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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 31

High School of Otago, Dunedin

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High School of Otago, Dunedin.

The High School was established in the year 1863 with a view to impart instruction in all the branches of a liberal education. It is under the management of the Education Board, which is assisted by a Board of Advice, consisting of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, and two Professors of the University of Otago, the Provincial Solicitor, and two other gentlemen of high character and position.


The classes are conducted by gentlemen thoroughly efficient in their several departments, both as regards scholarship and skill in the art of teaching.


The School is divided into a Lower and an Upper Department, each comprising three forms, and named the Lower and Upper Schools.

The Lower School.

The Lower School is intended to be preparatory to the Upper. Boys are admitted about the-age of eight or nine years. No examination is required for admission into the Lower School, but it is expected that those who enter will be able to read an easy passage of English, and to know the four simple rules of arithmetic.

The Upper School.

The Upper School is divided into two sides—the Classical and the Modern. The Classical side is intended to prepare pupils for a University curriculum and the learned professions. The Modern side, on the other hand, while also preparatory for the University, is chiefly intended to impart is first-class commercial and general education, suitable for those who desire to avail themselves of the benefits of a liberal training without going through a University curriculum. Pupils desirous of entering the Upper School must pass a preliminary examination as to scholarship. A syllabus showing the subjects of examination and the standard required in each is appended hereto.

Curriculum of Study.

The curriculum of study in the Lower School embraces those subjects which form limo basis of a sound English education. In the page 11 first form special attention is devoted to Reading, Spelling, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, History, Object Lessons, and Class-singing. In the second and third forms an opportunity is granted to those boys whose parents desire it to add French and Latin to the other studies. The chief aim of this department is to give a thorough grounding in the elements of English and Arithmetic.

In the Upper School boys who enter the Classical side receive a thorough training in Latin and in Greek, along with instruction in the English Language and Literature, History, Geography, and Mathematics, and have also an opportunity, if they desire it, of attending classes in Natural History or Modern Languages, so as to enable them to enter upon the study of these subjects afterwards with greater facility. In the Modern side French and German take the place of Greek, while more time is devoted to Mathematics; Natural Science, and those branches which better fit boys for entering on commercial pursuits.

Drawing forms a part of the regular School course, and instruction is given in Freehand Drawing from copies and solid models, in practical Geometry, and in Mechanical Drawing and Perspective.

Singing.—Class Singing is taught in the junior department, and those who wish it may have instruction in the pianoforte in school.

Phonography.—Those pupils who wish to acquire the art of Shorthand Writing will have the opportunity of doing so on payment of an additional fee.

Physical Education.—There is a well-equipped Gymnasium attached to the School, and the pupils are under the tuition of Mr. Long, who gives instruction in Gymnastics, Fencing, &c. All the pupils are drilled weekly by Sergeant-Major Stevens. Cricket and other athletic sports are sufficiently encouraged by prizes and otherwise, and the Tennis Court at the School and the Recreation Grounds in the neighbourhood of the city give ample opportunity for engaging in these healthy exercises. A class will be formed for those boys who wish to learn swimming under Lieutenant Sims.

Lierary.—The School is provided with a library of useful and entertaining works, and boys may take advantage of it on payment of a small annual fee.

General School Arrangements.

While each department is under the charge of a thoroughly qualified master, the Rector exercises a general control over the School, and endeavours to bring all the pupils under his special instruction at least once weekly.

The School is opened every morning with the reading of a portion of the Scriptures and with prayer. To this the first ten minutes is devoted, and all boys are required to be present at this time except those who have obtained permission to be absent at the special request of their parents.

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Examinations are held monthly and also quarterly in all the classes, and prizes are awarded at the end of the session by the results of these, combined with the daily class marks. Special examiners are appointed by the Education Board to examine the whole School annually.

Reports containing the average percentage of marks obtained by the pupils are sent quarterly to the parents. These reports are intended to assist parents in judging the average progress that has been made by their children during the quarter.

Prizes.—The ordinary class prizes are awarded at the end of the session for proficiency in all the subjects of study; and, in addition, special prizes are granted to those in the Lower and in the Upper School who have obtained the highest marks in every branch taught.

Certificates of Merit are given to all who obtain 75 per cent, of marks in any one subject.

Absence of Puplls.—When any pupil has been absent he must, on his return, produce a note signed by his parent or guardian explaining the cause of absence, and no pupil is allowed to leave during the School hours without a similar note. Intimation is sent to parents if any pupil has been absent for more than two days.

The session begins on the 5th of February, and ends about the 16th of December.

The Quarter Days are—5th February, 23rd April, 23rd July, and 8th October.

Holidays.—Besides the usual Provincial Holidays a fortnight is given in midwinter and six weeks at Christmas.

Visitors.—Parents and others interested in the School are invited to visit the classes at any hour. The Rector will set apart an hour for those who wish to consult hint about their children, and it is hoped that parents will make it convenient to call then, and at no other hour.

The Boarding Department.

The Rectory has been specially fitted up for the accommodation of boarders. It is situated about ten minutes' walk from the High School, and occupies one of the finest positions in Dunedin, adjoining the Town Belt, and surrounded by extensive recreation grounds. The rooms arc lofty, light, and well ventilated. Each boy occupies a separate bed, and everything has been arranged with a view to the health and comfort of the pupils.

The boarders are under the direct control of the Rector, and are superintended during the preparation of lessons and at other times by a well-qualified Resident Master.

The domestic arrangements are under the management of Mrs. Norrie.

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The following is a list of articles required by each boarder. It is particularly requested that every article be distinctly marked, and that a list be attached to each boy's trunk:—

A List of Articles.

  • 4 single sheets,
  • 4 towels,
  • 3 pillow cases,
  • 4 Crimean shirts,
  • 3 night shirts,
  • 3 flannels,
  • 3 pairs drawers (if worn),
  • 12 pairs stockings,
  • 12 collars,
  • 12 pocket handkerchiefs,
  • 1 Sunday suit,
  • 2 every-day suits,
  • 1 overcoat,
  • 1 cravat,
  • 4 neckties,
  • 1 cap, 1 hat,
  • 1 pair slippers,
  • 2 pairs boots,
  • 1 pair gaiters,
  • 1 large comb,
  • 1 pocket comb,
  • 1 small tooth-comb,
  • 1 hair brush,
  • 1 clothes brush,
  • 1 tooth brush,
  • 1 nail brush,
  • 1 sponge and bag.

Syllabus Showing the Standard Required for Admission to the Upper School.

1.Reading.—To read well any book of ordinary difficulty, with comprehension of the sense, and ability to explain fairly the meaning of words and phrases.
2.Writing from Dictation.—Fair writing and good spelling.
3.English Grammar, including analysis of easy sentences.
4.Arithmetic.—Simple and Compound Rules, Practice, Simple Proportion, Vulgar Fractions, Finite Decimal Fractions, and Exercises in Square and Cubic Measures.
5.Geography.—Chief physical features, political divisions, and principal towns of Europe and Australasia; also ability to draw fair outline maps.
6.Latin.—Grammar and Accidence, with ability to translate into English easy Latin sentences not previously prepared. [N.13.—This subject is compulsory only on those boys who mean to take Latin in the Upper School.
7.Either (A)Mathematics, including Euclid, Book I. Props1-32; and Algebra, four elementary rules; or (a) French Grammar and translation into English or of easy French sentences not previously prepared. [NB.—One of these subjects is compulsory on all who have not passed in Latin—See Section 6.

Fees (Payable Quarterly in Advance).

Day Pupils £2 per quarter.
Boarders £15 2s. 6d. per quarter.
Weekly Boarders (without washing) £10 10s. per quarter.
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Stationery (including pens, ink, blotting and examination paper) 2s. 6d. per quarter.

Gymnastics 7s. 6d. per quarter for junior pupils, 10s, 6d. for senior pupils.

The terms for Board include instruction in all the subjects of the regular School course, superintendence of studies, and washing.

A quarter's notice, or half-a-quarter's fee, is required before the removal of a boarder.

Subjects of Study and Class Books.

Class I.

  • Reading.—Nelson's Royal Reader, No. III., and Sequel.
  • Grammar—Morrison's English Grammar.
  • History.—A period of British History.
  • Composition.—Nelson's Composition Exercises.
  • Geography.—Nelson's Geography and Atlas combined.
  • Elementary Botany and Object Lessons.
  • Writing and Arithmetic.—The first 4 rules, simple and compound. Reduction, and Mental Exercises.

Class II.

  • Latin.—Smith's Principia Latina, Part 1.
  • French—Grammar and Translation.
  • English, Reading.—Nelson's Royal Reader, No. IV.; Class Book of English Poetry.
  • Grammar.—Morrison's English Grammar.
  • History.—A period of British History.
  • Composition.—Nelson's Composition Exercises.
  • Geography—Mackay's Outlines of Geography, and Geography of New Zealand.
  • Elementary Botany and Object Lemons.
  • Writing and Arithmetic.—Weights and Measures; commence Fractions, with Mental Exercises.

Class III.

  • Latin.—Smith's Principia Latina, Parts I. and II.
  • French.—Grammar and Translation.
  • Reading.—Nelson's Royal Reader, No. V.
  • Grammar.—Morrison's English Grammar.
  • Geography.—Mackay's Outlines,
  • History.—Collier's History of the British Empire.
  • Composition and Analysis of Sentences.—Curries Composition.
  • Botarly.—The Organs and Functions of Plants.
  • Writing and Arithmetic—Practice, Simple Proportion, Simple Interest, Finite Decimals, with Mental Exercises.
  • Algebra.—First 4 rules, and easy Simple Equations.
  • Euclid.—Book I
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Class IV.

  • Latin.—Smith's Smaller Grammar; Smith's Principia, Part IV.; Translation of portions of Virgil and Cicero, or Sallust.
  • Greek.—Smith's Initia Gracea, parts 1 and 2.
  • English Literature.—The critical study of portions of Cowper, Goldsmith, and Milton, and the literary history of their periods.
  • Grammar.—Bain's Smaller Grammar.
  • Geography.—Political and Physical.
  • History.—A period of Modern History.
  • Composition—Curries Composition.
  • French.—Grammar and translation of French authors.
  • German.—Grammar, translation, &c.
  • Writing and Arithmetic.—All the Rules, Miscellaneous Exercises in Arithmetic; Smith's Practical Arithmetic.
  • Algebra.—Fractions and Simple and Simultaneous Equations. (Todhunter's Smaller Algebra.)
  • Euclid.—Books I., II, and III.
  • Practical Trigonometry
  • Logarithms.—Scottish School Book Association Logarithms.
  • Botany.—Organs and Functions of Plants, with the general principles of classification.
  • Chemistry.—Elementary Lessons.

Classes V. and VI.

  • Latin.—Smith's Smaller Grammar; Arnold's Latin Prose Composition, Part I.; Translation of portions of Virgil, Horace, Juvenal, Cicero, Livy, Tacitus, &c.
  • Greek.—Smith's Smaller Greek Grammar: Translations of portions of Xenophon, Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, &c.
  • Ancient History and Geography.
  • French.—Grammar and Translation.
  • German.—Grammar and Translation.
  • English.—The Critical Study of Shakespeare and early English authors.
  • Grammar.—Bain's Higher English Grammar.
  • Geography.—Political and Physical.
  • History.—A Period of Modern History.
  • Composition.—Historical and General Essays.
  • Arithmetic.—Miscellaneous Exercises.
  • Algebra.—Quadratics, Problems in Equations, Problems in &c., up to Binom. Theo.
  • Euclid.—Books I., II., III., IV., and VI., inclusive.
  • Trigonometry.—Solution of Triangles, with problems in surveying and easy transformations, &c.
  • Logarithms.—Scottish School Book Association Logarithms.
  • Botany.—The Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants.
  • Chemistry.—Inorganic.
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Dictionaries, &c., Recommended.

White and Riddle's, or Dr. Smith's Latin Dictionary (school edition); Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon (school edition); Dr. Smith's Smaller Classical Dictionary; Dr. Smith's Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; Collins' Globe Dictionary, or Stormonth's, or Chambers' English Dictionary; Collins' or Keith Johnston's Atlases of Classical and General Geography.