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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

First Annual Report Of the Otago Society For the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals

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First Annual Report Of the Otago Society

Dunedin Printed at the "Otago Daily Times" Office, High Street

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Officers of the Otago Society,

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Extracts From the Rules.

2.—The objects of the Society shall be to prevent cruelty to animals by enforcing, where practicable, the existing laws, by procuring such further legislation as may be found expedient, by exciting and sustaining an intelligent public opinion regarding man's duty to animals, and by all such further and other ways and means as the General Committee may deem expedient.

3.—The Society shall consist of all persons who shall contribute to its funds an annual sum of not less than five shillings; of life members who shall pay a sum of not less than five pounds; and of honorary members elected by the General Committee from amongst persons who have evinced marked sympathy for the cause at home or abroad.

4.—Children under the age of sixteen shall be admitted as associates of the Society, on the payment of one shilling annually.

11.—The Secretary shall call a general meeting of members at the request of the Committee, or on the written request of twenty members.

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Otago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

On the 26th June, 1882, at a public meeting convened by Messrs. G. Fenwick and H. Houghton, a resolution was passed affirming the desirability of forming a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and a Provisional Committee was formed to carry out that object.

This Provisional Committee reported to an adjourned meeting on the 13th July, when the Society was organised, and rules were adopted, and a General Committee was appointed.

The Committee advertised for a suitable person to act as inspector and collector, and out of a number of applicants, several of whom appeared to be well fitted for the office, selected Mr. Robert Thomson Aitken, who had been in the employ of a similar Society in Glasgow. Mr. Aitken entered on his duties on the 1st October, and was subsequently, at the request of the Committee, sworn in as a constable, thus having the same status and power to deal with offenders as a policeman. Mr. Aitken has shown himself zealous and intelligent in the discharge of his duties, and has given perfect satisfaction to the Committee. His time has been wholly devoted to the work of the Society, principally in Dunedin and suburbs; but he has also visited Waikouaiti, Milton, Mosgiel, Toiro (near Clinton), &c.

Knowing that cruelty is often the result of ignorance and stupidity, the Committee instructed the inspector not to prosecute at first except in flagrant cases or where his remonstrance was disregarded, and consequently he only prosecuted in seven cases, and in each case obtained a conviction. Ninety-six cautions were administered to various persons for illtreatment of horses and other animals, with, it is believed, very good effect. Four horses unfit for work were destroyed at the request of the inspector. During the same time four cases of cruelty have been prosecuted by the police, who have acted most harmoniously with your Society.

At the suggestion of Mr. Slesinger, V.S., notice has been given to farriers to discontinue the cruel practice of burning horses' mouths for lampas.

In one case where a horse died, as it was suspected, from overdriving, the driver absconded, apparently from fear of prosecution, but the fact that the matter was taken up by the Society will probably cause others to be more careful.

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The thanks of the Society are due to Messrs. A. Bathgate, F. R. Chapman, and R. Stout, your honorary solicitors, for their ready and gratuitous services in advising the inspector and conducting prosecutions; to Messrs. Douglas, Durham, Farquharson, and Slesinger, your honorary veterinary surgeons, who have given much valuable information, and also to Mr. Weldon and the Police Department generally for their most ready assistance and advice.

The income of the Society for the past year has been £159 6s., and the expenditure £116 16s. 6d., leaving a balance of £42 9s. 6d., but from this the cost of printing and circulating this report will have to be deducted.

The present number of members is 317, and the Committee earnestly hope that very many more will be induced to join as the Society becomes better known. From a desire to interest children in the work, special provision was made for their admission as associates on payment of one shilling, but up to the present time none have availed themselves of the opportunity. This is much to be regretted, and also that so few ladies have joined the Society. In England it is not so; there the majority of the subscribers appear to be women. The Committee, however, admit that they have not brought the subject very prominently forward, and recommend it to the careful consideration of their successors, feeling sure that such a work of kindness—so essentially woman's work—only requires to be placed before ladies to ensure their sympathy and support. In reply to a letter written to the Education Board of Otago, asking for its countenance in bringing the objects of the Society before the children attending the State schools, an answer was received expressing the sympathy of the Board with the objects of the Society, and its hope that the teachers will forward those objects by all means in their power. This also will require the attention of the incoming Committee.

Overtures have been made to several municipalities with a view to the establishment of branch societies, but the only satisfactory reply yet received has been from Gore.* As the Committee's year of office had nearly expired, this also was allowed to stand over for the decision of their successors.

During the present year a much larger expense must be incurred for printing if the Society is to take its proper position as a factor in the education of the people. To do this adequately a much larger income will be necessary, and the Committee most earnestly seek the sympathy and assistance of all lovers of animals—of all, indeed, who have any feeling for their poor dumb fellow creatures.

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Summary of Cases Dealt With to 30th June, 1883.

7 persons were prosecuted, convicted, and fined for cruelty to horses.

4 Horses unfit for work were killed at the request of the Inspector.

96 persons were cautioned for various offences as under:
For working horses lame and weak 24
For working horses otherwise unfit for work 4
Cruelly beating horses 10
Overloading horses 5
Keeping horses, &c., without sufficient food and water 7
Driving cattle when lame 1
Keeping fowls without sufficient food and water 4
Torturing a fowl with a dog 1
Overcrowding and improperly carrying fowls 5
Cutting ears and tail for identification at Sale Yards. 3

By the request of the Inspector, tar or paint is now used at the Burnside Sale Yards for identification.

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Receipts. £ s. d. To Subscriptions as per list ... ... 159 6 0 £159 6 0 Expenditure. £ s. d. By Salary, Inspector and Collector, from 1st October, 1882 ... ... 97 10 0 " Printing and Advertising ... 10 9 0 " Stationery and Petties ... ... 6 17 6 " Fidelity Guarantee ... ... 2 0 0 " Balance in Bank ... 38 7 6 , Cash ... ... ... 4 2 0 42 9 6 £159 6 0 Robert Wilson, Hon. Treasurer. Audited and found correct, July 7, 1883. William Brown.

Otago Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals,

Year ending 30th June, 1883.

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Report of First Annual Meeting.

The first Annual Meeting of the Otago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was held in the City Council Chamber on Friday, the 27th July, 1883, and the attendance was both large and influential. About 50 gentlemen and some half-dozen ladies were present, and His Honor Mr. Justice Williams (President of the Society) occupied the chair.

Annual Report.

The President called upon the Hon. Secretary (Mr. E. Quick) to read the Report and Balance-sheet as printed in preceding pages.

The President: I think, ladies and gentlemen, that you will agree with me that the Report shows the Society to have done some good in a quiet way at a very moderate expenditure. What the Society asks from the public is a comparatively small amount of money; but what it really wants is more precious than money—viz., sympathy and active assistance in securing its objects. I will now call upon Bishop Nevill to move the adoption of the Report.

Bishop Nevill said: Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen, although I have consented to move the adoption of the Report just read, I must say that I wish this Society could, within the shortest possible time, "execute the happy despatch," or in some way get rid of its own existence. I do not say this in any disparagement of its work, which, alas! is too evidently needed; but because it does seem to me to be a blot upon our civilisation that there should be in this nineteenth century any necessity for the existence of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.—(Applause). I therefore only hope that the time will shortly arrive when such a Society will not exist. But unhappily it is proved by the work of last year that this time has not yet arrived, and we have therefore to support an instrument such as this, which states as its object the putting it out of any man's power to be guilty of any offence so disgraceful to humanity as cruelty to animals. This can be done in two ways. There is such a thing as prevention by coercion, and there is also prevention by the spread of educational influences. As shown in the admirable Report we have heard, prevention by coercion has on some few occasions been resorted to, but I am also very glad to perceive that the other point has not been lost sight of by this Committee, who have shown a desire to operate rather in the direction of educational influences than to exercise those powers conferred upon them for the punishment of wrongdoers. It is more to the former part of the subject that I wish to address myself just now. It is too evident by the very circumstances that caused this page 10 Society to exist that man does possess a power over the inferior animals—as it is the habit to call them, although physically they may be superior to himself. This, so far at least, is a verification of the Divine revelation told us as the charter of our existence—that man should have authority over the beasts of the field and all other creatures proceeding, like himself, from the Creator of all things. It needs no words to illustrate that for good or evil man does possess this power. But it is desirable to observe that though this charter of dominion gives us some right and authority to use these creatures, there is the clearest distinction between dominion and tyranny. But although it is a wonderful thing this triumph of mind over matter—how intellect will in the long run rise superior to bone, muscle, and tissue—yet some of us are not sufficiently educated to perceive the distinction between the right to use and the right to tyrannise over. One of the offices that might well be performed by this valuable Society is the dissemination of this knowledge, among the young especially, and I have heard with pleasure that it is their intention to move in this direction. But to advance further, not only is there the clearest possible distinction between these things, but the Creator, in placing these powerful animals under our authority, had a higher purpose than a merely utilitarian one in view. He placed them under our authority, not merely to be used to serve our often merely selfish needs, but for the education and discipline of man himself. This is the ponit, it seems to me, which should influence the Society, and if they will follow out such a meaning as this their influence will be strongly felt by the population by which we are surrounded. Opportunities may be made use of to disseminate such thoughts as these—that the object of the Creator in placing these creatures under us as the noblest work of His hands upon this earth, was at least not merely utilitarian; but that we, by using his power aright, may learn to be like Himself who made us, and who is far more widely removed from us than we from them, and learn to behave towards them as He in His wonderful kindness deals with us. If such thoughts found place in our minds, how impossible it would be for us to abuse the authority our all-wise Creator has given us. It is with the greatest pleasure I see that the Committee have already set on foot a method for introducing this knowledge to the children in the National schools throughout this country. While I hope the teachers will take the opportunity of speaking to their children in such terms as this, it is even still more the function of the teachers of religion to disseminate such principles. I rejoice in the fact that an opportunity has lately been given them of gaining access to the children for the purpose of giving religious instruction, and such subjects as this will naturally come in their way. Surely that Volume from which all ministers must draw their inspiration makes this matter clear. Have we not evidence of authority yet to be bestowed upon men in addition to this? We read "What! know ye not ye shall judge angels?" Here is an advance in power and authority, and can we conceive any human being having such power given him who has misused that authority here bestowed upon him over the lower animals—who had ill-treated the mute and patient horse, always ready to labour and do that which it has been trained to page 11 with an endurance that is wonderful? Can we conceive such as this in one of those upon whom such superb dignity and authority shall be conferred? Are there not glimpses of the paradise we may attain to when we see that all is beautiful around us? But then we see, also, the one being who has rendered himself imperfect, abusing his powers to the injury of all those other creatures placed under his dominion. Such thoughts bring us a feeling of weariness and disgust, and lead us to long for that state illustrated by the bear, the ox, and the lion—all harmlessly existing together and a little child leading them—not merely living with them, but exercising that authority which God intended. And its exercise by a little child shows us that it is to be the authority not of tyranny or physical power, but the authority of love. In all this there are glimpses of God's intentions. The relations between all the creatures of His hand are indicated, and it is shown that whilst we may use them here below they are not insignificant, but may, for all we know, find their place in the paradise of God. If this finds a place in our minds it will be impossible for us to ill-treat God's creatures whilst here passing through what is a period of probation to ourselves.—(Applause.)

The Mayor (Mr. J. B. Thomson) had much pleasure in seconding the adoption of the report. He felt considerable satisfaction in the establishment of such a society in our midst. Its existence, and the knowledge that it had an officer going about for the prevention of anything in the shape of cruelty, was to a very great extent a preventive in itself. There were things in the report and balance-sheet worthy of notice. There had seldom been a society established for a philanthropic purpose such as this, undertaking its work voluntarily, which could at the end of its first year not only say that it had existed and done its work, but also that it possessed a credit balance.

The report was unanimously adopted.


Mr. G. Fenwick said: Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, it has been, no doubt, observed in the report that special mention is made of the thanks due to those gentlemen of the legal profession who by their advice have aided us both at committee meetings and when actions for cruelty have been brought before the Court; also to the veterinary surgeons of the city, who have each and all come forward and given us their very valuable advice at our meetings, and have shown anxiety that the work of the Society should be carried on successfully. So far as both these branches of special knowledge are concerned, we have received great benefit from the gentlemen engaged in them, and our thanks are certainly due. I do not know that it is necessary for me to say anything more upon this head, as the report will sufficiently commend itself to your notice. I may, however, digress for a moment to express the gratification I feel as one of the promoters of the Society that it is able at the end of its first year to appear in such a creditable position. Our difficulties have not been small, nevertheless. The Mayor remarks that we come forward with page 12 a credit balance. True; but this satisfactory position has not been attained without much hard work and anxiety. A very great deal of work was necessary in getting together sufficent funds to pay our collector and inspector—who, I may remark, is a most worthy and suitable officer—(hear),—probably the very best that could have been selected for the post, although we had a great many to choose from. He has gone to work entirely to the satisfaction of the Committee—in the wisest manner—exercising no arbitrary interference, but administering cautions where good might be so done, and only in the most flagrant cases has it been found necessary to proceed to extremities. When that has been done, I am happy to say, convictions have been obtained in every instance. I would now strongly appeal to all present to continue their subscriptions to the Society, and if possible to double them, because during the coming year we shall of necessity have to bear many expenses that have been avoided in the past if the affairs of the Society are to be carried on vigorously and successfully. It is true the times are dull, but still the little each one is able to give will amount in all to a large sum, and will enable us to carry on much very necessary work which otherwise we might not feel justified in doing. I will not trespass further on the time of the meeting, and will now move that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded the honorary officers of the Society for their advice and assistance during the past year.

Mr. H. Benjamin seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously.

Election of Officers.

Dr. Coughtrey moved:—" That the Hon. Officers and Committee be re-elected as follows:—President, His Honor Mr. Justice Williams; Vice-Presidents, Hon. T. Dick and Mr. E. B. Cargill; Committee, Messrs. R. Wilson, R. Glendining, George Fenwick, T. S. Graham, R. Ewing, E. E. C. Quick, S. Barker, H. Benjamin, G. P. Clifford, J. W. Jago, J. A. Torrance, Keith Ramsay, W. H. Taggart, James Barr, Rev. J. Niven, and Rev. B. Lichtenstein; Hon. Solicitors, Messrs. R. Stout, A. Bathgate, and F. R. Chapman (Mr. Donald M. Stuart's name was added, on the motion of the Secretary); Hon. Veterinary Surgeons, Messrs. S. Slesinger, J. G. Douglas, R. C. Farquharson, and S. Durham; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Robert Wilson; Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Quick. These gentlemen had voluntarily given their services, and had exercised such a wise moderation in the past year that they might well be elected for the ensuing one. That point of wise moderation was one which should not be lost sight of, and the speaker enumerated the numerous instances during the last year in which persons had been cautioned, &c., by the Officer of the Society.

Mr. Gourley seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried.

The Secretary (Mr. E. Quick) took the opportunity of remarking that although the Society had a credit balance to show at this their first Annual Meeting, their expenses only commenced nine months ago, and page 13 that more money would be needed to meet next year's demands. He acknowledged with thanks the receipt of letters indicating supposed cases of cruelty, but deprecated the fact of many of them being anonymous. The Committee would treat the names of their correspondents as in confidence, and had no wish to thrust unpleasant duties upon them when it was not desired.

The President intimated that the business was now concluded. He hoped that next year the Committee would be able to give as favourable an account of their stewardship as those present would agree they had done that evening. The proper exercise of the functions of the Society required considerable care and discretion at the hands of its officers. As Dr. Coughtrey had said, what was most needed was a wise moderation, in not interfering save where absolutely necessary. If they wished to gain the confidence of the public, they would respect the feelings and prejudices of an Englishman which led him to object to unnecessary interference with his private affairs.

The Meeting then closed with a vote of thanks to the President.

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Annual Subscription,

£ s. d.
Allan, Jas. 1 1 0
Ainger, H. J. 0 10 6
Allan, R. S. 0 10 6
A Friend 0 10 6
A Friend 0 10 0
Aitken, R. T. 0 10 0
Abraham, J. 0 5 0
A Friend 0 5 0
Allan, Colin 0 5 0
Allan, C. S. 0 5 0
Anderson, R. 0 5 0
Ashcroft, G. H. 0 5 0
Alexander, Dr. 0 5 0
A Friend 0 5 0
Alves, Wm. 0 5 0
Bing, Harris, and Co. 2 2 0
Bishop of Dunedin, the Right Rev the 1 1 0
Beal, L. O. 1 1 0
Bell, G. 1 1 0
Brown, Thomas 1 1 0
Benjamin, H. 1 1 0
Barr, G. M. 1 1 0
Brown, Dr. 1 1 0
Brydone, Thos. 1 1 0
Buskin, Mrs. 1 0 0
Braithwaite, J. 0 10 6
Bastings, H. 0 10 6
Bartleman, A. 0 10 6
Blair, John 0 10 6
Benjamin D. and Co. 0 10 6
Black, Alexander 0 10 6
Bagley, senr., B. 0 10 6
Batchelor, Dr. 0 10 6
Banks, Barron, and Co. 0 10 6
Barker, Stephen 0 10 0
Bacon, D. and J. 0 10 0
Blackmore, A. 0 10 0
Bell, T. 0 10 0
Buckland, J. 0 10 0
Barr, Jas. 0 5 0
Barningham and Co. 0 5 0
Bramber and Co. 0 5 0
Butterworth, J. L. 0 5 0
Bews, Sam. 0 6 0
Burton, A. H. 0 5 0
Bathgate, A. 0 5 0
Berry; Rev. J. 0 5 0
Bryant, E. J. 0 5 0
Bracken, T. 0 5 0
Barrett, A. 0 5 0
£ s. d.
Bauchop, R. 0 5 0
Beattie, W. 0 5 0
Begg, A. C. and Co. 0 5 0
Campbell and Crust 1 1 0
Clifford, G. P. 1 1 0
Cowie, G. 1 1 0
Cargill, E. B. 1 1 0
Carter, J. J. 0 10 6
Cramond, J. G. 0 10 6
Carrighan, G. 0 10 6
Council, J. A. 0 10 6
Coughtrey, Dr. 0 10 6
Chapman, F. R. 0 10 6
Cameron, T. B. 0 10 0
Ching, A. L. 0 5 0
Cook, G. 0 5 0
Cairns, A. 0 5 0
Court, L. 0 5 0
Couston, W. 0 5 0
Coverlid, W. H. 0 5 0
Cornish, T. 0 5 0
Clifford, R. 0 5 0
Clark, F. L. 0 5 0
Chisholm, Rev. .. 0 5 0
Campbell, C. 0 5 0
Dick, Hon. Thos. 2 2 0
Dornwell, A. 1 1 0
De Zouche, Dr. 0 10 6
Denniston, J. E. 0 10 6
Drumm, J. 0 10 6
Duncan, John 0 10 0
Daley, James 0 5 0
Dickson, W. H. 0 5 0
Denniston, R. B. 0 5 0
Dick, Robert 0 5 0
Duthie, J. 0 5 0
Dodson, T. H. 0 5 0
Davis, Dr. 0 5 0
Duthie, J. A. 0 5 0
Drysdale, Dr. 0 5 0
Davidson, Jas. 0 5 0
Ewing, Ralph 1 1 0
Esther, G. 0 10 6
Eliott, G. E. 0 10 6
Edwards, The deacon 0 5 0
Elder, W. 0 5 0
page 15
£ s. d.
Fenwick, G. 1 1 0
Finlayson, C. 1 0 0
Fitchett, Rev. A. R. 10 6
Ferguson, Dr. 0 10 6
Fenwick, R. 0 10 0
Fleming, John 0 5 0
Ferrier, G. 0 5 0
Forlong, Rev. G. 0 5 0
Finlay, G. 0 5 0
Fraser, W. 0 5 0
Fraser, J. G 0 5 0
Falconer, A. R. 0 5 0
Glendining, R. 5 5 0
Graham, T. S. 1 1 0
Gollar, J. 0 10 6
Goldston, S. 0 10 0
Gilmour, W. T. 0 5 0
Gillow, E. 0 5 0
Goldie, W. 0 5 0
Gillies, Dr. 0 5 0
Gregg, W. 0 5 0
Gourley, H. 0 5 0
Gray, James 0 5 0
Gawn, R. 0 5 0
Gordon, Mr. Registrar 5 0
Hallenstein Bros. & Co. 1 0
Hogg, Howison, Nicol, & Co. 0
Hocken, Dr. 1 1 0
Houghton, E. 0 10 6
Hardy, H. F. 0 10 6
Hunter, A. P. 0 10 6
Hay, Robt. 0 10 a
Haggitt, D'A. 0 10 6
Houghton, H. 0 10 0
Hudson, R. 0 10 0
Haggitt, B. C. 0 10 0
Hannay, W. M. 0 10 0
Hogg, Jas. 0 5 0
Hardie, J. 0 5 0
Hodgkins, W. M 0 5 0
Hosking, J. H. 0 5 0
Hackworth, Jas. 0 5 0
Horsburgh, J. 0 5 0
Inglis, A. and T. 0 10 0
Irwin, F. H. 0 5 0
Israel, G. C. 0 5 0
Innes, W. M. 0 5 0
Jago, J. W. 1 1 0
Joachim, George 1 1 0
Jack, A. Hill 1 0 0
Jarrett, Miss 0 5 0
Jacobs, S. 0 5 0
Jobberns, .John 0 5 0
Jamison, J. 0 5 0
Jones, R. R. 0 5 0
£ s. d.
Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. 0
Kenyon, E. P. 0 10 0
Kyle, Alex. 0 5 0
King, Alex. 0 5 0
Kelsey, A. R. 0 5 0
Kofoed, J. T. 0 5 0
Livingston, A. R. .. 1 0
Lawson, R. A. 1 1 0
Livingston, Mrs. A. 10 6
Livingston, W. 0 10 6
Leary, R H. 0 10 6
Lamb, Dr. 0 10 0
Lubecki, A. D. 0 5 0
Law, B. 0 5 0
Lees, A. 0 5 0
Lee, David 0 5 0
Lichtenstein, Rev. B. 5 0
Lister, S. 0 5 0
Lambton, Miss 0 5 0
Morgan, John 1 1 0
Mollison, A. and Co. 1 0
Morris, A. W. 1 1 0
Mitchell, J. 1 1 0
Mackerras and HazJett 1 0
Marshall and Copeland 1 0
Murray, Roberts, and Co. 1 0
Moodie, G. 0 10 6
Mendershauser, M. 0 10 6
Mitchell, G. 0 10 6
Miller, Miss C. B. 0 10 6
Meenan, F. 0 10 6
McQueen, C. 0 10 6
Mercer, R. 0 10 6
Martin, I. 0 10 6
Martin, Dr. 0 10 6
Maunsell, Dr. 0 10 6
Martin, R. B. 0 10 6
Müller, Madame. 10 0
McNeil, A. 0 10 0
Mills. W. 0 5 0
Munro, G. 0 5 0
Moyse, N. W. 0 5 0
Mitchell,— 0 5 0
McMillen, J. 0 5 0
Malloch, D. 0 5 0
Miller, W. H. 0 5 0
Michie, Rev. H. E. 5 0
McKay, John 0 5 0
Mollison, J. S. 0 5 0
McLaren, R. 0 5 0
McKenzie, R. 0 5 0
McGill, P. 0 5 0
McFie, Jas. 0 0 0
Macandrew, C 0 5 0
McDonald, D. D. 5 0
McLeod, John 0 5 0
Mathison, G. 0 5 0
Moore, E. 0 5 0
Mackay,— 0 5 0
North. Rev. A. 0 10 6
Neil, W. G. 0 10 6
New Zealand Hardware Co. 6
Neale, W. H. 0 5 0
Naphtali, H. 0 5 0
Niven, Rev. J. 0 5 0
Nicholas, C. 0 5 0
O'Driscoll, G. 1 1 0
Otago Steam Laundry 5 0
Oliver, Hon. R. 0 5 0
Ogg, J. 0 5 0
Orbell, M. C. 0 5 0
Pryde, P. G. 1 1 0
Pym, M. 1 1 0
Paterson and McLeod 0 0
Peake, J. T. 0 10 6
Pryor, J. J. 0 5 0
Pillans, F. S. 0 5 0
Philp, W. L. 0 5 0
Pirie, P. 0 5 0
Pollard, Capt. 0 5 0
£ s. d.
Sparrow, R. S and Co. 10 5
Stenhouse, Dr. 0 10 6
Shag Point Coal Co. (per E. T. Wing) 0 10 6
Stevenson, John 0 10 6
Sinclair, Mark 0 10 0
Stout, R. 0 10 0
Simpson, W. L. 0 10 0
Scott, Hy. 0 5 0
Samson, James 0 5 0
Stokes, G. 0 5 0
Scoular, W. 0 5 0
Stuart, Rev. Dr. 0 5 0
Supporter, A 0 5 0
Smith, R. F. 0 5 0
Scott, J. R. 0 5 0
Sutherland, Rev. R. R. M 5 0
Skene, J. 0 5 0
Sligo, A. 0 5 0
Stuart, W. 0 5 0
Sinclair, W. 0 5 0
Quick, E. 1 1 0
Ritchie, J. M. 2 2 0
Ramsay, K. 1 1 0
Reid and Gray 1 1 0
Reeves, C. S. 0 10 6
Ross, A. H. 0 10 6
Robin, J. 0 10 0
Ross, J. 0 10 0
Ritchie, Mrs. M. 0 5 0
Roseby, Rev. Dr. 0 5 0
Royse, W. 0 5 0
Rutherford, R. W. 5 0
Ross, Rev. C. S. 0 5 0
Rae, R. 0 5 0
Reid, W. 0 5 0
Reid, A. G. 0 5 0
Roberts, J. T. 0 5 0
Scott, Dr. 1 1 0
Smith, W. Cuningham 1 0
Sise, G. L. 1 1 0
Spence, E. J. 1 1 0
Smith, James 1 1 0
Smith, Edmund 0 10 6
Stronach, D. 0 10 6
Shacklock, H. E 0 10 6
Stuart, John 0 10 6
page 16
£ s. d.
Muir, Jas. 0 5 0
Meeson, J. T. 0 5 0
Meenan, M. 0 5 0
Mitchell, P 0 5 0
Mathews, H. 0 5 0
Merewether, A. 0 5 0
Taggart, W. H. 1 1 0
Torrance, J. A. 0 10 6
Taylor, J. 0 10 6
Tomlinson, T. 0 10 6
Thomson, A. 0 10 0
Throp, B. 0 5 0
Thompson, A. 0 5 0
Thomson, W. 0 5 0
Taylor, W. B. 0 5 0
Tennant, J. 0 5 0
Taine, A. 0 5 0
T. R. F. 0 5 0
Ussher, E. R. 0 10 0
Do. 0 10 0
Williams, Mr. Justice 0 0
Wilson, R. 1 1 0
Watson, G. 1 1 0
Wales, N. Y. A. 1 0 0
Wain, Job 0 10 6
Walcott, Mrs. 0 10 0
Watson, W. B. 0 10 0
Waddell, Rev. R. 0 10 0
Walker, J. 0 5 0
Wise and Co. 0 5 0
Webb, H. 0 5 0
Walden, H. 0 5 0
Watson, J. F. 0 5 0
Wilson, W. 0 5 0
Watts, H. 0 5 0
Willis, B. 0 5 0
Wilkie, J. 0 5 0
Watson, J. 0 5 0
Wright, Captain 0 5 0
Wood, W. 0 5 0
Young, H. 2 2 0

* Since this Report was adopted a favourable reply has also been received from Palmerston.