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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14

Movements of the Bank Rate and Price of Consols

Movements of the Bank Rate and Price of Consols.

Rates of Discount
Highest Lowest. Average for 12 months. Changes in the Year.
1840 5 5 5 None
1841 5 5 5 None
1842 5 Jan., Feb., and March 4 8 last months Three
1843 4 4 4 None
1844 4 Eight first months 2½ 4 last months One
1845 3½ Nov. and Dec. 2½ first 9 months Two
1846 3½ 1st 8 months 3 last 4 months One
1847 7¾ November 3½ January Seven
1848 5 January 3 Nov. and Dec. Four
1849 3 1st 10 months 2½ December 3 Two
1850 None
1851 3 3 3 None
1852 2½ Jan., Feb., and Mar. 2 last 8 months 2 1/12 Two
1853 5 3 last months 2¾ January Four
1854 5½ May, June, and July 5 1st 4 & last 5 mos. 5 Two
1855 6 Nov. and Dec. 3½ July and August Six
1856 6¾ November 4½ July, Aug., Sept., & Four
1857 9¾ November 5½ Aug. & Sept. June Seven
1858 5 January 2½ December Three
1859 4 May 3½ 1st 4 & last 5 mos. Four
1860 5 Nov. and Dec. 2¾ Tanuary Five
1861 7½ Feb. and March 3 Nov. and Dec. Eight
1862 3 June, Nov., and Dec. 2 Aug., Sept., & Oct. Five
1863 7½ December 3½ May Six
1864 9 Sept. and Oct. 6 March Nine
1865 7 October 3¼ Tune and July Eight
1866 10 June and July 3¾ December 7 Ten
1867 3½ January 2 last 5 months Three
1868 3 December 21st 10 months Two
1869 4½ May 2½ Sept. and Oct. Seven
1870 5 August 2½ last 3 months 31/8 Four
1871 4½ November 2 August 27/8 Ten
1872 6[unclear: ?] November 3 first 3 months 4[unclear: ?] Nine
1873 8[unclear: ?] November 3¼ Aug. and Sept. Nine
1874 6 December 2¾ June Nine
1875 4½ January 2 September Eight
1876 4[unclear: ?] January 2 May to Dec. inclus. 2[unclear: ?] Four
1877 4[unclear: ?] November 2 January to Apl., 2[unclear: ?] Eight
1878 5[unclear: ?] November 2 February Ten
1879 4½ January 2 May to October 2[unclear: ?] Six
1880 3 Jan. to May inclusive 2½ July to Nov. Three
1881 5 Nov. and Dec. 2½ may, June & July., Seven
1882 5 13/16 February 3 Apl., May, Jne., & Jly 4[unclear: ?] Seven
1883 4¾ January 3 Ma., Ap., & last 3 ms. 3 9/15 Eight
1884 5 December 2 July, Aug., & Sept. 2 19/20 Eight
1885 5 Jan. and Feb. 2 June to Oct. (in.) 3 Six
Prices of 3 per cent. Consols.
Highest. Lowest. Average of 12 months.
92[unclear: ?] May 87 October 90¼ 1840
90 April 88[unclear: ?] October 89[unclear: ?] 1841
94[unclear: ?] December 89[unclear: ?] February & Jan. 92 1842
96¾ April 93[unclear: ?] June 95¼ 1843
100[unclear: ?] December 97¼ January 99[unclear: ?] 1844
100¼ January 94[unclear: ?] December 98[unclear: ?] 1845
96¾ June 94¾ December 95¾ 1846
92 January 82 October 87¼ 1847
87[unclear: ?] January 82 March and April 85½ 1848
96½ December 91½ March 92½ 1849
97¾ December 95[unclear: ?] February 96½ 1850
98¾ November 96½ March 97[unclear: ?] 1851
101¼ December 96½ January 99[unclear: ?] 1852
100[unclear: ?] May 92 October 97¾ 1853
95¼ September 87½ April 91[unclear: ?] 1854
93 March 87[unclear: ?] October 90½ 1855
95[unclear: ?] July 91 February 31[unclear: ?] 1856
93[unclear: ?] June 89 October 99[unclear: ?] 1857
98[unclear: ?] October 94¾ January 96[unclear: ?] 1858
96¼ November 91½ May 95[unclear: ?] 1859
95 June and January 93 October 94 1860
93[unclear: ?] November 89[unclear: ?] June 91½ 1861
93¾ Oct. and Nov. 91[unclear: ?] June 93 1862
93½ May and September 91 December 92[unclear: ?] 1863
91½ April 88 September 90[unclear: ?] 1864
91 April 87½ December 89½ 1865
89¾ November 86¼ May and June 88 1866
94[unclear: ?] September 90¾ April 93 1867
94[unclear: ?] June 92[unclear: ?] December 93[unclear: ?] 1868
93 November 92[unclear: ?] December 92[unclear: ?] 1869
94[unclear: ?] May 90¾ August 92[unclear: ?] 1870
93½ May and August 91½ February 92¾ 1871
93[unclear: ?] May 91[unclear: ?] December 92½ 1872
93½ May 92 December 92½ 1873
93¼ May 92 March 92½ 1874
94¾ August 92[unclear: ?] January 93¾ 1875
96 7/12 August 93[unclear: ?] January 95 1876
96 11/16 November 94¼ May and June 95[unclear: ?] 1877
96 3/16 May 94¼ October 95 3/16 1878
98¾ May 96¼ February 97½ 1879
99 15/18 November 97½ August 98[unclear: ?] 1880
100 13/16 April 98[unclear: ?] January 100 1881
102 1/16 November 99¾ August 100½ 1882
102[unclear: ?] April 99 13/16 July 101 3/16 1883
102[unclear: ?] April 99[unclear: ?] December 101 1884
100½ November 96¼ April 99[unclear: ?] 1885

5. Under government supervision the Bank was divided into two departments; one of issue, the other of banking; and a certified statement of the transactions in both such departments was to be published weekly by the government.

6. That all notes of the Bank should be legal tender except at the Bank's own counter.

7. For the facilities and monopoly thus conceded, the Bank should pay to the government annually £180,000 and the profits upon all issues above £14,000,000. How these profits are estimated does not appear. While in consideration of the Bank undertaking the entire management of the Public Debt, government agreed to pay the bank annually a percentage amounting then to £248,000, but now only to £201,594.

8. In case of private banks ceasing to issue notes, the Queen in Council may authorize the Bank to increase its issues by two thirds of the amount so withdrawn. In 1855 this power was exercised, and further note-issues of £475,000 against stock were sanctioned—such being two thirds of the amount of then discontinued private issues.

Let us review the operation of the first four of these stipulations, premising that a somewhat similar arrangement followed with regard to the Bank of Ireland, and special provisions were permitted for Scotland; but in both countries the amount of circulation was closely restricted. No new banks of issue were permitted, and in consequence no new bank has been established in either country since, as far as we know.

1. Since 1844 the extension of joint stock enterprise, and the growth of confidence in the limited liability banks having become great facts, we find, forty years later, the following anomaly, viz.: that while the Bank of England has a subscribed paid-up capital of £14,553,000, with a reserve fund of £3,022,492, some 73 banks founded since 1844 have a subscribed capital of £75,100,000 (£33,030,000 of it being paid up), and a combined reserve fund of page 120 over £10,000,000, but these banks dare not issue a single £5 note, though all f them should unite to guarantee its payment. A a sample of the wisdom and of the motives of thoe who framed the Peel Act, we might here quoe the words of Lord Overstone in the House of Lords on 3rd. December, 1857. Speaking then upon he subject of Joint Stock Bank facilities this prominnt upholder of Monopoly in Credit said,—"There lad grown up in this country, and had been raplly developed within the last ten or fifteen years, a also system of credit and of holding deposits at call arrying interest, a system which had grown up to an enormous extent, and which was still growing, and if that evil was not corrected, it would certainy overturn our monetary system altogether. That ws not an isolated opinion of his own; but there was scarcely a man, of enlarged views and experience, in the city of London, who did not entertain the same views. It was indispensable that the attention of Parliament should be directed to that subject."

2. That the number of English banks enjoying the petty right of a fixed issue in 1844 has become small by degrees and beautifully less, until in 1885 their combined note issue was 2¾ millions, while 42 years ago it was 9¾ millions. On the other hand the Bank of England, whose note issue was 15¾ millions in 1840 (i.e., 6 millions above theirs), was 24½ millions in 1885 (i.e., 21¾ millions above theirs). The following table traces the progress of these changes, and shows the facts concerning Scotland and Ireland.

Bank Notes in Circulation (month of December each year).
England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland.
Month ended. Dec. Bank of England. Private and Joint-Stock Banks. Chartered and Joint-Stock Banks. Bank of Ireland. Joint Stock Banks. Totals. for United Kingdom. Months ended. Dec.
£ £ £ £ £ £
1840 15,714,200 9,49,102 3,510,534 3,198,175 2,382,124 34,560,135 1840
1845 22,015,000 7,791,161 3,804,031 4,404,975 3,311,855 41,327,022 1845
1850 19,757,000 6,B0,354 3,345,019 2,647,600 2,209,359 34,095, 1850
1855 19,554,000 6,90,914 4,400,763 3,424,025 3,619,254 37,898,956 1855
1860 20,812,000 6,32,987 4,688,839 3,212,225 3,835,375 38,861,426 1860
1865 21,294,000 5,786,918 4,903,980 2,744,950 3,910,290 38,656,138 1865
1870 24,458,000 5,638,131 5,650,073 3,219,050 4,350,566 42,721,820 1870
1875 27,003,000 4,24,963 6,277,058 3,205,250 4,762,023 46,572,894 1875
1880 26,285,000 3,66,502 6,018,594 3,115,000 3,931,728 42,816,824 1880
1881 25,689,000 3,92,190 6,073,083 3,285,350 4,191,116 42,630,739 1881
1882 25,757,000 3,67,150 6,366,444 3,482,350 4,851,294 43,924,238 1882
1883 25,170,000 3,190,692 6,542,066 3,001,100 4,173,415 42,237,873 1883
1884 24,812,000 3,31,271 6,399,310 2,827,675 3,920,352 41,090,608 1884
1885 24,458,000 2,51,473 6,372,985 2,575,150 3,908,062 40,166,270 1885

3. On three occasions, viz., 1847 (when the issues were not exceeded), 1857 (when they had to be exceeded by two millions), and 1866, the operation of the Act of 1844 has been illegally suspended by government—not to relieve commercial distress, but—to save the Bank from stopping payment. Immediate relief and cessation of panic has followed in every case, showing that the crises were artificial and unnecessary: created, in fact, by a bad law badly administered.

4. To ascertain the practical working of this portion of the Act the following table will be useful. Note especially the column headed "Bullion,"

Liabilities of the Bank. Assets of the Bank. Rates of Discount.
Quarters ended Notes in Circulation. Deposits. Total. Securities Bullion. Total. Average for the month. Average for the year. Quarters ended
Dec. 1840 £16,440,000 £6,337,000 £22,733,000 £22,078,000 £3,511,000 £26,589,000 5 per cent. 5 per cent. Dec. 1840
Dec. 1841 16,972,000 7,369,000 24,341,000 22,768,000 4,486,000 27,254,000 5 per cent. 5 per cent. Dec. 1841
Dec. 1842 19,230,000 9,063,000 28,293,000 20,560,000 10,330,000 30,890,000 4 per cent. 4¼ per cent. Dec. 1842
Dec. 1843 19,098,000 11,751,000 30,849,000 21,067,000 12,855,000 33,922,000 4 per cent. 4 per cent. Dec. 1843
Dec. 1844 21,166,000 13,661,000 34,817,000 23,500,000 14,466,000 37,966,000 2[unclear: ?] per cent. 3½ per cent. Dec. 1844
Dec. 1845 22,151,000 16,112,000 38,263,000 27,770,000 13,742,000 41,512,000 3½ per cent. 2¾ per cent. Dec. 1845
Dec. 1840 21,380,000 15,993,000 37,379,000 25,771,000 15,090,000 40,861,000 3 per cent. 3¼ per cent. Dec. 1846
Dec. 1847 20,058,000 15,574,000 35,632,000 29,492,000 9,798,000 39,299,000 6 per cent. 5 per cent. Dec. 1847
Dec. 1848 18,744,000 15,310,000 34,054,000 23,630,000 13,886,000 37,516,000 3 per cent. 3¾ per cent. Dec. 1848
Dec. 1849 19,391,000 17,548,000 36,939,000 24,059,000 16,045.000 40,104,000 2½ per cent. 3 per cent. Dec. 1849
Dec. 1850 20,386,000 18,391,000 38,777,000 25,968,000 15,951,000 41,919.000 2½ per cent. 2½ per cent. Dec. 1860
Dec. 1851 20,752,000 17,085,000 37,837,000 25,103,000 15,915,000 41,018,000 3 per cent. 3 per cent. Dec. 1851
Dec. 1852 24,295,000 19,461,000 43,756,000 25,562,000 21,367,000 46,929,000 2 per cent. 2 per cent. Dec. 1852
Dec. 1853 23,369,000 18,232,000 41,601,000 29,402.000 15,462,000 44,864,000 5 per cent. 3½ per cent. Dec. 1853
Dec. 1854 21,003,000 14,758,000 35,761,000 25,328,000 13,619,000 38,947,000 5 per cent. 5 per cent. Dec. 1854
Dec. 1855 20,430,000 16,257,000 36,687,000 28,620,000 11,301,000 39,921,000 6 per cent. 4¾ per cent. Dec. 1855
Dec. 1856 20,728,000 15,601,000 36,329,000 29,484,000 10,105,000 39,589,000 6¼ per cent. 5¾ per cent. Dec. 1856
Dec. 1857 21,070,000 19,296,000 40,366,000 35,025,000 8,788,000 43,813,000 8½ per cent. 6¾ per cent. Dec. 1857
Dec. 1858 21,435,000 20,490,000 41,925,000 20,098,000 18,985,000 45,083,000 2½ per cent. 3¼ per cent. Dec. 1858
Dec. 1859 22,413,000 21,516,000 43,929,000 30,117,000 17,002,000 47,119,000 2½ per cent. 2¾ per cent. Dec. 1859
Dec. 1860 21,482,000 18.750,000 40.232,000 29,433,000 14,009,000 43,442,000 5 per cent. 4¼ per cent. Dec. 1860
Dec. 1861 21,180,000 13,124,000 39,304,000 27,993,000 14,653,000 42,646,000 3 per cent. 5¼ per cent. Dec. 1861
Dec. 1862 21,129,000 21,985,000 43,114,000 30.961.000 15,351,000 46,312,000 3 per cent. 2 per cent. Dec. 1862
Dec. 1863 21,730,000 20.805,000 42,535,000 31.777,000 13,934,000 45,711,000 7½ per cent. 4½ per cent. Dec. 1863
Dec. 1864 20,771,000 19,070,000 39,841,000 29,670,000 13,636,000 43,206,000 6½ per cent. 7½ per cent. Dec. 1864
Dec. 1865 21,819,000 13,365,000 40,184,000 30,613,000 13,601,000 44,214,000 6½ per cent. 4¾ per cent. Dec. 1865
Dec. 1866 23,728,000 22,740,000 46,468,000 33,110,000 17,478,000 50,588,000 3¾ per cent. 7 per cent. Dec. 1866
Dec. 1807 24,706,000 23,850,000 48,556,000 29,960,000 22,561,000 52,521,000 2 per cent. 2½ per cent. Dec. 1867
Dec. 1368 24,336,000 22,409,000 46,745,000 33,935,000 13,981,000 52,918,000 3 per cent. 2¼ per cent. Dec. 1868
Dec. 1869 23,910,000 21,305,000 45,215,000 32,373,000 18,827,000 51,200,000 3 per cent. 3¼ per cent. Dec. 1869
Dec. 1870 24,539,000 24,196,000 48,735,000 29,513,000 22,311,000 51,824,000 2½ per cent. 3 per cent. Dec. 1870
Dec. 1871 25,625,000 28,010,000 53,635,000 33,827,000 22,952,000 56,779,000 3¼ per cent. 2[unclear: ?] per cent. per cent. Dec. 1871
Dec. 1872 25,983,000 26,645,000 62,628,000 34,468,000 21,379,000 65,847,000 5[unclear: ?] per cent. 4[unclear: ?] per cent. Dec. 1872
Dec. 1873 26,219,000 25,079,000 51,298,000 33,633,000 20,869,000 54,502,000 5¼ per cent. 4¾ per cent. Dec. 1873
Dec. 1874 26,877,000 23,740,000 50,617,000 82,679,000 21,023,000 63,707,000 6 per cent. 3¾ per cent. Dec. 1874
Dec. 1875 28,356,000 26,267,000 54,623,000 34,134,000 23,579,000 57,713,000 3 per cent. 3¼ per cent. Dec. 1875
Dec. 1876 28,565,000 33,043,000 61,608,000 33,440,000 31,272,000 64,712,000 2 per cent. 2 per cent. Dec. 1876
Dec. 1877 27,762,000 25,188,000 52,950,000 32,953,000 23,128,000 66,081,000 4 per cent. 2[unclear: ?] per cent. Dec. 1877
Dec. 1878 80,282,000 30,324,000 60,606,000 38,326.000 25,501,000 63,827,000 5 per cent. 3¾ per cent. Dec. 1878
Dec. 1879 28,296,000 35,650,000 63,946,000 37,016,000 30,041,000 67,057,000 3 per cent. 2[unclear: ?] per cent. Dec. 1879
Dec. 1880 26,829,000 31,350,000 68,179,000 34,839,000 26,406,000 61,245,000 2[unclear: ?] per cent. 2¾ per cent. Dec. 1880
Dec. 1881 26,237,000 28,633,000 64,870,000 37,096,000 20,876,000 57,972,000 5 per cent. 8 per cent. Dec. 1881
Dec. 1882 26,351,000 27,410,000 53,761,000 36,147,000 20,751,000 56,898,000 6 per cent. 4 per cent. Dec. 1882
Dec. 1883 25,683,000 29,205,000 64,888,000 35,669,000 22,355,000 68,024,000 3 per cent. 3 2/15 per cent. Dec. 1883
Dec. 1884 25,222,999 29,346,720 64,569,719 36,336,691 20,360,721 56,697,412 5 per cent. 2 19/20 per cent. Dec. 1884
Dec. 1885 24,621,423 29,344,372 53,965,795 34,643,349 20,826,856 55,470,205 3 15/31 per cent. 3 per cent. Dec. 1885