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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Office for the Chamber

Office for the Chamber.

The Committee has arranged with the Directors of the Permanent Building Society of Otago for the use of one of their offices in the Colonial Bank Buildings. The papers supplied to the Chamber are filed regularly at this office and accommodation provided for the Blue Books and other property of the Chamber. A list of the books, papers, and periodicals which may be consulted at the office is printed with this report,* the Committee being of opinion that many members are not aware how far the Chamber supplies the want of a reading room for the business part of the city.

The Committee has had under consideration the necessity of increasing the influence and usefulness of the Chamber by inducing those business men who are not at present members to join it, and now desires to recommend that the entrance fee hitherto paid by new members be reduced to one guinea. A resolution to that effect will be submitted to this meeting.

R. Oliver, Chairman.