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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

Subdivision 12. — Small Grazing-run No. 108, Block I.; 1,388 acres

Subdivision 12.

Small Grazing-run No. 108, Block I.; 1,388 acres.

Agricultural and bastoral land, at an elevation varying between 300 ft. and 1,300 ft. above sea-level. This run comprises about 40 acres of agricultural flat and low downs, all in tussock and native grasses; and 1,343 acres of undulating and hilly pastoral land, also in tussock and native grasses. The hills fall very steeply to the gullies. Probably there is permanent water in some of the creeks. Situated on the Tetley Road (unformed), two miles from the formed Starborough roads, and nine miles distant from Seddon Railway-station. The improvements (which are included in the price of the run) consist of 276 chains of boundary-fencing, valued at £103 10s.