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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 6

Victorian Timber Exhibited by the Commissioners of the Intercolonial Exhibition

Victorian Timber Exhibited by the Commissioners of the Intercolonial Exhibition.

Atherosperma Moschatum: Labillardiere—The Sassafras Tree.—In deep, wet, forest ravines. A middle-sized tree.

Hedycarya Cunningliami: Tulasne—Native Mulberry Tree.—Extends through the whole southern fern-tree country, where it forms a middle-sized tree.

Eupomatia Laurina: R. Brown.—Occurring only in the most eastern part of Gippsland, where the tree attains a height of 40 feet.

Pittosporum Undulatum: Ventenat.—In the humid forest glens from Western Port and Dandenong, eastward throughout Gippsland. Attains in favourable localities a diameter of 2 feet.

Pittosporum Bicolor: Hooker.—In the fern-tree gullies; also in the beech-regions. A small, and occasionally a middle-sized tree.

Codonocarpus Cotinifolius: Ferd. Mueller—The Radish Tree.—In the Mallee scrub rather sparingly. Attains a height of 30 feet.

Busbeckia Mitchelli: Ferd. Mueller—The Caper Tree.—A small tree, very rare in the Mallee scrub opposite Euston.

Brachychiton Populneum: R. Brown—The Bottle Tree.—In more open forest valleys on the Hume River, the Snowy River, and thence to the eastern limits of Gippsland. Height of the tree, up to 60 feet. Wood exceedingly soft.

Acacia Melanoxylon: R. Brown—The Blackwood Tree, also by colonists called the Lightwood Tree.—On fertile banks and flats of rivers, also on basaltic ridges; not rare in deep forest gullies; attaining a height of 120 feet and a diameter of the stem of 3 to 4 feet.

Acacia Implexa: Bentham.—On open ridges of the lower silurian formation in many parts of the colony, but nowhere common. A middle-sized tree.

Acacia Penninervis: Sieber.—Scattered through the eastern half of the colony over ridges and ranges, gregarious on some of the bushy sub-alpine declivities and plateaux.

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Acacia Supporosa: Ferd. Mueller.—Restricted to the east part of Gippsland. A middle-sized tree.

Acacia Verticillata: Willdenow.—In swampy forest valleys common, where it becomes a small tree.

Acacia Salicina: Lindley.—Not unfrequent in the Mallee scrub. The wood dark, heavy, and durable. A small or occasionally middle-sized tree.

Acacia Homalophylla: All. Cunningham—The Myall.—In the Mallee scrub on many localities.

Acacia Osswaldi: Ferd. Mueller.—In the Malice scrub not uncommon, always remaining a small tree. The plant is exquisitely adapted for tall hedges.

Acacia Stenophylla: All. Cunningham.—In Victoria restricted to the banks of the Murray and the Lower Wimmera and Avoca. A middle-sized tree.

Acacia Decurrens: Willdenow (A. Mollissima W., and A. Dealbata Link)—The Wattle.—Frequent throughout the colony, except the desert tract. In the ferntree gullies forming a tree 150 feet high.

Eucalyptus Rostrata: Schlechtendal—The Red Gumtree.—Along river banks—almost everywhere.

Eucalyptus Leucoxylon: Ferd. Mueller—The Ironbark Tree.—On many of our less fertile ridges, usually indicating an auriferous country.

Eucalyptus Melliodora: All. Cunningham.—On low open ridges, particularly of the miocene formation. A middle-sized tree, comprised among those called on some places Box Trees, on others Peppermint Trees, on some, again, Yellow Box Trees.

Eucalyptus Viminalis: Labillardière—The Manna-Eucalypt. On grassy ridges; not rare. A middle-sized tree.

Eucalyptus Goniocalyx: Ferd. Mueller—One of the White Gumtrees.—A gigantic tree, occurring in nearly all our moist forest ranges, intermixed with other Eucalypts.

Eucalyptus Corymbosa: Smith—The Bloodwood-Eucalypt.—In Victoria confined to the eastern part of Gippsland. A rather large tree.

Eucalyptus Longifolia: Link—The Woollybutt-Eucalypt.—Restricted in Victoria to the eastern part of Gippsland, forming a tall, stately tree.

Eucalyptus Amygdalina: Labillardière—One of the Peppermint Trees.—In forest country of the southern and eastern parts of the colony; in more open places a middle-sized tree, in deep ravines of colossal size. This species may be the tallest of the globe, perhaps only rivalled by the Wellingtonia gigantea of California. In the Dandenong Ranges it has been measured repeatedly 420 feet, and towards the sources of the Yarra it is said to attain a still greater height. It is this tree also which yields the largest percentage of oil from the foliage, varying from 2 to 4 per cent, from fresh leaves and branchlets.

Eucalyptus Stuartiana: Ferd. Mueller—One of the White Gumtrees.—In moist localities, as well in plains as ranges. A tree of an enormous size in Victoria, perhaps only surpassed by the Eucalyptus amygdalina and the Karri Eucalypt of West Australia (E. diversicolor or E. colossea).

Eucalyptus Obliqua: L'Heritier—The Stringybark Tree.—Constitutes the main mass of the forests in wide extent of our more barren mountains. The height of trees of greatest size ranges from 300 to 400 feet.

Eucalyptus Globulus: Labillardière—The Blue Gumtree of Victoria and Tasmania (but not of New South Wales and West Australia).—Restricted page 7 to Victoria and Tasmania. The tree is confined to forest valleys, except near the coast, where, usually of diminutive size, it will occupy open saces. In deep declivities it grows to nearly the same colossal size as I. amgydalina, E. goniocalyx, E. Stuartiana and E. obliqua.

Melaleuca Ericifolia: Smith—The so-called Tea-tree, though never used or preparing any beverage.—It fills most of our swamps of brackish, as well as fresh water, and lines also innumerable watercourses. It is never a large tree, but, on the contrary, generally small, though it may be seen accasionally 50 to 60 feet high.

Melaleuca Squarrosa: Smith.—Common in swamps of many southern forest regions, but not often growing to the size of a tree. In favourable situations the stem attains a diameter of two feet.

Leptospermum Laevigatum: Ferd. Mueller.—Everywhere on the sandy coast.—Never a large tree.

Tristania Laurina: R. Brown.—Along the rivers of East Gippsland. But a small tree.

Angophora Intermedia: Candolle.—The spurious Apple-tree of East Gippsland; it advances not farther westward. A fine, umbrageous, middle-sized tree, of fair celerity of growth, well worthy of being adopted as an avenue-tree.

Pomaderris Apetala: Labillardière.—In forest glens and along wooded river banks; not rare in the southern and eastern part of the colony, but never seen away from moist, shady, and sheltered forest valleys.

Senecio Bedfordii: Ferd. Mueller—The Duke's Tree.—A small tree, in all fern-tree gullies and in other shady springy glens.

Aster Argophyllus: Labillardière—The Musk-tree.—Confined to moist, unbrageous forest gullies, but there abundant. It never exceeds 60 feet in. height, and is generally lower.

Cassinia Aculeata: R. Brown.—In moist, wooded tracts of the colony frequent. Oftener a shrub than a small tree.

Coprosma Microphylla: All. Cunningham.—In forest-swamps and periodically inundated river-banks. Not rare throughout the southern and eastern districts. More generally a shrub than a small tree, but never even a middle-sized tree.

Panax Palmaceus: Ferd. Mueller.—The Palm-Panax.—In Victorian territory only to be found, on the south-eastern borders of New South Vales. The slender palm-like stem attains seldom above 1 foot diameter, hough not rarely a height of 80 feet. The wood is singularly light and soft.

Myrsine Variabilis: R. Brown.—In the forest glens and on river banks in the southern and eastern parts of the colony. Generally a small, occasionally a middle-sized tree.

Myoporum Platycarpum: R. Brown—The Sugar-tree.—In the Mallee scrub. A small tree, exuding from its bark a saccharine substance.

Santalum Persicarium: Ferd. Mueller—Native Sandalwood.—In the Murray desert. A small tree; its wood is far inferior to the filmed sandalwood of commerce.

Santalum Acuminatum: A. De Candolle—The Native Peach.—In the Mallee scrub. Always only a small tree.

Exocarpus Cupressiformis: Labillardière—The native Cherry-Tree.—Widely distributed over the more fertile open ridges, and through both barren and fertile forest ranges. A small or middle-sized tree, of comparatively quick growth.

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Banksia Serrata: Linné—The Heath Honeysuckle.—On the sandy heaths of Gippsland rather frequent. A small, or occasionally midde-sized, tree.

Banksia Australis: R. Brown—The common Native Honeysuckle.—In less fertile localities all over the colonial territory, ascending to sub-alpine elevations. A small, or middle-sized tree.

Lomatia Fraserii: B. Brown.—In forest valleys, especially among fern trees, not very common, but ascending to high cold elevations along the rivulets. A good-sized tree.

Hakea stricta: Ferd. Mueller—The Water-tree.—In the Mallee desert A small tree, water obtainable from the root.

Casuarina Quadrivalvis: Ventenat—The Drooping Sheoak.—Frequent in grass lands of plains and hills, and along the sandy coast. A quick-growing, middle-sized tree.

Casuarina Leptoclada: Miquel—The Straight Sheoak.—On grassy ridges of the lower as well as higher regions, not rare. A moderate-sized tree.

Casuarina glauca: Sieber—The Desert Sheoak.—In the Mallee scrub. A middle-sized tree.

Fagus Cunninghami: Hooker—The Native Beech.—In the most secluded recesses of the mountains, from Dandenong to Mount Baw-Baw, on the various remote sources of the Latrobe river, at Wilson's Promontory, and in the Cape Otway ranges. A magnificent tree, attaining a height of 200 feet. On the Mount Baw-Baw ranges this beech mainly constitutes for many miles the forest. It exists only in Victoria and Tasmania.

Callitris Verrucosa: It. Brown—The Desert Cypress Pine.—More or less copiously dispersed through the Mallee scrub, in some directions abundant. A middle-sized tree.

Callitris Cupressiformis: Ventenat—The Mountain Cypress-Pine.—On rocky, not densely timbered ranges; thus, on the Grampians, the Ovens ranges, and the Genoa ranges. A middle-sized tree.