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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Banking and Currency of Canada

Banking and Currency of Canada.

We continue from the Year Book of 1878, statements of the Statistics of the Banks of Canada, as compiled from the Banking Returns published in the Canada Gazette, for the Fiscal year ended June 30th, 1878.

Months. Paid up Capital. NOTES IN CIRCULATION. Deposits. Specie and Dominion Notes. Discounts. Payable on Demand. Payable after Notice. 1877. $ $ $ $ $ $ July* .................... 62,097,673 18,188,330 41,261,980 33,538,696 15,364,038 118,611,985 August†............ 63,235,998 18,786,422 40,967,952 33,805,297 16,191,507 120,568,516 September†.......... 63,455,798 22,394,782 41,086,513 32,740,102 14,437,951 121,146,783 October†............. 64,310,310 24,832,368 39,772,826 32,606,882 14,072,976 124,092,350 November§............. 61,397,904 21,726,465 40,229,946 28,515,198 14,780,014 15,990,708 December............. * 63,656,861 21,794,212 41,260,793 30,187,795 15,024,194 116,475,030 1878. January†............. 63,165,731 20,420,973 38,756,772 30,032,235 14,383,990 114,231,192 February†............. 62,772,588 20,193,504 38,560,766 30,716,314 14,164,820 115,431,389 March†............. 64,324,453 20,193,193 37,979,689 31,871,986 14,211,413 118,195,651 April†............. 63,654,326 19,946,565 38,511,967 31,429,354 14,063,205 117,724,797 May†............. 62,565,995 18,925,363 38,869,554 31,210,883 11,182,257 116,008,720 June†............. 63,387,034 19,351,309 40,348,164 31,552,031 13,839,526 116,508,782 * Eight Banks not returned. † Seven " " ‡ Five " " § Ten " " Six " "

Bank Statement for 1877-78.

Returns from Ontario and Quebec complete during year.

None from B. Columbia, & P. E. Island. From Nova Scotia, & New Brunswick, incomplete.

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Bank and Government Circulation for Fiscal Year 1877-78.
Months. Bank Circulation. Gov't Circulation. Total Circulation.
1877. $ $ $
July 18,188,330 10,802,899 28,991,229
August 18,786,422 11,182,313 29,968,735
September 22,394,782 11,395,548 33,790,330
October 24,832,368 11,558,715 36,391,083
November 21,726,465 11,536,563 33,262,028
December 21,794,212 11,584,159 33,378,371
January 20,420,978 11,415,215 31,836,193
February 20,193,504 10,936,206 31,129,710
March 20,193,193 10,713,548 30,906,741
April 19,946,565 10,656,862 30,603,417
May 18,925,363 10,573,987 29,499,350
June 19,351,309 10,435,039 29,786,348
Total Bank Deposits 30Th June, 1878. (Seven Banks not returned.)
Chartered Banks $71,900,195
Gov't Savings Banks 5,743,660
Quebec Savings Banks 5,835,432
Post Office Banks 2,754,484 86,233,772
30th June, 1877 84,848,379
Increase 1,385,393

If the deposits in Building Societies are added to the above totals, we have an aggregate of $92,968,186 of deposits; or about $23 per head of the population of the Dominion.

Building Societies Deposits and Investments.
Deposits in 1877: $6,735,414
Total amount invested in Building Societies 26,638,778
Total amount invested in Building Societies 1876 £4,497,007
Government Savings Banks. Balance due depositors in Government Savings Banks, 30th June, 1878.
Provinces. Deposits for June. Withdrawn in June. Balance due Depositors 30th June.
$ $ $
P. E.Isla'd 27,428 00 19,169 38 371,074
N. Scotia. 170,572 01 146,823 03 2,210,021
N. Bruns'k 91,148 00 92,724 93 1,790,096
Ontario. 16,020 10 13,963 26 189,220
Manitoba. 10,519 51 5,239 57 41,505
B. Colu'bia 113,297 35 90,653 75 1,141,742
428,984 97 368,573 92 5,743,660
1877. 384,215 08 326,621 22 4,652,138
Savings Banks-Quebec.
Deposits June 30th. 1878. City and District savings. Bank. Montreal $3,698,959
Caisse d'Economie Notre Dame de Québec 2,156,473
Deposits June 30th, 1877 6,271,506
Decrease $436,074
Post Office Savings Banks. (From Canada Gazette.) Dr.
1. Balance in hands of Receiver-General 30th June, 1877 $2,639,937
2. Deposits during year 1,723,771
3. Interest on accounts closed 13,982
4. Interest accrued during year made principal 89,851
Repayments (cash paid) during year $1,486,158
Amounts written off depositors' accounts inscribed in 5 per cents 226,900
Balance due depositors 30th June, 1878 2,754,484
Increase of Deposits 1877-78 $202,771
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Societies. Capital Stock. Liabilities to Stockholders. Deposits. Liabilities to Public. Total Liabilities. Assets: Loans Secured. Assets: Property Owned. Total Assets. Amt. of Subscribed Stock. Dividend.

Permanent Building Societies In Canada, 1877.

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Ontario Building & savings Society, Kingston........ 80,350 141,043 69,562 69,617 210,660 174,881 35,779 210,660 182,500 7 do

Deposits in B. Societies, 1877, $6,735,41
Deposits in B. Societies, 1876, 6,126,377
Increase $2,141,771
Invested in B. Societies, 1877, $26,638,778
Invested in B. Societies, 1876, $24,497,067
Increase $2,141,771
page 138
Months. Dominion Government Circulation. Provincial Notes. Total Government circulation including Fractional Notes. Specie held. British Columbia. Ontario. Quebec. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. 1877. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ July.................................................. 24,532 3,201,506 50 4,688,513 50 915,732 75 1,468,341 50 387,976 72 10,802,898 95 2,767,634 31 August.................................................. 30,366 3,489,674 50 4,785,825 50 930,532 75 1,498,002 50 332,433 65 11,182,313 13 3,088,623 16 September.................................................. 30,338 3,569,468 50 4,881,034 00 927,229 25 1,545,170 00 327,752 08 51,395,548 06 3,223,108 37 October.................................................. 17,900 3,545,638 50 5,027,609 50 928,454 25 1,600,291 50 325,104 95 11,558,715 68 3,307,126 57 November.................................................. 17,345 3,480,170 00 5,054,555 00 925,902 25 1,621,836 50 320,889 41 11,536,563 39 3,219,723 02 December.................................................. 11,716 3,468,158 00 5,108,476 00 920,996 25 1,638,179 00 317,175 41 11,584,159 39 3,211,481 00 1878. January.................................................. 11,662 3,556,443 00 4,920,161 50 919,703 25 1,582,169 00 307,585 68 11,415,214 91 3,100,625 32 February.................................................. 11,627 3,393,920 00 4,702,545 50 818,560 25 1,591,538 00 801,509 58 10,936,206 06 2,857,743 02 March.................................................. 11,586 3,375,866 00 4,701,766 50 732,134 25 1,477,067 00 299,466 61 10,713,548 34 2,664,492 04 April.................................................. 11,549 3,402,934 00 4,610,252 00 729,538 25 1,491,703 50 293,294 14 10,656,862 12 2,663,366 13 May.................................................. 11,514 3,429,069 00 4,512,779 50 712,466 75 1,470,489 50 290,052 21 10,573 986 94 2,596,586 82 June.................................................. 11,468 3,417,778 00 4413,485 50 711,290 75 1,477,143 50 286 099 08 10,435 039 81 2,569 845 63

Dominion and Provincial Notes Circulation and Specie and Debentures hold during Fiscal Year 1877-78.