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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 72

Chapter VII

Chapter VII.


Let me call the reader's attention to the amount of light and pleasant employment this industry offers. The following article appeared in the New Zealand Herald of the 14th July, 1887:—

"Several months ago we published from the Christchurch Press a series of articles by Mr. Girling Butcher upon perfume-farming in New Zealand. Since then we have had an interview with Mr. Butcher, and learned that he had decided upon starting the industry in the middle Waikato district. The following particulars of this new industry have been furnished by Mr. Butcher to the Weekly Press at Christchurch: Mr. John Brooks, of Churchhill, Waikato, has some thousands of acres of land which are in the opinion of an expert admirably suited in the various requirements of soil and climate needed for both English and French perfume-farming. This land it is proposed to cut up into small farms of from 20 to 50 acres, which settlers are invited to take up on advantageous terms. Mr. Brooks's idea is that on his undertaking that an expert's knowledge and practical experience shall be at their disposal the settlers would be glad to enter into the cultivation of such plants and flowers as he should direct; and that, when the produce of such part of the land as they would devote to this special branch was ready for the manufacturer's hand, he would purchase at a fixed and remunerative rate all they could grow. This plan commends itself at a glance as benefiting both parties. The small farmer will be saved the expense of the machinery necessary to render the produce of his few acres fit for the market; he will be enabled to utilise the labour of his child- page 16 ren whilst at home from school, and be certain of a market for whatever he produced. In Bulgaria, the valley of Kezanlik is called the valley of roses, because there the ottar of roses is the principal industry. The latest statistics, dating from 1885, give the total production of this region as 1,650 kilogs of this perfume, representing about 1,000,000 francs. Consequently the population of this region is fairly prosperous.

"The following is an extract from one of a series of papers on 'Our Barbarous Prison System,' contributed to a London journal: 'Amongst the many employments followed by the women in Sherborne Prison, Massachusets, is that of rearing hothouse-flowers, which are sold in the Boston market, and are a very fair source of revenue to the prison. It was most encouraging to witness, as one passed through the gay and perfumed hothouses, the evident pride and pleasure the toilers took in their toil. "You see, the flowers can't answer them back, or irritate them," said the governor; "and it is amazing how soon they become gentle and well-behaved, and how greatly they enjoy being set to work in the houses. Then, the women, who have attained the fourth—that is, the highest grade of good conduct—are allowed to have flowers on their table at which they have meals, also a white tablecloth."'

"On the coast of the Mediterranean, within fifty miles of Marseilles and of Nice, the manufacture of perfumes from flowers is a special and lucrative industry. The climate approaches that of New Zealand and Australia, with, however, colder winds at times during winter. The old-fashioned, and not the latest florists' novelties, are the plants chosen, on account of their stronger perfume. The harvest is continuous. First, the violet, jonquil, and mignonette are gathered from February to April; these are succeeded by roses, orange-blossom, thyme, and rosemary until June; jasmine and tuberoses come in July and August; lavendar and spikenard last till September; and the floral harvest is terminated by the acacia in October and November. The rose and the orange-blossom season of May and June is the time of the greatest activity. Peasant proprietors supplement the growth of the grape and the olive with the lesser industries of thyme, rosemary, and lavendar. Their simple distilling apparatus suffices for inferior essences, which are used to dilute the products of the large establishments.

"The history of a typical example of a flower-garden is furnished in the 'Journal of the Society of Arts' for August of 1887. At Scillian's, near Nice, twenty miles from the Mediterranean, and situated at an elevation of 2,000ft., the proprietor of a steep hillside plot of ground, 23 acres in extent, and worth as many pounds a year in rent, determined in 1881 to commence flower-culture. The steep slopes were terraced by means of walls, and the spring of water at the top was utilised for irrigating. In the Autumn 450,000 violet-tufts and 140,000 roots of the white jasmine were planted. During the following spring the laboratory was erected, and geraniums, roses, tuberoses, and jonquils were planted. Five years after the page 17 value of the produce was £8,630, giving a net profit of £1,553, or a clear profit of £310 a year.

"How many thousands of acres of such hill-sides have we in New Zealand well adapted for flower-culture, but of little value for any other purpose.

"In the Petit Journal Mr. Thomas Grimm describes the method by which, in the districts of Cannes and Grasse, enormous quantities of perfumes are annually manufactured. Mr. Grimm estimates that something like 62,000 acres are given up to the growth of flowers between the right bank of the Var and the chain of the Esterel. At one of the largest perfume-factories of Grasse, Mr. Grimm found that the three principal operations in the making of perfumes were the preservation of the odour of the flowers by distillation, by enfleurage, and by exhaustion. The last-named process, which is applied chiefly to roses, is perhaps the most important. The Liverpool Mercury remarks that 323 tons of cut flowers sounds an enormous amount—and so it is, no doubt: yet this was the weight of the cut flowers packed and sent out during the four months from November to February from Cannes alone. Their value would be estimated at £65,268. And the trade is said to be increasing."

The Egg Industry.

An article which appeared in the New Zealand Herald of the 28th July, 1891, shows that the egg industry is making rapid strides in Austro-Hungary, the exports having largely increased. During the ten months ending with October, 1889, those exports amounted to 915,500cwt. gross. As there is 102,536,000lb. weight in 915,500cwt. gross, and allowing an average of six eggs to a pound, the number of eggs exported would amount to 615,216,000; and if each hen averaged sixty eggs a year, as laid down in my calculation, it would require 10,253,600 hens to lay that quantity of eggs. In another article of the same paper of the 4th April, 1892, it is shown that the egg trade between Canada and England is developing rapidly. Consignments have been pouring into Liverpool, and it was expected that one Canadian exporter alone would send upwards of thirty million eggs to the British market. In my annual returns i from poultry I show 1,600,000 eggs at 6d. per dozen, amounting to £3,333 6s. 6d.; 160,000 fowls reared and sold at 1s. each, £8,000; 160,000 ducks reared and sold at 1s. 6d. each, £12,000; 16,000 geese reared and sold at 3s. each, £2,400; and 16,000 turkeys reared and sold at 3s. each, £2,400: thus showing by egg and poultry industry an annual return of £28,133 6s. 6d. I have allowed in my expenditure that one middle-aged man or woman could look after 200 fowls; and if they average what I have calculated for in my I returns—only 60 eggs a year each—that would be 12,000 eggs. We sell 10,000 at 6d. a dozen—33 dozen, at 6d., £20 16s. 6d.; rear and sell 2,000 fowls at 1s. each, £100: showing a total annual income from 200 fowls of £120 16s. 6d. If this unemployed man or woman page 18 was in receipt of 8s. a week and a home, the cost of which is calculated at £16 5s. 7d. a year, amounting in all to £37 1s. 7d. a year, the balance of credit over expenditure for 200 fowls would be £83 14s. 11d., or at the rate of about 8s. 6d. per head per annum for ducks and fowls.

These striking proofs of what may be done in perfume-farming and the egg industry alone show what a lucrative industry they are And what better employment could the Government provide for our aged, infirm, and needy, also for boys and girls? And to [unclear: wh] better place could you send our juveniles, or habitual drunkards or aged criminals than to a State farm?

There is an Agricultural Training College at Lincoln, where people may send their sons to learn the art of agriculture on paying £30 a year. The Government have no right to provide better terms for one portion of the community than for the other. I cannot accept the argument in this case that it offers a benefit to all classes alike, as it is beyond the means of the working community. Just so in regard to our schools. We are told that any man's child may attain the highest standard and raise himself to the highest position in the colony. That is very well; but ninety-nine out of every hundred of the toilers require their children at home as early as possible to help to earn the necessaries of life. So, you see, the toilers have to pay for the higher education, also for the technical education, of those who are in a position to pay, and who ought a pay, for such training. Adopt State co-operative farms, and all may be taught free, as every one would be found employment of some sort which would be remunerative, and no one would be paid the full value of his labour—it would never do, it would be offering inducement to people not to seek other employment.

I should suggest that prisoners of good behaviour be allowed to complete their term of imprisonment at such farms on probation the manager allowing them some remuneration, which he would hand over to them on completion of their term. Then such prisoners would not be sent into the world again empty-handed. But such prisoners may, if they choose, be kept on at the State farms, receiving the same privileges as other men. That would be a means of preventing them from falling back into their old ways. Is not our present system partly the cause of our gaols remaining full? There are numbers continually going in and out of gaol, as the police know. The most of them, when they come out of gaol, have no money, and it is very difficult for them to get work, and if they are seen to beg, steal, get drunk, or sleep out, they are run into gaol again. Thus they have no chance to redeem the past, and in consequence they are a constant burden on the taxpayer.

In conclusion, allow me to enumerate the various employments such farms would offer. There would be clearing the land, fencing draining, and road-making. There would be farming proper for the requirements of the farms. There would be a bone-mill to grind the bones; a boiling-down and bottling department for neats-foot oil page 19 and jelly; jam-and pickle-factories; blacksmithing; carpentering; coach-and wagon-making; bootmaking, tailoring, matmaking, upholstering. A great quantity of vegetables would be required daily. There would be cooking, cleaning, washing, and ironing, the mending and making of all kinds of ladies' attire, besides numerous other industries, together with the great amount of light and pleasant employment in perfume-farming and the egg industry.

Now, it is quite evident that all these numerous industries could not be carried on, and accomplish all that it is intended to do, in any other way than by the adoption of State co-operative farming and storekeeping.

Allow me now to introduce the reader to my calculations of expenditure and returns, the various ways I have allotted the duties, the wages, the quantity and quality of the daily food consumed on the farms, the way I propose settling people on the lands, the method of assisting them, their probable production and requirements, and how they can find a market for their products.

"What a blessing it would be to have this curse of poverty removed from our land, so that each being in whom nature has planted the genial rays of brotherly love may lift up his head from the mire and filth of poverty, and be able to dwell in peace beneath the silver sheen of Heaven, and hail with delight the smiling sun of prosperity."—Pitman.

My only claim is this:
With labour stiff and stark,
By lawful turn, my living to earn,
Between the light and dark;
My daily bread, and nightly bed,
My bacon, and drop of beer;
But all from the hand that holds the land,
And none from the overseer.

No parish money or loaf,
No pauper badges for me,
A son of the soil, by right of toil
Entitled to my fee.
No alms I ask—give me my task;
Here are the arm, the leg,
The strength, the sinews of a man,
To work, and not to beg.
