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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 42

Second Annual Report of the Educational Institute of Otago [1878]

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Educational Institute of Otago.

Mr. W. S. Fitzgerald Mr. Alex. Stewart Mr. W. Duncan Mr. W. B. McKay The Rev. Dr. Copland, M.A.
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The Second Annual Report, 1878-9.

The General Committee of Management have much pleasure in bringing under the notice of members the report of the Institute for the past year. In accordance with the amended regulations, the Committee was increased by five additional members representing the Institute; three of the five so elected having found it inconvenient to attend, resigned. The Committee, being empowered to fill up the vacancies, nominated Messrs. A. Stewart, W. Duncan, and W. B. McKay, who have continued to act on your Committee. It has not been thought necessary to call any special meeting of the Institute, and only the usual quarterly meetings of Committee have been held.

As may be seen from the subjoined report, many questions have been before your Committee besides those sent up from the annual meeting. It has been the special endeavour of the Committee to fully cany out and give effect to the resolutions of last Conference.

The Recommendations of the Annual Meeting.

The resolutions respecting the teaching of science in schools were forwarded to the Minister of Education.

The monthly payment of teachers' salaries was brought under the notice of the Education Board by letter, and the application supported by a deputation. The Board readily recognised the expediency of the proposed arrangement, and promised to establish a system of monthly payments on and after the 1st of April.

The valuable suggestions contained in Professor Shand's Address with respect to the Education Act, were laid before members and others interested in education by the distribution of copies of the Transactions of the Institute to the Ministry and Members of Parliament, and also to the editors of the leading journals throughout New Zealand and else-where.

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In connection with the educational exhibition, your Committee were of opinion that an exhibition of the industrial work, executed in our schools, would have its advantages, and inviting the branches to co-operate, brought the general scope and character of the exhibition under the immediate notice of teachers by means of circulars. This is of course intended to be supplementary to the educational exhibition, of which notice was given at the annual meeting. Your Committee communicated with the leading publishers in Great Britain, America, and the Colonies, pointing out the objects contemplated in such an exhibition, and sent to each a copy of the Report and Transactions in order to show what position the Institute holds, and is likely hereafter to hold in New Zealand. The specific object of the exhibition is to have before us the latest improvements in school books and school apparatus, with the view of bringing under the notice of the Minister of Education recent and valuable aids to education, and thus possibly lead to their introduction into the schools of the colony. Your Committee intimated to the Hon. the Minister of Education that such an exhibition was to be held, and suggested that the cost of transmission might prevent some from sending who would otherwise be so disposed, and requested that exhibits sent to the Agent-General might be forwarded to the Colony on favourable terms. Your Committee further represented that the exhibition was to be of a purely public and educational character. Your Committee received intimation from Mr. J. Hislop, Secretary to the Education Department, that the cost to the Institute, if any, would be merely nominal, and that the Agent-General had been advised to receive and forward exhibits addressed to him.

Your Committee have to thank Mr. Hislop for his personal interest in affairs of the Institute, and for his endeavours to promote the success of the exhibition.

Up to the present time five of the most influential publishers—T. Laurie, Esq., Wm. Collins and Son, Longman and Co., Clarendon Press, and T Nelson and Sons, have apprised the Committee of their shipment of boxes containing specimen copies of school works, &c.

Your Committee regret to say, that in consequence of some delay at the beginning of the year, it is just possible that some of the exhibits may not be to hand by Easter week.

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Your Committee now see that an extensive and successful exhibition is at any future meeting practicable.

The only other matter arising out of last year's recommendations is that your Committee should prepare and present to Mr. Hislop an Address expressive of the Institute's appreciation of his services in the cause of education in Otago. The Address will be presented for signature at the annual meeting.


The library regulations have not worked so satisfactorily as was anticipated. Your Committee have had the whole subject under consideration.

Various proposals have been made; amongst others, one for the disposing of part of the library. It is thought that as very many of the books are to be found in almost any public library, there should only be such in our library as are of a strictly professional character.

The expense of sending the boxes to and from Dunedin is also objected to. This, however, might be obviated if the method of the Auckland Teachers' Library were adopted. There books, passing from the teachers to the librarian, if addressed as under the care of the Secretary to the Education Board, are allowed to go post free. A similar privilege might be conceded by our Education Board. Your Committee, have, however, refrained from carrying out any alteration, thinking it advisable to await your direction on this important matter.


Your Committee resolved upon printing the Transactions of the Institute, and the result has been to leave the Institute short of funds for library purposes. Five hundred copies were obtained, a distribution of eight dozen being made to the Dunedin Branch, and three dozen to each of the other branches. Your Committee are strongly of opinion that the money was well spent, and that the Institute has by this means already acquired an influence it would not otherwise, for a long time at least, have attained to.

Your Committee would urge the desirability of having this year's Transactions published in similar form.

The Treasurer presents the following Balance sheet:—

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Balance Sheet, 1878-9. 1878. Receipts, £ S. d. April 20. To balance ... ... ... ... 5 4 5, Proceeds of Conversazione ... 5 15 5 Nov. 2. (15)* Balclutha Branch—2/3 Subscriptions (10s. 6d.) ... ... 5 5 0 Sept. 2. (7)* Tuapeka Branch—2/3 Subscriptions (10s.) ... ... ... 2 6 8 Oct. 22. (11)* Invercargill Branch—2/3 Subscriptions (10s.) ... ... ...3 13 4 Dec. 12. (36)* Dunedin Branch— 2/3 Subscriptions (10s. 6d.) ... ... ... 12 12 0 Sept. 17. 1879. (14)* Waitaki Branch— 2/3 Subscriptions (10s. 6d.) ... ... ... 4 18 0 Feb. 24. (10)* Milton Branch— 2/3 Subscriptions (10s. 6d.) ... ... ... 3 10 0 * No. of Members.] £43 4 5 1878. Expenditure. £ s. d. May 2. By Advertising Annual Meeting 2 13 6 " 2. " " Separate Meetings 0 13 6 " 2. " Athenæum Hall ... ... 2 2 0 " 2. " Oddfellows' Hail ... 2 2 0 " 2. " Chairs for Hall ... ... 1 4 0 " 2. " Printing Circular Reports 4 0 0 " 2. " Janitor of Normal School 1 0 0 Sept. 28. " Postage, &c. ... ... 0 16 5 " 28. " Carriage of Library Books 0 13 3 1879. Mar. 15. " Balance of Annual Report 24 7 0 " 15. " Stationery and Postage 1 3 4 " 15. " Wharfage ... ... 0 6 6 " 15. " Balance in hand ... ... 2 2 11 £43 4 5 Annual Report Account. 1878. Receipts. £ s. d. Sept. 2. Tuapeka Branch—3 doz. copies 1 16 0 " " Donation 1 0 0 Sept. 17. Waitaki Branch—3 doz. copies 1 16 0 Oct. 22. Invercargill Branch—10 copies 0 10 0 Nov. 1. Dunedin Branch—75 copies 3 15 0 " 2. Balclutha Branch—3 doz. copies 1 16 0 1879. Mar. Balance from General Fund 24 7 0 £35 0 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. Dec. 12. By Printing Account 35 0 0 £35 0 0

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Branch Reports.

The Branches have continued to take very great interest in the work of the Institute. The number of members has increased, the meetings usually well attended, and generally such questions discussed as must lead to the advance of the cause of education. Your Committee are pleased to add that though under a different educational district, the Invercargill Branch has determined to remain in connection with the Institute.

Your Committee invited the Branches to discuss the Regulations concerning classification, standards, &c., and send your Committee the result of their deliberation, with a view to further discussion at the Conference.

There are several important matters referred to in the appended reports and recommendations of the Branches.

The Forthcoming Meeting, 1879.

Your Committee earnestly recommend teachers to attend the Annual Meeting. The Education Board has again recognised the importance of the meeting by a recommendation to School Committees to grant the requisite vacation.

Your Committee were pleased to observe a number of female teachers at last meeting, and hope for their presence in greater numbers at the ensuing meeting.

A cordial invitation is extended to teachers in the other Provinces.

Your Committee have to intimate that the Minister of Railways, Hon. Mr. Macandrew, has been pleased to grant that return tickets, available until the 21st, be issued at single rates to teachers attending the Conference. Your Committee have to thank Mr. Pryde, Secretary to Education Board, for his exertions in the matter of securing this privilege.

Programme of Business.

The Meetings will be held on the 15th 16th, and 17th April, 1879, in the Normal School.

A copy of the programme is herewith sent to members. In addition to the ordinary business provided for in the programme, members are invited to bring forward (due notice being given of the same) such other matters as may appear to them worthy of consideration.

Signed on behalf of Committee,

D. White

, Secretary,

Jas. Reid

, Treasurer.
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Branch Associations,

Annual Report of the Southland Branch.

In submitting the Second Annual Report of this Branch of the Otago Educational Institute, I have to state, regarding the membership, that it has been augmented by the addition of three members since last annual meeting.

Five meetings of the Branch have been held during the year—three general, one adjourned, and one special. The average attendance of members at these meetings stands at nine.

Owing to a continual press of matters relating to the ordinary business of the Association, but little has been done in the direction of producing and reading papers on pertinent subjects by members—the only paper placed before the Branch being one on the "Synthetical Method of Teaching Geography," by J. G. Smith, Esq., Long Bush.

That the Association has done substantial work in the interest of Education, may be inferred from the nature of the subjects dealt with at the meetings. The following outline will convey a fairly accurate conception of what has been done in this connection:—(1) What should be the character of the relation existing between the Association and the Otago Educational Institute? (2) whether absent members should be allowed, under certain restrictions, to vote in important decisions on the condition of a written expression of opinion on the subject in consideration; (3) the co-operation of the teachers in the Lake District; (4) circulation of productions on educational questions; (5) representation on the Committee of the Educational Institute; (6) the formation of a library; (7) the Inspector-General's syllabus; (8) the school books best adapted to the requirements and the circumstances of the schools of the distrrict.

The funds of the Association are in a not unsatisfactory condition, there being a small balance in favour. At the same time there are two small items of outstanding liabilities.

To conclude, there is occasion to remark that a considerable number of the members have manifested great interest in the successful management of the Association. At the same time, many of the teachers have not yet connected themselves with an Institution which, contemplates, not only the general interests of education, but also the individual well-being of the teacher. The Branch cherishes the hope that during the ensuing year there will be a considerable accession to its membership, and keen interest exhibited in its conduct.

James Orr, Hon. Sec.

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Annual Report of the Milton Branch.

I beg to submit to you the Second Annual Report of the Milton Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago.

The following gentlemen were the office-bearers for the past year:—Mr. Ayson, President; Mr. Malcolm, Delegate for the Branch; and Mr. Brown, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. During the year one member has withdrawn, and two have been admitted, one of whom was formerly a member of the Balclutha Branch. The other has subsequently left the district. At present the number on the roll is eleven.

Six meetings have been held, and two papers read, viz.:—(1) A critique on Mr. Stout's essay, "Can Morals be Taught in Secular Schools?"—Rev. Mr. Chisholm. (2) "The Latin of the Augustan Period"—Mr. Malcolm. Both papers were well received, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to each of the readers.

At the Annual Meeting of the Branch, held on the 22nd inst., Mr. Ayson, who has ably filled the office of President for the past two years, resigned in consequence of his leaving the district. Mr. Malcolm was elected President and Delegate for the Branch, and Mr. Brown, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian for the ensuing year.

I have much pleasure in stating that the condition of the Branch is satisfactory as regards financial matters.

T. Brown, Sec.

Annual Report of the Tuapeka Branch.

I have the honour to submit the Second Annual Report of the Tuapeka Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago.

Office-hearers—Mr. Stables, President and Representative of the Branch on the General Committee of Management; Mr. Pope, Secretary and Treasurer.

Our membership for the year has been nine, and we have held eight meetings, at which papers were read, or educational subjects discussed. Papers: (1) Mr. Stables—"Schoolmasters' Associations;" (2) Mr. Drain—"Education;" (3) Mr. Anderson—"Arithmetic;" (4) Mr. Rix—"Reading."

The new classification, syllabus of examination, standards, &c., were considered, but nothing definite was arrived at, as the members were of opinion that these subjects would meet with the attention they demand at the annual Conference.

The Treasurer reports the receipts for the year to have been £6 19s. 6d., and expenditure £6 9s., leaving a balance of 10s. 6d.

Though the work of the year has not been quite so extensive as that of the previous one, yet from the interest shown by members in the Institute, we may safely say that a successful session has been passed.

Langley Pope, Sec.

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Annual Report of the Balclutha Branch.

The last report of this Branch of the Institute was presented in March, 1878, since which time there have been held six meetings of the Association with an average attendance of eight members. At these meetings we have always had subjects of discussion affecting our professional work.

Papers of great interest have been read by the Rev. William Bannerman on the "Last Annual Report of the Education Board," and by Mr. George Stevens, on the "New Regulations for the Examination, Classification, and Certification of Teachers. These Regulations, together with those defining the Standards of Education, have been the theme of various keen discussions at our meetings.

The Regulation of the Education Board with regard to the payment of salaries on the scale of average attendance, has had a prejudicial effect on the general interests of the professional stall throughout the Clutha district. With the exception of the two largest schools, the incomes have been reduced.

We have sixteen members on the roll of the Association.

The receipts from subscriptions have been £7 19s. £4 11s. has been remitted to the General Treasurer as two-thirds subscriptions, and £1 16s. for Reports. 10s. 9d. has been paid for postages and incidental expenses, and the balance in hand is £1 10s. 9d.

James Mcneur, Sec.

Report of the Waitaki Branch.

The Waitaki Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago was constituted for the year 1878, at its monthly meeting in April. The following office-bearers were then elected:—President, Mr. A. Pirie. Otepopo; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. R. Peattie, High School, Oamaru: Librarian, Mr. W. Fidler, High School, Oamaru. At the next meeting Mr. J. B. Park, South School, Dunedin, was appointed the Branch's Representative to the General Committee of Management. Mr. W. Fidler was appointed by the Branch to read a paper at the Easter Conference in 1879.

The number of members has been nineteen, as against eleven the previous year. Seven of the nineteen are not teachers.

Nine meetings have been held throughout the year, at only two of which papers have been read by members.

Mr. Fidler read a paper on "The Future Prospects of Colonial Teachers," and Mr. Peattie, one on "The Basis of Pay." In continuation of the latter, the Branch considered at subsequent meetings the subject of "Attendance." At the remaining meetings, subjects for consideration were provided by the General Committee of Management, such as Professor Black's Science Scheme for Schools and the Departmental Regulations. On these and on the paper re "Basis of Pay," the Branch formed various resolutions as indicative of its opinion on the subjects, and these resolutions were from time to time forwarded to the General Committee of Management. Two of the page 11 meetings were held in outlying school-houses in the Waitaki district in accordance with a resolution of the Branch to hold its meetings quarterly, if possible, at places other than Oamaru. Very pleasant recollections are retained by all the members who attended these meetings.

The section of the library sent to the Branch has not been inquired after with the avidity which the search after knowledge characteristic of schoolmasters in general should ensure.

The Branch congratulates itself not only on its larger membership, but also on the increasing interest in its affairs, and the increased knowledge of the intention of the Institute manifested by the members during the past year.

Robert Peattie, Sec.

Report of the Dunedin Branch.

Members.—Professional, 43; non-professional, 20. Total, 63.

Office-bearers.—President, Mr. J. Reid; Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Park; Librarian, Mr. Lindsay; Secretary, Mr. Kneen.

Meetings.—Daring the year there have been ten ordinary meetings, and one special. The special meeting was called for the purpose of nominating a member to represent the Branch at the Annual Meeting of the Institute. Mr. Montgomery was appointed, and well performed his onerous duty.

Your Committee have much pleasure in noting an improved attendance at the meetings, there having been an average of nineteen members in attendance during the year.

Papers.—Contrary to the system hitherto followed, viz., balloting members to read papers, it was decided that the Secretary should issue cards to members requesting them to state if they would be willing to give papers during the ensuing year, and if so, upon what subjects. The replies were eminently satisfactory. Not only were there sufficient papers for the number of meetings, but the papers were decidedly of a superior kind; and the essayists well deserved the votes of thanks passed to them.

The following business occupied the meetings:—March—"The Management of Annual Meetings by the Teachers of Canada," introduced by Mr. A. Stewart. April—"The Teaching of Practical Physiology in Schools," by Rev. Dr. Copland. May—"A series of Resolutions on the Teaching of Elementary Science in Schools," by Dr. Black; "The Teaching of Natural Science," by Professor Hutton. June and July—Discussion of Dr. Black's resolutions. August—"The Teaching of Classics in our Public Schools," by Rev. M. Watt. October—"Habit," by Mr. Donald Stewart. December—"A few Observations concerning Modern Languages, more especially German, viewed as instrumental in secondary education," by Mr. A. Buechler.

In conclusion, your Committee beg to urge an increased attendance at the ordinary meetings, believing that such is the only thing needful to ensure the continued success of this Branch of the Institute.

Wm. Howard Kneen, Sec.

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Recommendations from the Branches.

I.—Classification and Certification of Teachers.


(1.) That "vocal music" should not be compulsory in obtaining a certificate.

(2.) That, as regards "elementary science," it be pointed out that there appears to be a discrepancy between the provisions of Regulation 7 and those of Regulation 10—optional subjects under Class D.

(3.) That this Branch is of opinion that the conditions for obtaining certificates in Classes A, B, and C, Regulation 10, are too exclusive with respect to the University from which candidates may hold certificates.

(4.) That this Branch of the Institute is of opinion that the "term of service," and the "programme of annual examination" of pupil teachers should be uniform for New Zealand, and not left to the decision of the several District Boards.


(5.) That the teaching of Singing and Drawing should be optional.

(6.) In regard to Certification and Classification of Teachers, this Association considers that no one individual, no matter what his position, should have the power of fixing the status, and thus to some extent determining the reputation of teachers all over the Colony; and that the Degrees and Honours of other Universities should entitle their holders to the same rank as those of the New Zealand University.

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II.—Standards of Education.


(1.) That, in Arithmetic especially, the Standards are too high, and that they should be reduced to correspond with those of the Otago Board, formerly in force, and superseded by the present Standards.

(2.) That the number of compulsory subjects is too great.

(3.) That Science should not be introduced in the school course until the Fifth Standard be passed.


That as far as possible the Syllabus be taught as a knowledge of common things in the form of object lessons during the first two years of the science course, and that during the third year the more systematic study of some one Science be taken up provided suitable apparatus be supplied.

III.—Regulations as to Class Books for Public Schools.


(1.) That during the Annual Conference a Committee be appointed to consider the list of school books issued by the Minister of Education, and also such other text-books as may be shown at the Educational Exhibition with a view of recommending to the Institute what appear to be the most suitable class books on all the subjects specified in the Syllabus of Instruction.


(5.) That it is desirable to have an uniform set of books for the various subjects—science included—taught in each standard, and that the Institute be requested to move the Education Board of Otago to adopt sets for its district.


With regard to a Text-book in History, that of "Nelson's History for Junior Classes" be recommended for Standards V. and VI., and small Date Book for Standards III. and IV.

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IV.—Regulations as to Payment by Average Attendance, Calculation of Attendance, &c.


That this Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago looks upon "Average Attendance," as a basis of pay, as not only unfair and troublesome to Boards and Committees, but especially unjust and annoying to teachers.


That section III., clause 3, Regulations in Council' respecting the calculation of "Average Attendance," be amended by striking out the words "one-half," and substituting "three-fourths."


That this Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago is of opinion that, with a view to prevent the too frequent changing of pupils from one school to another, the Board should define school districts, and that no pupil be allowed to attend any Government school other than the one in his own school district, except in the case of those who have passed the Fourth Standard, and who wish to attend a High School.


That no scholar whose name has been entered on the Register of any school at the beginning of a quarter, shall be admitted to a neighbouring school, during the same quarter, without previous reference to the Chairman of School Committee and former teacher.

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