (aka-pùpù), to collect persons; to reunite. Aka-pupu-mai, to collect, heap up; to harvest.

  • Pua (pùa), a flower. Flowers generally. To flower, to bloom. Cf. meipuakakaho. 2. Turmeric. 3. Pecula (starchy matter) of the yellow Erega—hence (mod.) soap. Cf. hatipua, puha.

    Akapua (aka-pùa), to go to stool; to eject fæces. 2. See under aka-pua.

  • Puagu (puàgu), to cry loudly, to call out often; to make a great outcry; to bawl; to clamour. Pupuagu (pupuàgu), plural of the subject. Cf. agu.

    Puaguagu (puàguàgu), to breathe; to sigh.

  • Puaha (puàha), a belch, an eructation of wind from the mouth. Cf. aha.

  • Puaheva (pu-à-hèva), to feel a sudden movement. Puahevaheva (pu-a-hèvahèva), plural of the action; pupuaheva (pupu-a-heva), plural of the subject.

  • Puahu (puàhu), the young growth of reeds or sugar-cane. 2. To grow vigorously: said of sugar-cane.

    Puahuahu (pu-àhu-àhu), a great growth; strongly growing, only said of bananas.

    Puahuahunui, a yoang man full of life and spirit.

    Puahuhou, idem.

  • Puaka (puàka), a beast; an animal generally. 2. A pig.

    Puaka (pùàka), a very injurious and insulting expression.

    Akapuaka, to be indecent; to cause indecency.

  • Puaka, an exclamation of surprise: Puaka!

  • Puakahikahika (puàka-hìka-hìka), to have the face reddened, tanned by the sun, or hot with fighting.

  • Puakakao (púakakao), the flower of the reed. See kakao.

  • Puake, perfumed air; scent. To smell good, or smell bad.

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  • Puakura (pùakùra), to be precious, valued: only said of persons.

  • Puapuamerino (pùapùamerìno), the name of a grass or herb.

  • Puara (puàra), the right side of a tissue or cloth.

  • Puaramai, to come suddenly into one's thoughts.

  • Puareuanoa (puàreùa-nòa), very sweet, charming: only said of persons.

  • Puata, hollow: only said of trees. Cf. pu (middle) and ata, puhata.

  • Puatiho, an epithet applied to a worthless fellow.

  • Puautu, to whiten, to blanch

  • Pue, to swell, to swell out; inflated.

  • Puehu (puèhu), to break, to wear out, to snap; to be torn. 2. To come to nothing, to be abortive: said of a design or of a conversation that has no effect. 3. To melt away, to dissipate itself: said of an assembly that disperses. Plural, pupuehu (pupuèhu)

    Puehuehu (puèhuèhu), to deviate, to err, to turn aside. 2. To stretch one's self out; to sprawl. Plural, pupuehu (pupuèhu).

  • Puehuke-puehuke (puèhuke-puèhuke), to disperse, some on one side, some on another: said of a crowd.

  • Pueke, the pouch of the squid or octopus (eke) 2. Bread-fruit spoilt on one side.

  • Pueueu (puèuèu), the trunk of the banana when the fruit has been taken.

  • Puevaeva (puèvaèva), old, used up; in rags; only said of clothes.

  • Puevai (puèvai), soft; effeminate; lazy; of little vigour.

  • Puga. See under pu.

  • Pugapuga. See under pu.

  • Pugatara, the name of a shapeless fish that lives in the sand. 2. A five-sided figure.

  • Pugatea (pùgatèa), bread-fruit, the exterior of which is discoloured with resin.

  • Pugaverevere (pùgavèrevère), the spider.

  • Pugere (pugère), hoarse: said of the hoarse voices of old people. Cf. gere. Plural, pugeregere (pugèregère).

  • Puha (pùha), a large native oven. 2. A chair without a back. 3. Soap. See pua (3). 4. A hollow in a rock whereinto the sea entering makes a noise. Cf. puhakoutu.

    Akapuha (aka-pùha), to encircle trees with some slippery substance to prevent rats from ascending them.

    Puhapuha, a raft that is broken up.

    Akapuhapuha (aka-puhapuha), to overflow; to be spilt, shed abroad. 2. To spill, to shed. 3. To put on garment upon garment.

    Akapuhapuha, to scatter, to strew. To spoil or waste food or clothes.

    Pupuha (pùpùha), to foam; said of the wake of a ship. 2. To blow out smoke from nose or mouth.

  • Puhake, to smell very strong; to exhale a very strong odour. Plural, puhakehake (puhàkehàke.

  • Puhakoutu, a hollow place in a cape into which hollow the sea roars. Cf. puha.

  • Puhapuha. See under puha.

  • Puhapuhakeu (pùhapùhàkeu), to often seek occasion for a quarrel.

  • Puhara (puhàra), the pandanus tree: the screw-palm Cf. hara.

  • Puhara (puhàra), to think with pleasure or regret of some past error or fault Puharahara (puhàrahàra), plural of the action; pupuhara (pupuhàra), plural of the subject.

  • Puhata (puhàta), to be hollow. Cf. puata, hatahata.

  • Puheke (puheke), bald.

  • Puhero (puhèro), to give in very small quantity. 2. To have very small stools (ejections of fæcal matter) when suffering from looseness of the bowels. Puherohero (puhèrohèro), plural of the action; pupuhero, plural of the subject.

  • Puhi (pùhi), to blow; to breathe. Puhipuhi (pùhhipùhi), plural of the action; pupuhi, plural of the subject. Cf. puipui.

    Puhia (puhià), blown by the wind; carried by the wind along the surface of the sea Puhiahia (puhiahià), plural of the action; pupuhia (pupuhià), plural of the subject.

    Puhiahia (puhìahìa), to be shaken by the wind, said of garments, the hair, &c.

  • Puhi (pùhi), the sea-eel (Murena) that bites and tears.

  • Puhirau, the name of a place in Akena.

  • Puhoe (puhòe), the sound of a far-off conversation reaching the ear. Plural puhoehoe (puhòehòe).

  • Puhu, sweat; suffocation; to be suffocating with sweat. Cf. puu.

  • Pui (pùi), to put on a garment; to clothe one's self. A garment, a robe. 2. To cover, to envelope. A wrapper; covering. Puipui (pùipùi), plural of the action; pupui (pupùi), plural of the subject.

    Puipui, sea-water spirting in foam and spray. Cf. puhi.

    Akapui (aka-pùi), to clothe any one; to give a garment to put on. 2. To cover with cloth or stuff. Plural, akapuipui (aka-pùipùi).

  • Pui, a gun (modern). Puipui, to smoke a pipe (modern).

  • Puitahaga, an exclamation expressive of pleasure: How nice! How pleasant!

  • Puineka, an injurious term, an expletive: You old scoundrel!

  • Puipui. See under pui.

  • Puka (pùka), a blister; suppuration under swollen skin. Cf. pukane.

    Puka, pain in the mouth from blowing too hard. Cf. pukaha.

    Pukapuka (pùkapùka), to have the mouth filled till the cheeks are distended. 2. The name of a kind of banana.

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  • Akapukapuka (aka-pukapuka), to eat with voracity. 2. To raise the head so as to seize something with the mouth.

  • Pukaha, asthma; asthmatic. Cf. puka.

  • Pukamaga, the nam of a tree that grows on the mountain.

  • Pukane (pukàne), great heat of the skin; feverishness. 2. Great heat in the hole where maa is placed. 3. To ferment. 4. To be warm. Plural (of 4) pukanekane (pukànekàne).

  • Pukao (pukào), the foot of the mountain. 2. Iron. 3. An axe, a hatchet. 4. A univalve shell-fish. 5. A hillock on the slope of a mountain. 6. A tree or plant which has grown from a cutting.

    Pukaokao (pukàokào), the name of a shell-fish. 2. Said of the sides of a badly-woven mat.

    Akapukaokao (aka-pukàokào), to carry on one side of the tissue of a mat when weaving it and neglect the other side.

  • Pukaomaga (pukàomaga), a small hill on the slope of a mountain.

  • Pukapuka. See under puka.

  • Pukata, the highest summit of a hill; peak. Cf. pukoto.

  • Pukava, the name of a plant. 2. A wicked person.

  • Puke (pùke), a heap, a pile. 2. A raised place. The peak or nipple of a mountain. 3. To pile up, to heap up; to amass. 4. To assemble, to bring together. Plural, pukepuke (pùkepùke).

    Pukega (pukèga), the action of heaping up, collecting, &c.

    Akapuke (aka-püke), to heap up.

    Akapukepuke (aka-pùkepùke), to make a huge heap; to collect all the small heaps into one.

  • Pukerekere (pukerekere), to grow, to augment.

  • Pukerokero (pukerokero), to be just visible only, on account of the distance.

  • Pukete (pukète), a pocket; a basket; a bag. Plural, puketekete (pukètekète).

  • Pukohe (pukòhe), to play the flute or flageolet; to make sounds by blowing into a bamboo. Plural, pukohekohe. 2. A trumpet.

  • Pukohe-rau-ti, a trumpet made with the leaf of the ti tree.

  • Pukoto (pukòto), the summit of a mountain. Cf. pukata. 2. The plume of a warrior. Cf. puoto.

    Pukotokoto (pukòtokòto), an augmentative of pukoto.

    Pukotokoto, a hood for the head.

  • Pukou (pukòu), a headless tree. 2. Rotting in the ground, but of which the root is living.

  • Pukounu (pukoùnu), to swim, holding up a thing in the hand above the surface of the water.

    Pukounuunu, denotes more prolonged action than pukounu.

  • Puku (pùku), a knot in wood. Cf. papapuku, kopuapuku, kakipuku. 2. Inequalities of the soil. 3. The clitoris of females. 4. To be unripe.

    Pukupupu (pùkupùku), paste (popoi) not well diluted or slackened. 2. Knotted; rough; uneven; harsh. 3. Full of little lumps or pieces. 4. The plural of puku, a knot.

    Akapukupuku (aka-pùkupùku), not well diluted, as paste (popoi).

  • Pukua (pukùa), to be suffocated, as by anything that sticks in the throat.

  • Pukuhou (pùkùhou), the age of puberty. 2. A person about sixteen or eighteen years old.

  • Pukupuku. See under puku.

  • Pukuru, a tree from which the centre branches have been cut. 2. A male tree.

  • Pukutea (pukutèa), a man from about thirty-nine to forty-nine years old.

  • Puna (pùna), a source, a spring. Cf. punavai. 2. To boil. Punapuna (pùnapùna), plural of the action; pupuna (pupùna), plural of the subject.

    Punapuna (pùnapùna), to emerge, as a spring or fountain does. 2. To spirt or jet out, as water.

    Akapuna (aka-puna), to cause to boil over; to cause to gush out.

  • Punarua (punarùa). father-in-law. 2. A stepmother who does not love the children born to the first wife.

  • Punavai, a spring of water. Cf. puna and vai. 2. A fire whose flames ascend.

  • Puni (pùni), to achieve; to finish; to complete. Generally employed in the passive form. Punipuni (pùnipùni), plural of the action; pupuni (pupùni), plural of the subject. Punia-kohiko, all has been well done, completed. Punikotoa, to finish totally.

    Puniga (punìga), a hiding-place.

    Pupuni, to hide one's self. 2. Finished, completed; many things done.

    Akapuni (aka-puni), to finish; to terminate.

    Akapunipuni (aka-punipuni), to finish different things; to end many affairs. 2. To make haste to finish off.

    Akapuniraga (aka-puniraga), the action of finishing, of completion.

  • Punionio, shell-fish.

  • Punipunikino, to do evil; to commit a wrong. Cf. puni and kino.

  • Punoho, a buoy; a float. Cf. punou.

  • Punohu (punòhu), to grow, to increase: said of trees.

    Punohunohu (punòhunòhu), said of the stiffened papyrus cloth that does not stick to the skin.

  • Punou, a buoy. Cf. punoho.

  • Punu (púnu), not to be hungry. 2. That will not enter, that will not pierce: said of a lance, arrow, &c. Cf. tepunu.

  • Punua (punúa), the young of animals. Plural, punupunua (punupunùa).

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  • Punuataha (punùataha), the name of a bird that has a great deal of down. 2. Down; the wool of birds.

  • Punui (punúi), a village, a town; the chief settlement or capital. 2. A cloak; a large piece of tapa.

  • Punupunu (pùnupùnu), to grow fast, and have the flesh soft at the same time.

  • Punupunua. See under punua.

  • Puoho (puòho), to have a large head of hair. Cf. oho.

  • Puokie (puòkìe), to turn back the clothes: said of the wind. Plural, puokiekie (puòkìekìe).

  • Puopo (puòpo), to vaunt one's self, to boast with arrogance.

  • Puorotaro (puòrotaro), a dish made with taro, bread-fruit, and coco-nut juice.

  • Puoto (puòto), a plume, a bunch of feathers. Cf. pukoto. 2. To wrap up the banana-shoots as they commence to appear. Plural, puotooto (puòtoòto).

  • Puou (puòu): said of the flower of the breadfruit, when it is partly flower and partly fruit.

    Puouou (puòuòu), to be large: said of eyes that have wept a long time.

  • Pupare, a wooden shape used for making headdresses or hats.

  • Pupu. See under pu.

  • Pupuha (pùpùha), the name of a large sugarcane. 2. To foam: said of the wake of a canoe or ship. 3. To blow out smoke through the nose or mouth.

  • Pupuhi. See under puhi.

  • Pupuna. See under puna.

  • Pupuni. See under puni.

  • Pupupupu. See under pu.

  • Pupuraga. See under pu.

  • Pupurapura. See under pura.

  • Pupure. See under pure.

  • Puputa (pupùta), a cake made of bread-fruit and taro, mixed with other things.

  • Pura (pùra), to have something in the eye, such as dust. Cf. matapura. Plural, purapura (pùrapùra).

    Purapura, grains, berries. 2. Descendants. 3. Race, extraction, origin.

    Pupurapura, descendants. 2. The family or line from which one has descended.

  • Pura (pùra), bald; hairless. Cf. ohopura, roropura. 2. Having a piece of cloth on the head. 3. A handkerchief or wiper. 4. A sand-bank; an islet of sand.

  • Puraatea (pùra-àtèa), a bank of white sand in the sea.

  • Puraganui (puraga-nui), an assembly, a festival.

  • Purara (puràra), to botch; to piece; to mend; to patch. Purararara (puràraràra), plural of the action; pupurara (pupuràra), plural of the subject.

  • Pure (pùre), a prayer; to pray. Cf. harepure. 2. Any remarkable action. 3. A distribution; an apportionment of food, &c. Purepure (pùrepùre), plural of the action; pupure (pupùre), plural of the subject.

    Purega (purèga), a prayer; an incantation.

    Akapure (aka-pùre), to pray; to repeat an incantation.

  • Purena (purèna), a rent, a tear. To tear, to rend, to hook, to catch upon. Purenarena, plural of the action; pupurena, plural of the subject.

    Purenaraga, the action of making a rent, &c.

  • Purepure (pùrepùre), printed stuff, such as chintz, calico, &c. 2. The face of a man covered with spots or stains.

    Akapurepure, to colour, to paint in different colours.

  • Purerehue, a small kind of butterfly. 2. Any small animal, such as a small turtle.

  • Pureva (purèva), roe; the eggs of fish. 2. Yellow scum floating on the sea from about the 17th to the 21st of February, and this yellow substance is eaten by fish. 2. Summer.

  • Puri (pùri), papyrus; the plant from which native cloth is made.

  • Puroku (puròku), to cover; to cover the head, as with a hat, &c. 2. To hide one's designs or motives. Purokuroku (puròkuròku), plural of the action; pupuroku (pupuròku), plural of the subject.

    Akapuroku (aka-puròku), to cover a thing with. 2. To throw blame on another person. Plural, akapurokuroku (aka-puròkuròku).

  • Puroro (puròro), the fruit of the taumanu tree.

    Purorororo (puròroròro), large, rounded cheeks.

  • Puru (pùru), to wrap up the kernel of the coco-nut and pandanus.

  • Purua (purùa), to double. Cf. rua, putahi, putoru, &c. 2. To repeat an action. 3. To put on two garments, &c.

  • Puruamu (pùruàmu), in a masterful way; to speak as a master, as a sovereign; to speak abruptly, rudely. 2. Definitely. Purupuruamu (pùrupùruàmu), plural of the action; pupuruamu (pupùrudmu), plural of the subject.

  • Puruhi (puràhi), to sweep; to clean. Plural, purupuruhi (pùrupùruhi).

    Puruhiraga, the action of sweeping.

  • Purukaha (purukàha), a thread of coco-nut fibre prepared for weaving or plaiting. Cf. kaha.

  • Purupuruhi. See under puruhi.

  • Puta (pùta), a hole; an opening; a gap; a pierced part in anything. 2. To go out from. 3. That which pierces; that which appears through a hole. Putaputa, plural of the action; puputa (pupùta), plural of the subject. 4. A stone anchor. 5. Until; even; as far as.

    Putaputa (pùtapùta), a tree-trunk pierced with many holes.

    Akaputa (aka-puta), to make a hole. 2. To pierce, to make an opening, a mortise, 3, page 79 To announce bad news to any one; to utter an unlucky word. Akaputaputa (aka-pùtatapùta), plural of the action. Akaputaaiti (aka-puta-a-iti), to put closer together; to set with very small spaces.

    Akaputaputa (aka-pùtapùta), to pierce. 2. To rend, to tear.

    Putaga (putàga), an avenue, an exit, a place of issue. 2. The reins, the loins, the kidneys. 3. Depression; hypochondria.

  • Putaakaraurau (putaàkaràuràu), to arrive from all sides.

  • Putaga. See under puta.

  • Putagakore (putàga-kore), to be without resource, without support or maintenance.

  • Putahi (patàhi), to have only one garment. Cf. tahi, purua, putoru, &c. 2. Sole, single; not double, as a garment. Puputahi (puputàhi), plural of the subject.

  • Putahiu, the nostril. Cf. puta, ihu, putakokaro.

  • Putakokaro, the anus. Cf. puta, kokaro, putahiu.

  • Puta-mai, to follow on; to be the effect of.

  • Putaputa. See under puta.

  • Putara (putàra), a spiral shell having a large opening.

    Putaratara (putàratàra), a kind of shell-fish. 2. Rough; knotty; spiny; hairy.

  • Putea (putèa), white. 2. To have a white skin. Cf. tea.

  • Putegatega (putègatèga), amplitude, largeness: said of garments.

    Akaputegatega (aka-putègatèga), to make a large garment. To be ample, full: said of clothes.

  • Putei (putèi), to be higher than others: said of trees. 2. A raised place; the peak of a hill. Cf. teitei.

    Puteitei (putèitèi), to lift itself above all else: said of a hill, &c.

    Puteitei, a raised place; a mound; a peak.

  • Putini, often; many times.

    Putinitini, to repeat an action indefinitely. Plural, puputinitini.

  • Putoga (putòga), exceedingly good native cloth of papyrus. Cf. toga.

  • Putogatoga, crisp, frizzy: said of hair. Oho putogatoga.

  • Putoka (putòka), round coral: said of coral limestones.

  • Putoka, bad. Manava putoka, a wicked heart.

  • Putoru (putòru), to repeat an action three times. Cf. toru, purua. Puputoru, plural of the subject.

  • Putota (putòta), bleeding; a great outflow of blood. See next word.

  • Putoto (putòto), bleeding; a great outflow of blood. Cf. toto, putota.

  • Putu (pùtu), a gathering of fishes; a shoal; a school of fish. 2. A game of clapping the hands; clapping hands; the dull sound of clapping hands. 3. To “ball” or make round the paste (popoi) which one wraps up in leaves. Putuputu, plural of the action; puputu, plural of the subject.

    Putuputu (pùtupùtu), close, tight, compact; approaching near or contiguous. 2. A closely-netted fishing-net. 3. Often; frequently.

    Akaputuputu (aka-putuputu), to make thick; to place close together; to make compact.

  • Putuga (putùga), the reins, the kidneys. Cf. putaga (under puta). 2. An injury.

  • Putuga-nui, a glutton; one who eats after the others have finished.

  • Putuki, a hank, a skein. 2. Hair knotted or tangled. 3. Having a wrapper or envelope attached. 4. Part of a garment attached by a thread.

  • Putuki (putùki), to draw together the edges of a bag or net in which to confine the hair. Putukituki, plural of the action; puputuki, plural of the subject.

    Putukiga (putukìga), the action of putuki 2. A knot of hair worn at the back of the head by women.

  • Putukura, a kind of kumete (trough).

  • Putuputu. See under putu.

  • Puu, sweat, perspiration; to perspire. Cf.puhu.

  • Puvava, to be easily cooked.

  • Puvehie (puvèhìe), bread-fruit that has remained too long on the tree so that the flesh is lumpy.

  • Puvovo, the noise of a fire, of burning wood. Cf. vovo. 2. To repair a rau by patching or weaving in more leaves.

  • Puvovo-rua, the largest of the maa pits. 2. The principal cultivator.