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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 6. April 6 1981

Kevin Borich Express

Kevin Borich Express

Kevin Borich was probably the best guitarist to emerge in Australasia during the 1970's (in fact Carlos Santana described him as one of the finest in the world). Born in New Zealand thirty three years ago; Borich began his career as lead guitarist for the highly regarded and popular Auckland band the La de das. When the band after almost ten years of playing pubs and numerous concerts both here and in Australia called it a day; Borich formed the Kevin Borich Express. They rapidly built up a strong following in Australia culminating in the release of a highly successful first album.

Since then Kevin Borich Express have toured Europe, Britain and the United States and have released a further two albums, their latest Angels Hand having been released only six months ago. Kevin Borich's success has been greatest however as a live performer. In January the Express played at Nambassa to what I was told was a very responsive and enthusiastic audience. The band plays a mixture of hard bluesy rock and energetic rock'n roll. Borich is of course the dominant figure on stage delivering convincing and often very melodic blues and confident, strong vocals.

If one is looking to make comparisons then Kevin Borich shows definite similarities in style to the late Tommy Bolin ex James Gang and later Deep Purple and to the legendary Paul Kossoff ex Free and this earth.

When you are all raging this Saturday to the Kevin Borich Express (and if you're not then you need your head read) numbers to watch out for are: Gonna see my baby tonight, Bellhop Blues and Angels Hand (the title track of the new album), the reggae She Don't Care and the old standard Little Red Rooster.

Tony Penman

Kevin Borich Express

This Saturday 8.00pm Union Hall $4