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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Masters and Mates Certificates

Masters and Mates Certificates.

During the calendar year, meetings of the Board of Examiners were held at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown and Quebec. The number of meetings was 44.89 Masters passed and obtained certificates land 58 Mates. Since the Act went into operation in 1871, 835 Masters and 258 Mates have passed. During the year 1877 22 certificates of service for Master and 8 for Mates were granted. The whole number of these granted since 1871 is 813 for Masters and 279 for Mates. The fees received during the fiscal year amounted to $1,740, and the expenditure to $4,050. No subsidy is now paid by the Dominion Government to Schools of Navigation for instructing Masters and Mates.