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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 41

Class 18.—Upholsterers' and Decorators' Work

Class 18.—Upholsterers' and Decorators' Work.

89 Guthrie & Larnach's New Zealand Timber & Woodenware Factories Co., Dunedin.—Gilt console table, with marble top.

90 Maxwell, Mrs., Fernhill, Wellington.—Curtains, New Zealand ferns done in China-ink.

91 Myers, T., Wellington.—Sample picturc-frame.

92 Paterson, Burk & Co., Dunedin.—Samples of Venetian blinds.

93 Salmon, Mrs. Kate, Kakaramea, Patea.—Cone picture-frames., seaweed and ferns.

94 Taylor, J., Maclaggan-st., Dunedin.—Venetian blind, with stand and pulleys complete.

95 Thompson. Mrs.. Napier.—Framed picture, of seaweed.

96 White, Mrs. S., Roseville, Wanganui.—Picture-frame in New Zealand cones.