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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 71

[New Zealand Herald, 14th February, 1893

[New Zealand Herald, 14th February, [unclear: 1893]

Sir,—I am tempted, although at [unclear: a] tance, to amplify on one or two points [unclear: w] I said in my letter which appeared [unclear: is] Herald of the 6th instant, because of [unclear: y] query in a leader on the 7th—"Can [unclear: t] done now?" It requires legislation, [unclear: an] doubt there's the rub; but [unclear: Parliament] only to say the word. To my mind all good, and none of the ill, which [unclear: all] method will give rise to, would be [unclear: att] by Crown administration. Further. [unclear: t] would be essentially in accordance [unclear: with] Treaty of Waitangi, conserving the [unclear: inte] of the Natives while opening up the [unclear: w] Native territory to European [unclear: occup] speedily. The last is the important [unclear: t] sideration.

Suppose Parliament, with wisdom [unclear: a] foresight as I think, were next [unclear: session] declare Native land to be Crown land [unclear: be] in trust for the Natives, what would [unclear: t] pen? Assume the Natives to be [unclear: ag] such a policy—which is a huge and [unclear: u] ranted assumption -would they rise [unclear: p] rebellion? Of course not. They [unclear: w] page 3 [unclear: ply] give in and accommodate themselves the change. This, however, would also [unclear: ppen] speculation in Native land would [unclear: e] stopped, and thus the only real obstacle [unclear: the] adoption of a high-minded and wise [unclear: y] be removed.

You suggest a difficulty as to apportioning [unclear: ceds] among the Natives. It is not to be [unclear: pposed] that even under Crown [unclear: administaion] everything will go on like clockwork, [unclear: t] were will be the minimum of friction [unclear: d] difficulty. But on this subject it must [unclear: be] forgotten that now the ownership of [unclear: tly] all the Native land has been ascer-[unclear: eal], and the remainder is being very [unclear: lly] put through. And wherever the [unclear: crs] have been ascertained apportionment [unclear: simple] enough, because it is known who is [unclear: led;] and as I have said the local [unclear: ent] Magistrate could settle any dis-[unclear: te] that might arise.

As to reserves, the Natives have now [unclear: ly] more reserves than they make use [unclear: nt] give them more if found desirable, [unclear: if] they wish more.—I am, etc..

W. Stevwright.
