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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 69



The revenue the Government of New Zealand obtained from the sale of Crown lands was very small indeed, as for several years it had really no land to sell or money to purchase with. Thus, from 1840 to the end of 1850, both years inclusive, all the land the Governor sold only amounted to £63,672 in value, inclusive of the site of the city of Auckland, which realised some £21,500: while the land sales of the New Zealand Company to July, 1850, realised no less than £360,500. Among other land sharks, the New Zealand Land Company was entitled to exult at its premier position. As the Company rendered no account of its transactions, the amount obtained by the sale of the public lands will have to be credited with the unknown sums the officers of the Company received in place of the Crown. Alone among British colonies, New Zealand had no lands to sell but what were first purchased. She had no waste lands, and from 1840 to 1850, out of her narrow means, had to expend over £10,300 in native land purchases. After 1850, the Canterbury Association sold 31,172 acres of land, realising £109,740. With these additions, and some returns lacking from Otago, the sales of Crown land may be summarised as follow:—
Dates. Acres. Cash.
1840 to 1849 £63,672
1850 to 1860 1,802,800 969,256
1860 to 1870 4,120,027 3,311,84
1870 to 1880 4,318,203 6,535,531
1880 to 1888 769,723 1,032,440

The public lands have also been dealt with under the deferred payment system, and by perpetual lease. The statistics of the first-named are compiled from 1876, and the latter from 1882. The returns to the end of the year 1888 total thus:—Lands finally alienated under the deferred payment system, 335,455 acres; let on perpetual lease, 361,302 acres.

The official statistics say, "The waste or Crown lands sold in each year prior to 1856 cannot be accurately stated. The total gross quantity of land disposed of up to the end of 1888, including lauds sold and lands disposed of without sale, was 19,244,344 statute acres. The figures under the head of 'Free Grants' (4,515,648 acres) represent in each year the total quantity of free grants to immigrants and naval and military settlers, grants for public purposes, native reserves and old land claims; also, from 1872, grants to natives under provisions of the Native Land Acts."

The colony is divided into ten land districts, enumerated below, with their total raceage and the area of Crown lands sold or otherwise disposed of from the foundation of the colony to the 31st December, 1888.

Land Districts. Area of districts. Land sold or disposed of. Lands unsold.
Acres. Acres. Acres.
Auckland 13,887,000 4,169,495 9,717,504
Hawke's Bay 6,063,000 1,441,819 4,621,180
Taranaki 2,429,510 703,524 1,725,985
Wellington 6,993,650 2,594,765 4,398,884
Nelson 7,000,000 1,163,872 5,836,127
Marlborough 2,500,000 903,320 1,596,679
Westland 3,045,700 127,897 2,917,862
Canterbury 8,693,000 3,661,324 5,031,675
Otago 9,071,808 2,538,108 6,533,699
Southland 6,966,592 1,880,315 5,086,276
Totals 66,710,320 19,244,344 47,465,885

Of the land not disposed of some 13 or 14 million acres belong to the aborigines or to the Europeans who hold it from them, leaving some 33 million acres of Crown lands to be dealt with. Some 15 millions are open grass or fern country, 10 millions are forest, and nine millions are barren mountain-tops, lakes, and worthless country." Of the open grass country, some 11,000,000 acres are held lor depasturing purposes, yielding an annual rental of over £150,000.

According to last census land is shown to be occupied in manner following, and though a number of small holdings have been since taken up, they will not affect the general view as to the manner in which the land is occupied, excluding Crown pastoral leases:—
Holdings Over Number of Holdings. Freehold. Lease-hold, &c.* Totals.
1 acre to 10 acres 9,172 24,406 18,160 42,566
10 to 50 7,507 140,870 78,548 249,418
50 to 100 5,014 202,299 128,444 390,743
100 to 200 5,926 604,752 299,598 904,350
200 to 320 3,161 533,891 292,625 826,516
320 to 640 2,804 899,881 376,140 1,276,021
640 to 1000 977 548,176 239,159 787 335
1000 to 5000 1,396 1,980,719 994,370 2,975,095
5000 to 10,000 222 1,179,667 438,218 1,617,885
10,000 to 20,000 170 1,866,215 652,953 2,519,168
20,000 to 50,000 106 2,246,064 824,496 3,070,560
50,000 to 100,000 26 1,120,836 715,121 1,835 957
Upwards 100,000 4 320,400 291,000 611,460
Totals 36,485 11,728,236 5,348,838 17,077,074

* Under "Leasehold," &c., are included lauds returned by their occupiers under the following heads:—1 rented from private individuals; 2 rented from public bodies; 3 rented from natives (including reserves rented); held from Crown for other than pastoral purposes.