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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 81


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The financial support of the George Junior Republic rests with several hundred people scattered over several states. An annual contribution of one dollar entitles one to "The Citizen," a magazine which is published monthly at the Junior Republic. An annual contribution of five dollars gives one membership in the George Junior Republic Association while a gift of one hundred dollars makes one a life number. In order to facilitate the collection of funds Aid Societies are formed in the larger cities. Two Field Secretaries are also employed to collect funds, conduct an educational campaign and interest new capital in the work of the Republic. In this field of work lectures are frequently given. A person well qualified to talk upon the subject, with or without slides, may be had upon application at the office.

Our great drawback is a deficit, U was $14,647.75 on September 30th., last. It is a part of results of a fifteen years struggle: the other results are represented by a teeming village of boys and girls: twenty-seven boys who have been sent from the Republic to College; scores of girls and boys who have gone out into the very best of industrial life and success and hundreds who have gone out to a clean, earnest, humble walk in life; this great Alumni of true-hearted, loyal citizens is our greatest asset. When one reflects upon the fact that the "Junior Republic Association" has never received a dollar of state aid, and that it has no endowment to speak of, (the income from all endowments is $1,151,00) and when, in connection with this, it is remembered that he sides the real problem of current expenses the friends of the work have had to constantly increase and maintain the permanent improvements and equipment, one is surprised that the debt is not larger. It is the one thing that is confronting us in every new move for reform or economy, If we had page break no deficit and were free to buy all our goods and supplies for cash, taking advantage of the trade discount, we could greatly reduce our running expenses. Can you not aid us in reducing this deficit and in enlarging our Endowment Fund? Both money and advice are solicited on this point.

Please Read My Plea

We are supporting 155 Citizens between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. For the training and support of forty-eight of them we receive no pay from any given source; we have over twenty for whom we receive less than two dollars a week and over thirty for whom we receive less than three and a half dollars a week while the actual cost is very much greater.

We are trying to make good, clean men and women out of unfortunate boys and girls; we are straining every nerve to send them into the world trained to take up life's work with sound minds and healthy bodies.

No physical defect is ever overlooked if surgical skill or medical treatment can correct it.

The burden of expense is very heavy upon comparatively few people. Will you not help carry the load? Will you not send us five dollars or three dollars or one dollar? The preparation of this little booklet represents a large out-lay in time and money. If it has afforded you any pleasure or given you any information we are amply repaid, but if each person to whom a copy comes would express their pleasure and confidence in our work by even a small donation we would be most grateful.

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The Following Table is Worth Considering

The total expense of all cottage maintenance in 1908 was $38,496.17.

The total expense of all cottage maintenance in 1909 was $37,777.19

The total expertise of all cottage maintenance in 1910 was $35,859.51

The total income of all cottages in 1908 was $25, 717.51

The total income of all cottages in 1909 was $26, 472.33.

The total income of all cottages in 1910 was $27, 439,10.

The total loss on cottage maintenance in 1908 was $12,778.66.

The total loss on cottage maintenance in 1909 was $11,306.86.

The total loss on cottage maintenance in 1910 was $8,524,01.

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The Chapel

The Chapel

The Gymnasium

The Gymnasium

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The Forbes-Walter Hospital

The Forbes-Walter Hospital

Interior of the Laundry

Interior of the Laundry

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Annual Report of the Treasurer of the New York Womans Aid to the George Junior Republic.

Balance—Dec. 29, 1909 from Mrs. Lambert, former Treasurer $ 40.72
Dues $ 465.90
Christmas 75,00
Entertainments 2112.00
Donations 40.00 2,692.90
Expenses of Entertainment $781.70
Expenses of meetings, printing etc. 51.85
Expenses for Christmas 49.57
To A. G. Agnew, Treas. George Junior Republic 1,600,00 $2,483.12
Balance Nov, 19, 1910 $ 250.50
E. & O. E. New York, November 19, 1910. (Mrs. H. J.) Alice A. Fisher, Treas., 9 West 56th Street, New York City.
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Report of Massachusetts Aid Committee

In response-to a letter written by Mr. Derrick, a meeting was held on March 29, 1910 at the home of Mrs. J. J. Storrow, 417 Beacon St.. Boston. The purpose of this meeting was to form a Mass. Aid Committee which should be responsible for securing all contributions sent to the Republic; by Mass. contributors,

Since July 1, 1910 the monthly appeals have been sent out by its Secretary who forwards all checks to Mr. Agnew. A list of all contributors and their contributions is sent the last day of each month to the Field Secretary, that all records may be kept up to date. The Field Secretary sends a list to the Secretary of all contributions sent direct to Mr. Agnew.

It is hoped that there will be no misunderstanding in regard to the purpose of the Committee, It is not working independently but in co-operation with the management in its efforts to maintain and increase the number of contributors.

The Secretary has received since July 1, 1910. $2,08.2.00.

Massachusetts Aid Committee.

  • Mrs. John E. Thayer, Pres.
  • Mrs. Edward D. Brandegee
  • Mrs. Walter C. Bailey
  • Miss Frances G. Curtis
  • Mrs Arthur Lyman
  • Mrs. Dana Malone
  • Mrs. Francis G. Shaw
  • Mrs. James J. Storrow
  • Mrs. J. Franklin Mcelwain, Sec. 39 Chestnut Street, Boston
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Report of Louise M. Blood, as Treasurer of the Ithaca Aid to the George Junior Republic.

The Treasurer charges herself with the following receipts:
To balance in bank on Nov, 11,1909, $ 3.26
To receipts prior to January 1, 1911, from subscribers and aid members 301.00
To special subscriptions by individuals for the cooking class for women at the George Junior Republic 20.00
To donation by Ladies' Benevolent Society 28.00
To net proceeds of Miss Gluck's Concert. (A statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Concert is annexed to this report.) 138.25
To interest accumulation at Ithaca Savings Hank 8.43
Total, $498.94 $498.94
The Treasurer credits herself with the following disbursements:
By payments for postage and printing of notices, etc. $ 1.68
By check to Mr. Agnew 135,00
Total, $136.68 $136.68
Balance in Ithaca Savings Bank, January 1, 1911 $362.26
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Treasurer's Report of Receipts and Disbursements of Concert given by Miss Gluck for Benefit of George Junior Republic.

To receipts from sale of tickets at Corner Book Store (Taylor & Car penter) $ 138 25
To receipts from sale at Cornell Co-Op Society, on the Campus 118.50
Total, $256,75 $256.75
Disbursements paid Miss Gluck for services $ 100.00
By bill of Ithaca Journal for printing of tickets and programs 8.50
By expense of moving piano to Concert Hall, 10.00
Net profit from Concert with which Treasurer has charged herself in report $138.25
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Report of Buffalo Aid Society

Sent to A. G, Agnew, Treas. $462.50 Miss Belle R. Laverack, Treas., 519 Delaware Ave.

Report of the Olean Aid Society

$ 80.00

Mrs. J. M. Harris,

Treas., 202 N. Clinton St.

Note: The Olean Aid was not formed until February 1910. Considering local conditions and time at work the above showing is remarkably good.

C. D.

Treasurer's Report of Cash Receipts and Expenditures for Year Oct. 1st. 1909 to Sept. 30th. 1910.

Sept. 30, 1909 Cash on hand—General Fund $ 786.81
Cash on hand-Special Funds 8,013.08
Receipts—Oct. 1st. 1909 to Sept. 30th, 1910 90,614.23 $99,414.12
Vouchers Paid $81,933.97
Exchange 17.90
Litchfield Branch 112.50
Balance General Fund 454.04
Balance Special Fund 16,895.71 $99,414.12
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Treasurer's Statement.

October 1st, 1909 Cash Balance General Fund $786.81 Receipts Donations 51, 224,94 Members 5,550.00 Hoard 15,874.19 G, J. R. Press 513.11 Sales and Misc. 8,119,39 Telephone 141,80 Interest on Investments 1,151.00 Interest on Bank Balance 227.83 Litchfield Branch, Interest Collected 112.50 Entertainment, N. Y, Woman's A it I 1,774,47 School District 925,00 85,614-23 Loan, Lee, Higginson & Co. 5,000.00 $91,401.04 PAYMENTS Last years indebtedness 15,871,30 Exchange on out of town cheeks 17.90 Litchfield Branch, Interest Collected 112.50 Special Funds, increased 8,882.63 Buildings and Improvements 14,319.24 MAINTENANCE FOR YEAR Rent 509.99 Salaries and Wages 20,362.26 Provisions and Supplies 18,.46.04 Printing and Stationary 2,318.47 Clothing 2,870.66 Fuel and Light 4,671+50 Medicine and Med. Sup. 579.93 Fur., Beds and Bedding 740.82 Ordinary Repairs 1,311.14 Insurance 901.50 Services and Expenses of Collector soliciting funds 3,282,99 All other purposes 6,249.92 61,845.22 101,048.79 Unpaid vouchers less cash balance. Gen Fund Sept. 30,10. Loan, Lee, Higginson & Co. Total Deficit Unpaid Vouchers, 101.79 Less Less balance General 454.04 9,647.75 5,000.00 $14,647.75 9,647.75 Loan 5,000.00 14,647.75 E, & O. E., New York, September 30th. 1910. A. G, Agnew, Treasurer. New York, November 18, 1910. Audited and Found Correct. S. M, Mallard, E. C. Anderson, of N. Y. Life Insurance Co.

Oct. 1, 1909—Sept. 30, 1910.