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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 30

1. Pass-subjects

1. Pass-subjects.

Reading.—A book containing extracts from general literature.

Spelling and Dictation suited to this stage.

Writing.—The copying of tabulated matter, showing bold head-lines, and marking distinctions such as in letterpress require varieties of type (e.g., the copying of these printed standards, or of a catalogue showing division into groups).

Arithmetic.—Vulgar and decimal fractions; interest and other commercial rules, such as discount, stocks, partnership, and exchange; the metric system of weights and measures, and calculations with pound, florin, cent, and mil; square root, and simple cases of mensuration of surfaces; mental arithmetic generally.

Grammar and Composition.—Complete parsing (including syntax) of simple and compound sentences; prefixes and affixes, and a few of the more important Latin and Greek roots, illustrated by a part of the reading books; essay or letter; analysis of easy complex sentences.

Geography.—Names and positions of places of political, historical, and commercial importance in Asia, North America, and the British possessions. Physical Geography: Atmospheric phenomena, winds, rain, ice; climate as affected by mountain, plain, and sea; distribution of the animals and plants of greatest value to man.

Drawing.—As defined in Regulation 18, but not to be required before the 1st January, 1891.