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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 62

Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute. — Proceedings. — Seventh Ordinary General Meeting

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Journal of the Royal Colonial Institute.


Seventh Ordinary General Meeting.

The Seventh Ordinary General Meeting of the Session was held at the Whitehall Rooms, Hotel Metropole, on Tuesday, May 10, 1892.

Lieut.-General Sir W. F. Drummond Jervois, R.E., G.C.M.G., C.B., a Member of the Council of the Institute, presided.

Amongst those present were the following:—

Sir Frederick Abel, K.C.B., Mr. J. Alger, Mrs. T. J. Alldridge, Sir James Anderson, Mr. A. Archer, Captain And Mrs. W. Ashby, Mr. J. Astle-Ford, Mr. J. J. Acbf. Rtin, Mr. F. R. Ayers, Mr. P. And Miss Badcock, Mr. W. H. Clinton Baddeley, Mr. J. Bagot, Mr. J. B. And Miss Bailey, Mrs. Basing, Mr. Batley, Mr. H. H. Beauchamp, Mr. Beauchamp, Junr., Mr. F. Beauford, Commander E. P. Bedwell, R.N., Mr. And Mrs. F.Faithfull Begg, Missbegg, Mr. E. Bellord, Miss Benson, Mr. And Mrs. H. Bergamin, Mr. And Mrs. C. Bethell, Mr. H. F. Billingiicrst, Mr. A. S. Birch, Mr. Andrew Blair, Rev. W. E. Blyther, Mr. W. W. Bonnyn, Mr. E. F. B. Bourne, Mr. R. W. Bourne, Mr. S. And Miss E. Bourne, Mr. And Mrs. H. Scott Boys, Mr. R. B. Brett, Mr. H. J. Bristow, Mr. And Mrs. C. E. Broadhurst, Miss Broadhurst, Miss K. Broadhurst, Dr. A. M. Brown, Mr. J. D. Brown, Miss M. Mcbryde Brown, Mr. Oswald Brown, Mr. Percy Brown, Mr. And Mrs. S. B. Browning, Miss page 418 Browning, Mr. C. Bruning, Mr. C. D. Buckler, Mr. W. Busby, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butt, Mr. J. Nicoll Campbell, Mr. C. Cantor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carlile, Colonel G. T. Carre, R.A., Mrs. G. T. Carre, Mr. W. H. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cave, Major Cave, Mr. F. D. Chambers, Mr. R. W. Chamney, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chaplin, Mr. J. Chappell, Mr. J. H. Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Traill Christie, Mr. H. W. Christmas, Mr. J. M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clayden, Mr. A. B. Cobb, Mr. M. Cohn, Miss Colenutt, Mr. S. H. Cotton, Mr. A. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Cowie, Miss Cowie, Mr. C. T. Cox, Mr. J. R. Cox, M.P., Rev. G. M. Crawford, Mr. E. Crawshaw, Mr. W. S. and Miss Cuff, Miss A. M. Cuff, Mr. A. J. Cunningham, Mr. R. Summer Curling, Mr. H. Cuthbert, Mr. F. G. Dalgety, Mr. R. W. Dalgety, R.N., Mr. F. H. Dangar, Mr. R. R. Dangar, Mr. T. H. Davies, Mr. W. R. Davis, Mrs. H. De Burgh, Mr. Frank Deverell, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Deverell, Mr. T. A. Dibbs, Mr. R. S. Dick, Miss E. Dixon, Miss R. Dixon, Mr. J. M. Doughty, Mr. F. A. Ducroz, Miss Duncan, Mr. Frank M. Dutton, Mr. T. Dyer Edwardes, Mr. and Mrs. F. Elder, Mrs. E. Ellis, Rev. W. E. Emmet, Mr. J. H. Every, Mr. C. Washington Eves, C.M.G., Mr. J. A. Ewen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Farmer, Miss Farmer, Miss C. H. Farmer, Mr. J. I. Fellows, Mr. J. Fells, Mr. John-Ferguson, Mr. J. Ferguson, Rev. P. C. Findlay, M.A., Dr. C. F. Fischer, Mr. R. A. Fitch, Mr. W. Flux, Captain Foster, R.E., Mr. J. A. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Sir Malcolm Fraser, K.C.M.G., Lady Fraser, Mr. G. F. Fraser, Miss Fraser, Lieut.-General Lyon Fremantle, C.B., Mr. H. Gaisford, Mr. A. H. Gasperini, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Gedye, Mr. H. J. Gibbs, Miss R. A. Gibbs, Mr. J. Gilchrist, Dr. Maitland Gledden, Major-General C. J. Godby, Mrs. M. H. Godby, Mr. and Mrs. A. Golden, Miss Golden, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gould, Mr. H. Grant, Mr. J. M. Grant, Mr. James Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Mr. F. Green, Mr. Sebright Green, Mr. E. Haggard, Mr. John Hall, Mr. H. B. Halswell, Mr. J. Hamilton, Sir J. A. Hanham, Bart., Mr. T. J. Hanley, Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Wolf Harris, Mr. T. Dale Hart, Mr. J. K. Hawthorn, Mrs. Alex, and Miss Hay, Mr. Carl Heal, Commander and Mrs. G. P. Heath, Mr. W. H. Heaton, Mr. E. Henley, Mr. M. H. Hervey, Mr. F. E. Hesse, Mr. James Hill, Mr. E. Brodie Hoare, M.P., Sir Arthur Hodgson, K.C.M.G., Mr. G. Holdship, Mr. G. N. Hooper, Mr. E. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huddart, Mr. T. Huddart, Mr. W. K. Hughes, Mr. H. J. Hunter, Mr. E. F. Im Tiiurn, Dr. C. Inglis, Dr. E. M. James, Mr. T. E. James, Mr. G. H. Jennings, Mr. P. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnston, Mr. W. W. Johnston, Mr. Owen F. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hesketh Jones, Mr. H. J. Jourdain, C.M.G., Count and Countess Kearney, Countess Alice Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kennaway, Miss Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lane, Miss Lane, Mr. W. G. Lardner, Mr. and Mrs. James Laugiiland, Mr. James Lawrence, Mr. G. C. Levey, C.M.G., Mr. F. G. Lloyd, Mr. R. Lloyd, Mr. R. W. Lloyd, Mr. A. B. Loubert, Mr. J. R. and Miss Love, Sir Hugh Low, G.C.M.G., Lady Low, Captain H. Ward Lowry, Lieut.-General R. W. Lowry, C.B., Mr. J. L. and Miss Lyell, Hon. G. S. Lyttelton, Miss A. Macartiicr, Mr. J. P. Mcarthur, Mr. A. K. Mccosii, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mcdonald, Mr. Alex. Macdougall, Mr. J. W. Macfie, Mr. M. Macfie, Mr. W. G. Mac-Gregor, Mr. F. Macgouran, Mr. A. Mackenzie Mackay, Rev. R. Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mackie, Mr. H. B. Macnab, Mr. W. A. Malcolm, Mr. W. Manley, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mann, Mr. J. Manson, Mr. J. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Masters, Miss Maude, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Maunsell, Miss Maunsell, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Marshall, Mr. W. R. Mewburn, Mr. Oscar Moenish, Mr. W. Moggridge, Miss Moir, Mr. R. A. Molesworth, Miss Moule, Mr. James Munro, Mr. A. H. Hallam Murray, Mr. T. De M. Murray-Prior, Mr. A. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Natiun, Miss Nathan, Mr. G. Nation, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newcomb, Mr. A. M. and Miss Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs. E. Noyce, Mrs. and Miss Obrien, Mr. E. O. Ogle, Mr. J. Lee Osborn, Dr. J. C. Palmer, Mr. G. B. Parker, Mr. J. Paterson, Mr. W. Pattman, Mr. H. M. Paul, Mr. W. Peace, Sir Henry W. Peek, Bart., Mr. E. C. Penney, Mr. C. Peering, Mr. and Mrs. page 419 T. Hughes Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. W. Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. John Rae, Mr. A. F. Randolph, Mr. T. G. Riach, Mr. Richards, Mr. C. A. Robertson, Dr. and Mrs. Milne Robertson, Mr. J. Ross, Mr. A. S. Row, Mr. and Mrs. F. Carpenter Rowe, Mr. G. W. Rusden, Mr. A. Saalfield, Mr. and Mrs. E. Salmon, Mr. T. D. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Scales, Mr. A. Sclanders, Mr. A. J. Scott, Lady Scott, Mr. Scott, Mr. P. Sheriff, Mr. F. W. Sherwood, Mr. E. P. Sherwood, Mr. H. F. Snirster, Mr. S. Shortridge, Mr. H. G. Slade, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Slade, Mr. H. H. Slade, Miss I. Slade, Mr. and Mrs. R. Slazenger, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Miss A. L. Smith, Miss G. Smith, Mr. Beckwitii Smith, Mrs. Granville Smith, Miss Lucy P. Smith, Mr. G. M. Steeves, Dr. Steeves, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stephenson, Mr. A. I. D. Stewart, Colonel Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart, Mr. A. A. Stockton, Mrs. A. Streeten, Mr. C. W. Streeten, Mr. O. R. Strickland, Mr. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Villiers Stuart, Mr. P. Villiers Stuart, Miss G. Villiers Stuart, Mr. C. J. Sturge, Mr. G. W. Taylor, Mr. P. Taylor, Miss S. Taylor, Mr. W. Grigor Taylor, Mr. John Thomas, Miss E. S. Thompson, Mrs. and Miss Torlesse, Mr. H. C. Trollope, Mr. J. T. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Turpin, Colonel Vetch, R.E., Sir Julius Vogel, K.C.M.G., Lady Vogel, Mr. J. L. and Miss Vogel, Mr. Cecil L. Wade, Sir E. Noel Walker, K.C.M.G., Mr. E. Alford Wallace, Mr. J. J. Wallis, Colonel H. C. E. Ward, C.I.E., Mr. W. C. Watson, Mr. A. C. Weaver, Mr. A. F. Weaver, Mr. W. Weddel, Mr. J. St. Vincent Welsh, Mr. W. S. Wetherell, Mr. J. White, Mrs. Wilcoxon, Miss Edith Wilcoxon, Mr. A. Williamson, Mr. J. Bruce Willlvmson, Mr. J. Wilson, Mr. G. F. Wise, Mr. and Miss De Wolf, Mr. A. Woods, Mr. G. F. Worth, Mr. C. Wright, Lady Fox Young, Miss Fox Young, Sir Frederick Young, K.C.M.G., Mr. Young, Mr. J. S. O'Halloran (Secretary).

The Minutes of the last Ordinary General Meeting were read and confirmed, and it was announced that since that Meeting 17 Fellows had been elected, viz., 2 Resident and 15 Non-Resident.

Resident Fellows:—

Thomas F. Rutledge, James A. Sellar.

Non-Resident Fellows:—

James Allwood (Jamaica), H. E. Barff (New South Wales), Dr. Ferdinand C. Batchelor (New Zealand), Hon. Henry Cuthbert, M.L.C. (Victoria), M. Theodore Dixon (Transvaal), Robert E. Hall (Transvaal), Petus J. Kotzé (Transvaal), Edward A. Mawnd (Mashonaland), Allan E. Messer (British Guiana), Thomas de Montmorenci Murray-Prior (Queensland), Robert R. Oliver (Queensland), F. Osborne (Lagos), Hon. A. J. Pell, M.L.C. (Lagos), William Stranack (Natal), Alfred F. Weaver (South Australia).

It was also announced that donations to the Library of books, maps, &c., had been received from the various Governments of the Colonies and India, Societies, and public bodies both in the United Kingdom and the Colonies, and from Fellows of the Institute and others.

The Chairman then called upon Mr. Westby B. Perceval to read his Paper on—