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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1953

Marjorie Munro

Marjorie Munro

Marjorie is a third-year student. She has taken both science and arts units and can admit to a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the present problems of both these faculties. The clubs of which she is an active member are the Debating Club, the tramping Club, and the Socialist Club, and she is a committee member of this last. Extrav. has seen a lot of Marjoric these last few years, and she is a member of "Salient" staff.

Marjoric pledges her support in all activities which have to do with the welfare of students, in particular, the better organisation of student affairs, and such matters as the desired increase in bursaries. She wants to see the Student Union building project got under way, and in general, offers her support to any move that will help in the battering of sporting and cultural facilities.

Nominator: A. G. Tarrant.

Seconders: L. B. Robinson and Anne Olsen.