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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70


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banner with the word 'by-laws'

The following shall be the Bye-Laws of the New Zealand Institute of Journalists.


1. The Institute shall consist of Members, Associates, Junior-associates, and Honorary Members.

2. Members shall be persons not less than twenty years of age, who are or who at some period prior to their election have been for at least two years in actual practice as professional Journalists. They shall be elected by the Branch, or by the Council after reference to the Branch Committee. Before electing any candidate the Council or Branch must be satisfied of such Candidate's qualifications and fitness for membership. A description of the qualification must be entered upon the form of application or nomination for election; and such election shall be by ballot. Candidates of less than two years' professional practice may be temporarily elected as Junior Associates, and shall become Members on completion of that term. Members who have filled the office of President or Vice-President, or who have been Chairman of a Branch for two successive years, shall be entitled to be designated Fellows of the Institute.

3. Associates shall be persons of not less than twenty years of age, ineligible as Members, but by reason of their relations with Journalism, qualified to co-operate with Journalists in the advancement and service of the profession. The page 8 mode of election of Associates shall be similar in all respects to the mode of election of Members.

4. Junior Associates shall be persons not less than sixteen years of age, engaged (under indenture or otherwise) in training for the profession of Journalism. The mode of election of Junior Associates shall be similar in all respects to the mode of election of Members. Upon Incoming qualified for the class of Members, a Junior Associate may be transferred to that class 6y the ordinary course of election.

5. Honorary Members shall be persons who have rendered, or who, by reason of position, eminence, or experience, may be enabled to render, assistance in promoting the objects of the Institute. They shall be entitled to the ordinary privileges of Membership, except the right to vote. Honorary Members shall be nominated by Members of the Council or by Branches, and shall be elected by the Council.

6. Associates, Junior Associates, and Honorary Members shall be entitled to attend and to speak at General and Branch Meetings of the Institute, but not to exercise any vote in relation to the affairs of the Institute.

7. Women possessing the specified qualifications shall be eligible for the several classes of Membership, and the masculine pronouns, when used in these By-laws, shall be read as applying to both sexes.

8. The qualifications recognised by the Institute as constituting any person a Journalist within the meaning of these By-laws shall be the following :—
(A.)That he is or has been professionally and habitually engaged as Editor of a Journal.
(B.)That he is or has been professionally and habitually engaged upon the staff of a Journal in the capacity of a leaderwriter, writer of special articles, artist, page 9 special correspondent. Literary Manager, Assistant-editor, Sub-editor, Reporter, or Reader.
(C.)That he is or has been professionally and habitually engaged in supplying Journals with articles, illustrations, correspondence, or reports.

9. The Council shall have full power to decide any question which may arise as to the qualification of any of any Candidate for any class of Membership. If in the opinion of the Council the qualification of any Member does not fully comply with the By-laws and Regulations of the Institute relating to the class to which such Member has been elected, the Council shall have power to rescind the election of such Member, or to transfer him to another class of Membership.

10. The Officers of the Institute shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of Members of the Institute

Contributions to the Funds.

11. The annual subscriptions of Members, Honorary Members, and Associates shall not exceed £1 1S., and that of Junior Associates shall not exceed 10S. 6d., the amount for each year to be determined at each Annual Meeting of the Institute. All subscriptions shall be payable to and collected by the Treasurers of the respective Branches, who shall retain five-eighths of the subscription for local purposes, and shall remit threeeighths to the Treasurer of the Institute.

12. After the expiration of 1891 persons elected to any of the several grades of Membership shall pay an entrance-fee, in the case of Members and Associates of 10s. 6d., and in the case of Junior Associates, 5s.

13. Any Member or Honorary Member may become a Life Member by a single payment of not less than ten guineas. All such payments shall be invested, and the interest alone shall be appropriated to the current expenditure of the Institute, except by special direction of the Council.

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14. The annual subscription is due upon election to Membership, and on the first of July in each succeeding year. All subscriptions must be paid before the first of October in the year for which they are due. Any Member whose subscription is in arrear shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting.

15. Every person elected a Member, Associate or Junior Associate of the Institute shall be liable for the payment of his annual subscription until he has signified in writing to the Secretary of the Institute or the Honorary Secretary of his Branch, at least one month before the end of the financial year, his desire to resign, or until he has forfeited his right to remain in or attached to the Institute.

16. Any person whose subscription is one year in arrear, that is to say, whose arrears and current subscription shall not have been paid on or before the first of October, shall be reported to the Council, who shall direct further application to be made for such subscription, and in the event of its continuing one month in arrear after such application, the Council shall have the power, after suitable remonstrance by letter, of erasing the name of the defaulter from the roll of the Institute.

17. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of each Branch to collect the subscriptions of Members of his Branch, and to forward the due proportion of them quarterly to the Treasurer of the Institute.

18. The Council shall be empowered to receive legacies or donations in aid of any of the objects of the Institute.

Annual and Other Meetings.

19. The financial year of the Institute shall be from 1st July to 30th June.

20. Once in each year a General Meeting of the Institute shall be held in Wellington, in the months of July or August, at a time to be fixed by the Council, a part of the business at which shall be to receive and deal with the report of the Counds page 11 and the accounts for the year last preceding, and to elect a President, Vice-Presidents and officers for the ensuing year. The Council shall have power to convene a Special Meeting of the Institute at any time and place upon giving four weeks' notice to the Branches. The Council shall send the Business Paper to Branches at least one month prior to date of Meeting.

21. At the Annual or other General Meetings of the Institute, all Members shall be entitled to attend and vote. The votes of those Members who do not attend shall be exercised by the Branch Delegates as hereinafter provided.

22. The following regulations shall govern the election of the President and Vice-Presidents by the Annual Meeting :—
(A.)Members only shall be eligible for the offices of President and Vice-Presidents.
(B.)The Council shall each year nominate the persons who in their opinion, should be elected President and Vice-Presidents respectively for the ensuing year, but any Member may nominate a candidate for the offices.
(C.)Nominations for the offices of President and Vice-Presidents must reach the Secretary of the Institute not less than six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
(D.)Members voting in their individual capacity need not sign their voting-papers. Branch Delegates must sign their votingpapers, adding the names of the Branch which they respectively represent.
(E.)The voting-papers, after being marked as prescribed above, shall be handed to the two Scrutineers appointed at the opening of the Annual Meeting, who shall retire for the purpose of counting the votes. Upon their return the Scrutineers shall hand a statement of the page 12 result to the President, who shall announce it to the Meeting.

23. All contested elections shall be by ballot.

24. The votes of the Branch Delegates at the Annual or other Meeting shall be equivalent to the total number of duly-qualified Members within the Branch represented, according to the latest returns to the Secretary of the Institute, minus the number of Members of such-Branch who may be present in their individual capacity. When two or more Delegates from any one Branch are present, the votes of such Branch shall be divided equally between them.

25. A Member, Associate, Honorary Member or Junior Associate desiring to bring any question before the Annual or other General Meeting of the Institute shall give notice to the Secretary of the Institute at least six weeks before the date of such Meeting. Notices shall have precedence in the order of business according to the date of the receipt of them by the Secretary.

26. The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, and all proposals of the Council, shall be issued to Members, Associates, Honorary Members, and Junior Associates, either by circular or by publication in the official organ of the Institute, at least one month before the Annual Meeting.

27. At the meetings of the Institute any By-law may be suspended on a vote of four-fifths of the Members present.

The Council.

28. The Council shall be composed of the President, Vice-Presidents, and other honorary officers of the Council, and of representatives elected by the Branches, in the proportion of not more than one representative to every ten Members or fraction of that number. The Council shall take office after the Annual Meeting of the Institute. The Chairman of each Branch shall ex officio be a Member of the Council of the Institute.

29. The President for the time being shall be ex officio Chairman of the Council.

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30. The Council shall meet as often as may be necessary to transact the business of the Institute.

31. Members of the Council (excepting VicePresidents who are not appointed representatives of Branches) attending the meetings of the Council, may be allowed their travelling-fares from the general funds of the Institute.

32. Any Member of the Council may with the consent of the Branch, appoint any Member of the Institute to attend Meetings of the Council and to act and vote for him, or may vote by letter or telegram, and shall, whenever practicable, be consulted.

33. The duties of the Council shall be to carry out the objects of the Institute as set forth in Section 2 of the Constitution.

34. Should any of the offices of the Institute become vacant during the course of any year, the Council shall have power to fill such vacancies until the next Annual Meeting.

35. If any person, while he is a Member of the Institute,—
(A.)Violates any fundamental rule of the Institute applicable to him; or
(B.)Is convicted of felony or misdemeanour, or is finally declared by any Court of competent jurisdiction to have committed any fraud; or
(C.)Is held by the Council on the complaint of any Member of the Institute, or of any person aggrieved, to have been guilty of any act or default discreditable to a Journalist

He shall be liable to be excluded from Membership, or to be suspended for any period not exceeding two years from Membership, by a resolution of the Council passed at a Meeting specially convened for that purpose, with notice of the object, at which Meeting there shall be present not less than nine of the Members of the Council, and for which exclusion or suspension not less than threefourths of those present and voting shall vote, and page 14 the Member having first had an opportunity of being heard; but any such exclusion or suspension may be at any time revoked or modified by the Council at a like Meeting by such majority as aforesaid, subject to such terms and conditions (if any) as the Council think fit, and notice of any resolution for exclusion or suspension shall forthwith be sent to the person affected thereby. In the event of a three-fourths majority of the Council not voting for such exclusion or suspension, no entry of the matter shall be made upon the minutes.

36. The Council shall be empowered on behalf of the Institute, with the consent of a three-fourth majority of the Branches, to affiliate with any Institute or Society of a cognate character.

The Branches.

37. When it is desired to form a new Branch, the names of the Officers and Members shall be submitted to the Council, who shall have the power of declaring it duly constituted.

38. A Branch may be formed in any part of the colony, but no Branch shall consist of fewer than five Members, or continue in existence if the number fall below five. Members of the Institute where there are no Branches, shall belong to the Branch nearest or most convenient to their place of residence.

39. Once in each year, before the Annual Meeting of the Institute, a Meeting, called the Branch Annual Meeting, and consisting of the Members resident within or specially attached to the Branch, shall be held to receive and deal with the report of the Branch Committee and the Branch accounts for the year last preceding, and to elect Branch officers for the ensuing year. Representatives of the Branch upon the Council, as provided in Bylaw 28, shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Branch. It shall also be a part of the business of the Branch Annual Meeting, and of such other Branch General Meetings as may be held, to in- page 15 struct the Branch Delegate or Delegates to the Annual and other Meetings of the Institute as to the views of the Members of the Branch upon any question which may be under consideration. Each Branch shall elect two Delegates to vote for its absent Members at the Annual Meetings.

40. The officers of the Branch shall be the Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary, with a Committee of such other Members as may be appointed by the Annual Meeting of the Branch.

41. The duties of the Branch Officers and Committee shall be as prescribed in various parts of these By-laws; to manage the affairs of the Institute within the Branch, subject to the Constitution of the Institute; to give every possible aid to the Council; to keep the Council informed of all matters which may require their attention; to give all possible information and assistance to Members who have need of them; and to uphold and extend to the utmost the power and usefulness of the Institute, and the interests of the profession of the Press.

42. It shall be the duty of the Branch Treasurer to collect the subscriptions of the Members of the Branch as provided in Bye-law 17.

43. For defraying the expenses peculiar to the Branch, the Branch Treasurer shall be entitled to deduct five-eighths from the subscriptions received by him. After making such deduction the Branch Treasurer shall forward the balance to the Treasurer of the Institute.

44. The Branch Committees shall have power at their discretion to pay from the Branch Fund all or part of the travelling-fares of the Branch Delegates incurred in attending the Annual or other Meeting of the Institute.

45. It shall be the duty of the Branch Secretary and Treasurer to supply the central office of the Institute with all necessary information respecting the Branch, including returns of members elected, subscriptions paid, &c.; and it shall be the duty page 16 of the Branch Secretary to act as corresponded of the official organ of the Institute.

46. Once in each year the Branch Treasure shall render to the Council an account of the Branch receipts and expenditure for the year last preceding.

47. Each Branch shall have power to make rules for the conduct of its own business, provided that such rules shall not be contrary to the spirt and tenor of the Constitution of the Institute.


48. Upon receiving formal intimation of the election of any person to Membership of the Institute in any class, the Secretary shall issue in the Branch Secretary a Certificate of such Membership, bearing the signature of the President and of one or more of the Vice-Presieents of the Institute. The form of such Certificate shall be draw and authorised by the Council. A fee not exceeding 5s. may be charged for the Certificate. The Council may also issue medallions to Members, the cost to be defrayed by recipients.

49. The Branch Secretary shall forward the Certificate to the newly-elected Member to whoa it refers upon receipt of such Member's subscription and fee, and of any other payment which may be due from him.


Fredk. G. Routh, General Printer, Featherston Street.