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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 11. June 2 1981


Photo of Norman Tuiasau

Norman Tuiasau, speaking to his report on domestic racism.

May Council's Education commission succeeded in becoming wrapped up in one of the most emotionally based arguments I have ever heard. Objectivity went out the window, as the majority of delegates embarked on what can only be called guilt trips.

Following an excellent report to a joint Education and National commission meeting by Norman Tuiasau on the subject of domestic racism, people became wildly ecstatic. Seeing that they could possibly make some attempt to combat this problem, they immediately suggested ways of doing so.

Unfortunately, nobody seemed to be interested in the area Norman claimed to be most responsible for this problem; that of pre-school and primary education. Instead delegates became consumed with the desire to totally wipe out racism at a university level. But most distressing was the way they proposed to do this.