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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 60

Rules of the Oamaru Hospital

Rules of the Oamaru Hospital.

1. The Hospital will afford gratuitously surgical and medical aid to any person requiring it, irrespective of creed, country, or color; but any person who shall be admitted under any circumstances, and shall be found able to pay, shall be required to do so according to his or her means a sum not exceeding £2 per week.

2. The Hospital shall be managed by a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee of sixteen, all of whom shall be elected annually, at the annual general meeting in the month of January in each year, by duly qualified subscribers.

3. At the annual general meeting of duly qualified subscribers, to be held in the month of January in each year, two Auditors (not members of Committee) shall be appointed to act during the ensuing year.

4. Should any vacancy occur in any of the above-named offices, the same shall be filled at the next ensuing general meeting of subscribers; but in all cases, except those of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, the Committee is empowered to temporarily fill such vacancies.

5. The Committee shall direct the collection and distribution of funds, appoint and dismiss all paid officers and servants (with the exception of the Medical Superintendent), frame regulations for the management of the Hospital, present a report to the annual general meeting; and may, from amongst themselves, from time to time appoint Committees for any purposes which in their page 6 opinion would be better regulated and managed by means of such Committees, and it may fix a quorum of such Committees, and may continue, alter, or discontinue such Committees. The Committee will have the power to suspend the Medical Superintendent for misconduct or neglect of duty, and temporarily to fill up the same, subject to the approval of the majority of the subscribers, to be called in accordance with the Hospital Act.

6. The Committee shall meet for general business on the third Tuesday in each month, and at such time and place as it may from time to time appoint; and special meetings shall be convened by the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary, upon the requisition of not less than three members of Committee. At any meeting five members shall form a quorum, and in the absence of the President or Vice-President, one of the members present shall be elected to act as Chairman.

7. That every contributor of the sum of £10 10s. in one sum shall be a Life Governor, with the privilege of voting at all meetings of subscribers; and every person raising in any one year the sum of £20 and upwards, and every other person elected at a general meeting of Governors, at the recommendation of the Committee, in consideration of special services rendered to the institution, shall be respectively Honorary Life Governors, with all the rights and privileges of Life Governors.

8. Duly qualified subscribers entitled to vote at all meetings of subscribers to this Hospital shall mean those persons only who subscribe annually the sum of sterling.

9. Accidents, and such cases as may be deemed of decided emergency by the Medical Officer in attendance, shall be received at any time; and in ordinary cases patients shall be admitted daily (Sundays excepted) on the recommendation of a subscriber of at least sterling for the then current year, and also one of the Committee.

10. No child under five years of age, insane person, or one afflicted with venereal disease, or any person who page 7 in the opinion of the Medical Officer in attendance is unfit for an in-door patient, shall be received under any circumstances whatever; and no female shall be received for the purposes of confinement except in cases of special emergency or distress, and then only on a warrant signed by the Medical Attendant or any three members of Committee. No person afflicted with any infectious disease shall be admitted into the Hospital, except to such separate and detached wards as may be erected for the purpose. But destitute persons suffering from such contagious diseases as would prevent them from becoming in-patients of the Hospital shall be treated as out-patients (subject to such regulations as the Committee may from time to time direct).

11. A House Committee of three shall be appointed by the Committee, and shall meet at least once a month, and visit the Hospital for the purpose of inspecting the arrangements thereof, and of inquiring of the patients if they are properly attended to, and report in writing to the next meeting of the Committee any alterations or suggestions they may think necessary.

12. If any member of the Committee shall absent himself from three consecutive monthly meetings without sufficient excuse, he shall be disqualified, and another shall be appointed in his stead, if the Committee think fit; and any person contracting with the Hospital shall be disqualified from being a member of the Committee.

13. No person who is a salaried officer or servant of the institution shall be allowed to vote at any meeting of duly qualified subscribers of the same; and no liabilities shall be incurred without the express sanction of the Committee; nor shall any moneys be paid unless accompanied by the proper vouchers.

Honorary Treasurer.

14. He shall receive all moneys on behalf of the Hospital—giving a printed receipt for the same from a book with a butt, to be provided for that purpose, which shall specify the amount so paid, and the nature of the page 8 payment, giving a receipt for each separate item when necessary—and invest the same in such bank or banks as the Committee shall direct, to the credit of the Hospital. He shall pay all accounts (after the same have been signed by the Chairman of the meeting, as having been approved by the Committee) by cheques, which shall be countersigned by the Secretary. He shall also keep an account of all moneys received and paid by him, and report the same at least once a month, to a meeting of the Committee.


15. The Secretary shall keep all the minutes, accounts, and records of the Hospital, compile all reports, conduct the correspondence, attend all meetings, and bring all business before the same, carry out their resolutions, and perform all clerical duties that may be ordered by the Committee.

16. The Secretary shall convene all general meetings in each year, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Committee, by advertisement in the local paper, at least fourteen days previous to the meetings.

17. He shall convene special meetings of duly qualified subscribérs in the same manner, when directed by the Committee, or on the written application of twenty disqualified subscribers of at least £1 each; the object of such special meeting to be stated in the advertisement, and he shall also give special notice to each member of the Committee of such meetings, and also give notice by circular three clear days previous to all monthly meetings.

18. A Collector may be appointed to collect subscriptions and all moneys due to the Hospital, in all cases giving receipts for the same signed by the Hon. Treasurer and himself, and shall pay to the Hon. Treasurer at least once a month all moneys he may have received, and render an account of the same to the Committee.

Honorary Surgeons.

19. The Honorary Medical Officers shall consist of legally qualified medical practitioners, who shall have page 9 access to the Hospital at all times, and whose duties shall be to assist and advise the Medical Superintendent, and to consult, if possible, in all cases of importance or of protracted continuance in the Hospital.

Medical Superintendent.

20. A duly qualified medical practitioner shall be appointed from year to year at the annual general meeting as Medical Superintendent, to take the general oversight of the Hospital, and perform the duties defined in Rules 9 and 10, and shall be paid such salary or fees as may from year to year be determined.

21. He shall receive the certificates from applicants for admission, and examine the nature of their cases, and decide on their fitness for admission either as in-door or out door patients, and he shall discharge all patients as soon as he considers them fit to be discharged.

22. He shall have charge of patients in the Hospital and of their treatment; but in all cases of difficulty or danger, or long continuance in the Hospital, he is requested to consult with the Honorary Surgeons.

23. He shall superintend and control all servants in the Hospital, and in cases of neglect of duty or insubordination, may suspend any of them, and report thereon to the Committee.

24. He shall keep such accounts respecting the indoor and out-door patients as the Committee may direct, in books to be kept for that purpose, and report to the Committee such cases as he may think necessary.

25. He shall have charge of all surgical instruments, drugs, chemicals, and medical comforts, and shall examine them and report any defects to the Committee; and he shall make and keep an inventory of all surgical instruments, appliances, &c., belonging to the Hospital; and he must, in the absence of a dispenser, perform such duties as would devolve upon that officer.

26. He shall enter regularly in the books to be kept for that purpose the names of all in-door and out-door page 10 patients, as they are admitted or discharged, together with the nature and history of their diseases.

27. He shall visit the patients at least once a day, and see if the treatment prescribed has been attended to; and if any cause of complaint exists he shall remove the same, or report to the Committee at the next meeting. He shall also attend at the Hospital at stated times to receive all out-door patients.

28. He shall perform all surgical operations and post mortem examinations. He shall also give due notice to the Honorary Medical Officers when a consultation is to be held, or an operation performed; but in all cases of emergency he shall act to the best of his judgment.


29. The Warders shall live in the Hospital, and shall not absent themselves without the permission of the Medical Superintendent. They shall obey the orders of the said officer; they shall be regular in their attendance, behave with tenderness to all patients, and with civility and respect to strangers.

30. They shall pay great attention to cleanliness—personally in their respective wards, and in all things entrusted to their charge, particularly to the bedding of patients, and have it changed as often as may be necessary, taking care that it is thoroughly dried and aired.

31. They shall administer to the patients the medicine and diet, at the time and in the manner directed by the Medical Superintendent They shall be careful to explain to the patients the instructions of the said officer; they shall watch attentively the state and symptoms of the patients, and report the same to the Medical Superintendent.

32. They shall not permit patients to receive from visitors medicines, victuals, tobacco, or liquor of any kind, nor allow any portion of the medicines or diet, nor anything, to be removed from the wards by the patients or visitors, without an order from the Medical Superintendent.

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33. They shall not admit any strangers except during the hours appointed for that purpose, except by special permission from the Medical Superintendent.

34. They shall be obedient to the regulations of the Hospital, and shall report immediately to the Medical Superintendent any impropriety of conduct, or infringement of the rules, by any patient, visitor, or other person.


35. Patients shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner, and strictly observe all the directions of the Medical Superintendent and Warders.

36. They shall not leave their ward and go into another ward, or leave the house, or remain out for a longer time than may be granted, or introduce visitors, or receive medicines, victuals, liquors, or tobacco, nor smoke, without the express permission of the Medical Superintendent

37. They shall not gamble, or spit on the floor, deface or injure any part of the ward, furniture, bedding, or clothing; nor sing, blaspheme, or use rude or indecent language.

38. Patients deemed able by the Medical Superintendent to assist in the work of the Hospital, shall, at his direction so employ themselves—provided that this rule shall not apply to patients who shall pay the whole cost of their maintenance.

Patients and Visitors.

39. Patients and visitors are requested not to give any fee, reward, or gratuity to any Officer, Warders, or any person connected with the Hospital.

40. Visitors may be admitted daily at any time, by permission of the Medical Superintendent, but no visitor will be allowed to remain longer than the time granted by him.

41. Any visitor or patient violating any of the rules of the Hospital, or behaving with impropriety, will be compelled to retire or be dismissed, and will not be re-admitted at any time, without special leave of the House Committee.

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42. No clergyman or minister of any persuasion shall be admitted to attend any patient except as a visitor during visiting hours, unless at the special request of the patient


43. No alteration or rescinding of rules shall be made except by duly qualified contributors, in public meeting assembled, of which the Secretary shall have given at least fourteen days' notice, by public advertisement, stating the business for which such meeting shall be convened.

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