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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 80a


page 3


Serial No. From or to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 The Earl of Onslow 1891: 23 January (Received 2 March.) Reports that he has, on the advice of Ministers, made certain appointments to the Legislative Council, being the first since 1887, and states his reasons for disregarding petitions made that those appointments should be deferred until after the meeting of Parliament. 5
2 The Earl of Onslow 24 January (Received 2 March.) Reports his reasons for declining to appoint eleven new members of the Legislative Council as desired by Ministers, and that a compromise has been effected by the appointment of six members. 10
3 The Earl of Onslow 3 February (Received 20 March.) Encloses copy of a petition from 40 members of the House of Representatives against the appointment of any new members of the Legislative Council until after the meeting of Parliament, and defends his action in making appointments. 11
4 The Earl of Onslow 3 February (Received 20 March.) Reports that when he accepted Sir H. Atkinson's advice to appoint six new members of the Legislative Council, he was assured that the Government would have the support of 35 members of the House of Representatives as against 32 of its opponents 13
5 To the Earl of Onslow 11 April 1892: Expresses the opinion that in accepting the advice tendered by Ministers, he acted strictly in accordance with the constitution of the Colony. 14
6 The Earl of Glasgow 1892 22 June (Received 4 August.) Reports a request by the Prime Minister, Mr. Ballance. for the appointment of 12 members of the Legislative Council, and states his reasons for declining to appoint more than nine. 14
7 To the Earl of Glasgow 10 August (Telegraphic.) Observes that if the 12 appointments desired by Ministers were made, a large Opposition majority would still remain, and that the existence of the Upper House may be imperilled unless a more even balance of parties is secured. 16
8 The Earl of Glasgow 11 August (Received 11 August. Telegraphic.) Reports that he estimates the Legislative Council to consist of the Speaker, 12 Ministerialists, and 22 members of the Opposition, and that a reference from Ministers to the Secretary of State is being sent by mail. 16page 4
9 The Earl of Glasgow 8 August (Received 15 Sept.) Transmits correspondence relative to the difference which has arisen with his Ministers; submits observations in defence of his action, and claims that he has been actuated solely by a desire to do what is best for the interests of the Colony. 17
10 To the Earl of Glasgow 24 September (Telegraphic.) Observes that the Secretary of State fully appreciates the difficulties of the Governor's position, but that he should at once re-open the matter with his Ministers and waive his objections to their proposals. 39
11 To the Earl of Glasgow 26 September Sets forth the reasons which have led the Secretary of State to advise the Governor to accept the advice of his Ministers; and remarks upon the general constitutional question. 39
12 The Earl of Glasgow 16 August (Received 27 Sept.) Reports that he has acceded to the request of his Ministers that their reference to the Secretary of State and all other despatches on the subject should be published. 41
13 The Earl of Glasgow (Received 27 Sept.) Telegraphic. Reports that he has acted on the advice given in Lord Ripon's telegram of 24th September. 42
14 The Earl of Glasgow (Received 29 Sept.) Telegraphic Extract. Reports that on receiving the advice of the Secretary of State, he at once waived his objections, and that the telegram of 24th September has been laid before Parliament, with the best possible results. 42
15 The Earl of Glasgow 1893: 2 December 1892 (Received 5 Jan. 1893.) Reports that he has, on the advice of Ministers, appointed 12 new members of the Legislative Council. 42
16 The Earl of Glasgow 3 December 1892 (Received 5 Jan. 1893.) Reports that the controversy is now at an end, and submits observations on certain points raised thereby. 43
17 To the Earl of Glasgow 17 February Comments upon the Govenor's objection to the action of his Ministers in referring the question to the Secretary of State. 67
18 To the Earl of Glasgow 17 February Acknowledges the receipt of his despatch of 2nd December. 68