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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

The Demand for Wine

The Demand for Wine,

Mr, Bragato said the market was so unlimited for wine, either for consumption as wine or for distillation, that no matter what quantity was produced it was not sufficient to supply the demand. He therefore thought, seeing that the Otago Central had such a beautiful climate and all the requisite conditions for the successful page 12 cultivation of the vine, that New Zealand should have a share of the marke[unclear: t], Central Otago district was eminently suitable, he added, for the cultivation of grap[unclear: e] for distillation purposes for brandy.

Mr. Bragato, it may be mentioned, intends to visit Akaroa and Nelson, [unclear: a] Wellington and other districts in the North Island, including the Hawke's Bay district. He will afterwards return here, and will again visit the interior of Otago arrangements having been made for the delivery of lectures there by himself and Mr. Blackmore, who will also accompany him on his second visit. The first of these lectures will be given at Roxburgh by Mr. Bragato, who will then go on to Clyde and deliver a lecture there on "Vine Culture." This lecture will be followed by one by Mr. Blackmore on "Fruit Culture." The object of Mr. Bragato's second visit to Central Otago is to try and induce some Dunedin people to join with the residents of that district in establishing the vine industry there. The people of Dunedin. he says have no idea of the