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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 16. July 20 1981

No End in Sight

No End in Sight

So, the Music department could wait in Hunter for 15 years for a new building, or they could be relocated in old houses and so on until new accommodation is prepared.

This is a risky business; 'temporary' accommodation has an alarming tendency to become permanent.

In any event, neither of the two committees is able to plan a move with any degree of certainty, because the executive (the Vice Chancellor) has in the past quietly handed out buildings (the computer centre at 24 Kelburn Parade, the Marae, and the Library training building) without consulting them. This is just one of a series of gripes that these committees have about the system, and Salient hopes to report on these problems and the plight of university planning in subsequent issues.

Stephen Danby