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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 80a

Proceedings of the Executive Council, on the 1st December 1863, relative to the appointment of Joseph Docker, Esq., to a seat in the Legislative Council. — Minute 6¾4.—Confirmed 7th December 1863

Proceedings of the Executive Council, on the 1st December 1863, relative to the appointment of Joseph Docker, Esq., to a seat in the Legislative Council.

Minute 6¾4.—Confirmed 7th December 1863.

Having been invited to the consideration of the subject by His Excellency the Governor, at the request of the Honourable the Attorney General, the Executive Council advise that Joseph Docker, Esq., of Scone, who has intimated his willingness to accept a seat in the Legislative Council, be forthwith summoned thereto accordingly.


Alex. C. Budge

, Clerk of the Council.