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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 57



France.—Carte de——, dressée par le Service Vicinal par ordre de M. le Ministre de l'Intérieur. Scale 1:100,000 or 1.3 geographical miles to an inch. Paris, 3884. Sheets:—IX. 25. Ile d'Oléron. XIII. 10. Yvetot. XIII. 12. Bernay. XIV. 9. Dieppe. XIV. 13. Conches. XV. 16. Bonneval. XVI. 18. La Ferté St. Aubin. XXI. 15. Brienne. XXI. 17. Châtillon-sur-Seine. XXIII. 18. Champlitte XXV. 15. Mirecourt. XXIV. 16. Darney. XXIV. 18. Vesoul. XXV. 13. Château-Salins. XXV. 15. Baccarat. XXV. 18. Montbéliard. XXV. 19. Baume-les-Dames. XXVI. 15. St. Dié. XXVI. 18. Belfort. Price of each sheet 7d. (Dulau.)

——Carte de——en quatre-vingt-six départements indiquant les chemins de fer, les routes avec les distances en kilomètres, les nouvelles divisions militaires, &c., par Berthe. Paris, Garnier Frères. (Dulau.)

page 265

London.—Philips' Redistribution Map of——. Showing all the New Boroughs, with the number of their Representatives, as proposed by the Seats Bill, 1884; Statistics of Population in 1871 and 1881, Acreage and Inhabited Houses in each Borough. Scale 1:125,000 or 1.7 geographical miles to an inch. George Philip & Son, London. Price, mounted on cloth and in case, 6s.

Schlesien und der Grafsch. Glatz.—Special-Karte von——. Scale 1:300,000 or 4.1 geographical miles to an inch. Neue Ausgabe von Dr. Sadebeck. Breslau, Korn. 4 sheets. Price 11s. (Dulau.)

Schweiz.—Dritte Karte der——, von J. M. Ziegler. Scale 1:380,000 or 5.2 geographical miles to an inch. Wurster & Co., Zurich, Edition of 1885. Price 10s. (Dulau.)

Surrey.—Philips' New Map of——, from the Ordnance Survey. By J Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Scale 1:63,360 or 0.86 geographical miles to an inch. George Philip & Son, London and Liverpool. Price 15s., mounted, and folded in case.