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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 8

Report of the Commission Appointed by the Danish Government to Consider the "Rowan" Steam Car System for Tramways and Light Railways

Report of the Commission Appointed by the Danish Government to Consider the "Rowan" Steam Car System for Tramways and Light Railways.

This report, which is very voluminous, containing a full description of the cars, together with detailed particulars of the trials made, after declaring that the steam cars fully comply with the requirements of the Danish Law, as to safe use on public roads, the non-emission of steam and smoke, &c., sums up as follows:—

"Referring to the foregoing statement, the Commission considers the proposed system to be specially adapted for passenger traffic in and about towns, and for short lines running through thickly populated districts; and the Commission therefore considers that it would be advisable to grant concessions for such undertakings. The Commission sees no objection to a trial of the 'Rowan' system on a tramway across country, provided that the construction be earned out in such a manner that, if necessary, ordinary railway rolling-stock could be employed on it at a future date. Even if, with a view to this possibility, the permanent way were made stronger than proposed, and the use of such steep grades and sharp curves, as advocated by Mr. Rowan, were not permitted, the Extra Cost of Construction that this would Entail, would, in our Opinion, be Counterbalanced by Cheaper Working and a Diminution in the Yearly Expenses."




E. Dalgas,

C. Bayer,

Otto Busse.

For further information respecting prices, etc., apply to the undersigned,

F. C. Rowan,

Sole agent in the Australasian Colonies for Messrs. Kitson and Co., of Leeds, and for the "Scandia" Company of Copenhagen. Address: 57, Bourke Street, West, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Lyon and Blair, Steam Printers and Lithographers, Lambton Quay, Wellington.