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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 17

Article IX. — Of Regalia and Jewels

Article IX.

Of Regalia and Jewels.

Sec. 1. The Regalia of the Order in this jurisdiction shall

Regalia for various degrees.

be as follows, viz.:—For a member of the initiatory degree, a plain white apron, without collar or any other badge of distinction; of the five degrees of a Subordinate Lodge, white collars, each trimmed with the emblematical colour of the degree intended to be represented, namely, for the first degree, with white; second degree, with pink; third degree, with blue; fourth degree, with green; fifth degree, with scarlet. All members may, in addition, wear rosettes displaying the colours of the degrees they have taken.
Sec. 2. The official regalia of officers shall be as follows,

Regalia of Officers.

viz.:—of a Noble Grand, a scarlet collar trimmed with white or silver; Vice Grand, blue collar trimmed with white or silver; Secretary and Treasurer, green collars trimmed with white or silver; Supporters of Noble Grand and Outside Guardian, scarlet sashes; Supporters of Vice Grand and Inside Guardian, blue sashes; Warden and Conductor, black sashes; of the Chaplain and Scene Supporters, white sashes.
Sec. 3. The regalia of Grand Officers, and all Past Grands,

Regalia of G.O.'s and P.G.'s.

shall be a scarlet collar or sash. The collars or sashes of Past Grands may be trimmed with silver lace or fringe, and those having attained the Royal Purple Degree of the Encampment may have trimmings of yellow metal.
Sec. 4. The regalia for Funerals shall consist of a black

Funeral Regalia.

crape rosette, having a centre of the colour of the highest degree to which the bearer has attained, to be worn on the left breast, with a sprig of evergreen above, and such jewel or jewels as the brother may be entitled to wear, suspended below: Provided, however, the Grand Master may, by dispensation, permit the ordinary regalia to be worn at a funeral, page 18 either in connection with, or as a substitute for the above regalia.

Mourning Badge.

Sec. 5. The ordinary mourning badge to be worn by brothers in memory of a deceased brother, shall be a strip of black crape passed through one button-hole of the left lappel of the coat, tied with a narrow ribbon of the color of the highest degree to which the wearer has attained.


Sec. 6. The jewels of Officers and Past Officers in this jurisdiction shall be as follows, viz.:—for a Past Grand Master, a sun, with a hand and heart; Grand Master, a sun, with the scales of justice impressed thereon; Deputy Grand Master, a half moon; Grand Warden, crossed gavels; Grand Conductor, a Roman sword; Grand Guardian, crossed swords; Grand Marshall, a baton; for a Past Grand, a five pointed star; Noble Grand, crossed gavels; Vice Grand, hourglass; Secretary, crossed pens; Treasurer, crossed keys; Warden, crossed wands; Conductor, crossed axes; Guardian, crossed swords; all the above to be of white metal.

Regalia to be worn in session.

Sec. 7. Officers and members in this jurisdiction must wear regalia conformable to law, and all Lodges are required to furnish their Officers with the regalia and jewels appertaining to their stations, and while in session to require their members to be clothed in suitable regalia.