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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Personal Volume

The Crux of the Problem

The Crux of the Problem.

How can we create true patriotism? May we not recall the past? What is behind us as a nation and a race? The deeds, of our ancestors from whom we have sprung are behind us. Who has not read of what many a thin red line has done an our countless battles? Are there not names of heroes that are for ever remembered because of their courage, their loyalty, their ability, and their glory? And have not our hearts been stirred within us in the present, great war by what our lads have done on the fields of Gallipoi, of Egypt, of Palestine, of Greece, and of France; and our sailors have shown that Trafalgar was not the last great battle our Navy fought. We have behind as also the struggles made by our ancestors for liberty and righteousness. Often in the past our ancestors hace fought not for glory, not for riches, not for honor, but for liberty alone, which they said no good man loses but with his life Our children are not going to forget the deeds of glory of our ancestors. They may have to fight, as we had to fight [unclear: otuola], with wild beasts at Ephesus, but the will struggle on, and fulfil their duty to their nation, to the race, and to humanity. This war has bound us together: it has made us feel as one; our differences in politics and in creeds have been forgotten. The few shirkers and pacifists are not worth mentioning: and may we not hope when the war is over that we will take more interest in inculcating civic duties and civic peace and civic brotherhood! Our schools should be the true training grounds for love and brotherhood, where children are riot separated from children page 23 because of their parents' beliefs. We hopo to see true patriotism everywhere, and love reigning, where children in their games and in their studies will not be separated by barriers of nationality or creed. Citizenship will be the biggest thing. We can look with hope to the future; in the dim distante it may be, but a new vision and a new earth are coming. Human life will be more sacred, and future social life will be pure, and our cities will be clean and sweet, with no slums, no bad citizens menacing our civilisation; liberty will reign, man will tell his thought to man, and all will recognise that truth alone can make men free. Our education will be higher. The knowledge of the Sixth Standard is too restricted a vision for me future man; life will be on a higher level; each will work for all, and all will work for each. A State conscience will be created, and brotherhood will dominate all our actions. Poets have seen this vision; prophets have foretold its coming; woe to us if we do not struggle to attain it. It we do not, our race will pass away, as many past races have gone, and other races will take our place. What is the Golden Age? you may ask and may I quote to you an American poet for the answer:

Have you heard the Golden City
Mentioned in the legends old?
Everlasting light shines o'er it,
Wondrous tales of it are told.
Only righteous men and women
Dwell, within its gleaming walls,
Wrong is banished from its borders,
Justice reigns supreme o'er all.

We are founders of that city,
All our joys and all our groans
Help to rear its shining ramparts,
All our lives are building stones;
page 24 But the work that we have builded,
Oft with bleeding hands and tears.
And in error and in anguish,
Will not perish with the years.

It will be at last made perfect
In the universal plan,
It will help to crown the labors
Of the toiling hosts of man:
It will last and shine transfigured
In the final reign of right,
It will merge into the splendors
Of the City of the Light.

Star Print, Dunedin.