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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 66



Crown Lands sold, and Revenue, during Year ending 31st March, 1885.

The total area of Crown lands sold during the year ending on the 31st March, 1885, was as under:—

On Immediate Payments.
Acres. Purchasers. Cash received. Scrip.
Town lands 120 sold to 438 £82,110 £1,472
Suburban lands 903 sold to 190 £82,110 £1,472
Rural lands 64,975 sold to 614 £82,110 £1,472
On Deferred Payments.
Acres. Purchasers. Cash received.
Agricultural 61,712 sold to 619 £88,579
Pastoral 8,027 sold to 2 £88,579
Village settlement 499 sold to 85 £88,579

There was also received for agricultural leases on goldfields, £2,723; perpetual leases, £2,349; for pastoral rents, £168,300; and from royalties, &c., £13,478: making a total revenue of £357,541.