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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 60

Seventh Event. — Ladder—Rescue Race for 2 Men

Seventh Event.

Ladder—Rescue Race for 2 Men.

Special Event.—Prizes presented by the Ladies of

Hawke's Bay.

1st Prize.—Trophies, value £20

2nd Prize.—Trophies, value £10

3rd Prize.—Trophies, value £6

All presented by the Ladies of hawke's Bay

Total value £36.

Two men to run 75 yards to platform and raise ladder, one man to ascend and bring the "infant" from the top of platform to the ground.

Time.—To be taken from start till ladder-man touches ground again.

Any man dropping the "baby" before being dismissed by Judges will disqualify his team.

Platform 25 feet high. Ladder 10 inches between the rungs. "Baby" about 28lb in weight.

The same "baby" for all Brigades and such "baby" not to be used before the day of competition.

Two entries allowed from each Brigade.