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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 16. July 20 1981

Presidential Appeal

Presidential Appeal

Photo of Virginia Adams

Last week, at the largest SRC we've had this year, a motion was convincingly passed to adopt the strategy of the national anti-apartheid movement; nationwide, non-violent civil disobedience staged on every match day. The goal is to stretch police resources to the stage where they are forced to call the tour off.

The AA movement will not be initiating violence, but the level of resistance that it puts up will conceivably tempt violence to be used by both police and tour supporters.

In the face of this, the resistance has to be very disciplined and unified. Some executive members and the campaign organisers on campus have been learning how to lead the type of non-violent disruptive action planned, such as blocking streets and sit-ins; and how to maintain order and unity when confronted by obstruction or provocation.

This will go a good way towards maximising the effectiveness of our actions, but the key to the strategy is mass involvement. It will need large numbers of protestors to put up sufficient force to really draw out the police forces to breaking point.

Students have always shown a real determination in facing attempts by the State to break up legitimate protest. To stop the Springboks will require that determination, and more.

The coming activities will be a real test of the Students Association's commitment to its strong stand against apartheid and its support for the Blacks' fight for freedom and social justice. We cannot fulfill that commitment without a high level of active support. This means being prepared to join two demos a week for eight weeks - unless the police see sense after the first or second match.

I appeal to all students who oppose the tour to renew their efforts and get in behind the campaign. The world is not only watching Muldoon's antics, it is watching our efforts too.

All out on July 22!
