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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 6. April 6 1981

This Week

This Week

VUW Films Shane

US 1953 118m

Tuesday 7 April 5.00pm

The classic western. George Stevens directed this story about a mysterious stranger who helps a family of homesteaders. All-American stuff.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Italy 1968 180m

Thursday 9 April 2.15pm

Another western classic although this film, starring Clint Eastwood, was made 15 years after "Shane" and in Italy rather than the US. Set during the American Civil War, it is the story of three men seeking hidden loot. Voilent.

National Front & Other Lunatics

Study group this week will discuss the topic: "We have the proof that Communism is the cause of pestilence, bad manners, the pox, bad weather, genetic deformities, the pill, the Bible, and pimples," Lunchtimes, Union Hall.

Jock Stormtrooper Grand Dragon

On Being Yourself

There will be two concerts in the Union Hall this week.

Tuesday 12 to 1.00pm: Drama presented by the Covenant Players. Thursday 12 to 1.00pm: Dallas Graham a contemporary songwriter, singer and pianist will give a provocative recital.

VUW Film Society

The Third Man (UK, 1943), Director Carol Reed.

Mon 6 April. CB 114. 8pm.

"Totally memorable and irresistable romantic thriller. Stylish from the first to the last..." (Film Guide). Martins, a writer of Westerns, arrives in Vienna to work for his friend Harry Lime, to find he died in an accident. Martins does not accept this and begins to track down those who knew him, including Anna, an actress who was his lover, and the effete Kurtz. What Martins discovers forces him to make a decision.

Contact Mary McCallum 758-454.