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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47



1. Complete Democratic ticket carried in Connecticut, Us. Strike of railway employees on Kansas Central Railway Montreal City Council refuse to pay volunteers for services at funeral of Hackett

2. Russian forces in Bulgaria preparing to go into winter quarters. Canonization of Columbus refused by Sacred Congregation of Vatican. Russians defeated before Kars Montenegrin campaign closed for the winter.

3. Heavy rain storms and Hoods do much damage in Eastern and Middle U. States.

6. Famine report in several of the Indian districts more favourable. Two feet of snow in Shipka Pass. Extradit ion Treaty between Great Britain and Belgium announced. Gambetta issues a manifesto for which the French Government order his arrest First railway accident in Japan.

8. severe shock of earthquake at Geneva, Switzerland Conclusion of treaty with Blackfeet Indians by Lt. Gov. Laird.

9. Arrival at Winnipeg, Manitoba, of first loeomotive for C P Railway.

10. New Nihilist plot discovered in Moscow and Kiev and 600 persons arrested Indians under Chief Joseph surrender to Gen Miles, U. S. A. Severe gale on Lakes Huron and Erie; much damage to shipping.

11. Colliery explosion at Wisran, Lancashire. MacMahon issues manifesto to the people of France Rains in Northern India remove danger of famine.

12. Gambetta sentenced to 3 months imprisonment and line of $800.

13. Russian troops before Plevna in a terrible state and much discouraged.

14. Cable communication interrupted by a storm.

15. Heavy gale on S. E. Coast of England. Cleopatra's needle abandoned in gale oft' the coast of Spain. Meeting of American Congress. Boat race at Toronto between HanIan and Ross.

16. President's Message sent to Congress French elections result in Republican triumph. Defeat of Turks in Asia Miner. Russians prepare for winter campaign.

17. 5,000 persons out of work in New York City from cigar makers strike. Extinction of the Upper Mersey town dues announced.

18. First exportation of wheat from Manitoba to Europe

20. Asiatic cholera in Japan. Terrible cattle disease in Southern Russia, bombardment of Pevna resumed by Russians. Fire at Portland, N.B., burns 230 houses.

23. Terrible mining disaster at High Blantyre Colliery, England. Deficit in Austrian Budget. Famine in Montenegro Russia orders mobilization of all the Cossacks.

24. First snow of season at Montreal. Turks bombard Russians in Shipka Pass.

25. General fall of snow in Ottawa Valley. Bombardment of Rustchuk and Kars pressed by Russians. A prominent Jesuit expelled from the order for maintaining temporal power of church not necessary.

28. Kars completely Invested England takes the initiative in offering mediation.