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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 44

Appendix G. — The Land District of Canterbury

Appendix G.

The Land District of Canterbury.

Be It Enacted that within the Land District of Canterbury—

1. Notwithstanding anything contained in section one

Uniform price of rural lands.

hundred and twenty-one of this Act, and notwithstanding that the land is held under license, all rural lands shall be open for sale at a uniform price of forty shillings per acre.
2. All applications for the purchase of rural lands shall

Priority of applications.

be made and determined in the following manner, that is to say,—When the applicant, or any person authorised in writing, or by telegram, on his behalf, shall apply at the Survey Office, either at Christchurch or Timaru, for the purpose of purchasing any portion of rural land, the Chief Commissioner, or such person as we may appoint, shall prepare a form of application for the said applicant, or any person authorised in writing on his behalf, to sign, containing a description of the portion of land which the applicant desires to purchase, and shall initial they said form, and note thereon the precise time at which the application shall have been made; and the Board shall consider and determine all such applications in the order in which they shall have been received at the above-mentioned Survey Offices, up to such day and hour as may from time to time be fixed by the Board: Provided that if two or more persons shall apply at the same time for the same piece of land, or any portion thereof, the Board shall determine the priority of right to be heard by lot. Applications for the purchase of rural lands shall have priority of hearing before any other applications.
3. For all other purposes, a book to be called the "Application

Application book.

Book" shall be kept open during office hours at the Principal Land Office, in which the name of every person desiring to make any application to the Board shall be written in order by himself or any person duly authorized page 166


9. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to give to the person or persons to whom such new licenses as aforesaid shall be issued power to take up any additional preemptive rights, beyond such as the holder or holders of the original license or licenses would have been entitled to take up under such license or licenses.

Fee for license.

10. There shall be paid to the Receiver of Land Revenue for each license issued under the authority of paragraphs seven and eight of this Appendix a fee often pounds.