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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 6. April 6 1981



Tramping Club

There will be a trip on 11, 12 April going to Penn Creek Hut. The return trip will be by innertube down the Otaki River to Otaki Forks (for those who want to). Innertubing is not dangerous and no special gear is necessary except an innertube larger than a car.

Christopher de Joux will lead the easy trip Chris Hardiman the Fit. Contact Chris 769-316. Slide Evening

Come along to see slides of the Kaimanawas, Tararuas, and find out about the May holidays trips to the Kaimanawas, and the Easter trips to the Ruahines. Tues. 7 April 7.30pm Lounge Anyone going on the Penn Creek trip (11-12th April) should come along to discuss details with Chris de Joux, especially if you're going innertubing. Contact Peter 686-617

Women's Rugby

Could any person interested in the formation of a Women's Rugby team/club please contact me at Studass.

Stephen Dawe

Harrier Club

Invitation run Saturday 11 April - A unique relay is being held from John Riseborough's home, 84 Standen St., Karori, commencing at 2pm. It's good exercise (all abilities accounted for) and lots of fun. A full afternoon tea (no charge) is provided following the relay.